public SimpleUITriggerUserControl()
            #region SetUp
            MVVMContext mvvmContext = new MVVMContext();
            mvvmContext.ContainerControl = this;

            CheckEdit checkEdit = new CheckEdit();
            checkEdit.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
            checkEdit.Text = "IsActive";

            LabelControl label = new LabelControl();
            label.Dock         = DockStyle.Top;
            label.AutoSizeMode = LabelAutoSizeMode.Vertical;
            label.Text         = "Inactive";

            label.Parent     = this;
            checkEdit.Parent = this;
            #endregion SetUp

            #region #simpleUITrigger
            // Set type of POCO-ViewModel
            mvvmContext.ViewModelType = typeof(UIViewModel);
            // Data binding for the IsActive property
            mvvmContext.SetBinding <CheckEdit, UIViewModel, bool>(checkEdit, c => c.Checked, x => x.IsActive);
            // Property-change Trigger for the IsActive property
            mvvmContext.SetTrigger <UIViewModel, bool>(x => x.IsActive, (active) =>
                label.Text = active ? "Active" : "Inactive";
            #endregion #simpleUITrigger