Exemple #1
        private void GenerateItems()
            MacroCache    macroCache = MacroCache.Instance;
            List <string> macroNames = macroCache.GetMacroNames();

            foreach (string name in macroNames)
                //Symbol symbol = macroCache.GetSymbol(name);
                GraphicBaseElement element =
                    GraphicObjectFactory.CreateInstance(typeof(Macro), MacroCache.Instance.GetMacro(name));
                element.Location = new PointF(element.Bounds.X * -1, element.Bounds.Y * -1);
                int width  = (int)element.Bounds.Width + 1;
                int height = (int)element.Bounds.Height + 1;
                if (width < 48)
                    width = 48;
                if (height < 48)
                    height = 48;
                if (width > 48 && height <= 48)
                    element.Location = new PointF(element.Location.X, element.Location.Y + (width - height));
                    height           = width;
                if (height > 48 && width <= 48)
                    element.Location = new PointF(element.Location.X + (height - width), element.Location.Y);
                    width            = height;
                Image img = new Bitmap(width, height);

                imageList_Symbols.Images.Add(name, img);

                ListViewItem item = listView_Macros.Items.Add(name, imageList_Symbols.Images.IndexOfKey(name));
        //private Connection ConvertConnectionData(ConnectionData connectionData) //directly done in CreateElements()
        //    Connection connection = new Connection();
        //    connection.Name = connectionData.Name;
        //    return connection;

        private InputOutputElement ConvertElementData(BaseElementData elemData, bool createGraphics,
                                                      Dictionary <BaseElement, BaseElementData> elemDict, SignalList signals)
            InputOutputElement io = null;
            //determine type
            string desiredType = String.Empty;

            if (elemData is ClockData)
                desiredType = typeof(Clock).Name;
            if (elemData is ConstantInputData)
                desiredType = typeof(ConstantInput).Name;
            if (elemData is InputElementData)
                desiredType = typeof(SignalInput).Name;
            if (elemData is OutputElementData)
                desiredType = typeof(SignalOutput).Name;
            if (elemData is IOElementData)
                desiredType = (elemData as IOElementData).Type;
            if (elemData is MacroElementData)
                desiredType = typeof(Macro).Name;
                MacroCache       cache            = MacroCache.Instance;
                MacroElementData macroElementData = elemData as MacroElementData;
                io = cache.GetMacro(macroElementData.Type);
                if (io == null)
                    string loaded = cache.LoadMacro(macroElementData.Reference);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(loaded))
                        throw new MacroReferenceNotFoundException(String.Format("Macro not found: \"{0}\".", macroElementData.Type));
                    else if (loaded.CompareTo(macroElementData.Type) != 0)
                        throw new MacroReferenceTypeMismatchException(String.Format("Desired macro type \"{0}\" mismatches type \"{1}\" contained in file \"{2}\".", macroElementData.Type, loaded, macroElementData.Reference));
                    io = cache.GetMacro(macroElementData.Type);
                if (createGraphics)
                    GraphicBaseElement graphic = GraphicObjectFactory.CreateInstance(typeof(Macro), io);
                    graphic.Location = new PointF(elemData.X, elemData.Y);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(desiredType))
                throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format("Restoring of Type {0} not implemented", elemData.GetType().Name));
                //return null;
            //create instance of io element type type (not macros)
            foreach (Type type in m_ElementTypes)
                if (type.Name.Equals(desiredType))
                    io = (InputOutputElement)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                    if (elemData is InputElementData)
                        InputElementData inelemData = elemData as InputElementData;
                        if (signals != null)
                            foreach (Signal signal in signals)
                                if (signal.Name.Equals(inelemData.SignalName))
                                    (io as SignalInput).Signal = signal;

                    if (createGraphics)
                        GraphicBaseElement graphic = GraphicObjectFactory.CreateInstance(type, io);
                        graphic.Location = new PointF(elemData.X, elemData.Y);
            if (io == null)
            //restore terminals
            if (elemData is ClockData)
                ClockData clockData = elemData as ClockData;
                io.OutputCount = clockData.Outputs.Length;
                RestoreTerminals(clockData.Outputs, io.Outputs);
                Clock clock = io as Clock;
                clock.HighDuration = clockData.HighDuration;
                clock.LowDuration  = clockData.LowDuration;
            if (elemData is ConstantInputData)
                ConstantInputData  inelemData = elemData as ConstantInputData;
                StateTypeConverter stateconv  = new StateTypeConverter();
                (io as ConstantInput).State = (State)stateconv.ConvertFromString(inelemData.State.Trim());
                io.OutputCount = inelemData.Outputs.Length;
                RestoreTerminals(inelemData.Outputs, io.Outputs);
            if (elemData is InputElementData)
                InputElementData inelemData = elemData as InputElementData;
                io.OutputCount = inelemData.Outputs.Length;
                RestoreTerminals(inelemData.Outputs, io.Outputs);
                if (signals != null)
                    foreach (Signal signal in signals)
                        if (signal.Name.Equals(inelemData.SignalName))
                            (io as SignalInput).Signal = signal;
            if (elemData is OutputElementData)
                OutputElementData outelemData = elemData as OutputElementData;
                (io as SignalOutput).SignalName = outelemData.SignalName;
                io.InputCount = outelemData.Inputs.Length;
                RestoreTerminals(outelemData.Inputs, io.Inputs);
            if (elemData is IOElementData || elemData is MacroElementData)
                IOElementData ioelemData = elemData as IOElementData;
                io.InputCount  = ioelemData.Inputs.Length;
                io.OutputCount = ioelemData.Outputs.Length;
                RestoreTerminals(ioelemData.Inputs, io.Inputs);
                RestoreTerminals(ioelemData.Outputs, io.Outputs);
                io.UpdateIndex  = ioelemData.Index;
                io.UnitDelay    = ioelemData.UnitDelay;
                io.NegEdgeDelay = ioelemData.NegativeEdgeDelay;
                io.PosEdgeDelay = ioelemData.PositiveEdgeDelay;
            io.Name = elemData.Name;
            elemDict.Add(io, elemData);