public ActionResult Index(MachineCafe machinecafe)
            machinecafe.Boisson.ChoixList = GetBoissonListItemsFromHttpClient();
            Boisson boisson     = machinecafe.Boisson;
            int     mug         = machinecafe.Mug;
            int     qtesucre    = machinecafe.Qtesucre;
            string  nom_boisson = "";

            ViewBag.QteSucre = GetQtesucreListItems();
            ViewBag.Mug      = GetMugListItems();
            if ( == 1)
                nom_boisson = "Cafe";
            else if ( == 2)
                nom_boisson = "The";
                nom_boisson = "Chocolat";
            ViewBag.commande = "Vous avez commander un " + nom_boisson + " avec " + qtesucre.ToString() + " Morceaux de sucre et " + (mug == 0 ? "Vous n'avez pas utilisé votre propre mug" : "Vous avez utilisé votre propre mug");
        public ActionResult Index()
            List <Boisson> BoissonInfo = new List <Boisson>();
            Boisson        bn          = new Boisson();

            bn.ChoixList = GetBoissonListItemsFromHttpClient();

            MachineCafe mc = new MachineCafe();

            mc.Boisson       = bn;
            ViewBag.QteSucre = GetQtesucreListItems();
            ViewBag.Mug      = GetMugListItems();


            //using (var BoissonHttpClient = new HttpClient())
            //    //Passing service base url
            //    BoissonHttpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(Baseurl);

            //    BoissonHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear();
            //    //Define request data format
            //    BoissonHttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

            //    //Sending request to find web api REST service resource GetAllEmployees using HttpClient
            //    HttpResponseMessage Res = await BoissonHttpClient.GetAsync("api/Boisson");

            //    //Checking the response is successful or not which is sent using HttpClient
            //    if (Res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            //    {
            //        //Storing the response details recieved from web api
            //        var APIResponse = Res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            //        //Deserializing the response recieved from web api and storing into the Employee list
            //        BoissonInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Boisson>>(APIResponse);

            //        bn.ChoixList = from boissoninfo in BoissonInfo
            //                       select new SelectListItem
            //                       {
            //                           Text = boissoninfo.lib_Boisson.ToString(),
            //                           Value = ((int)
            //                       };

            //    }
            //    //*****************************************
            //    MachineCafe mc = new MachineCafe();
            //    mc.Boisson = bn;
            //    // mc.Mug = 0;
            //    //mc.Qtesucre = 0;

            //    ViewBag.QteSucre = GetQtesucreListItems();
            //    ViewBag.Mug = GetMugListItems();

            //    return View(mc);