Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function taken from:
        /// https://gist.github.com/aeroson/043001ca12fe29ee911e
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MVector3 ToEulerRad(this MQuaternion rotation)
            double   sqw  = rotation.W * rotation.W;
            double   sqx  = rotation.X * rotation.X;
            double   sqy  = rotation.Y * rotation.Y;
            double   sqz  = rotation.Z * rotation.Z;
            double   unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw; // if normalised is one, otherwise is correction factor
            double   test = rotation.X * rotation.W - rotation.Y * rotation.Z;
            MVector3 v    = new MVector3();

            if (test > 0.4995f * unit)
            { // singularity at north pole
                v.Y = 2f * Math.Atan2(rotation.Y, rotation.X);
                v.X = Math.PI / 2;
                v.Z = 0;
            if (test < -0.4995f * unit)
            { // singularity at south pole
                v.Y = -2f * Math.Atan2(rotation.Y, rotation.X);
                v.X = -Math.PI / 2;
                v.Z = 0;
            MQuaternion q = new MQuaternion(rotation.W, rotation.Z, rotation.X, rotation.Y);

            v.Y = Math.Atan2(2f * q.X * q.W + 2f * q.Y * q.Z, 1 - 2f * (q.Z * q.Z + q.W * q.W)); // Yaw
            v.X = Math.Asin(2f * (q.X * q.Z - q.W * q.Y));                                       // Pitch
            v.Z = Math.Atan2(2f * q.X * q.Y + 2f * q.Z * q.W, 1 - 2f * (q.Y * q.Y + q.Z * q.Z)); // Roll
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation based on https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/understanding-steering-behaviors-collision-avoidance--gamedev-7777
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        private MVector3 ComputCollisionAvoidance(MVector3 position, MVector3 velocity)
            MVector3 normalizedVelocity = velocity.Normalize();
            float    MAX_SEE_AHEAD      = 0.4f;
            float    MAX_AVOID_FORCE    = 5f;

            //ahead = position + normalize(velocity) * MAX_SEE_AHEAD
            MVector3 ahead = position.Add(normalizedVelocity.Multiply(MAX_SEE_AHEAD));

            MVector3 ahead2 = position.Add(normalizedVelocity.Multiply(MAX_SEE_AHEAD * 0.5f));

            ///The obstacles describing the body
            List <Obstacle> obstacles = new List <Obstacle>();

            MVector3 pelvisPosition = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);
            MVector3 headPosition   = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint);

            obstacles.Add(new Obstacle()
                Center = pelvisPosition,
                Radius = 0.45f

            obstacles.Add(new Obstacle()
                Center = headPosition,
                Radius = 0.3f
            Obstacle mostThreatening = findMostThreateningObstacle(position, ahead, ahead2, obstacles);

            MVector3 avoidance = new MVector3(0, 0, 0);

            if (mostThreatening != null)
                avoidance.X = ahead.X - mostThreatening.Center.X;
                avoidance.Y = ahead.Y - mostThreatening.Center.Y;
                avoidance.Z = ahead.Z - mostThreatening.Center.Z;

                avoidance = avoidance.Normalize();
                avoidance = avoidance.Multiply(MAX_AVOID_FORCE);
                avoidance = avoidance.Multiply(0);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a local motion planning to estimate the next pose
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="targetRotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform DoLocalMotionPlanning(double velocity, TimeSpan time, MVector3 currentPosition, MQuaternion currentRotation, MVector3 targetPosition, MQuaternion targetRotation)
            //Create a resulting transform
            MTransform result = new MTransform();

            //Estimate the delta
            MVector3 deltaPosition = targetPosition.Subtract(currentPosition);

            //Estimate the meximum allowed delta
            double maxTranslationDelta = velocity * time.TotalSeconds;

            //Limit the maximum
            if (deltaPosition.Magnitude() >= maxTranslationDelta)
                deltaPosition = deltaPosition.Normalize();
                deltaPosition = deltaPosition.Multiply(maxTranslationDelta);

            float  angularVelocityReach = 100f;
            double angle = Math.Abs(MQuaternionExtensions.Angle(currentRotation, targetRotation));

            double maxAngle = angularVelocityReach * time.TotalSeconds;

            //Estimate the blendweihgt for the oreitnation blending
            double weight = Math.Min(1, maxAngle / angle);

            result.Position = currentPosition.Add(deltaPosition);
            result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, (float)weight);
            //result.Time = time;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual motion planning
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="angularVelocity"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="targetRotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform DoLocalMotionPlanning(float velocity, float angularVelocity, TimeSpan time, MVector3 currentPosition, MQuaternion currentRotation, MVector3 targetPosition, MQuaternion targetRotation)
            MTransform result = new MTransform();

            MVector3 delta = targetPosition.Subtract(currentPosition);
            double   angle = Math.Abs(MQuaternionExtensions.Angle(currentRotation, targetRotation));

            double maxTranslationDelta = velocity * time.TotalSeconds;

            if (delta.Magnitude() >= maxTranslationDelta)
                delta = delta.Normalize();
                delta = delta.Multiply(maxTranslationDelta);

            //To do consider self collision

            double maxAngle = angularVelocity * time.TotalSeconds;

            if (angle < maxAngle)
                angle = maxAngle;

            double weight = Math.Min(1, maxAngle / angle);

            result.Position = currentPosition.Add(delta);
            result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, (float)weight);
            //result.Time = time;

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the new (desired) hand position considering the offset of the collider (to avoid self-collisions)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetHandPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MVector3 ComputeNewPositionWithOffset(MVector3 targetHandPosition, MAvatarPostureValues currentPosture)
            //Optionally ensure that the object does not intersect the avatar
            MCollider collider = this.SceneAccess.GetColliderById(this.objectTransform.ID);

            //Determine the offset based on the respective collider
            float offset = 0;

            if (collider.SphereColliderProperties != null)
                offset = (float)collider.SphereColliderProperties.Radius;

            if (collider.BoxColliderProperties != null)
                offset = (float)collider.BoxColliderProperties.Size.Magnitude();

            if (collider.CapsuleColliderProperties != null)
                offset = Math.Max((float)collider.CapsuleColliderProperties.Height, (float)collider.CapsuleColliderProperties.Radius);

            //The offset could be also dynamically determined (using the mesh intersection distance or using Physics Compute Pentration in unity)


            //Get the shoulder positions
            MVector3 leftShoulderPosition  = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.LeftShoulder);
            MVector3 rightShoulderPosition = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.RightShoulder);

            //Compute the direction vector pointing from the avatar towards the respective hand
            MVector3 dir = new MVector3(0, 0, 0);

            switch (this.handJoint)
            case MJointType.LeftWrist:
                dir = leftShoulderPosition.Subtract(rightShoulderPosition).Normalize();

            case MJointType.RightWrist:
                dir = rightShoulderPosition.Subtract(leftShoulderPosition).Normalize();

            //Add an offset on top of the position
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs local motion planning to reach the defined point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="targetRotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform DoLocalMotionPlanning(double velocity, double angularVelocity, TimeSpan time, MVector3 currentPosition, MQuaternion currentRotation, MVector3 targetPosition, MQuaternion targetRotation)
            //Create a new transform representing the result
            MTransform result = new MTransform();

            //Estimate the vector to reach the goal
            MVector3 delta    = targetPosition.Subtract(currentPosition);
            float    distance = delta.Magnitude();

            //Determine the angular distance
            double angle = Math.Abs(MQuaternionExtensions.Angle(currentRotation, targetRotation));

            //Determine the max translation delta and max angle
            double maxTranslationDelta = velocity * time.TotalSeconds;
            double maxAngle            = angularVelocity * time.TotalSeconds;

            //Compute the translation weight
            float translationWeight = (float)Math.Min(1, maxTranslationDelta / delta.Magnitude());

            //Compute the rotation weight
            float rotationWeight = (float)Math.Min(1, maxAngle / angle);

            //Limit the translation
            if (delta.Magnitude() >= maxTranslationDelta)
                delta = delta.Normalize();
                delta = delta.Multiply(maxTranslationDelta);

            //Compute the new position
            result.Position = currentPosition.Add(delta);

            if (angularVelocity == 0)
                result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, translationWeight);

                result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationWeight);

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates the current transform around the specific point and axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">The rotation center</param>
        /// <param name="axis">The rotation axis</param>
        /// <param name="angle">The angle to rotate</param>
        private static MTransform RotateAround(MTransform transform, MVector3 center, MVector3 axis, float angle)
            MTransform res = new MTransform()
                ID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString()

            MVector3 pos = transform.Position;

            MQuaternion rot = MQuaternionExtensions.FromEuler(axis.Multiply(angle)); // get the desired rotation
            MVector3    dir = pos.Subtract(center);                                  // find current direction relative to center

            dir = rot.Multiply(dir);                                                 // rotate the direction

            res.Position = center.Add(dir);                                          // define new position
            MQuaternion myRot = transform.Rotation;

            res.Rotation = transform.Rotation.Multiply(MQuaternionExtensions.Inverse(myRot).Multiply(rot).Multiply(myRot));

Exemple #8
        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Reset the properties
            this.UseCarryIK      = false;
            this.bothHandedCarry = false;
            this.bothHandedState = CarryState.None;
            this.simulationState = simulationState;

            //Create a list which contains the hands which should be considered for carrying
            List <HandContainer> toPlan = new List <HandContainer>();

            if (instruction.Properties == null)
                throw new Exception($"{this.Name}: No properties defined!");

            //Extract the hand information
            if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Hand"))
                switch (instruction.Properties["Hand"])
                case "Left":
                    toPlan.Add(this.SetupHand(HandType.Left, instruction));
                    this.bothHandedCarry = false;

                case "Right":
                    toPlan.Add(this.SetupHand(HandType.Right, instruction));
                    this.bothHandedCarry = false;

                case "Both":
                    //Set flag for both handed carry
                    this.bothHandedCarry = true;
                    toPlan.Add(this.SetupHand(HandType.Left, instruction));
                    toPlan.Add(this.SetupHand(HandType.Right, instruction));
                toPlan.Add(this.SetupHand(HandType.Right, instruction));

            //Use the carry target if defined
            if (!instruction.Properties.GetValue(out this.CarryTargetName, "CarryTarget"))
                this.CarryTargetName = null;

            //Use the carry target if defined
            if (!instruction.Properties.GetValue(out this.UseCarryIK, "UseCarryIK"))
                UseCarryIK = false;

            //Use carry distance if defined
            if (!instruction.Properties.GetValue(out this.carryDistanceBothHanded, "CarryDistance"))
                carryDistanceBothHanded = 0.65f;

            //Use carry distance if defined
            if (!instruction.Properties.GetValue(out this.carryHeightBothHanded, "CarryHeight"))
                carryHeightBothHanded = 0.2f;

            //Use carry distance if defined
            if (!instruction.Properties.GetValue(out this.positionObjectVelocity, "Velocity"))
                this.positionObjectVelocity = 1.0f;

            //Compute and plan the relevant aspects of each hand
            foreach (HandContainer hand in toPlan)
                //Get the (initial) hand transform
                MTransform handTransform = this.GetTransform(simulationState.Initial, hand.Type);

                //Get the current transform of the scene object
                MTransform sceneObjectTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(hand.Instruction.Properties["TargetID"]);

                //Get the hand pose
                    hand.HandPose = GetTransform(simulationState.Initial, hand.Type);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Problem estimating hand pose: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

                //Compute the relative transform of the hand (hand relative to object)
                hand.HandOffset = new MTransform("", sceneObjectTransform.InverseTransformPoint(handTransform.Position), sceneObjectTransform.InverseTransformRotation(handTransform.Rotation));

                //Compute the inverse offset (object relative to hand)
                hand.ObjectOffset = new MTransform("", handTransform.InverseTransformPoint(sceneObjectTransform.Position), handTransform.InverseTransformRotation(sceneObjectTransform.Rotation));

                //Set state to positioning
                hand.State = CarryState.Positioning;

            //Do additional computations for both handed carry
            if (bothHandedCarry)
                //Set the state to positioning
                this.bothHandedState = CarryState.Positioning;

                //Assign the instruction
                this.instruction = instruction;

                //Get the current object transorm
                MTransform currentObjectTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(this.instruction.Properties["TargetID"]);

                //Get the current root transform -> to do
                MTransform rootTransform = GetTransform(this.simulationState.Initial, MJointType.PelvisCentre);

                //Compute the relative object transform
                this.relativeObjectRotation = rootTransform.InverseTransformRotation(currentObjectTransform.Rotation);
                this.relativeObjectPosition = rootTransform.InverseTransformPoint(currentObjectTransform.Position);

                //Manually specify a carry target
                if (this.CarryTargetName == null || this.CarryTargetName.Length == 0)
                    MTransform refTransform = GetTransform(this.simulationState.Initial, bothHandedCarryReferenceJoint);
                    MVector3   forward      = GetRootForwad(this.simulationState.Initial);

                    //Determine the ref transform rotation just consider the y axis rotation
                    refTransform.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.FromEuler(new MVector3(0, Extensions.SignedAngle(new MVector3(0, 0, 1), forward, new MVector3(0, 1, 0)), 0));

                    //Compute the delta
                    //MVector3 delta = currentObjectTransform.Position.Subtract(refTransform.Position);
                    //MVector3 direction = new MVector3(delta.X, 0, delta.Z).Normalize();

                    //The carry position i
                    MVector3 carryPosition = refTransform.Position.Add(forward.Multiply(this.carryDistanceBothHanded)).Add(new MVector3(0, carryHeightBothHanded, 0f));

                    //Forwad + offset
                    this.internalCarryTransform = new MTransform("CarryTarget", refTransform.InverseTransformPoint(carryPosition), refTransform.InverseTransformRotation(currentObjectTransform.Rotation));

            return(new MBoolResponse(true));
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Method performs a local motion planning and tries to reach the specified goal position and rotation using the given velocity,angular velocity and time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="velocity"></param>
        /// <param name="angularVelocity"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="targetPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="targetRotation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform DoLocalMotionPlanning(double velocity, double angularVelocity, TimeSpan time, MVector3 currentPosition, MQuaternion currentRotation, MVector3 targetPosition, MQuaternion targetRotation, bool collisionAvoidance)
            //Create a new transform representing the result
            MTransform result = new MTransform();

            //Estimate the delta
            MVector3 delta = targetPosition.Subtract(currentPosition);

            //Determine the current delta angle
            double angle = Math.Abs(MQuaternionExtensions.Angle(currentRotation, targetRotation));

            //Determine the max translation delta and max angle in the current frame
            double maxTranslationDelta = velocity * time.TotalSeconds;
            double maxAngle            = angularVelocity * time.TotalSeconds;

            //Estimate the blend weight for the rotation and position
            float rotationWeight = (float)Math.Min(1, maxAngle / angle);
            float positionWeight = (float)Math.Min(1, maxTranslationDelta / delta.Magnitude());

            //Limit the max translation
            if (delta.Magnitude() >= maxTranslationDelta)
                delta = delta.Normalize();
                delta = delta.Multiply(maxTranslationDelta);

            if (collisionAvoidance)
                MVector3 collisionAvoidanceForce = this.ComputCollisionAvoidance(currentPosition, delta);

                //if (collisionAvoidanceForce.Magnitude() > 0)
                //    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_INFO, "Collision avoidance force: " + collisionAvoidanceForce.Magnitude());

                //Add the collision avoidance force on top
                delta = delta.Add(collisionAvoidanceForce);

                //Limit the max translation
                if (delta.Magnitude() >= maxTranslationDelta)
                    delta = delta.Normalize();
                    delta = delta.Multiply(maxTranslationDelta);

            //Compute the new position
            result.Position = currentPosition.Add(delta);

            //Compute the new rotation by interpolating towards the target rotation
            if (angularVelocity > 0)
                result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationWeight);

            //Use the rotation weight
                result.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, positionWeight);

            //Return the simulation result
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Default do step routine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="simulationState"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override MSimulationResult DoStep(double time, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Create a new simulation result
            MSimulationResult result = new MSimulationResult()
                Events             = simulationState.Events ?? new List <MSimulationEvent>(),
                Constraints        = simulationState.Constraints ?? new List <MConstraint>(),
                SceneManipulations = simulationState.SceneManipulations ?? new List <MSceneManipulation>(),
                Posture            = simulationState.Current

            //Set the channel data to reflect to current posture

            //Set the default rotation of the head and neck joints
            SkeletonAccess.SetLocalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint, initialHeadRotation);
            SkeletonAccess.SetLocalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.C4C5Joint, initialNeckRotation);

            //Create a transform representing the current head location
            MTransform currentTransform = new MTransform()
                ID       = "",
                Position = SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint),
                Rotation = SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint)

            //Create a transform representing the parent location (neck)
            MTransform parentTransform = new MTransform()
                ID       = "",
                Position = SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.C4C5Joint),
                Rotation = SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.C4C5Joint)

            //The current head forward vector
            MVector3 currentHeadForward = new MVector3(-1, 0, 0);

            //Compute the local position of the desired object (relative to the neck)
            MVector3 localPosition = parentTransform.InverseTransformPoint(this.gazeTarget.Position);

            //Get the xz distance in local space
            float distance = new MVector3(localPosition.X, 0, localPosition.Z).Magnitude();
            float height   = (float)localPosition.Y;

            //Compute the current angle
            float currentAngle = (float)(Math.Atan(height / distance) * 180 / Math.PI);

            //Limit if below lower limit
            if (currentAngle < lowerLimit)
                localPosition.Y = Math.Tan(lowerLimit * Math.PI / 180) * distance;

            //Limit if above upper angle limit
            if (currentAngle > upperLimit)
                localPosition.Y = Math.Tan(upperLimit * Math.PI / 180) * distance;

            float maxYAngle = 80f;

            //Limit xz position
            float yAngle = (float)MVector3Extensions.Angle(currentHeadForward, new MVector3(localPosition.X, 0, localPosition.Z));

            if (yAngle > maxYAngle)
                //The interpolated direction
                MVector3 interpolatedDirection = MVector3Extensions.Lerp(currentHeadForward, new MVector3(localPosition.X, 0, localPosition.Z).Normalize(), (maxYAngle / yAngle)).Normalize();

                //Perform correction
                MVector3 newLocalPositionsXZ = interpolatedDirection.Multiply(distance);

                localPosition.X = newLocalPositionsXZ.X;
                localPosition.Z = newLocalPositionsXZ.Z;

            //Compute the desired and current facing direction
            MVector3 desiredHeadForward = localPosition.Normalize();

            //Estimate the rotation that is required to rotate from the current head direction towards the desired one
            MQuaternion deltaRotation = FromToRotation(currentHeadForward, new MVector3(desiredHeadForward.X, -desiredHeadForward.Y, desiredHeadForward.Z));

            //Gather the current location rotation
            MQuaternion currentLocalRotation = SkeletonAccess.GetLocalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint);

            //Update the local joint rotation to adjust the facing direction to the desired values

            SkeletonAccess.SetLocalJointRotation(AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.HeadJoint, currentLocalRotation.Multiply(deltaRotation));

            //Set the updated postures
            result.Posture = SkeletonAccess.RecomputeCurrentPostureValues(AvatarDescription.AvatarID);

            //Return the simulation results