/// <summary>
    /// Update an appointment
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Id"></param>
    /// <param name="PatientId"></param>
    /// <param name="ContentId"></param>
    /// <param name="Note"></param>
    /// <param name="StartTime"></param>
    /// <param name="EndTime"></param>
    /// <param name="DoctorUsername"></param>
    /// <param name="RoomId"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string UpdateEvent(string Id, string PatientId, string Note, DateTime StartTime, DateTime EndTime,
        string DoctorUsername, string RoomId, string Status)
        string result = string.Empty;

        TransactionManager tm = DataRepository.Provider.CreateTransaction();
            #region "Validate"
            // Check Patient
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PatientId) || PatientId == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose patient.', 'data': [] }]";
                return result;

            // Get start date and end date
            DateTime dtStart = StartTime;
            DateTime dtEnd = EndTime;

            // If appointment From Date >= To Date
            if (dtStart >= dtEnd)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'From date, time must be less than to date, time.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // If appointment is created in a passed or current day
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            if (dtNow >= dtStart)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You can not change roster to passed or current date.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Doctor
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DoctorUsername) || DoctorUsername == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose doctor.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Room
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RoomId) || RoomId == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose room.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Status
            long lStatus;
            if (!Int64.TryParse(Status, out lStatus))
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose status.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            string strUserName = EntitiesUtilities.GetAuthName();
            string strPatientId = PatientId;
            long lRoomId = Convert.ToInt64(RoomId);


            #region "Check infomation"
            // Check exists Patient
            Customer objPatient = DataRepository.CustomerProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, strPatientId, false);
            if (objPatient == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Patient is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Doctor
            Staff objDoctor = DataRepository.StaffProvider.GetByUserNameIsDisabled(tm, DoctorUsername, false);
            if (objDoctor == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Doctor is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Room
            Room objRoom = DataRepository.RoomProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, lRoomId, false);
            if (objRoom == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Room is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Room
            Status objStatus = DataRepository.StatusProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, lStatus, false);
            if (objStatus == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Status is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            #region "Check Conflict"
            int intCompareValue = 1;
            // Check conflict Patient
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "CustomerId", strPatientId, "",
                String.Format("{2}. {0} {1}", objPatient.FirstName, objPatient.LastName, objPatient.Title), dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            // Check conflict Doctor
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "DoctorUserName", DoctorUsername, "Doctor", objDoctor.ShortName, dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            // Check conflict Room
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "RoomId", lRoomId.ToString(), "Room", objRoom.Title, dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            #region "Update Appointment"
            Appointment obj = DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(Id, false);
            if (obj == null || obj.IsComplete == true)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'There is no appointment to change or appointment is expired.', 'data': [] }]";
                return result;

            obj.CustomerId = strPatientId;
            obj.CustomerName = String.Format("{0} {1}", objPatient.FirstName, objPatient.LastName);
            obj.DoctorEmail = objDoctor.Email;
            obj.DoctorUsername = DoctorUsername;
            obj.DoctorShortName = objDoctor.ShortName;
            obj.RoomId = lRoomId;
            obj.RoomTitle = objRoom.Title;
            obj.Note = Note;
            obj.StatusId = lStatus;
            obj.ColorCode = objStatus.ColorCode;
            obj.StartTime = dtStart;
            obj.EndTime = dtEnd;
            obj.UpdateUser = strUserName;
            obj.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;

            DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.Save(tm, obj);

            #region "Send Appointment"
            string strSubject = String.Format("Change Appointment: {0} - {1}", obj.ContentTitle, obj.CustomerName);
            string strBody = String.Format("You have a new change for appointment");
            string strSummary = string.Empty;
            string strDescription = string.Empty;
            string strLocation = String.Format("Room {0}", obj.RoomTitle);
            string strAlarmSummary = String.Format("{0} minutes left for appointment with {1}",
                ServiceFacade.SettingsHelper.TimeLeftRemindAppointment.ToString(), obj.CustomerName);
            MailAppointment objMail = new MailAppointment(strSubject, strBody, strSummary, strDescription, strLocation, strAlarmSummary,
                Convert.ToDateTime(obj.StartTime), Convert.ToDateTime(obj.EndTime));
            objMail.AddMailAddress(obj.DoctorEmail, obj.DoctorShortName);
            if (!objMail.SendMail())


            result = @"[{ 'result': 'true', 'message': '', 'data':" + BuildResult(obj) + @" }]";

        catch (Exception ex)
            //SingletonLogger.Instance.Error("Admin_Appointment_AppointmentIframe.UpdateEvent", ex);


            result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': '" + ex.Message + "', 'data': [] }]";
            return result;

        return result;
    public static string DeleteAppointment(string id)
        TransactionManager tm = DataRepository.Provider.CreateTransaction();
            // Validate current user have any right to operate this action
            // Validate user right for reading
            if (!CheckDeleting(out _message))
                return WebCommon.BuildFailedResult(_message);

            Appointment appointment = DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.GetById(id);
            if (appointment == null || appointment.IsComplete || appointment.IsDisabled)
                return WebCommon.BuildFailedResult("There is no appointment to delete or appointment is expired.");


            appointment.IsDisabled = true;
            appointment.UpdateUser = AccountSession.Session;
            appointment.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now;

            DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.Save(tm, appointment);

            #region "Send Appointment"
            var objPatient = DataRepository.VcsPatientProvider.GetByPatientCode(appointment.PatientCode)[0];
            string strSubject = String.Format("Delete Appointment: {0} - {1} {2}", appointment.ServicesIdSource.Title
                , objPatient.FirstName, objPatient.LastName);
            string strBody = String.Format("Appointment has been deleted.");
            string strSummary = string.Empty;
            string strDescription = string.Empty;
            string strLocation = string.Empty;
            string strAlarmSummary = string.Empty;
            var objMail = new MailAppointment(strSubject, strBody, strSummary, strDescription, strLocation, strAlarmSummary,
                Convert.ToDateTime(appointment.StartTime), Convert.ToDateTime(appointment.EndTime));
            objMail.AddMailAddress(appointment.UsernameSource.Email, appointment.UsernameSource.DisplayName);
            if (!objMail.SendMail())


            return WebCommon.BuildSuccessfulResult();
        catch (Exception ex)
            LoggerController.WriteLog(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetExceptionCode(), ex, Network.GetIpClient());
            return WebCommon.BuildFailedResult(ex.Message);
    public static string SaveEvent(string PatientId, string Note, string StartTime, string EndTime, string StartDate, string EndDate
        , string DoctorUsername, string RoomId, string Status)
        /* Return Structure
         * { result: true [success], false [fail],
         *   message: message content [will be showed when fail]
         *   data:  [{
         *              Id: id of roster,
         *              DoctorUserName: Doctor UserName,
         *              DoctorShortName: Doctor ShortName,
         *              RosterTypeId: Roster Type Id,
         *              RosterTypeTitle: Roster Type Title,
         *              start_date: start date,
         *              end_date: end date,
         *              note: note,
         *              text: roster type + note,
         *              color: color of event [get from status],
         *              isnew: false
         *          }, {}, {}]
         *  }

        string result = string.Empty;

        TransactionManager tm = DataRepository.Provider.CreateTransaction();

            #region "Validate"
            // Check Patient
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PatientId) || PatientId == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose patient.', 'data': [] }]";
                return result;

            // Get start time and end time
            int intStartHour = Convert.ToInt32(StartTime.Split(':')[0]);
            int intStartMinute = Convert.ToInt32(StartTime.Split(':')[1]);
            int intEndHour = Convert.ToInt32(EndTime.Split(':')[0]);
            int intEndMinute = Convert.ToInt32(EndTime.Split(':')[1]);

            // Get start date and end date
            DateTime dtStart = Convert.ToDateTime(StartDate);
            DateTime dtEnd = Convert.ToDateTime(EndDate);

            dtStart = new DateTime(dtStart.Year, dtStart.Month, dtStart.Day, intStartHour, intStartMinute, 0);
            dtEnd = new DateTime(dtEnd.Year, dtEnd.Month, dtEnd.Day, intEndHour, intEndMinute, 0);

            // If appointment From Date >= To Date
            if (dtStart >= dtEnd)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'From date, time must be less than to date, time.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // If appointment is created in a passed or current day
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            if (dtNow >= dtStart)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You can not change roster to passed or current date.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Doctor
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DoctorUsername) || DoctorUsername == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose doctor.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Room
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RoomId) || RoomId == "")
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose room.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check Status
            long lStatus;
            if (!Int64.TryParse(Status, out lStatus))
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'You must choose status.', 'data': [] }]";
                goto StepResult;

            string strUserName = EntitiesUtilities.GetAuthName();
            string strPatientId = PatientId;
            long lRoomId = Convert.ToInt64(RoomId);


            #region "Check infomation"
            // Check exists Patient
            Customer objPatient = DataRepository.CustomerProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, strPatientId, false);
            if (objPatient == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Patient is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Doctor
            Staff objDoctor = DataRepository.StaffProvider.GetByUserNameIsDisabled(tm, DoctorUsername, false);
            if (objDoctor == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Doctor is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Room
            Room objRoom = DataRepository.RoomProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, lRoomId, false);
            if (objRoom == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Room is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            // Check exists Room
            Status objStatus = DataRepository.StatusProvider.GetByIdIsDisabled(tm, lStatus, false);
            if (objStatus == null)
                result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Status is not exist.', 'data': '[]' }]";
                goto StepResult;

            #region "Check Conflict"
            int intCompareValue = 0;
            // Check conflict Patient
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "CustomerId", strPatientId, string.IsNullOrEmpty(objPatient.Title) ? "patient" : objPatient.Title + ".",
                String.Format("{0} {1}", objPatient.FirstName, objPatient.LastName), dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            // Check conflict Doctor
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "DoctorUserName", DoctorUsername, "Dr.", objDoctor.ShortName, dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            // Check conflict Room
            if (!CheckConflict(tm, "RoomId", lRoomId.ToString(), "Room", objRoom.Title, dtStart, dtEnd, intCompareValue, ref result))
                goto StepResult;

            #region "Insert Appointment"
            Appointment newObj = new Appointment();

            string Perfix = "A" + ServiceFacade.SettingsHelper.AppointmentPrefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMdd");
            int Count = 0;
            TList<Appointment> objPo = DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.GetPaged(tm, "Id like '" + Perfix + "' + '%'", "Id desc", 0, 1, out Count);
            if (Count == 0)
                newObj.Id = Perfix + "001";
                newObj.Id = Perfix + String.Format("{0:000}", int.Parse(objPo[0].Id.Substring(objPo[0].Id.Length - 3)) + 1);

            newObj.CustomerId = strPatientId;
            newObj.CustomerName = String.Format("{0} {1}", objPatient.FirstName, objPatient.LastName);
            newObj.DoctorEmail = objDoctor.Email;
            newObj.DoctorUsername = DoctorUsername;
            newObj.DoctorShortName = objDoctor.ShortName;
            newObj.RoomId = lRoomId;
            newObj.RoomTitle = objRoom.Title;
            newObj.Note = Note;
            newObj.StatusId = lStatus;
            newObj.StartTime = dtStart;
            newObj.EndTime = dtEnd;
            newObj.ColorCode = objStatus.ColorCode;
            newObj.CreateUser = strUserName;
            newObj.UpdateUser = strUserName;

            DataRepository.AppointmentProvider.Insert(tm, newObj);

            #region "Send Appointment"
            string strSubject = String.Format("New Appointment: {0} - {1}", newObj.ContentTitle, newObj.CustomerName);
            string strBody = String.Format("You have a new appointment");
            string strSummary = string.Empty;
            string strDescription = string.Empty;
            string strLocation = String.Format("Room {0}", newObj.RoomTitle);
            string strAlarmSummary = String.Format("{0} minutes left for appointment with {1}",
                ServiceFacade.SettingsHelper.TimeLeftRemindAppointment.ToString(), newObj.CustomerName);
            MailAppointment objMail = new MailAppointment(strSubject, strBody, strSummary, strDescription, strLocation, strAlarmSummary,
                Convert.ToDateTime(newObj.StartTime), Convert.ToDateTime(newObj.EndTime));
            objMail.AddMailAddress(newObj.DoctorEmail, newObj.DoctorShortName);

            result = @"[{ 'result': 'true', 'message': '', 'data':" + BuildResult(newObj) + @" }]";


        catch (Exception ex)
            //SingletonLogger.Instance.Error("Admin_Appointment_AppointmentIframe.SaveEvent", ex);


            result = @"[{ 'result': 'false', 'message': 'Cannot create appointment', 'data': [] }]";

        return result;