public Transactions CashTransfer(CustomerBO cbo, decimal amount, int accNo) //used to transfer cash just like withdraw
        {                                                                           //creates a transaction of transfer type and then decrease the balance from the
            Transactions ts = new Transactions {
                Type = "transfered", DT = DateTime.Now, UserID = cbo.UserID, Balance = amount
            MainDAL dal = new MainDAL();    //cbo's balance and increase in the balance of customer whose account number is

            dal.CreateTrasaction(ts);       //accNo.
            List <CustomerBO> list    = new List <CustomerBO>();
            List <CustomerBO> newList = new List <CustomerBO>();

            list = CustomerDecryption();
            CustomerBO tempcbo = new CustomerBO();

            foreach (CustomerBO u in list)
                if (u.AccountNo == cbo.AccountNo)
                    u.Balance = u.Balance - amount;
                if (u.AccountNo == accNo)
                    u.Balance = u.Balance + amount;
                tempcbo = u;
                tempcbo = CustomerEncryption(tempcbo);
        public Transactions DepositCash(CustomerBO cbo, decimal amount) //used to deposit a cash into a customer account
        {                                                               //firstly creates a transaction of deposit type and then add amount in the balance
            Transactions ts = new Transactions {
                Type = "deposited", DT = DateTime.Now, UserID = cbo.UserID, Balance = amount
            MainDAL dal = new MainDAL();   //of cbo who is current user.

            List <CustomerBO> old     = CustomerDecryption();
            List <CustomerBO> newList = new List <CustomerBO>();
            CustomerBO        tempBo  = new CustomerBO();

            foreach (CustomerBO u in old)
                if (u.AccountNo == cbo.AccountNo)
                    u.Balance = u.Balance + amount;
                tempBo = u;
                tempBo = CustomerEncryption(tempBo);
        public Transactions WithdrawCash(CustomerBO cbo, decimal amount) //first it creates transaction of withdraw type
        {                                                                //and then get the decrypted customers in a list and decrement
            Transactions ts = new Transactions {
                Type = "withdrawn", DT = DateTime.Now, UserID = cbo.UserID, Balance = amount
            MainDAL dal = new MainDAL();                    //amount from balance of that customer who is cbo.

            List <CustomerBO> list    = new List <CustomerBO>();
            List <CustomerBO> newList = new List <CustomerBO>();

            list = CustomerDecryption();
            CustomerBO tempcbo = new CustomerBO();

            foreach (CustomerBO u in list)
                if (u.UserID == cbo.UserID)
                    u.Balance = u.Balance - amount;
                tempcbo = u;
                tempcbo = CustomerEncryption(tempcbo);