public ActionResult Index()
     using (DataClasses1DataContext c = new DataClasses1DataContext())
         var m = new MainIndexModel();
         /* =
             (from tt in
              select new SelectListItem()
                  Value = tt.Id.ToString(),
                  Text = tt.name_pizza
         return View(m);
        public ActionResult Edit(int id, MainIndexModel model)
            if (Request["Submit"] != null)
                using (DataClasses1DataContext ctx = new DataClasses1DataContext())
                    main t = (from tt in ctx.main
                              where tt.Id == id
                              select tt).First();

                    t.id_pizza = model.Id_pizza;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        public ActionResult Index(MainIndexModel model)
            if (Request["Submit"] != null)
                using (DataClasses1DataContext ctx = new DataClasses1DataContext())
                    customer t = new customer()
                        name = model.Name_Customer,
                        surname = model.Surname_Customer,

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        public ActionResult AddOrder(MainIndexModel model)
            if (Request["Submit"] != null)
                using (DataClasses1DataContext ctx = new DataClasses1DataContext())
                    main t = new main()
                        id_pizza    = model.Id_pizza,
                        id_customer = model.Id_customer,
                        date        = DateTime.Now

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
 public ActionResult AddOrder()
     using (DataClasses1DataContext c = new DataClasses1DataContext())
         var m = new MainIndexModel();
         ViewBag.customer =
             (from ttt in c.customer
              select new SelectListItem()
             Value = ttt.Id.ToString(),
             Text = + " " + ttt.surname
         }).ToList(); =
             (from tt in
              select new SelectListItem()
             Value = tt.Id.ToString(),
             Text = tt.name_pizza
         return(View("AddOrder", m));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int artistId, MainIndexModel srch)
            var url = "https://localhost:44334/api/SearchRest/searchArtistsByGenres?"; // put in appSettings
            //var url = ""; // put in appSettings
            var terms = string.Empty;

            if (srch.GenreListing == null)
                // default genre search
                terms = "term=1";
                //loop thru list and obtain search terms
                foreach (var g in srch.GenreListing)
                    if (g.isMarked)
                        if (terms == string.Empty)
                            terms += "term=" + g.Id;
                            terms += "&term=" + g.Id;

            List <Artist> artistModel = new List <Artist>();

            using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
                using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url + terms))
                    string apiResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    artistModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Artist> >(apiResponse);

            // by default, load one artist in object for launch page
            Random rnd       = new Random();
            int    artistNum = _artist.GetAll().Count();

            //var x = x - 1;

            int defaultArtistId = rnd.Next(1, artistNum - 1);
            var artistInfoModel = _artist.Get(defaultArtistId);

            // if an artist has been selected, gather details to display
            if (artistId != 0)
                artistInfoModel = _artist.Get(artistId);

            var genreModel       = _genre.GetAll();
            var artistGenreModel = _artistGenre.GetAll();

            // genre list
            var genres = genreModel.Select
                             (g => new GenreListingModel
                Id   = g.Id,
                Name = g.Name

            // artist list
            var artists = artistModel.Select
                              (a => new ArtistListingModel
                Id         = a.Id,
                ArtistName = a.ArtistName

            var artistGenres = artistGenreModel.Select
                                   (r => new ArtistGenreModel
                Id     = r.Id,
                Artist = r.Artist,
                Genre  = r.Genre

            var artistInfo = new ArtistListingModel
                Id           = artistInfoModel.Id,
                ArtistName   = artistInfoModel.ArtistName,
                Bio          = artistInfoModel.Bio,
                YrFormed     = artistInfoModel.YrFormed,
                YrEnded      = artistInfoModel.YrEnded,
                isActive     = artistInfoModel.isActive,
                HomeCountry  = artistInfoModel.HomeCountry,
                HomeTown     = artistInfoModel.HomeTown,
                PrimaryImage = _image.GetPrimaryImageByEntity(2, artistInfoModel.Id, 1)

            var model = new MainIndexModel
                GenreListing  = genres,
                ArtistListing = artists,
                ArtistGenre   = artistGenres,
                ArtistInfo    = artistInfo
