public void GenerateAsync(bool listCommand = true) { clusterBuffer = new NativeArray <CullBox>(property.clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); pointsBuffer = new NativeArray <Point>(property.clusterCount * PipelineBaseBuffer.CLUSTERCLIPCOUNT, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); indicesBuffer = new NativeArray <int>(property.clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); NativeList <ulong> pointerContainer = SceneController.pointerContainer; pointerContainer.AddCapacityTo(pointerContainer.Length + indicesBuffer.Length); CullBox * clusterData = clusterBuffer.Ptr(); Point * verticesData = pointsBuffer.Ptr(); const string infosPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapInfos/"; const string pointsPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapPoints/"; MStringBuilder sb = new MStringBuilder(pointsPath.Length + + ".txt".Length); allStrings[0] = infosPath; allStrings[1] =; allStrings[2] = ".txt"; sb.Combine(allStrings); using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(sb.str, FileMode.Open))) { byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(clusterData, b, bytes.Length); } } allStrings[0] = pointsPath; sb.Combine(allStrings); using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(sb.str, FileMode.Open))) { byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(verticesData, b, bytes.Length); } } int *indicesPtr = indicesBuffer.Ptr(); LoadingCommandQueue commandQueue = SceneController.commandQueue; for (int i = 0; i < indicesBuffer.Length; ++i) { indicesPtr[i] = pointerContainer.Length; pointerContainer.Add((ulong)(indicesPtr + i)); } LoadTextures(); propertiesPool = SceneController.commonData.GetPropertyIndex(; uint *poolPtr = propertiesPool.Ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < pointsBuffer.Length; ++i) { verticesData[i].objIndex = poolPtr[verticesData[i].objIndex]; } if (listCommand) { lock (commandQueue) { commandQueue.Queue(GenerateRun()); } } }
public void GenerateAsync(bool listCommand = true) { clusterBuffer = new NativeArray <CullBox>(property.clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); pointsBuffer = new NativeArray <float3>(property.clusterCount * PipelineBaseBuffer.CLUSTERCLIPCOUNT, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); indicesBuffer = new NativeArray <int>(property.clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); NativeList <ulong> pointerContainer = SceneController.pointerContainer; pointerContainer.AddCapacityTo(pointerContainer.Length + indicesBuffer.Length); CullBox * clusterData = clusterBuffer.Ptr(); float3 * verticesData = pointsBuffer.Ptr(); const string infosPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapInfos/"; const string pointsPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapPoints/"; MStringBuilder sb = new MStringBuilder(pointsPath.Length + + ".mpipe".Length); allStrings[0] = infosPath; allStrings[1] =; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; sb.Combine(allStrings); // FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(clusterData, b, length); } } allStrings[0] = pointsPath; sb.Combine(allStrings); using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(verticesData, b, length); } } int *indicesPtr = indicesBuffer.Ptr(); LoadingCommandQueue commandQueue = LoadingThread.commandQueue; for (int i = 0; i < indicesBuffer.Length; ++i) { indicesPtr[i] = pointerContainer.Length; pointerContainer.Add((ulong)(indicesPtr + i)); } if (listCommand) { lock (commandQueue) { commandQueue.Queue(GenerateRun()); } } }
public void GenerateAsync(bool listCommand = true) { clusterBuffer = new NativeArray <Cluster>(property.clusterCount, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); pointsBuffer = new NativeArray <Point>(property.clusterCount * PipelineBaseBuffer.CLUSTERCLIPCOUNT, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); Cluster * clusterData = clusterBuffer.Ptr(); Point * verticesData = pointsBuffer.Ptr(); const string infosPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapInfos/"; const string pointsPath = "Assets/BinaryData/MapPoints/"; MStringBuilder sb = new MStringBuilder(pointsPath.Length + + ".mpipe".Length); allStrings[0] = infosPath; allStrings[1] =; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; sb.Combine(allStrings); // FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(clusterData, b, length); } } allStrings[0] = pointsPath; sb.Combine(allStrings); using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); fixed(byte *b = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(verticesData, b, length); } } LoadingCommandQueue commandQueue = LoadingThread.commandQueue; if (listCommand) { lock (commandQueue) { commandQueue.Queue(GenerateRun()); } } }
//TODO public void LoadTextures() { PropertyValue[] values =; if (property.texPaths.Length > 3) { Debug.LogError("Scene: " + + "'s texture type count is larger than 3! That is illegal!"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { ref PropertyValue value = ref values[i]; int *indexPtr = (int *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref value.textureIndex); for (int a = 0; a < property.texPaths.Length; ++a) { string texName = property.texPaths[a].instancingIDs[i]; MStringBuilder sb = new MStringBuilder(texName.Length + 50); allStrings[0] = "Assets/BinaryData/Textures/"; allStrings[1] = texName; allStrings[2] = ".txt"; sb.Combine(allStrings); string texType = property.texPaths[a].texName; bool alreadyContained; indexPtr[a] = SceneController.commonData.GetIndex(texName, out alreadyContained); if (indexPtr[a] >= 0) { if (alreadyContained) { allTextureDatas.Add(new TextureInfos { array = new NativeArray <Color32>(), index = indexPtr[a], texGUID = texName, texType = texType }); } using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(sb.str, FileMode.Open))) { byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length); int res = SceneController.resolution; NativeArray <Color32> allColors = new NativeArray <Color32>(res * res, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); fixed(byte *source = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(allColors.GetUnsafePtr(), source, Mathf.Min(allColors.Length * sizeof(Color32), bytes.Length)); } allTextureDatas.Add(new TextureInfos { array = allColors, index = indexPtr[a], texGUID = texName, texType = texType }); } } } }
public void GenerateAsync(bool listCommand = true) { allStrings[0] = ClusterMatResources.infosPath; allStrings[1] = name; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; sb.Combine(allStrings); loader.fsm = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); loader.LoadAll(); materialIndexBuffer = resources.vmManager.SetMaterials(loader.allProperties.Length); for (int i = 0; i < loader.cluster.Length; ++i) { loader.cluster[i].index = propertyCount; } materialProperties = new NativeArray <VirtualMaterial.MaterialProperties>(loader.allProperties.Length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); VirtualMaterial.MaterialProperties *propertiesPtr = materialProperties.Ptr(); //Update Material for (int i = 0; i < materialProperties.Length; ++i) { ref var currProp = ref propertiesPtr[i]; currProp = loader.allProperties[i]; if (currProp._MainTex >= 0) { currProp._MainTex = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.albedoGUIDs[currProp._MainTex]); } if (currProp._SecondaryMainTex >= 0) { currProp._SecondaryMainTex = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondAlbedoGUIDs[currProp._SecondaryMainTex]); } if (currProp._BumpMap >= 0) { currProp._BumpMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.normalGUIDs[currProp._BumpMap], true); } if (currProp._SecondaryBumpMap >= 0) { currProp._SecondaryBumpMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondNormalGUIDs[currProp._SecondaryBumpMap], true); } if (currProp._SpecularMap >= 0) { currProp._SpecularMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.smoGUIDs[currProp._SpecularMap]); } if (currProp._SecondarySpecularMap >= 0) { currProp._SecondarySpecularMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondSpecGUIDs[currProp._SecondarySpecularMap]); } if (currProp._EmissionMap >= 0) { currProp._EmissionMap = resources.emissionPool.GetTex(loader.emissionGUIDs[currProp._EmissionMap]); } if (currProp._HeightMap >= 0) { currProp._HeightMap = resources.heightPool.GetTex(loader.heightGUIDs[currProp._HeightMap]); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); if (foldOut = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(foldOut, "Layer Culling Distance: ")) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { string layerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(i); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerName)) { msb.Combine(" ", layerName); msb.Add(": "); target.layerCullDistance[i] = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(msb.str, target.layerCullDistance[i]); } } } }
public void GenerateAsync() { var resources = ClusterMatResources.current; allStrings[0] = ClusterMatResources.infosPath; allStrings[1] = fileName; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; sb.Combine(allStrings); loader.fsm = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); if (!loader.LoadAll(resources.maximumClusterCount - SceneController.baseBuffer.prepareClusterCount)) { if (!waiting) { loading = false; } state = State.Unloaded; int required = SceneController.baseBuffer.prepareClusterCount + loader.clusterCount; int actual = resources.maximumClusterCount; Debug.LogError("No Enough Model Space! Required: " + required + " Actual: " + actual); loader.Dispose(); return; } materialIndexBuffer = resources.vmManager.SetMaterials(loader.allProperties.Length); for (int i = 0; i < loader.cluster.Length; ++i) { loader.cluster[i].index = propertyCount; } materialProperties = new NativeArray <VirtualMaterial.MaterialProperties>(loader.allProperties.Length, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); VirtualMaterial.MaterialProperties *propertiesPtr = materialProperties.Ptr(); textureLoadingFlags.Clear(); //Update Material for (int i = 0; i < materialProperties.Length; ++i) { ref var currProp = ref propertiesPtr[i]; currProp = loader.allProperties[i]; if (currProp._MainTex >= 0) { currProp._MainTex = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.albedoGUIDs[currProp._MainTex], ref textureLoadingFlags); } if (currProp._SecondaryMainTex >= 0) { currProp._SecondaryMainTex = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondAlbedoGUIDs[currProp._SecondaryMainTex], ref textureLoadingFlags); } if (currProp._BumpMap >= 0) { currProp._BumpMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.normalGUIDs[currProp._BumpMap], ref textureLoadingFlags, true); } if (currProp._SecondaryBumpMap >= 0) { currProp._SecondaryBumpMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondNormalGUIDs[currProp._SecondaryBumpMap], ref textureLoadingFlags, true); } if (currProp._SpecularMap >= 0) { currProp._SpecularMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.smoGUIDs[currProp._SpecularMap], ref textureLoadingFlags); } if (currProp._SecondarySpecularMap >= 0) { currProp._SecondarySpecularMap = resources.rgbaPool.GetTex(loader.secondSpecGUIDs[currProp._SecondarySpecularMap], ref textureLoadingFlags); } if (currProp._EmissionMap >= 0) { currProp._EmissionMap = resources.emissionPool.GetTex(loader.emissionGUIDs[currProp._EmissionMap], ref textureLoadingFlags); } if (currProp._HeightMap >= 0) { currProp._HeightMap = resources.heightPool.GetTex(loader.heightGUIDs[currProp._HeightMap], ref textureLoadingFlags); } }
//TODO public void LoadTextures() { PropertyValue[] values =; if (property.texPaths.Length > 5) { Debug.LogError("Scene: " + + "'s texture type count is larger than 5! That is illegal!"); return; } MStringBuilder sb = new MStringBuilder(150); allStrings[0] = "Assets/BinaryData/Lightmaps/"; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; for (int i = 0; i < property.lightmapGUIDs.Length; ++i) { LightmapPaths lightmapGUID = property.lightmapGUIDs[i]; allStrings[1] =; sb.Combine(allStrings); bool alreadyContained; int index = SceneController.commonData.GetLightmapIndex(, out alreadyContained); if (index >= 0) { if (alreadyContained) { allLightmapDatas.Add(new LightmapInfos { index = index, texGUID =, size = 0 }); } else { using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { NativeArray <Color32> color; int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); color = new NativeArray <Color32>(length / sizeof(Color32), Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); fixed(byte *source = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(color.GetUnsafePtr(), source, Mathf.Min(color.Length * sizeof(Color32), length)); } allLightmapDatas.Add(new LightmapInfos { array = color, index = index, texGUID =, size = lightmapGUID.size }); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { ref PropertyValue value = ref values[i]; int *indexPtr = (int *)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref value.textureIndex); for (int a = 0; a < property.texPaths.Length; ++a) { string texName = property.texPaths[a].instancingIDs[i]; allStrings[0] = "Assets/BinaryData/Textures/"; allStrings[1] = texName; allStrings[2] = ".mpipe"; sb.Combine(allStrings); string texType = property.texPaths[a].texName; bool alreadyContained; indexPtr[a] = SceneController.commonData.GetIndex(texName, out alreadyContained); if (indexPtr[a] >= 0) { if (alreadyContained) { allTextureDatas.Add(new TextureInfos { array = new NativeArray <Color32>(), index = indexPtr[a], texGUID = texName, texType = texType }); } else { using (FileStream reader = new FileStream(sb.str, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { int length = (int)reader.Length; byte[] bytes = GetByteArray(length); reader.Read(bytes, 0, length); int res = SceneController.resolution; NativeArray <Color32> allColors = new NativeArray <Color32>(res * res, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory); fixed(byte *source = bytes) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(allColors.GetUnsafePtr(), source, Mathf.Min(allColors.Length * sizeof(Color32), length)); } allTextureDatas.Add(new TextureInfos { array = allColors, index = indexPtr[a], texGUID = texName, texType = texType }); } } } } }