Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var siteUrl  = "http://test.rainstormstudio.com.au/maghelpdesk";
            var username = "******";
            var password = "******";

            var service = new MagentoService();

            var isconnected = service.IsConnected(siteUrl, username, password);

            Console.WriteLine("MagentoService Connected : " + isconnected.ToString());

            var token = service.GetToken(siteUrl, username, password).Result;

            Console.WriteLine("GetToken : " + isconnected.ToString());

            var ticketId = CreateTicket(service, siteUrl, token);

            UpdateTicket(service, siteUrl, token, ticketId);

            GetTickets(service, siteUrl, token);

            var messageId = SendMessage(service, siteUrl, token, ticketId);

            UpdateMessange(service, siteUrl, token, messageId);

            GetMessages(service, siteUrl, token);
Exemple #2
        static int CreateTicket(MagentoService service, string siteUrl, string token)
            var createTicketRequest = new CreateTicketRequest()
                connection_id    = "1",
                store_id         = "1",
                department_id    = "1",
                agent_id         = "1",
                status           = "unread",
                type             = "messsage",
                item_id          = "listing123",
                subject          = "listing",
                creator_id       = "",
                creator_name     = "TESTUSER_smarthub",
                creator_email    = "*****@*****.**",
                recipient_id     = "daolavi",
                created_at       = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                last_modified_at = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                note             = "",
            var result = service.CreateTicket(siteUrl, token, createTicketRequest);

            if (result.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("CreateTicket " + result.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("CreateTicket " + result.Result.ToString());
Exemple #3
        static int SendMessage(MagentoService service, string siteUrl, string token, int ticketId)
            var sendMessageRequest = new SendMessageRequest()
                message          = "message",
                type             = "cutomer message",
                sender_id        = "",
                sender_name      = "daolavi",
                sender_email     = "*****@*****.**",
                ticket_id        = ticketId.ToString(),
                created_at       = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                last_modified_at = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                note             = "sendMessageRequest",

            var result = service.SendMessage(siteUrl, token, sendMessageRequest);

            if (result.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("SendMessage " + result.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("SendMessage " + result.Result.ToString());
        public void GetProductList()
            MagentoService _magento = new MagentoService();
            string         session  = _magento.login("sarath", "qwerty");

            catalogProductLinkEntity[] relatedProduct = _magento.catalogProductLinkList(session, "grouped", "Bags, Belts and Wallets", null);
Exemple #5
        public salesOrderEntity get_order_detail(string order_id)
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");
            var            result   = mservice.salesOrderInfo(mlogin, order_id);

Exemple #6
        public catalogProductEntity[] get_all_product()
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");

            var result = mservice.catalogProductList(mlogin, null, "");

Exemple #7
        protected void upsell_sale(MagentoService mservice, string mlogin, string brand_sql, string search_family, string source_sku)
            string storeview = "1";

            if (search_family.Contains("OEM"))
                storeview = "3";
            string sku_family = search_family;

            if (sku_family.Contains("DK"))
                search_family = "DK";
            else if (sku_family.Contains("LP"))
                search_family = "LP";

            filters filter = new filters();

            filter = addFilter(filter, "sku_family", "like", "%" + search_family + "%");
            filter = addFilter(filter, "status", "eq", "1");
            var result = mservice.catalogProductList(mlogin, filter, storeview);

            string[] sku_arr = new string[result.Length];

            int i = 0;

            //get result sku
            foreach (catalogProductEntity product in result)
                sku_arr[i] = product.sku;

                i += 1;
            //get stock level
            var result2 = mservice.catalogInventoryStockItemList(mlogin, sku_arr);

            foreach (catalogInventoryStockItemEntity product in result2)
                string qty_sku = product.sku;
                Double qty     = double.Parse(product.qty);
                if (qty > 0)
                    catalogProductLinkEntity assign = new catalogProductLinkEntity();
                    assign.position = "1";

                    // inject related listing
                    mservice.catalogProductLinkUpdate(mlogin, "up_sell", source_sku, qty_sku, assign, "sku");

Exemple #8
        public salesOrderListEntity[] get_open_orders()
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");

            filters mf = new filters();

            complexFilter[] cpf  = new complexFilter[1];
            complexFilter   mcpf = new complexFilter();

            mcpf.key = "status";
            associativeEntity mas = new associativeEntity();

            mas.key    = "in";
            mas.value  = "pending,processing,approved_clearsale,analysing_clearsale,pending_clearsale";
            mcpf.value = mas;
            cpf[0]     = mcpf;
            //mcpf = new complexFilter();
            //mcpf.key = "status";
            //mas = new associativeEntity();

            //mas.key = "eq";
            //mas.value = "processing";
            //mcpf.value = mas;
            //cpf[1] = mcpf;
            //mcpf = new complexFilter();
            //mcpf.key = "status";
            //mas = new associativeEntity();

            //mas.key = "eq";
            //mas.value = "approved_clearsale";
            //mcpf.value = mas;
            //cpf[2] = mcpf;
            //mcpf = new complexFilter();
            //mcpf.key = "status";
            //mas = new associativeEntity();

            //mas.key = "eq";
            //mas.value = "analysing_clearsale";
            //mcpf.value = mas;
            //cpf[3] = mcpf;
            //mcpf = new complexFilter();
            //mcpf.key = "status";
            //mas = new associativeEntity();

            //mas.key = "eq";
            //mas.value = "pending_clearsale";
            //mcpf.value = mas;
            //cpf[4] = mcpf;
            mf.complex_filter = cpf;
            var soe = mservice.salesOrderList(mlogin, mf);

Exemple #9
        public void GetOrdersAsync_ExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, null)
                MagentoServiceLowLevelRest = this._magentoServiceLowLevelRestThrowExceptionStub,
                MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            Assert.Throws <MagentoCommonException>(async() => await magentoService.GetOrdersAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
 void Awake()
     if (mInstance == null)
         mInstance = this;
         Debug.Log("Should not reach here");
Exemple #11
        public void PopulateAccessTokenAndAccessTokenSecret_ExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, null)
                MagentoServiceLowLevelRest = this._magentoServiceLowLevelRestThrowExceptionStub, MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            //------------ Act
            //------------ Assert
            Assert.Throws <MagentoCommonException>(() => magentoService.PopulateAccessTokenAndAccessTokenSecret("qwe", "qwe", "qwe"));
Exemple #12
        public void InitiateDesktopAuthentication_ExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, null)
                MagentoServiceLowLevelRest = this._magentoServiceLowLevelRestThrowExceptionStub, MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            //------------ Act
            //------------ Assert
            Assert.Throws <MagentoCommonException>(() => magentoService.InitiateDesktopAuthentication());
Exemple #13
        public void RequestVerificationUri_ByDateExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, null)
                MagentoServiceLowLevelRest = this._magentoServiceLowLevelRestThrowExceptionStub, MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            //------------ Act
            //------------ Assert
            Assert.Throws <MagentoCommonException>(() => magentoService.RequestVerificationUri());
Exemple #14
        public void PingSoapAsync_ByDateExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, new MagentoConfig())
                MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            //------------ Act
            //------------ Assert
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <MagentoCommonException>(async() => await magentoService.PingSoapAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemple #15
        public void Setup()
            this._magentoServiceNotAuth = new MagentoService(new MagentoNonAuthenticatedUserCredentials(

            NetcoLogger.LoggerFactory = new NLogLoggerFactory();

            this._magentoServiceNotAuth.AfterGettingToken += this._testData.CreateAccessTokenFile;
Exemple #16
        public Boolean cancel_order(string orderID, string status)
            bool sucess = false;

            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");

            //  sucess = mservice.salesOrderCancel(mlogin, orderID);

            sucess = mservice.salesOrderAddComment(mlogin, orderID, status, null, null);

Exemple #17
        public void UpdateInventoryAsync_ByDateExceptionOccured_ExceptionThrown()
            //------------ Arrange
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(this._magentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials, null)
                MagentoServiceLowLevelSoap = this._magentoServiceLowLevelSoapThrowExceptionsStub

            //------------ Act
            //------------ Assert
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <MagentoCommonException>(async() => await magentoService.UpdateInventoryAsync(new List <Inventory> {
                new Inventory()
Exemple #18
        protected void get_magento_list(string source_sku)
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("chisan", "uwoqyx4y87ymx47jcwswgy7alkzpeub8");
            //retriving list of product from storeview
            //para @sessionid = login info
            //@ filter = searchfilter @store id = see below
            //store id : 1 = Main Website Store, 2= Low Income Store, 3 = Retail Store

            string search_family = "";
            string brand_sql     = "";
            string temp_serial   = "";

            //filter server selection*

            MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection mySqlConnection = new
            mySqlConnection.ConnectionString = "server=us-cdbr-azure-west-c.cloudapp.net;uid=b9067d3066d876;pwd=4d1a509d;database=ic_database";

            MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand("select (select pallet from rediscovery where ictag='" + asset_tag_text.Text + "') as pallet,(select serial from rediscovery where ictag='" + asset_tag_text.Text + "') as serial,(select Manufacture from production_log where serial='" + temp_serial + "') as Manufacture ", mySqlConnection);

            MySqlDataReader reader = cmd2.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                search_family = reader["pallet"].ToString();
                temp_serial   = reader["serial"].ToString();
                brand_sql     = reader["Manufacture"].ToString();

            search_family = search_family.Substring(0, search_family.IndexOf("/") + 1);
            if (brand_sql == "Hewlett-Packard")
                brand_sql = "HP ";
            brand_sql = brand_sql.Substring(0, brand_sql.IndexOf(" ") + 1);
            brand_sql = brand_sql.Replace(" ", "");
            related_sale(mservice, mlogin, brand_sql, search_family, source_sku);
            cross_sale(mservice, mlogin, search_family, source_sku);
            upsell_sale(mservice, mlogin, brand_sql, search_family, source_sku);
            related_text.Text = "";
Exemple #19
        //use for retail picklist
        public int retail_quick_import(Models.retail_quick_import retail)
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");

            catalogProductCreateEntity            create     = new catalogProductCreateEntity();
            catalogCategoryEntity                 add_cat    = new catalogCategoryEntity();
            catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity stock_data = new catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity();

            stock_data.qty                     = "1";
            stock_data.manage_stock            = 1;
            stock_data.use_config_manage_stock = 0;
            stock_data.is_in_stock             = 1;
            create.description                 = retail.desc;
            create.name              = retail.name;
            create.price             = retail.price;
            create.short_description = retail.short_desc;
            create.status            = retail.status;
            create.visibility        = retail.visible;
            create.weight            = retail.weight;
            create.website_ids       = retail.webistes;
            create.tax_class_id      = retail.tax_id;

            create.stock_data = stock_data;

            associativeEntity[] attributes = new associativeEntity[3];
            attributes[0]       = new associativeEntity();
            attributes[0].key   = "vendor_id";
            attributes[0].value = "11";
            attributes[1]       = new associativeEntity();
            attributes[1].key   = "approval";
            attributes[1].value = "2";
            attributes[2]       = new associativeEntity();
            attributes[2].key   = "vendor_sku";
            attributes[2].value = retail.sku + "_vendor";
            catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity additionalAttributes = new catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity();

            additionalAttributes.single_data = attributes;
            create.additional_attributes     = additionalAttributes;
            int p_id = mservice.catalogProductCreate(
                mlogin, retail.type, retail.attr, retail.sku, create, "5");

            mservice.catalogCategoryAssignProduct(mlogin, 2, retail.sku, "0", "SKU");

Exemple #20
        //login to magento with soap_api
        protected void get_magento_detail()
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123");
            //retriving list of product from storeview
            //para @sessionid = login info
            //@ filter = searchfilter @store id = see below
            //store id : 1 = Main Website Store, 2= Low Income Store, 3 = Retail Store

            var result = mservice.catalogProductInfo(mlogin, "ICL1296", "1", null, null);

Exemple #21
        public bool enable_product(string sku)
            bool result;

                MagentoService mservice     = new MagentoService();
                String         mlogin       = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");
                var            item_to_edit = new catalogProductCreateEntity();
                item_to_edit.status = "1";
                result = mservice.catalogProductUpdate(mlogin, sku, item_to_edit, "", "SKU");
                result = false;
Exemple #22
        static void GetMessages(MagentoService service, string siteUrl, string token)
            var getMesssagesRequest = new GetMessagesRequest()
                connection_id = "1",
                from          = new DateTime(2017, 7, 1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                to            = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
            var result = service.GetMessages(siteUrl, token, getMesssagesRequest);

            if (result.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("GetMessages " + result.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("GetMessages " + result.Result.Count);
Exemple #23
        public catalogInventoryStockItemEntity[] check_product(string sku)
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();

            String mlogin = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");

            string[] sku_arr = { sku };
            catalogInventoryStockItemEntity[] result = null;

                result = mservice.catalogInventoryStockItemList(mlogin, sku_arr);

Exemple #24
        //this is currently connect to the dev site's SOAP Api
        //*** remeber to change it back to connect all SOAP API after live***
        public void quick_update(string qty, string sku, string path)
            MagentoService mservice = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");
            catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity qty_update = new catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity();

            qty_update.manage_stockSpecified            = true;
            qty_update.is_in_stockSpecified             = true;
            qty_update.use_config_manage_stockSpecified = true;
            qty_update.manage_stock = 1;
            qty_update.qty          = qty;
            if (qty == "0")
                qty_update.is_in_stock = 0;
                qty_update.is_in_stock = 1;

            qty_update.use_config_manage_stock = 1;

                mlogin, sku, qty_update);
            //catalogProductAttributeMediaCreateEntity photo = new catalogProductAttributeMediaCreateEntity();

            //string image64 = image_to_64(path);
            //var imageEntity = new catalogProductImageFileEntity();

            //imageEntity.content = image64;
            //imageEntity.name = "photo1";
            //imageEntity.mime = "image/jpeg";
            //photo.file = imageEntity;
            //photo.label = "label";
            //photo.position = "0";
            //photo.exclude = "0";
            //photo.types = new[] { "image", "small_image", "thumbnail" };

            //mservice.catalogProductAttributeMediaCreate(mlogin, retail.p_id, photo, "", "ID");
        protected IMagentoService CreateMagentoService(string apiUser, string apiKey, string accessToken, string accessTokenSecret, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, string magentoBaseUrl, string requestTokenUrl, string authorizeUrl, string accessTokenUrl, string magentoVersionByDefault, int getProductsMaxThreads, int sessionLifeTime, bool supressExc, ThrowExceptionIfFailed onUpdateInventory = ThrowExceptionIfFailed.OneItem)
            var magentoService = new MagentoService(new MagentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials(
                                                        ), string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(magentoVersionByDefault) ? null : new MagentoConfig()
                VersionByDefault = magentoVersionByDefault, OnUpdateInventory = onUpdateInventory

Exemple #26
        public bool update_price(string sku, string price)
            bool success;

                MagentoService             mservice = new MagentoService();
                String                     mlogin   = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");
                catalogProductCreateEntity create   = new catalogProductCreateEntity();
                create.price = price;
                mservice.catalogProductUpdate(mlogin, sku, create, null, null);
                success = true;

                success = false;
    public bool FulfillOrder(UserAccount userAccount, string orderID, string trackingNumber, string carrier)
            DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();

            MagentoService service = new MagentoService();
            service.Url = userAccount.Application_Name;

            string sessionID = service.login(userAccount.Config_Value1, userAccount.Config_Value2);

            string result = service.salesOrderShipmentCreate(sessionID, orderID, null, null, 0, 0);
            int trackingResult = service.salesOrderShipmentAddTrack(sessionID, orderID, carrier, "Tracking", trackingNumber);

            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Error, "Magento Fulfill Order - OrderID : " + orderID + ": " + ex.Message);
            return false;
Exemple #28
        static void UpdateMessange(MagentoService service, string siteUrl, string token, int messageId)
            var updateMessageRequest = new UpdateMessageRequest()
                message_id    = messageId.ToString(),
                message       = "updating message",
                type          = "customer message",
                modified_date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                note          = "updateMessageRequest",

            var result = service.UpdateMessage(siteUrl, token, updateMessageRequest);

            if (result.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("UpdateMessange " + result.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("UpdateMessange " + result.Result.ToString());
Exemple #29
        public void PingRestAsync_IncorrectConsumerKey_ThrowException()
            //------------ Arrange

            //------------ Act
            Action act = () =>
                var service = new MagentoService(new MagentoAuthenticatedUserCredentials(
                                                     "incorrect consumer key",
                                                     this._testData.GetMagentoSoapUser().ApiKey), null);

                var magentoInfoAsyncTask = service.PingRestAsync();

            //------------ Assert
            act.ShouldThrow <Exception>();
Exemple #30
        public int update_qty(string sku, string qty, string pid)
            MagentoService mservice       = new MagentoService();
            String         mlogin         = mservice.login("admin", "Interconnection123!");
            var            item_to_update = new catalogInventoryStockItemUpdateEntity();

            item_to_update.qty = qty;
            var result = mservice.catalogInventoryStockItemUpdate(mlogin, sku, item_to_update);

                HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://connectall.org/update.php?product_id=" + pid + "&qty=" + qty);
                myHttpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                myHttpWebRequest.UserAgent   = ".NET Framework Test Client";
                WebResponse wr = myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse();
            catch (WebException wex)
                var pageContent = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream())

Exemple #31
        static void UpdateTicket(MagentoService service, string siteUrl, string token, int ticketId)
            var updateTicketRequest = new UpdateTicketRequest()
                ticket_id        = ticketId.ToString(),
                status           = "read",
                type             = "dispute",
                item_id          = "listing124",
                subject          = "listing",
                updated_by_id    = "daolam",
                last_modified_at = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"),
                note             = "updated note",
            var result = service.UpdateTicket(siteUrl, token, updateTicketRequest);

            if (result.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("UpdateTicket " + result.Error);
                Console.WriteLine("UpdateTicket " + result.Result.ToString());
    public bool TestMagentoCredentials(string url, string apiUserID, string apiKey)
            MagentoService service = new MagentoService();
            service.Url = url;

            string sessionID = service.login(apiUserID, apiKey);

            salesOrderListEntity[] orders = service.salesOrderList(sessionID, null);
            return true;
        catch (Exception)
            return false;
        protected string ApiTest()
            string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": ";
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;
            ProgressText += result + "Rows to export...";
            StopWatch exportWatch = new StopWatch(true);

            #region Static Trevor
            if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("Trevor"))
              MagentoService Mclient = new MagentoService();
              string MsessionId = "";

              //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------
                MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);
                catalogProductEntity[] plist = Mclient.catalogProductList(MsessionId, null, "");
                if (plist.Length < 1)
                  throw new Exception("No products available");

                //TODO: create catalog file header
                string type = "";
                foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist)
                  string pid = p.product_id;
                  if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents
                    bool isChild = false;
                    catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id");
                    foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks)
                      if (pl.type.Equals("configurable"))
                        isChild = true;
                    if (isChild) continue;
                    type += p.type + " ";

                  string pname = p.name;
                  string patt1 = "";
                  bool first = true;
                  foreach (string cid in p.category_ids)
                    if (first) first = false;
                    else patt1 += ",";
                    patt1 += cid;

                  catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", null, "id");
                  catalogProductReturnEntity pPriceInfo = Mclient.catalogProductGetSpecialPrice(MsessionId, pid, "", "id");
                  string patt2 = "";
                  string pprice = pPriceInfo.price; ;
                  if ((pPriceInfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null))
                    DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_from_date);
                    DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_to_date);
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                      pprice = pPriceInfo.special_price;
                  string pfilter = "";
                  string plink = pinfo.url_key;
                  string pimage = "";
                  string psku = pinfo.sku;
                  catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null;
                    pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id");
                  catch { }
                  if (pimageinfo != null)
                    pimage = pimageinfo.url;
              catch { }

              //---------------------SALES EXPORT----------------------------
                //salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null);
                salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null);
                if (sorders.Length > 0)
                  //TODO: create header line for sales export
                  foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders)
                    string customerid = s.customer_id;
                    if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1"))
                      customerid = s.customer_email;
                      if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1)
                        customerid = s.increment_id;
                    string date = s.created_at;
                    salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id);
                    foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items)
                      string productid = item.product_id;
                      string quantity = item.qty_ordered;
                      int len = quantity.IndexOf(".");
                      if (len > 0)
                        quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part

                      //TODO: add line to sales data here
                  //TODO: upload sales data
              catch { }

            #region Static GoStore
              Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient Mclient = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient();
              string MsessionId = "";

              //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------
                    //MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);
                    MsessionId = Mclient.login("4Tell", "4tellsoftware"); //condomania

                    //Get API calls available
                    apiEntity[] resources = Mclient.resources(MsessionId);
                    //resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("resources", sessionID);
                    //Type t = resultObj.GetType();
                    //XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                    //XElement resources = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj);
                    //TODO: check each CallMethod to make sure it is in this list...

                    //Set product attributes to fetch
                catalogProductRequestAttributes prodAttributes = new catalogProductRequestAttributes();
                    string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date", "parent_item_id" };
                prodAttributes.attributes = attributes;

                    //filters prodFilters = new filters();
                    //associativeEntity[] filterList = new associativeEntity[1];
                    //filterList[0].key = "";
                    //filterList[0].value = "";

                //loop through all products
                    StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + ProductRecord.Header());
                catalogProductEntity[] plist;
                Mclient.catalogProductList(out plist, MsessionId, null, "");
                string type = "";
                int maxCid = 0;
                foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist)
                  string pid = p.product_id;

                        if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents
                            //bool isChild = false;
                            //catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id");
                            //foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks)
                            //  if (pl.type.Equals("configurable"))
                            //  {
                            //    isChild = true;
                            //    break;
                            //  }
                            //if (isChild) continue;
                            type += p.type + " ";

                  string pname = p.name;
                  string patt1 = "";
                  bool first = true;
                  foreach (string cid in p.category_ids)
                    if (first) first = false;
                    else patt1 += ",";
                    patt1 += cid;
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32(cid);
                    if (id > maxCid) maxCid = id;

                  string patt2 = "";
                  catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", prodAttributes, "id");
                  string pprice = pinfo.price; ;
                  if ((pinfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null))
                    DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_from_date);
                    DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_to_date);
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                      pprice = pinfo.special_price;
                  string pfilter = "";
                  string plink = pinfo.url_key;
                  string pimage = "";
                  string psku = pinfo.sku;
                  catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null;
                            pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id");
                                pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, psku, "", "", "sku");
                        if (pimageinfo != null)
                            pimage = pimageinfo.url;
                  data.Append(pid + "\t" + pname + "\t" + patt1 + "\t" + patt2 + "\t" + pprice + "\t" + pfilter + "\t" + plink + "\t" + pimage + "\t" + psku + "\r\n");
                    result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, data);

                //get cat info
                result += "\n" + Att1Filename + ": ";
                ProgressText = tempDisplay + result + "Exporting...";
                catalogCategoryInfo cinfo;
                    StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + AttributeRecord.Header());
                for (int cid = 1; cid <= maxCid; cid++)
                    cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, cid, "", null);
                    csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cinfo.name + "\r\n");
                    csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cid.ToString() + "\r\n");
                    result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, Att1Filename, csb);
                ProgressText = tempDisplay + result;
              catch { }
                //  //catalogCategoryTree ctree = Mclient.catalogCategoryTree(MsessionId, "", "");
                //  catalogCategoryTree ctree = Mclient.catalogCategoryTree(MsessionId, "0", "");
                //catch { }
                //  //catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", "");
                //  catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", "");
                //catch { }
                //  //catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", "");
                //  catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", "");
                //catch { }
                //  //catalogCategoryInfo cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, 0, "CurrentView", null);
                //  catalogCategoryInfo cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, 4, "", null);
                //catch { }
                //  //catalogProductAttributeSetEntity[] pasList = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeSetList(MsessionId);
                //  //...this one works!
                //  catalogProductAttributeSetEntity[] pasList = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeSetList(MsessionId);
                //catch { }

              //---------------------SALES EXPORT----------------------------
                    DateTime exportDate = DateTime.Now; //pass this date in
                    string salesFileName = string.Format(SalesFilenameFormat, exportDate.ToString("yyyy-MM"));
                    result += "\n" + salesFileName + ": ";
                    StringBuilder salesData = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + SalesRecord.Header());

                    //create filter to get sales for this month only
                    string fromDate = string.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-01 00:00:00", exportDate.Year, exportDate.Month);
                    string toDate = string.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-01 00:00:00", exportDate.Year, exportDate.Month + 1);
                    filters monthFilter = new filters();
                    monthFilter.complex_filter = new complexFilter[2];
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[0] = new complexFilter();
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[0].key = "created_at";
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value = new associativeEntity();
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value.key = "from";
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value.value = fromDate;
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[1] = new complexFilter();
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[1].key = "created_at";
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value = new associativeEntity();
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value.key = "to";
                    monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value.value = toDate;

                    //get list of sales orders
                salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, monthFilter);
                if (sorders.Length > 0)
                  //TODO: create header line for sales export
                  foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders)
                    string customerid = s.customer_id;
                    if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1"))
                      customerid = s.customer_email;
                      if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1)
                        customerid = s.increment_id;
                    string date = s.created_at;
                            //get list of items purchased on each sales order
                    salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id);
                    foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items)
                      string productid = item.product_id;
                      string quantity = item.qty_ordered;
                      int len = quantity.IndexOf(".");
                      if (len > 0)
                        quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part

                      //add line to sales data
                                salesData.Append(customerid + "\t" + productid + "\t" + quantity + "\t" + date + "\r\n");
                  //upload sales data
                        result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, salesFileName, salesData);

              catch { }

            return result;
    public List<ParcelItem> GetPendingOrders()
            if (UserAccountCode != 0)
                List<ParcelItem> items = new List<ParcelItem>();
                DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities();
                UserAccount userAccount = context.UserAccounts.First(u => u.User_Account_Code == UserAccountCode);

                MagentoService service = new MagentoService();
                service.Url = userAccount.Application_Name;

                string sessionID = service.login(userAccount.Config_Value1, userAccount.Config_Value2);
                List<associativeEntity> listAssociatedEntity = new List<associativeEntity>();
                listAssociatedEntity.Add(new associativeEntity() { key = "status", value = "pending" });

                filters filters = new filters();
                filters.filter = listAssociatedEntity.ToArray();

                salesOrderListEntity[] orders = service.salesOrderList(sessionID, filters);

                List<ChargeCode> chargeCodes = context.ChargeCodes.Where(u => u.Is_Active == true && u.User_Code == UserCode).ToList();

                foreach (salesOrderListEntity order in orders)
                    salesOrderEntity orderDetail = service.salesOrderInfo(sessionID, order.increment_id);

                    foreach (salesOrderItemEntity lineItem in orderDetail.items)

                        ParcelItem item = new ParcelItem();

                        item.Type = "MAGENTO";
                        item.AccountID = userAccount.User_Account_Code.ToString();
                        item.RecordNumber = orderDetail.order_id;
                        item.ItemID = lineItem.item_id;
                        item.TransactionID = orderDetail.increment_id;
                        item.ItemName = lineItem.name;
                        item.CustomLabel = lineItem.sku;
                        item.CustomLabelText = lineItem.sku;

                        string state = orderDetail.shipping_address.region;
                        string stateCode = orderDetail.shipping_address.region_id;

                        if (StateHelper.States.Where(s => s.Key == stateCode).Count() > 0)
                            item.State = StateHelper.States[stateCode];
                            item.State = state;

                        item.BuyerName = orderDetail.customer_firstname + " " + orderDetail.customer_lastname;
                        item.EmailAddress = orderDetail.customer_email;
                        item.BuyerID = orderDetail.customer_id;

                        item.Street2 = orderDetail.shipping_address.street;
                        item.Street3 = string.Empty;
                        item.City = orderDetail.shipping_address.city;
                        item.PostalCode = orderDetail.shipping_address.postcode;
                        item.Country = orderDetail.shipping_address.country_id;
                        item.Phone = orderDetail.shipping_address.telephone;

                        item.Quantity = lineItem.qty_ordered == string.Empty ? 0 : (int)decimal.Parse(lineItem.qty_ordered);
                        if (orderDetail.shipping_amount != string.Empty)
                            item.ShippingCost = double.Parse(orderDetail.shipping_amount);
                        item.SaleRecordId = orderDetail.increment_id;

                        // insurance details //

                        item.Currency = orderDetail.order_currency_code;
                        item.Price = double.Parse(lineItem.price);

                        item.ShippingMethod = orderDetail.shipping_description;

                        string shippingCode = orderDetail.shipping_description;
                        ChargeCode code = chargeCodes.FirstOrDefault(u => shippingCode.ToLower().Contains(u.Ebay_Code.ToLower()) == true);
                        if (code != null && code.Charge_Code_Name.ToLower() == "ignore")
                            continue; // ignore the item

                        bool IspostCodeOK = Common.VerifyPostCode(orderDetail.shipping_address.postcode, orderDetail.shipping_address.city);
                        if (IspostCodeOK)
                            item.PostCodeImageURL = Constant.tickURL;
                            item.PostCodeImageURL = Constant.crossURL;


                return items;
                return null;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return null;
        protected override string GetCatalog()
            string h2 = "";
            StringBuilder data = null;

            string filename = "Catalog.txt";
            string result = "\n" + filename + ": ";
            string tempDisplay = ProgressText;
            ProgressText += result + "Rows to export...";
            StopWatch exportWatch = new StopWatch(true);

            //--------DEBUG USING STATIC------
            bool static_proxy = false;

            #region Static Trevor
            if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("Trevor"))
              MagentoService Mclient = new MagentoService();
              string MsessionId = "";

              //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------
                MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);
                catalogProductEntity[] plist = Mclient.catalogProductList(MsessionId, null, "");
                if (plist.Length < 1)
                  throw new Exception("No products available");

                //TODO: create catalog file header
                string type = "";
                foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist)
                  string pid = p.product_id;
                  if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents
                    bool isChild = false;
                    catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id");
                    foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks)
                      if (pl.type.Equals("configurable"))
                        isChild = true;
                    if (isChild) continue;
                    type += p.type + " ";

                  string pname = p.name;
                  string patt1 = "";
                  bool first = true;
                  foreach (string cid in p.category_ids)
                    if (first) first = false;
                    else patt1 += ",";
                    patt1 += cid;

                  catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", null, "id");
                  catalogProductReturnEntity pPriceInfo = Mclient.catalogProductGetSpecialPrice(MsessionId, pid, "", "id");
                  string patt2 = "";
                  string pprice = pPriceInfo.price; ;
                  if ((pPriceInfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null))
                    DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_from_date);
                    DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_to_date);
                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                      pprice = pPriceInfo.special_price;
                  string pfilter = "";
                  string plink = pinfo.url_key;
                  string pimage = "";
                  string psku = pinfo.sku;
                  catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null;
                    pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id");
                  catch { }
                  if (pimageinfo != null)
                    pimage = pimageinfo.url;
              catch { }

              //---------------------SALES EXPORT----------------------------
                //salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null);
                salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null);
                if (sorders.Length > 0)
                  //TODO: create header line for sales export
                  foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders)
                    string customerid = s.customer_id;
                    if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1"))
                      customerid = s.customer_email;
                      if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1)
                        customerid = s.increment_id;
                    string date = s.created_at;
                    salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id);
                    foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items)
                      string productid = item.product_id;
                      string quantity = item.qty_ordered;
                      int len = quantity.IndexOf(".");
                      if (len > 0)
                        quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part

                      //TODO: add line to sales data here
                  //TODO: upload sales data
              catch { }

            #region Static GoStore
            if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("WSTea"))
                Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient Mclient = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient();
                string MsessionId = "";

                //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------
                    MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);

                    //Set product attributes to fetch
                    catalogProductRequestAttributes prodAttributes = new catalogProductRequestAttributes();
                    string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date", "parent_item_id" };
                    prodAttributes.attributes = attributes;

                    //filters prodFilters = new filters();
                    //associativeEntity[] filterList = new associativeEntity[1];
                    //filterList[0].key = "";
                    //filterList[0].value = "";

                    //loop through all products
                    h2 = "Product ID\tName\tAtt1 ID\tAtt2 ID\tPrice\tFilter\tLink\tImage Link\tStandard Code\r\n"; //product catalog second header line
                    data = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + h2);
                    catalogProductEntity[] plist;
                    Mclient.catalogProductList(out plist, MsessionId, null, "");
                    //string type = "";
                    int maxCid = 0;
                    foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist)
                        string pid = p.product_id;
                        catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "parent", pid, "id");
                        if (plinks != null)
                            continue; //is a child

                        //if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents
                        //  bool isChild = false;
                        //  catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id");
                        //  foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks)
                        //    if (pl.type.Equals("configurable"))
                        //    {
                        //      isChild = true;
                        //      break;
                        //    }
                        //  if (isChild) continue;
                        //  type += p.type + " ";

                        string pname = p.name;
                        string patt1 = "";
                        bool first = true;
                        foreach (string cid in p.category_ids)
                            if (first) first = false;
                            else patt1 += ",";
                            patt1 += cid;
                            int id = Convert.ToInt32(cid);
                            if (id > maxCid) maxCid = id;

                        string patt2 = "";
                        catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", prodAttributes, "id");
                        string pprice = pinfo.price; ;
                        if ((pinfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null))
                            DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_from_date);
                            DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_to_date);
                            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                            if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                                pprice = pinfo.special_price;
                        string pfilter = "";
                        string plink = pinfo.url_key;
                        string pimage = "";
                        string psku = pinfo.sku;
                        catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null;
                            pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id");
                        catch { }
                        if (pimageinfo != null)
                            pimage = pimageinfo.url;
                        data.Append(pid + "\t" + pname + "\t" + patt1 + "\t" + patt2 + "\t" + pprice + "\t" + pfilter + "\t" + plink + "\t" + pimage + "\t" + psku + "\r\n");
                    result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, filename, data);

                    //get cat info
                    filename = "Attribute1Names.txt";
                    result += "\n" + filename + ": ";
                    ProgressText = tempDisplay + result + "Exporting...";
                    catalogCategoryInfo cinfo;
                    h2 = "Att ID\tName\r\n";
                    StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + h2);
                    for (int cid = 1; cid <= maxCid; cid++)
                            cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, cid, "", null);
                            csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cinfo.name + "\r\n");
                            csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cid.ToString() + "\r\n");
                    result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, filename, csb);
                    ProgressText = tempDisplay + result;
                catch { }

            #region Dynamic GoStore

            if (!static_proxy)
                DynamicProxy proxy = GetSoapProxy(m_wsdlUrl, "Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortType");
                if (proxy == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create SOAP proxy for Magento");

                //login to get a session id
                object resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("login", m_apiUserName, m_apiKey);
                string sessionID = resultObj.ToString();
                //Type t;
                //XmlSerializer xs;

                //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT----------------------------

                    //Get catalog details
                    resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("resources", sessionID);
                    XElement resources = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj);
                    //t = resultObj.GetType();
                    //xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                    //XElement resources = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj);
                    //TODO: check each CallMethod to make sure it is in this list...

                    //catalog_product.list  catalogProductList
                    resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("catalog_product.list", sessionID);
                    XElement products = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductEntity[]
                    //t = resultObj.GetType();
                    //xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                    //XElement products = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductEntity[]
                    foreach (XElement product in products.Elements("catalogProductEntity"))
                        string pid = "";
                        string pname = "";
                        string patt1 = "";
                            pid = Client.GetValue(product, "product_id");
                            pname = Client.GetValue(product, "name");
                        catch (Exception ex) { }

                            bool first = true;
                            foreach (XElement cat in product.Elements("category_ids"))
                                if (first) first = false;
                                else patt1 += ",";
                                patt1 += Client.GetValue(cat, "id");
                        catch (Exception ex) { }

                        XElement pinfo = null;
                        //#if MAGENTO_API_AVAILABLE
                        catalogProductRequestAttributes a = new catalogProductRequestAttributes();
                        string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date" };
                        a.attributes = attributes;
                        XElement request = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(a);
                        //t = a.GetType();
                        //xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                        //XElement request = xs.SerializeAsXElement(a);
                        string patt2 = "";
                        string pprice = "";
                            //catalog_product.info  catalogProductInfo
                            resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("catalog_product.info", sessionID, pid, a, "id");
                            pinfo = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductReturnEntity
                            //t = resultObj.GetType();
                            //xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                            //pinfo = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductReturnEntity

                            pprice = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "price");
                            XElement xFromDate = pinfo.Element("special_from_date");
                            XElement xToDate = pinfo.Element("special_from_date");
                            if ((xFromDate != null) && (xToDate != null))
                                DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(xFromDate.Value);
                                DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(xToDate.Value);
                                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                                if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd)
                                    pprice = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "special_price");
                        catch (Exception ex) { }

                        string pfilter = "";
                        string plink = "";
                        string psku = "";
                        string pimage = "";
                            plink = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "url_key");
                            psku = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "sku");
                            XElement pimageinfo = null;
                            //catalog_product_attribute_media.info  catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo
                            resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("catalog_product_attribute_media.info", sessionID, pid, "", "", "id");
                            pimageinfo = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj);		//catalogProductImageEntity
                            //t = resultObj.GetType();
                            //xs = new XmlSerializer(t);
                            //pimageinfo = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj);		//catalogProductImageEntity
                            if (pimageinfo != null)
                                pimage = Client.GetValue(pimageinfo, "url");
                        catch { }

                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errMsg = "Error extracting catalog: " + ex.Message;
                    if (ex.InnerException != null)
                        errMsg += "\nInner Exception" + ex.InnerException.Message;
                    result += "\n" + errMsg;

            return result;