private static void PromptMatrix(string text, Macierz.Macierz m) { Console.WriteLine("\n " + text + ": "); Console.WriteLine("Dimensions: " + m.GetLength(0) + " x " + m.GetLength(1)); Console.WriteLine(m.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Sum of all cells: " + m.Sum()); }
private static void PromptMatrix(char symbol, Macierz.Macierz m) { if (m.IsZero) { Console.WriteLine("\n Matrix " + symbol + " is empty."); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n Matrix " + symbol + ": "); Console.WriteLine("Dimensions: " + m.GetLength(0) + " x " + m.GetLength(1)); Console.WriteLine(m.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Sum of all cells: " + m.Sum()); } }
private static void WriteFile(Macierz.Macierz m) { if (!m.IsZero) { try { for (;;) { bool fc = false; Console.Write("Enter filename (without the .txt extension)[Q to break]: "); var crl = Console.ReadLine(); crl.Trim(); if (crl == "Q" || crl == "q") { break; } char[] arr = crl.ToCharArray(); foreach (var a in arr) { if (a == '<' || a == '>' || a == '?' || a == '\\' || a == '/' || a == '/' || a == '*' || a == ':' || a == '?' || a == '|' || a == '"') { fc = true; break; } } if (fc) { Console.Write("String contains forbidden characters.\nTry entering a diffrent filename.\n"); continue; } if (File.Exists(crl + ".txt")) { Console.Write("File already exits, try diffrent name \n"); Console.Write("Type 'overwrite' to overwrite of any key to change name \n"); var crl1 = Console.ReadLine(); if (crl1?.Trim() != "overwrite") { continue; } } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(crl + ".txt"); sw.WriteLine(m.GetLength(0) + " " + m.GetLength(1)); var matat = m.ToString(); string[] lines = matat.Split('\n'); foreach (var l in lines) { sw.WriteLine(l); } sw.Close(); Console.Write("\n =============File saved.============\n"); break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write("Exception occurred while writing file"); Console.WriteLine(e); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Matrix is empty"); Console.WriteLine("No files were created"); } }