Exemple #1
        public Macro AddProperty(string alias, string name, string type, int sortOrder = 0)
            Log.DebugFormat("Adding property to Macro of type {0} with alias `{1}` and name `{2}`, ", type, alias, name);

            var propertyTypes = MacroPropertyType.GetAll;
            var propertyType  = propertyTypes.Single(x => x.Alias.Equals(type, StringComparison.InvariantCulture));

            var propertyDto = new MacroPropertyDto
                Alias     = alias,
                Name      = name,
                Macro     = _macroDto.Id,
                SortOrder = (byte)sortOrder,
                Type      = (short)propertyType.Id


        private List <MacroPropertyDto> BuildPropertyDtos(IMacro entity)
            var list = new List <MacroPropertyDto>();

            foreach (var p in entity.Properties)
                var text = new MacroPropertyDto
                    Alias       = p.Alias,
                    Name        = p.Name,
                    Macro       = entity.Id,
                    SortOrder   = (byte)p.SortOrder,
                    EditorAlias = p.EditorAlias,
                    Id          = p.Id

        internal MacroDto Map(MacroDto a, MacroPropertyDto p)
            // Terminating call.  Since we can return null from this function
            // we need to be ready for PetaPoco to callback later with null
            // parameters
            if (a == null)

            // Is this the same DictionaryItem as the current one we're processing
            if (Current != null && Current.Id == a.Id)
                // Yes, just add this MacroPropertyDtos to the current item's collection

                // Return null to indicate we're not done with this Macro yet

            // This is a different Macro to the current one, or this is the
            // first time through and we don't have one yet

            // Save the current Macro
            var prev = Current;

            // Setup the new current Macro
            Current = a;
            Current.MacroPropertyDtos = new List <MacroPropertyDto>();
            //this can be null since we are doing a left join
            if (p.Alias != null)

            // Return the now populated previous Macro (or null if first time through)