Exemple #1
        public MainForm()

            model = new MainFormModel();
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the main table layout for the main form.
 /// </summary>
 public MainSplitter(MainFormModel viewModel)
     DataContext = viewModel;
     Panel1      = OpenedDatabaseTree = new OpenedDatabaseTree(viewModel);
     Panel2      = MultiTabControl = new MultiTabControl(viewModel);
     Position    = 300;
Exemple #3
 public MainForm()
     Model = new MainFormModel();
     currentDir = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a model for a collection in a database file.
        /// </summary>
        public CollectionModel(MainFormModel viewModel, DatabaseModel db, string name)
            Database = db;
            Name     = name;
            Parent   = viewModel;

            Collection = db.Database.GetCollection(name);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a model for an opened database.
        /// </summary>
        public DatabaseModel(MainFormModel viewModel, LiteDatabase db, string filePath)
            Database = db;
            FilePath = filePath;
            Parent   = viewModel;

            Collections = new ObservableCollection <CollectionModel>(Database
                                                                     .Select(name => new CollectionModel(viewModel, this, name)));
Exemple #6
        static void Main()
            var view = new MainFormView();
            var model = new MainFormModel();
            var controller = new MainFormController(model,view);

            // Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
Exemple #7
        static void Main()
            var view       = new MainFormView();
            var model      = new MainFormModel();
            var controller = new MainFormController(model, view);

            // Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);
        public MainFormController(MainFormModel model, MainFormView view)
            //todo check model and view if null
            _model = model;
            _view = view;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an opened database tree item control.
        /// </summary>
        public OpenedDatabaseTreeItem(MainFormModel viewModel, OpenedDatabaseTree parentTree, DatabaseModel db)
            Database           = db;
            Image              = Icon.FromResource("LiteDB.Explorer.Core.Assets.Icons.Db.ico", typeof(OpenedDatabaseTreeItem).Assembly);
            openedDatabaseTree = parentTree;
            parentViewModel    = viewModel;
            Text = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(db.FilePath);

            db.Collections.CollectionChanged += onCollectionChanged;

            Children.AddRange(db.Collections.Select(collection => new CollectionTreeItem(db, collection)));
Exemple #10
        public MainFormController(MainFormModel model, MainFormView view)
            //todo check model and view if null
            _model = model;
            _view  = view;

Exemple #11
        static void Main()

            MainForm       mainForm       = new MainForm();
            MessageService messageService = new MessageService();
            MainFormModel  mainFormModel  = new MainFormModel();

            MainFormPresenter mainFormPresenter = new MainFormPresenter(mainForm, messageService, mainFormModel, new MSWordWorker());

Exemple #12
 void IMainFormView.ShowResult(MainFormModel model)
     if (this.uxUnparsedTextBox.Text != model.Input)
         this.uxUnparsedTextBox.Text = model.Input;
     if (this.uxAttributeTextBox.Text != model.AttributeDecorator)
         this.uxAttributeTextBox.Text = model.AttributeDecorator;
     if (this.uxINotifyPropertyChangedCheckBox.Checked != model.IsINotifyPropertyChanged)
         this.uxINotifyPropertyChangedCheckBox.Checked = model.IsINotifyPropertyChanged;
     this.uxResultTextbox.Text = model.Result;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tab control for queries, index updates, etc.
        /// </summary>
        public MultiTabControl(MainFormModel viewModel)
            if (viewModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewModel));

            parentViewModel = viewModel;

            viewModel.CollectionRemoved += onCollectionRemoved;
            viewModel.PropertyChanged   += viewModelOnPropertyChanged;
            if (viewModel.OpenedDatabases != null)
                openedDatabases = viewModel.OpenedDatabases;
                openedDatabases.CollectionChanged += onOpenedDatabasesChanged;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a tree control for a summary view of each opened database.
        /// </summary>
        public OpenedDatabaseTree(MainFormModel viewModel)
            DataContext       = parentViewModel = viewModel;
            DataStore         = tree = new TreeItemCollection();
            SelectionChanged += onSelectionChanged;

            parentViewModel.PropertyChanged += viewModelOnPropertyChanged;
            if (parentViewModel.OpenedDatabases != null)
                openedDatabases = parentViewModel.OpenedDatabases;
                openedDatabases.CollectionChanged += onOpenedDatabasesChanged;

            MouseDoubleClick += onMouseDoubleClick;
            viewModel.ActiveClipboardController = this;
            GotFocus += (sender, args) => viewModel.ActiveClipboardController = this;
Exemple #15
        public MainController(MainForm mainForm)
            Form = mainForm;

            Model = new MainFormModel(Form);
            Form.mainFormModelBindingSource.DataSource = Model;

            UpdateController.Instance.UpdateCheckFinished += Instance_UpdateCheckFinished;

            if (!Properties.Settings.Default.MinimizeToTray)
                Form.systemTrayNotifyIcon.Visible = false;

            scanTimer.Enabled  = false;
            scanTimer.Interval = Properties.Settings.Default.ScanTimer;
            scanTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(Scan);
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual Work to be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Execute()
            Util Util = new Util();

            List <TranscriptionModel> transcriptionModels = new List <TranscriptionModel>();

            IQueryable <transcription> transcriptions = TranscriptionRepository
                                                        .FindBy(i => i.UpdatedBy == Request.UserModel.UserId)
                                                        .OrderByDescending(i => i.CreatedDate)

            foreach (transcription item in transcriptions.ToList())

            MainFormModel mainFormModel = new MainFormModel();

            if (Request.IsAdminUser)
                mainFormModel = new MainFormModel()
                    BrowseRecordCount            = TranscriptionRepository.GetAll().Count(),
                    TranscrptionQueueRecordCount = TranscriptionRepository.FindBy(t => t.TranscriptStatus == false).Count(),
                mainFormModel = new MainFormModel()
                    BrowseRecordCount            = TranscriptionRepository.FindBy(t => !t.IsRestriction).Count(),
                    TranscrptionQueueRecordCount = TranscriptionRepository.FindBy(t => t.TranscriptStatus == false && !t.IsRestriction).Count(),

            Response = new ResponseModel()
                MainFormModel      = mainFormModel,
                Transcriptions     = transcriptionModels,
                IsOperationSuccess = true
Exemple #17
 private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.Text = string.Concat(new string[] { Application.ProductName, " ", Application.ProductVersion, " by ", Application.CompanyName });
     MainFormModel mainFormModel = new MainFormModel();
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// The actual Work to be done.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Execute()
            MainFormModel mainFormModel = null;

            List <RepositoryModel> repositoryList   = new List <RepositoryModel>();
            List <CollectionModel> newlist          = new List <CollectionModel>();
            List <SubseryModel>    newSubseriesList = new List <SubseryModel>();
            List <SubjectModel>    subjectList      = new List <SubjectModel>();
            List <KeywordModel>    keywordList      = new List <KeywordModel>();
            List <UserTypeModel>   userTypes        = new List <UserTypeModel>();

            //if (Request.IsStartup)
            mainFormModel = new MainFormModel()
                BrowseRecordCount            = TranscriptionRepository.GetAll().Count(),
                TranscrptionQueueRecordCount = TranscriptionRepository.FindBy(t => t.TranscriptStatus == false).Count(),

            // collect repository details.
            List <repository> repositories = RepositoryRepository.GetRepositoriess();

            foreach (repository item in repositories)

            // collect collection details.
            List <collection> collections = CollectionRepository.GetCollections().OrderBy(c => c.CollectionName).ToList();

            foreach (collection item in collections)
                newlist.Add(Util.ConvertToCollectionModel(item, repositories.First(c => c.Id == item.RepositoryId).RepositoryName));

            // collect subseries details.
            foreach (subsery item in SubseryRepository.GetSubseries().OrderBy(s => s.SubseriesName))
                newSubseriesList.Add(Util.ConvertToSubseryModel(item, collections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id == item.CollectionId).CollectionName));

            // collect subject details.
            foreach (subject item in SubjectRepository.GetSubjects())

            // collect keywords details.
            foreach (keyword item in KeywordRepository.GetKeywords())

            // collect user types details.
            foreach (usertype item in UserTypeRepository.GetAll())

            List <PredefinedUserModel> predefineUserList = Util.ConvertToPredefinedUserModel(PredefineUserRepository.GetPredefinedUsers());

            List <string> audioEquipmentsUsed = AudioEquipmentUsedRepository.List();

            List <string> videoEquipmentsUsed = VideoEquipmentUsedRepository.List();

            Response = new ResponseModel()
                Repositories = repositoryList,
                Subseries    = newSubseriesList,
                Collections  = newlist,
                Subjects     = subjectList,
                Keywords     = keywordList,

                PredefinedUsers     = predefineUserList,
                AudioEquipmentsUsed = audioEquipmentsUsed,
                VideoEquipmentsUsed = videoEquipmentsUsed,
                UserTypes           = userTypes,

                MainFormModel      = mainFormModel,
                IsOperationSuccess = true
 public MainFormViewModel(MainFormModel model)
     : this()
     Model = model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a control for quering a collection.
        /// </summary>
        public QueryPageControl(MultiTabControl parent, MainFormModel viewModel, QueryModel query)
            if (parent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));

            if (viewModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewModel));

            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            if (query.Collection == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query.Collection));

            Image = Icon.FromResource("LiteDB.Explorer.Core.Assets.Icons.Search.ico", typeof(QueryPageControl).Assembly);
            Query = query;

            this.Bind(page => page.Text, query.Collection, model => model.Name, DualBindingMode.OneWay);

            NumericUpDown             itemsPerPage, pageCount, pageIndex;
            SyntaxHighlightingTextBox queryTextBox;

            Content = new TableLayout
                Padding = new Padding(5),
                Rows    =
                    #region Query Row
                    new TableRow(new TableLayout
                        Padding = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 5),
                        Spacing = new Size(5, 5),
                        Rows    =
                            new TableRow(
                                new TableCell(new Label
                                Text = "Query:"
                                new TableCell(queryTextBox = new SyntaxHighlightingTextBox
                                ReadOnly  = false,
                                ShowLines = false,
                                Text      = Query.QueryAsString = "{}"
                            }, true),
                                new TableCell(new Button(async(sender, e) => await runQuery(true).ConfigureAwait(false))
                                Text = "Count"
                                new TableCell(new Button(async(sender, e) => await runQuery().ConfigureAwait(false))
                                Text = "Search"
                                new TableCell(new Button((sender, e) => FindParent <MultiTabControl>()?.Remove(this))
                                Text = "Close"

                    #region Query Paramters Row
                    new TableRow(new TableLayout
                        Padding = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 5),
                        Spacing = new Size(5, 5),
                        Rows    =
                            new TableRow(
                                new TableCell(new Label
                                Text = "Items per Page:"
                                new TableCell(itemsPerPage = new NumericUpDown
                                DecimalPlaces = 0,
                                Increment     = 1,
                                MinValue      = 1,
                                Value         = Query.ItemsPerPage = 50
                                new TableCell(new Label
                                Text = "Page:"
                                new TableCell(pageIndex = new NumericUpDown
                                DecimalPlaces = 0,
                                Increment     = 1,
                                MinValue      = 1,
                                Value         = Query.PageIndex = 1
                                new TableCell(new Label
                                Text = "out of"
                                new TableCell(pageCount = new NumericUpDown
                                DecimalPlaces = 0,
                                Increment     = 1,
                                MinValue      = 0,
                                ReadOnly      = true,
                                Value         = Query.PageCount = 0
                                new TableCell(new Button(addDoc)
                                Text = "Add"
                                new TableCell(new Button(removeDoc)
                                Text = "Remove"
                                new TableCell(new Button(editDoc)
                                Text = "Edit"

                    #region Query Results Row
                    new TableRow(new TableCell(resultsTextBox = new SyntaxHighlightingTextBox
                        ReadOnly  = true,
                        ShowLines = true,
                        Text      = Query.ResultsAsString = ""
                    }, true))
                        ScaleHeight = true

            itemsPerPage.Bind(control => control.Value, query, model => model.ItemsPerPage, DualBindingMode.OneWayToSource);
            pageCount.Bind(control => control.Value, query, model => model.PageCount, DualBindingMode.OneWay);
            pageIndex.Bind(control => control.Value, query, model => model.PageIndex, DualBindingMode.OneWayToSource);
            queryTextBox.Bind(control => control.Text, query, model => model.QueryAsString, DualBindingMode.OneWayToSource);
            resultsTextBox.Bind(control => control.Text, query, model => model.ResultsAsString, DualBindingMode.OneWay);

            queryTextBox.KeyUp += async(sender, e) =>
                if (e.Control && e.Key == Keys.Enter)
                    await runQuery().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    e.Handled = true;
            itemsPerPage.ValueChanged += async(sender, e) => await runQuery().ConfigureAwait(false);

            pageIndex.ValueChanged += async(sender, e) => await runQuery().ConfigureAwait(false);

            viewModel.ActiveClipboardController = this;
            GotFocus += (sender, args) =>
                viewModel.ActiveClipboardController = this;
                viewModel.SelectedDatabase          = Collection.Database;
                viewModel.SelectedCollection        = Collection;

#pragma warning disable 4014
#pragma warning restore 4014