Exemple #1
        private string SendInvitations(ApiUser hdUser, string recipients, string topic, string url)
            Guid       organizationId = hdUser.OrganizationId;
            int        departmentId   = hdUser.DepartmentId;
            int        userId         = hdUser.UserId;
            string     Email          = hdUser.LoginEmail;
            string     userName       = hdUser.FullName;
            string     department     = hdUser.DepartmentName;
            List <int> intUserIds     = new List <int>();

            string[] emails = recipients.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
            recipients = "";
            foreach (string email in emails)
                if (!Utils.IsValidEmail(email))
                recipients += email + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipients))
                throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Incorrect Email(s)");
            string subject = topic;
            string from    = "\"" + userName + " - " + department + "\"<" + Email + ">";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipients))
                    string           body = "Hi! You got " + topic + ".\n Please open this url to start chat: " + url + $". Or click <a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{url}</a>";
                    MailNotification _mail_notification = new MailNotification(organizationId, departmentId, userId, from, recipients, subject, body);
                    string           _return_string     = _mail_notification.Commit(true);
                    throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Email error.");
                throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "No recepients selected.");
Exemple #2
        internal static object SendInvoice(ApiUser hdUser, string invoice_id, string recipients, bool isPDFOnly = false)
            Guid   organizationId = hdUser.OrganizationId;
            int    departmentId   = hdUser.DepartmentId;
            int    userId         = hdUser.UserId;
            string Email          = hdUser.LoginEmail;
            string userName       = hdUser.FullName;
            string department     = hdUser.DepartmentName;

            Models.Invoice invoice    = GetInvoice(organizationId, departmentId, invoice_id, false);
            int            AccountId  = invoice.AccountId;
            List <int>     intUserIds = new List <int>();

            string[] emails = recipients.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();
            recipients         = "";
            invoice.recipients = AccountUsers.GetAccountUsers(organizationId, departmentId, invoice.AccountId);
            foreach (string email in emails)
                if (!Utils.IsValidEmail(email))

                bool        isAccountingContact = true;
                int         userID    = 0;
                string      new_email = "";
                AccountUser user      = invoice.recipients.Find(r => r.Email.ToLower() == email.ToLower());
                if (user != null)
                    isAccountingContact = user.AccountingContact;
                    userID    = user.Id;
                    new_email = user.Email;
                    userId              = bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Accounts.InsertUserIntoAccount(hdUser.OrganizationId, hdUser.DepartmentId, AccountId, email, 0, false);
                    new_email           = email;
                    isAccountingContact = false;
                if (!isAccountingContact)
                    bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Accounts.UpdateAccountContact(hdUser.OrganizationId, hdUser.DepartmentId, AccountId, userID, true);
                recipients += new_email + ";";

            int    ProjectId = invoice.ProjectId;
            int    invoiceID = invoice.Id.Value;
            string subject   = invoice.Customer + " | Invoice #" + invoiceID;
            string from      = "\"" + userName + " - " + department + "\"<" + Email + ">";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipients))
                Instance_Config instanceConfig = new Models.Instance_Config(hdUser);
                string          currency       = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceConfig.Currency) ? "$" : instanceConfig.Currency;
                    string filename     = "Invoice-" + invoiceID.ToString() + ".pdf";
                    string logoURL      = string.Empty;
                    string logoImageUrl = Files.GetOrganizationLargeLogoUrl(organizationId);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logoImageUrl))
                        logoURL = logoImageUrl;
                    logoImageUrl = Files.GetInstanceLargeLogoUrl(hdUser.InstanceId);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(logoImageUrl))
                        logoURL = logoImageUrl;
                    byte[] pdfBytes = null;
                    string body     = "";
                        pdfBytes = bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Invoice.ExportPDF(organizationId, hdUser.InstanceId, departmentId, userId, invoiceID, "https://app.sherpadesk.com", currency,
                                                                                instanceConfig.Names.tech.a, instanceConfig.Names.ticket.a, instanceConfig.ProjectTracking, instanceConfig.Names.user.a, instanceConfig.QBUseQBInvoiceNumber, logoURL);
                        if (isPDFOnly)
                            var sfile = new System.IO.MemoryStream(pdfBytes);
                            return(new BWA.bigWebDesk.Api.Services.FilesService.FileResult(sfile, "application/pdf", filename));
                        body = bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.Invoice.ExportHtml(organizationId, hdUser.InstanceId, departmentId, userId, invoiceID, "https://app.sherpadesk.com", currency, instanceConfig.Names.tech.a,
                                                                             instanceConfig.Names.ticket.a, instanceConfig.ProjectTracking, instanceConfig.Names.user.a, instanceConfig.QBUseQBInvoiceNumber);
                        throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Cannot create invoice with provided data.");
                    MailNotification _mail_notification = new MailNotification(organizationId, departmentId, userId, from, recipients, subject, body);
                    if (pdfBytes != null)
                        bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.FileItem[] _files = new bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.FileItem[1];
                        _files[0] = new bigWebApps.bigWebDesk.Data.FileItem(0, filename, pdfBytes.Length, DateTime.Now, string.Empty, pdfBytes);
                        _mail_notification.AttachedFiles = _files;
                    string _return_string = _mail_notification.Commit(true);
                    throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Email error.");
                throw new HttpError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "No recepients selected.");