Exemple #1
        public Startup(string[] args)
            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()              // Create a new instance of the config builder
                          .SetBasePath(AppContext.BaseDirectory); // Specify the default location for the config file

            Configuration = builder.Build();                      // Build the configuration

            Games        = new List <Mafia.Game>();               // Instantiate our internal games list
            DefaultRoles = new List <Mafia.PlayerRole>();         // Instantiate our default role list

            // Load the list of default roles at runtime
                string json         = File.ReadAllText("DefaultRoles.json");
                var    defaultRoles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Mafia.DefaultRoleCollection>(json);

                Array Powers     = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mafia.PowerFlags));
                Array Alignments = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mafia.PlayerAlignment));

                foreach (Mafia.DefaultRole role in defaultRoles.Roles)
                    Mafia.PowerFlags      drPowers    = Mafia.PowerFlags.None;
                    Mafia.PlayerAlignment drAlignment = Mafia.PlayerAlignment.Town; // Set alignment to town by default in case the specified alignment is invalid

                    foreach (string thisPower in role.Powers)                       // Set power flags for each power specified in the JSON file
                        foreach (Mafia.PowerFlags val in Powers)
                            string powerFlag = Enum.GetName(typeof(Mafia.PowerFlags), val);

                            if (powerFlag == thisPower)
                                drPowers |= val;

                    foreach (Mafia.PlayerAlignment val in Alignments) // Set alignment as specified in the JSON file
                        if (Enum.GetName(typeof(Mafia.PlayerAlignment), val) == role.Alignment)
                            drAlignment = val;

                    DefaultRoles.Add(new Mafia.PlayerRole(role.Name, role.Description, drPowers, role.Charges, drAlignment));
            catch (Exception err)
Exemple #2
        public async Task AddCustomRole([Remainder] string RoleString)
            Game CurrentGame = null;

            foreach (Mafia.Game game in Startup.Games) // Find the game this user started
                if ((game.Mod.Username + game.Mod.Discriminator.ToString()) == (Context.User.Username + Context.User.Discriminator.ToString()))
                    CurrentGame = game;

            if (CurrentGame != null && CurrentGame.State != GameState.Signups) // Ignore command if game is already running
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("This game is already running!");


            if (CurrentGame != null)
                    string[] newRole = RoleString.Split('|');

                    // Attempt to instantiate a new custom role within the current game
                    if (newRole.Length != 5)
                        await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("Role string is not in the proper format!\nex: ##addcustomrole Doctor Miller|A doctor who is also a miller!|Miller,Doctor|-1,-1|Town");
                        Array Powers = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mafia.PowerFlags));

                        string[]         customPowers     = newRole[2].Trim().Split(',');
                        Mafia.PowerFlags customPowerFlags = Mafia.PowerFlags.None;

                        // Compare each specified power to existing enumerated powers and add to the custom power flags if found
                        if (customPowers.Length > 0)
                            foreach (string thisPower in customPowers)
                                foreach (Mafia.PowerFlags val in Powers)
                                    string powerFlag = Enum.GetName(typeof(Mafia.PowerFlags), val);

                                    if (powerFlag == thisPower)
                                        customPowerFlags |= val;

                        Mafia.PlayerAlignment Alignment = Mafia.PlayerAlignment.Town; // Set alignment to town by default in case the specified alignment is invalid
                        Array Alignments = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Mafia.PlayerAlignment));

                        foreach (Mafia.PlayerAlignment val in Alignments)
                            if (Enum.GetName(typeof(Mafia.PlayerAlignment), val) == newRole[4])
                                Alignment = val;

                        // Add new custom role to current game
                        int[] Charges = newRole[3].Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray <int>();

                        CurrentGame.PlayerRoles.Add(new PlayerRole(newRole[0], newRole[1], customPowerFlags, Charges, Alignment));

                        await Context.User.SendMessageAsync($"Custom role \'{newRole[0]}\' added.");
                catch (Exception err)
                    await Context.User.SendMessageAsync(err.Message);
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("There is no game running on this server or you are not the mod of the current game!");