static void Main(string[] args) { MainScreen newuser = new MainScreen(); int menuselection; Customer x = new Customer("Robert To", "15, Ocean View", "XXX5C", new DateTime(1975, 5, 15)); Customer y = new Customer("Tan Ah Kow", "20, Seaside Road", "XXX20", new DateTime(1989, 10, 11)); Customer z = new Customer("Kim Lee Keng", "2, Rich View", "XXX9F", new DateTime(1993, 4, 25)); Customer adminCU = new Customer("Bank Admin", "1 Bank Street", "SUPERADMIN", new DateTime(1990, 1, 1)); Customer tempCus = new Customer(); BankAccount adminBA = new BankAccount("000-000-000", adminCU, "Savings", 1000000); BankAccount a = new BankAccount("001-001-001", y, "Savings", 2000); BankAccount b = new BankAccount("001-001-002", z, "Current", 5000); BankAccount c = new BankAccount("001-001-003", x, "Overdraft", -15000); BankAccount tempBA = new BankAccount(); BankAccount tempBATrans = new BankAccount(); int userpass = newuser.PINScreen(); if (userpass == 111111) { tempCus = y; tempBA = a; } else if (userpass == 222222) { tempCus = z; tempBA = b; } else if (userpass == 333333) { tempCus = x; tempBA = c; } else if (userpass == 999999) { tempCus = adminCU; tempBA = adminBA; } int superuserselection; char superuserretry; bool superflag = false; if (userpass == 999999) { do { superuserselection = newuser.SuperUserMenu(); if (superuserselection == 1) { a.CreditInterest(a); b.CreditInterest(b); c.CreditInterest(c); } else { Console.WriteLine(a.Show()); Console.WriteLine(b.Show()); Console.WriteLine(c.Show()); } Console.WriteLine("Continue? Press y, any other key to exit"); superuserretry = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar; if (superuserretry == 'y' || superuserretry == 'Y') { superflag = true; } else { superflag = false; Environment.Exit(0); } } while (superflag == true); } bool exitflag = true; char userchoice = 'y'; do { menuselection = newuser.UserMenuScreen(tempCus); string accounttempholder; switch (menuselection) { case 1: newuser.DepoScreen(tempBA); break; case 2: newuser.WithdrawScreen(tempBA); break; case 3: accounttempholder = newuser.TransferScreen1(tempBA); if (accounttempholder == "001-001-001") { if (tempBA.getAccountNum == accounttempholder) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot transfer to own account!"); break; } else { tempBATrans = a; } } else if (accounttempholder == "001-001-002") { if (tempBA.getAccountNum == accounttempholder) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot transfer to own account!"); break; } else { tempBATrans = b; } } else if (accounttempholder == "001-001-003") { if (tempBA.getAccountNum == accounttempholder) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot transfer to own account!"); break; } else { tempBATrans = c; } } newuser.TransferScreen2(tempBA, tempBATrans); break; case 4: newuser.ShowBalanceScreen(tempBA, tempCus); break; case 5: newuser.PotentialInterest(tempBA, tempCus); break; case 6: newuser.ShowMyDetails(tempBA, tempCus); break; default: break; } Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to perform another transaction? Press Y, or any other key to exit"); userchoice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar; Console.WriteLine(); if (userchoice == 'y' || userchoice == 'Y') { exitflag = false; } else { exitflag = true; } } while (exitflag == false); }