public void GenMountainPositionsForGridCell(List <MountainData> locs, Vector2i mountainPos, Vector2i chunkPos, int seed) { Vector2i mtChunk = new Vector2i((int)(mountainPos.X * MountainGridSize), (int)(mountainPos.Y * MountainGridSize)); Location chunkCenter = chunkPos.ToLocation() * Constants.CHUNK_WIDTH; MTRandom random = new MTRandom(39, (ulong)(mountainPos.X * 39 + mountainPos.Y + seed)); int count = random.Next(1, 3); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int rangeSize; if (random.Next(10) > 5) { rangeSize = random.Next(5, 13); } else { rangeSize = random.Next(3, 8); } double ca = random.NextDouble(); double cb = random.NextDouble(); Vector2i centerMt = new Vector2i(mtChunk.X * Constants.CHUNK_WIDTH + (int)(ca * MountainGridSize * Constants.CHUNK_WIDTH), mtChunk.Y * Constants.CHUNK_WIDTH + (int)(cb * MountainGridSize * Constants.CHUNK_WIDTH)); double ch = random.NextDouble() * 512 + 512; double cradius = random.NextDouble() * ch * 0.25 + ch * 0.75; MountainData cmt = new MountainData() { Center = centerMt, Height = ch, Radius = cradius }; if (centerMt.ToLocation().DistanceSquared(chunkCenter) < (MountainMaxSizeBlocks * MountainMaxSizeBlocks)) { locs.Add(cmt); } double ph = ch; for (int r = 1; r < rangeSize; r++) { double ra = random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0; double rb = random.NextDouble() * 2.0 - 1.0; ra = ra > 0 ? Math.Max(r / (double)rangeSize, ra) : Math.Min(-r / (double)rangeSize, ra); rb = rb > 0 ? Math.Max(r / (double)rangeSize, rb) : Math.Min(-r / (double)rangeSize, rb); Vector2i rngMt = new Vector2i(centerMt.X + (int)(ra * MountainRangeRadius), centerMt.Y + (int)(rb * MountainRangeRadius)); double rh = random.NextDouble() * (ph * 0.5) + (ph * 0.5); double rradius = random.NextDouble() * rh * 0.25 + rh * 0.75; MountainData rmt = new MountainData() { Center = rngMt, Height = rh, Radius = rradius }; if (rngMt.ToLocation().DistanceSquared(chunkCenter) < (MountainMaxSizeBlocks * MountainMaxSizeBlocks)) { locs.Add(rmt); } } } }
private void GeneratePattern(int num) { // If all patterns of 'val' level are stale, swap allPatternsList and patternStaleList if (allPatternsList[num].Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("allPatterns Count: " + allPatternsList[num].Count); Console.WriteLine("patternStale Count: " + patternStaleList[num].Count); allPatternsList[num].AddRange(patternStaleList[num]); patternStaleList[num].Clear(); } if (allPatternsList[num].Count == 0) { return; } int ran = random.Next(0, allPatternsList[num].Count - 1); if (process == null) { process = (Process)Activator.CreateInstance(allPatternsList[num][ran], new object[] { Engine, ProcessManager, this }); process.SetNext(new WaitForFamilyCountProcess(Engine, _enemyFamily, CVars.Get <int>("spawner_max_enemy_count"))); } else { process.SetNext((Process)Activator.CreateInstance(allPatternsList[num][ran], new object[] { Engine, ProcessManager, this })); process.SetNext(new WaitForFamilyCountProcess(Engine, _enemyFamily, CVars.Get <int>("spawner_max_enemy_count"))); } patternStaleList[num].Add(allPatternsList[num][ran]); allPatternsList[num].RemoveAt(ran); }
public void GenerateTrees(SimpleGeneratorCore sgc, Vector3i chunkPos, int Seed, int seed, int seed3, int seed4, int seed5) { Trees = new List <KeyValuePair <Vector2i, int> >(); ChunkPosition = chunkPos; CPos = chunkPos.ToLocation() * Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE; MTRandom random = new MTRandom((ulong)chunkPos.GetHashCode()); // TODO: Biome basis! int c = 0; if (random.Next(1, 5) == 1) { if (random.Next(1, 5) == 1) { if (random.Next(1, 5) == 1) { c = random.Next(1, 3); } else { c = random.Next(1, 2); } } else { c = 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { Trees.Add(new KeyValuePair <Vector2i, int>(new Vector2i(random.Next(Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE), random.Next(Chunk.CHUNK_SIZE)), random.Next())); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the world configuration onto this world object. /// Is called as part of the startup sequence for a world. /// </summary> public void LoadConfig() { string folder = "saves/" + Name; TheServer.Files.CreateDirectory(folder); // TODO: Journaling read string fname = folder + "/world.fds"; if (TheServer.Files.Exists(fname)) { Config = new FDSSection(TheServer.Files.ReadText(fname)); } else { Config = new FDSSection(); } Config.Set("general.IMPORTANT_NOTE", "Edit this configuration at your own risk!"); Config.Set("", Name); Config.Default("general.seed", Utilities.UtilRandom.Next(SeedMax) - SeedMax / 2); Config.Default("general.spawnpoint", new Location(0, 0, 50).ToString()); Config.Default("general.time", 0); Config.Default("general.generator", "simple"); Config.Default("general.generator_scale", 1.0); Settings = new WorldSettings(); Settings.LoadFromSection(TheServer, Config); GlobalTickTime = Config.GetDouble("general.time", 0).Value; CFGEdited = true; Seed = Config.GetInt("general.seed", DefaultSeed).Value; SpawnPoint = Location.FromString(Config.GetString("general.spawnpoint", DefaultSpawnPoint)); Generator = Config.GetString("general.generator", "simple").ToLowerFast(); GeneratorScale = Config.GetDouble("general.generator_scale", 1.0).Value; MTRandom seedGen = new MTRandom(39, (ulong)Seed); Seed2 = (seedGen.Next(SeedMax) - SeedMax / 2); Seed3 = (seedGen.Next(SeedMax) - SeedMax / 2); Seed4 = (seedGen.Next(SeedMax) - SeedMax / 2); Seed5 = (seedGen.Next(SeedMax) - SeedMax / 2); SaveConfig(); }
private void SpawnEntity() { float zoom = Camera.TotalZoom; Entity entity = _entityCreationFunctions[_random.Next(0, _entityCreationFunctions.Length - 1)].Invoke(Engine); TransformComponent transformComp = entity.GetComponent <TransformComponent>(); transformComp.SetPosition(CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_spawner_x") / zoom, _random.NextSingle(CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_spawner_y_min"), CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_spawner_y_max")), true); transformComp.SetRotation((float)(_random.NextSingle() * Math.PI * 2), true); entity.AddComponent(new MovementComponent(new Vector2(-1, 0), _random.NextSingle(CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_entity_speed_min"), CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_entity_speed_max")))); entity.GetComponent <MovementComponent>().UpdateRotationWithDirection = false; entity.AddComponent(new RotationComponent(_random.NextSingle(CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_entity_angular_speed_min"), CVars.Get <float>("entity_background_entity_angular_speed_max")))); entity.AddComponent(new MenuBackgroundComponent()); }
/// <summary> /// 按权重获取随机整数 /// </summary> /// <param name="weights">Weights.</param> public static int RandomByWeight(int[] weights) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++) { sum += weights [i]; } int rnd = MTRandom.Next(sum); int cumulate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++) { if (cumulate > rnd) { return(i - 1); } cumulate += weights [i]; } return(weights.Length - 1); }
/// <summary> /// 按权重获取随机整数 /// </summary> /// <param name="weights">Weights.</param> public static int RandomByWeight(List <int> weights) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++) { sum += weights [i]; } int rnd = MTRandom.Next(sum); int cumulate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.Count; i++) { if (cumulate > rnd) { return(i - 1); } cumulate += weights [i]; } return(weights.Count - 1); }
void AttachFluctuationSequence() { int availableFluctuationsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _fluctuationUnlockedLevel; i++) { availableFluctuationsCount += Constants.Fluctuations.FLUCTUATIONS[i].Length; } Type[] fluctuations = new Type[availableFluctuationsCount]; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _fluctuationUnlockedLevel; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Constants.Fluctuations.FLUCTUATIONS[i].Length; j++) { fluctuations[k++] = Constants.Fluctuations.FLUCTUATIONS[i][j]; } } Type fluctuationType = null; do { int index = _random.Next(0, fluctuations.Length - 1); fluctuationType = fluctuations[index]; } while (fluctuationType == _lastFluctuation); WaitProcessKillOnEvent timerProcess = new WaitProcessKillOnEvent(_random.NextSingle() * (Constants.Fluctuations.TIMER_MAX - Constants.Fluctuations.TIMER_MIN) + Constants.Fluctuations.TIMER_MIN, typeof(GoalEvent)); timerProcess.SetNext((Fluctuation)Activator.CreateInstance(fluctuationType, _owner)); _processManager.Attach(timerProcess); _lastFluctuation = fluctuationType; _fluctuationUnlockedLevel = MathHelper.Min(++_fluctuationUnlockedLevel, Constants.Fluctuations.FLUCTUATIONS.Length); }