Exemple #1
    public void SailRotation()
        float windangle       = RaceSceneController.instance.windAngle;
        float windangleonboat = windangle - this.transform.localEulerAngles.z;

        if (windangleonboat < 0)
            windangleonboat += 360;
        windangleonboat = Mathf.RoundToInt(windangleonboat);

        if (windangleonboat >= 180)
            float   sailangle = MainGameController.Map(windangleonboat, 180, 360, 180, 260);
            Vector3 angles    = new Vector3(0, 0, sailangle);
            _sailImage.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(_sailImage.transform.localEulerAngles, angles, Time.deltaTime);
            float   sailangle = MainGameController.Map(windangleonboat, 0, 180, 280, 360);
            Vector3 angles    = new Vector3(0, 0, sailangle);
            _sailImage.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(_sailImage.transform.localEulerAngles, angles, Time.deltaTime);
    public void UpdatePlayerImage()
        Vector2 pos = -_waypointPanel.transform.localPosition;

        pos.x = MainGameController.Map(pos.x, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);
        pos.y = MainGameController.Map(pos.y, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);
        _playerImage.transform.localPosition    = pos;
        _playerImage.transform.localEulerAngles = _boat.transform.localEulerAngles + _boatImageOffset;
 public void UpdateOpponent()
     for (int i = 0; i < _opponents.Count; i++)
         GameObject opponent = _opponents[i];
         Vector2    pos      = opponent.transform.GetChild(0).localPosition;
         pos.x = MainGameController.Map(pos.x, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);
         pos.y = MainGameController.Map(pos.y, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);
         _opponentImages[i].transform.localPosition    = pos;
         _opponentImages[i].transform.localEulerAngles = opponent.transform.GetChild(0).localEulerAngles + _boatImageOffset;
Exemple #4
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
     //    now = now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));
     if (DayNightAffected._sunrise != 0 && DayNightAffected._sunset != 0)
         now = DateTime.Now;
         Int32 unixTimestamp = (Int32)(now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
         float angle         = MainGameController.Map(unixTimestamp, DayNightAffected._sunrise, DayNightAffected._sunset, 90, 270);
         this.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.localEulerAngles, new Vector3(0, 0, angle), Time.deltaTime);
    public void DrawTrack(Track t)
        foreach (Vector2 loc in t.GetWaypoints())
            GameObject buoy = GameObject.Instantiate(_buoyImage);
            buoy.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
            Vector2 pos = loc;
            pos.x = MainGameController.Map(pos.x, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);
            pos.y = MainGameController.Map(pos.y, -8192, 8192, -250, 250);

            buoy.transform.localPosition = pos;
Exemple #6
    void MoveBoat()
        float myangle = GetAngleTwWind();

        _upwindTarget = this.transform.position.y < _target.transform.position.y ? true : false;
        _upwindBoat   = myangle > 90 && myangle < 270 ? false : true;

        float angleTwWind = GetAngleTwWind();

        if (angleTwWind > 180)
            angleTwWind = 360 - angleTwWind;
        float windSpeed = RaceSceneController.instance.windSpeed;

        _speed    = calculateForwardSpeed(angleTwWind, windSpeed);
        _speed    = MainGameController.Map(_speed, calculateForwardSpeed(1, windSpeed), calculateForwardSpeed(130, windSpeed), _minVelocity, _maxVelocity);
        _velocity = this.transform.up * _speed;
Exemple #7
    public void BoatMovement()
        float angleTwWind = GetAngleTwWind();

        if (angleTwWind > 180)
            angleTwWind = 360 - angleTwWind;

        float windSpeed = RaceSceneController.instance.windSpeed;

        _speed = calculateForwardSpeed(angleTwWind, windSpeed);

        //float forwardForce = calculateForwardSpeed(angleTwWind, 10);
        //float reactiveForce = 0.5f * 1f * Mathf.Pow(forwardForce, 2) * 0.09f;
        //float acceleration = forwardForce - reactiveForce;
        //_speed += acceleration;

        if (_speed == float.NegativeInfinity)
            _speed = calculateForwardSpeed(1, windSpeed);
        if (_speed == float.PositiveInfinity)
            _speed = calculateForwardSpeed(_bestWindAngle, windSpeed);

        //Map speed
        _speed = MainGameController.Map(_speed, calculateForwardSpeed(1, windSpeed), calculateForwardSpeed(130, windSpeed), _minVelocity, _maxVelocity);
        if (_speed == float.NaN || float.IsNaN(_speed))
            _speed = calculateForwardSpeed(1, windSpeed);

        float rotateSpeed    = 5;
        float vmgRotateSpeed = 1;

        Vector3 relativePos = _target.transform.position - this.transform.position;
        //Angle between current position and the target position
        float angle = Vector2.Angle(this.transform.up, relativePos);

        //Map rotation speed for quicker rotation when angle towards target is greater
        _rotationSpeed = MainGameController.Map(angle, 0, 180, 1, 20);

        float myangle = GetAngleTwWind();

        //Is the target upwind from current position
        _upwindTarget = this.transform.position.y < _target.transform.position.y ? true : false;
        //Is the boat currently sailing upwind
        _upwindBoat = myangle > 90 && myangle < 270 ? false : true;

        //If boat is sailing downwind
        if (!_upwindTarget)
            //Change the rotation direction of the vmg calculations
            vmgRotateSpeed *= -1;

        //If boat is sailing port tack
        if (myangle > 180)
            //change rotation direction so upwind is still upwind
            rotateSpeed *= -1;

        float vmg     = (VelocityMadeGood(windSpeed, angleTwWind, angle, (angleTwWind < 90)));
        float vmgUp   = (VelocityMadeGood(windSpeed, angleTwWind, angle - vmgRotateSpeed, (angleTwWind + vmgRotateSpeed < 90)));
        float vmgDown = (VelocityMadeGood(windSpeed, angleTwWind, angle + vmgRotateSpeed, (angleTwWind - vmgRotateSpeed < 90)));
        //Wind angle in relation with target angle.
        float twTargetWindangle = angleTwWind;// - angle;

        Vector3 other = _target.transform.position - this.transform.position;

        float angledir = Vector2.Dot(this.transform.right, other);

        float twTarget = 1;

        if (myangle > 180)
            twTarget *= -1;

        //left  < 0
        //right > 0
        if ((angledir < 0))
            twTargetWindangle += angle * twTarget;
            twTargetWindangle -= angle * twTarget;
        if (twTargetWindangle < 0)
            twTargetWindangle *= -1;
        if (twTargetWindangle > 180)
            twTargetWindangle = 360 - twTargetWindangle;

        float vmgTowardsTarget = VelocityMadeGood(windSpeed, twTargetWindangle, 0, angleTwWind < 90);

        if (vmgUp == float.PositiveInfinity || vmgUp == float.NegativeInfinity)
            vmgUp = float.MinValue;
        if (vmgDown == float.PositiveInfinity || vmgUp == float.NegativeInfinity)
            vmgDown = float.MinValue;

        bool angleTwWindSmallerThenAngle = (angleTwWind < angle);

        if (myangle < 180)
            angledir *= -1;

        //If the vmg directly towards the target is better than the currently calculated vmg's then force to turn the direction of the target
        if ((vmgTowardsTarget > vmgUp || vmgTowardsTarget > vmgDown) && !angleTwWindSmallerThenAngle)
            if (angledir < 0)
                vmgUp = float.MaxValue;
            else if (angledir > 0)
                vmgDown = float.MaxValue;
                vmg = float.MaxValue;

        if (!_tacking)
            if (vmg < vmgUp && vmgUp > vmgDown)// && updiff > minimumDiff)
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Lerp(this.transform.rotation,
                                                 Quaternion.Euler(this.transform.eulerAngles - new Vector3(0, 0, rotateSpeed)),
                                                 Time.deltaTime * _rotationSpeed);

                this.transform.rotation = rot;
            else if (vmg < vmgDown && vmgDown > vmgUp)// && downdiff > minimumDiff)
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Lerp(this.transform.rotation,
                                                 Quaternion.Euler(this.transform.eulerAngles + new Vector3(0, 0, rotateSpeed)),
                                                 Time.deltaTime * _rotationSpeed);
                this.transform.rotation = rot;
        _velocity = this.transform.up * _speed;