Exemple #1
        protected AnimationTransform ApplyBoneTransforms(MainlineKey p_main, Reference p_reference)
            if ((p_reference.BoneId >= 0) && m_boneTransforms.ContainsKey(p_reference.BoneId))

            AnimationTransform l_baseTransform;

            if ((p_reference.Parent != -1))
                l_baseTransform = ApplyBoneTransforms(p_main, p_main.Bones[p_reference.Parent]);
                //Apply global transforms to objects without parents (location is added later)
                l_baseTransform = new AnimationTransform(Vector2.Zero, Rotation, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(Math.Abs(Scale)));
            AnimationTransform l_transform = ApplyTransform(GetFrameTransition(p_reference), l_baseTransform);

            if (p_reference.BoneId >= 0)
                m_boneTransforms.Add(p_reference.BoneId, l_transform);

Exemple #2
        private MainlineKey ParseMainlineKey(XElement xMainlinekey)
            MainlineKey key = new MainlineKey();

            key.Time  = ReadLong(xMainlinekey, "time", 0); // default 0
            key.Body  = new List <Reference>();
            key.Bones = new List <Reference>();
Exemple #3
        private void MakePrefab(MainlineKey mainKey, GameObject root, string spriteFolder)
            var rootInfo = mainKey.GetChildren(null).Select(child => new RefParentInfo {
                Ref = child, Root = root
            Stack <RefParentInfo> toProcess = new Stack <RefParentInfo>(rootInfo);

            while (toProcess.Count > 0)
                var next = toProcess.Pop();
                var go   = MakePrefab(next.Ref, next.Root, spriteFolder);
                foreach (var child in mainKey.GetChildren(next.Ref))
                    toProcess.Push(new RefParentInfo {
                        Ref = child, Root = go
        private HashSet <string> SetGameObjectForKey(GameObject root, AnimationClip animClip, MainlineKey mainlineKey, float time = -1)
            HashSet <string> paths = new HashSet <string>();
            //Could do this recursively - this is easier
            Stack <Ref> toProcess = new Stack <Ref>(mainlineKey.GetChildren(null));

            while (toProcess.Count > 0)
                var next = toProcess.Pop();

                SetGameObjectForRef(root, next, time);
                SetSpriteEvent(animClip, time, next);

                var children = mainlineKey.GetChildren(next);
                foreach (var child in children)

Exemple #5
        public void Update(GameTime p_gameTime)

            m_elapsedTime += p_gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (m_elapsedTime > m_current.Length)
                if (AnimationEnded != null)
                if (m_current.Looping)
                    m_elapsedTime -= m_current.Length;
                    m_elapsedTime = m_current.Length;

            int l_frame = 0;

            for (int l_i = 0; (l_i < m_current.MainLine.Count); l_i++)
                if (m_elapsedTime >= m_current.MainLine[l_i].Time)
                    l_frame = l_i;

            Vector2     l_flip     = new Vector2(m_flipX ? -1.0f : 1.0f, m_flipY ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
            MainlineKey l_mainline = m_current.MainLine[l_frame];

            for (int l_i = 0; l_i < l_mainline.Body.Count; l_i++)
                TimelineKey l_key = m_current.TimeLines[l_mainline.Body[l_i].Timeline].Keys[l_mainline.Body[l_i].Key];
                // check if file for this object is missing, and if so skip calculating transforms
                if (m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_key.File].Width == 0)

                RenderMatrix l_render = new RenderMatrix(ApplyBoneTransforms(l_mainline, l_mainline.Body[l_i]));

                FindMapChar(l_key.Folder, l_key.File, out l_render.Folder, out l_render.File);
                if (l_render.Folder == -1 || l_render.File == -1)

                l_render.Location = Location + Vector2.Multiply(l_render.Location, l_flip);

                if (m_flipX)
                    l_render.Effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                    l_render.Pivot.X  = m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_render.File].Width - l_render.Pivot.X;

                if (m_flipY)
                    l_render.Effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                    l_render.Pivot.Y  = m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_render.File].Height - l_render.Pivot.Y;

                if (m_flipX != m_flipY)
                    l_render.Rotation *= -1.0f;

                l_render.ZOrder = l_mainline.Body[l_i].ZOrder;

        protected override CharacterModel Read(ContentReader p_input, CharacterModel p_character)
            p_character = new CharacterModel();

            Int32 l_textureCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Textures

            for (int l_tIter = 0; l_tIter < l_textureCount; l_tIter++)
                Texture2D l_texture = p_input.ReadRawObject <Texture2D>();

            Int32 l_rectCount1 = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of RectangleLists

            for (int l_rIter1 = 0; l_rIter1 < l_rectCount1; l_rIter1++)
                List <Rectangle> l_list = new List <Rectangle>();

                Int32 l_rectCount2 = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Rectangles in that list
                for (int l_rIter2 = 0; l_rIter2 < l_rectCount2; l_rIter2++)
                    l_list.Add(p_input.ReadRawObject <Rectangle>());


            /// ------------------- Entities -------------------------------
            Int32 l_entityCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Entities

            for (int l_eIter = 0; l_eIter < l_entityCount; l_eIter++)
                Entity l_entity = new Entity();

                l_entity.Name = p_input.ReadString();///Name

                /// ------------------- Animations -------------------------------
                Int32 l_animationCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Animations
                for (int l_aIter = 0; l_aIter < l_animationCount; l_aIter++)
                    Animation l_animation = new Animation();

                    l_animation.Name      = p_input.ReadString();  ///Name
                    l_animation.Length    = p_input.ReadInt32();   //length
                    l_animation.Looping   = p_input.ReadBoolean(); //looping
                    l_animation.MainLine  = new List <MainlineKey>();
                    l_animation.TimeLines = new TimelineList();

                    /// ------------------- Mainline -------------------------------
                    Int32 l_keyCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Keyframes
                    for (int l_kIter = 0; l_kIter < l_keyCount; l_kIter++)
                        MainlineKey l_key = new MainlineKey();

                        l_key.Time  = p_input.ReadInt32();///Time
                        l_key.Body  = new List <Reference>();
                        l_key.Bones = new List <Reference>();

                        /// ------------------- Object_refs -------------------------------
                        Int32 l_objectCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Objects
                        for (int l_oIter = 0; l_oIter < l_objectCount; l_oIter++)
                            Reference l_body = new Reference();

                            l_body.Parent   = p_input.ReadInt32(); //parent
                            l_body.Timeline = p_input.ReadInt32(); //timeline
                            l_body.Key      = p_input.ReadInt32(); //key
                            l_body.ZOrder   = p_input.ReadInt32(); //z_index
                            l_body.BoneId   = -1;


                        /// ------------------- bone_ref -------------------------------
                        Int32 l_boneCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Objects
                        for (int l_bIter = 0; l_bIter < l_boneCount; l_bIter++)
                            Reference l_bone = new Reference();

                            l_bone.Parent   = p_input.ReadInt32(); //parent
                            l_bone.Timeline = p_input.ReadInt32(); //timeline
                            l_bone.Key      = p_input.ReadInt32(); //key
                            l_bone.BoneId   = l_bIter;



                    /// ------------------- Timelines -------------------------------
                    Int32 l_timelineCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Timelines
                    for (int l_tIter = 0; l_tIter < l_timelineCount; l_tIter++)
                        Timeline l_timeline = new Timeline();
                        l_timeline.Keys = new List <TimelineKey>();

                        l_timeline.Name = p_input.ReadString();///Name

                        /// ------------------- Frame -------------------------------
                        l_keyCount = p_input.ReadInt32();///Number of Keyframes
                        for (int l_kIter = 0; l_kIter < l_keyCount; l_kIter++)
                            TimelineKey l_key = new TimelineKey();

                            l_key.Time = p_input.ReadInt32(); //time

                            int l_spin = p_input.ReadInt32(); //spin
                            if (l_spin == 0)
                                l_key.Spin = SpinDirection.None;
                            else if (l_spin == 1)
                                l_key.Spin = SpinDirection.CounterClockwise;
                            else if (l_spin == -1)
                                l_key.Spin = SpinDirection.Clockwise;

                            l_key.Type = (TimelineType)p_input.ReadInt32();//type

                            if (l_key.Type == TimelineType.Body)
                                l_key.Folder = p_input.ReadInt32(); //folder
                                l_key.File   = p_input.ReadInt32(); //file

                                //  Sprite Location (Spriter saves the rotations backwards.)
                                float l_locationX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_locationY = p_input.ReadSingle();//location
                                l_key.Location = new Vector2(l_locationX, -l_locationY);

                                //  Sprite Pivot Point (Spriter saves the "Y" backwards. We need to flip it.)
                                float l_pivotX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_pivotY = p_input.ReadSingle();//pivot
                                l_key.Pivot = new Vector2(l_pivotX * p_character.Rectangles[l_key.Folder][l_key.File].Width, (1.0f - l_pivotY) * p_character.Rectangles[l_key.Folder][l_key.File].Height);

                                l_key.Rotation = -MathHelper.ToRadians(p_input.ReadSingle());           //rotation

                                float l_scaleX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_scaleY = p_input.ReadSingle(); //scale
                                l_key.Scale = new Vector2(l_scaleX, l_scaleY);

                                l_key.Alpha = p_input.ReadSingle();//alpha
                                l_key.Folder = l_key.File = -1;                                               //File & folder are useless.

                                float l_locationX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_locationY = p_input.ReadSingle(); //location
                                l_key.Location = new Vector2(l_locationX, -l_locationY);

                                float l_pivotX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_pivotY = p_input.ReadSingle();//pivot
                                l_key.Pivot = new Vector2(l_pivotX, l_pivotY);

                                //  Rotation (Spriter saves the rotations backwards.
                                l_key.Rotation = -MathHelper.ToRadians(p_input.ReadSingle());           //rotation

                                float l_scaleX = p_input.ReadSingle(), l_scaleY = p_input.ReadSingle(); //scale
                                l_key.Scale = new Vector2(l_scaleX, l_scaleY);

                                l_key.Alpha = 1.0f; // Useless alpha





            p_character.CharacterMaps = p_input.ReadObject <List <CharacterMap> >();

Exemple #7
        public virtual void Update(GameTime p_gameTime)

            m_elapsedTime += p_gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (m_elapsedTime > m_current.Length)
                // pitää ottaa talteen että nähdään vaihtaako eventti animaatiota
                Animation current = m_current;
                if (AnimationEnded != null)
                // jos animaatioi vaihtui niin alotetaan taas aika nollasta
                if (!Equals(current, m_current))
                    m_elapsedTime = 0;
                else if (m_current.Looping)
                    m_elapsedTime -= m_current.Length;
                    m_elapsedTime = m_current.Length;

            int l_frame = 0;

            for (int l_i = 0; (l_i < m_current.MainLine.Count); l_i++)
                if (m_elapsedTime >= m_current.MainLine[l_i].Time)
                    l_frame = l_i;

            Vector2     l_flip     = new Vector2(m_flipX ? -1.0f : 1.0f, m_flipY ? -1.0f : 1.0f);
            MainlineKey l_mainline = m_current.MainLine[l_frame];

            for (int l_i = 0; l_i < l_mainline.Body.Count; l_i++)
                TimelineKey l_key = m_current.TimeLines[l_mainline.Body[l_i].Timeline].Keys[l_mainline.Body[l_i].Key];
                // check if file for this object is missing, and if so skip calculating transforms
                if (m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_key.File].Width == 0)

                RenderMatrix l_render = new RenderMatrix(ApplyBoneTransforms(l_mainline, l_mainline.Body[l_i]));

                l_render.File   = l_key.File;
                l_render.Folder = l_key.Folder;

                l_render.Location = Location + Vector2.Multiply(l_render.Location, l_flip);

                if (m_flipX)
                    l_render.Effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                    l_render.Pivot.X  = m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_render.File].Width - l_render.Pivot.X;

                if (m_flipY)
                    l_render.Effects |= SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                    l_render.Pivot.Y  = m_rect[l_key.Folder][l_render.File].Height - l_render.Pivot.Y;

                if (m_flipX != m_flipY)
                    l_render.Rotation *= -1.0f;

                l_render.ZOrder = l_mainline.Body[l_i].ZOrder;
