/// <summary>
        /// Method to continue on another users saved progress of their evolution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filesLocation">Path to the files of the evolution a user wants to branch from</param>
        public ActionResult Continue(string filesLocation, string oldUsername, string sequence)
            // get username
            string username = HttpContext.Session["userId"].ToString();

            // set sequence if it existed
            if (sequence == null)
                HttpContext.Session.Add("sequence", "");
            // set previous username for branching

            HttpContext.Session.Add("branchId", oldUsername);

            // create clean user folder in Results

            // move files to username folder in Results
            FileUtility.CopyFilesToUserFolder(filesLocation, username, oldUsername);

            // Get client pool used for running the evaluations
            MalmoClientPool clientPool = Global.GloabalVariables.MalmoClientPool;

            //recreate experiment and load poppulation
            MinecraftBuilderExperiment experiment = new MinecraftBuilderExperiment(clientPool, "Simple", username);
            XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument();

            xmlConfig.Load(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "minecraft.config.xml");
            experiment.Initialize("Minecraft", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

            // read current population
            var reader = XmlReader.Create(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");
            var list   = experiment.LoadPopulation(reader);


            //load video files
            List <Evolution> evolutions = new List <Evolution>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                string folderName = i.ToString();
                string videoPath  = "";
                videoPath = FileUtility.GetVideoPathWithoutDecoding(username, i.ToString());

                //TODO: Change branch ID to 0
                Evolution evolution = new Evolution()
                    ID = i, DirectoryPath = FileUtility.GetUserResultVideoPath(username, folderName), BranchID = i, Username = HttpContext.Session["userId"].ToString(), Sequence = sequence

            if (sequence == null)
                return(View("FirstEvolution", evolutions));
            return(View("Evolve", evolutions));
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for performing evolutions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Indicates if its a new evolution or not. Id of chosen individual by CIEC</param>
        /// <param name="fitness">Fitness given by user input for the chosen individual</param>
        /// <param name="novelty">Indicates whether or not to perform novelty search</param>
        public ActionResult Evolve(int id = -1, int fitness = 0)
            // Get username for this evolution
            string username = HttpContext.Session["userId"].ToString().ToString();//Request.UserHostAddress;

            // Prepares next evolution view
            List <Evolution> evolutions = new List <Evolution>();

            // Get client pool used for running the evaluations
            MalmoClientPool clientPool = Global.GloabalVariables.MalmoClientPool;

            // Initialize the experiment and the evaluator object (MinecraftSimpleEvaluator)
            MinecraftBuilderExperiment experiment;

            if (fitness < 0)
                experiment = new MinecraftBuilderExperiment(clientPool, "Novelty", username);
                experiment = new MinecraftBuilderExperiment(clientPool, "Simple", username);
            XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument();

            xmlConfig.Load(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "minecraft.config.xml");
            experiment.Initialize("Minecraft", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

            // The evolutionary algorithm object
            NeatEvolutionAlgorithm <NeatGenome> algorithm;

            if (id != -1)
                if (fitness < 0)

                    //Initialize experiment
                    experiment.Initialize("Novelty", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

                    //load population, choose selected as parent and create offsprings
                    var reader = XmlReader.Create(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");
                    var list   = experiment.LoadPopulation(reader);
                    var parent = list[id];
                    List <NeatGenome> offSprings = new List <NeatGenome>();
                    while (offSprings.Count != GloabalVariables.POPULATION_SIZE)

                    //save fitness of current generation
                    double maxFitness = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < GloabalVariables.POPULATION_SIZE; i++)
                        string folderName = i.ToString();
                        double currentStructureFitness = FileUtility.GetStructureFitness(username, folderName);
                        if (currentStructureFitness > maxFitness)
                            maxFitness = currentStructureFitness;
                    FileUtility.SaveMaxFitness(username, maxFitness);


                    // add novel structure to archive
                    FileUtility.SaveNovelStructure(username, id.ToString());

                    //save chosen to parent
                    FileUtility.CopyCanditateToParentFolder(username, id.ToString());

                    // Initialize algorithm object using the current generation
                    algorithm = experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(offSprings[0].GenomeFactory, offSprings);

                    // Continue evolution after first generation if stop condition hasnt been met
                    if (!algorithm.StopConditionSatisfied)

                    while (algorithm.RunState != RunState.Paused && algorithm.RunState != RunState.Ready)

                    // save separate genomes to population.xml
                    var tempList = new List <NeatGenome>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.GenomeList.Count; i++)
                        reader = XmlReader.Create(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + i.ToString() + "/" + "genome.xml");
                        list   = experiment.LoadPopulation(reader);

                    var doc = NeatGenomeXmlIO.SaveComplete(tempList, false);
                    doc.Save(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");

                    // Save population after evaluating the generation
                    string action   = "2";
                    string sequence = HttpContext.Session["sequence"].ToString();
                    HttpContext.Session.Add("sequence", sequence + action);
                    for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.GenomeList.Count; i++)
                        string folderName = i.ToString();
                        string videoPath  = "";
                        if (i == 0)
                            videoPath = FileUtility.GetVideoPathWithoutDecoding(username, folderName);
                            videoPath = FileUtility.DecodeArchiveAndGetVideoPath(username, folderName);

                        Evolution evolution = new Evolution()
                            ID = i, DirectoryPath = FileUtility.GetUserResultVideoPath(username, folderName), BranchID = i, Username = HttpContext.Session["userId"].ToString()

                    if (fitness == 1)
                        experiment.Initialize("Small mutation", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);
                    else if (fitness == 2)
                        experiment.Initialize("Big mutation", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

                    // read current population and set fitness of the chosen genome
                    var reader = XmlReader.Create(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");
                    var list   = experiment.LoadPopulation(reader);
                    foreach (var genome in list)

                    // add novel structure to archive
                    FileUtility.SaveNovelStructure(username, id.ToString());

                    // Initialize algorithm object using the current generation
                    algorithm = experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(list[0].GenomeFactory, list);

                    //save fitness of current generation
                    double maxFitness = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.GenomeList.Count; i++)
                        string folderName = i.ToString();
                        double currentStructureFitness = FileUtility.GetStructureFitness(username, folderName);
                        if (currentStructureFitness > maxFitness)
                            maxFitness = currentStructureFitness;
                    FileUtility.SaveMaxFitness(username, maxFitness);

                    // Copy video files of the generation champion into the parent folder and delete the other
                    // folders to allow for new candidate videos
                    int indexOfChamp = 0;
                    foreach (var genome in list)
                        if (genome.Id == algorithm.CurrentChampGenome.Id && algorithm.CurrentChampGenome.Id != 0)
                            FileUtility.CopyCanditateToParentFolder(username, indexOfChamp.ToString());

                    // Perform evaluation of a generation. Pause shortly after to ensure that the algorithm only
                    // evaluates one generation

                    // Wait for the evaluation of the generation to be done
                    while (algorithm.RunState != RunState.Paused)

                    // Save population after evaluating the generation
                    var doc = NeatGenomeXmlIO.SaveComplete(algorithm.GenomeList, false);
                    doc.Save(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");

                    string action = "";
                    if (fitness == 1)
                        action = "0";
                        action = "1";
                    string sequence = HttpContext.Session["sequence"].ToString();
                    HttpContext.Session.Add("sequence", sequence + action);
                    for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.GenomeList.Count; i++)
                        string folderName = i.ToString();
                        string videoPath  = "";
                        if (i == 0)
                            videoPath = FileUtility.GetVideoPathWithoutDecoding(username, folderName);
                            videoPath = FileUtility.DecodeArchiveAndGetVideoPath(username, folderName);
                        Evolution evolution = new Evolution()
                            ID = i, DirectoryPath = FileUtility.GetUserResultVideoPath(username, folderName), BranchID = i, Username = HttpContext.Session["userId"].ToString()
                        FileUtility.SaveCurrentGenome(username, i.ToString(), algorithm.GenomeList[i]);
                // Perform new evolution

                experiment.Initialize("Minecraft", xmlConfig.DocumentElement);

                // Create folders for the user

                // Create a new evolution algorithm object with an initial generation
                algorithm = experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm();

                // Save population after evaluating the generation
                var doc = NeatGenomeXmlIO.SaveComplete(algorithm.GenomeList, false);
                doc.Save(FileUtility.GetUserResultPath(username) + "Population.xml");

                for (int i = 0; i < algorithm.GenomeList.Count; i++)
                    string    folderName = i.ToString();
                    string    videoPath  = FileUtility.DecodeArchiveAndGetVideoPath(username, folderName);
                    Evolution evolution  = new Evolution()
                        ID = i, DirectoryPath = FileUtility.GetUserResultVideoPath(username, folderName), BranchID = -1, Sequence = ""
                    FileUtility.SaveCurrentGenome(username, i.ToString(), algorithm.GenomeList[i]);

                HttpContext.Session.Add("branchId", "-1");
                return(View("FirstEvolution", evolutions));