public eMSL() { InitializeComponent(); MSLWait.Hide(); dataGridView1.Hide(); SetConnectionString(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CountryName = Country.Text; ProgramName = Program.Text; CustomerTypeCode = CustomerType.Text; LicenseAgreementType = LicAgreementType.Text; string Offerings = ProgramOfferings.Text; string OfferingLevels = OfferingLevel.Text; if (CountryName == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Country"); } else if (ProgramName == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Program"); } else if (CustomerTypeCode == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Customer Type"); } else if (LicenseAgreementType == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select LicenseAgreementType"); } else if (Offerings == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Program Offerings"); } else if (OfferingLevels == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Offering Levels"); } else { MSLWait.Show(); button1.Enabled = false; string countryCode = GetCountryCode(CountryName); string programCode = GetProgramCode(ProgramName); string customerType = GetCustomerTypeCode(CustomerTypeCode); string Lictype = GetLicenseAgreementType(LicenseAgreementType); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(String.Format(@"Select DISTINCT Top 1000 partnumber,ApprovedPriceBeforeTax,ProductFamilyNAme, * From ChannelNetprice CNP with (nolock) INNER JOIN Item I with (Nolock) on CNP.itemid=I.itemid Where CNP.countrycode ='{0}' and CNP.programcode = '{1}' and CNP.customerTypecode = '{2}' and CNP.LicenseAgreementTypeCode = '{3}' and CNP.programofferingcode ='{4}' and CNP.OfferingLevelcode ='{5}' and CNP.EndEffectiveDate is NULL and (i.ReplacedByPartNumber is null or i.ReplacedByPartNumber='')" , countryCode, programCode, customerType, Lictype, Offerings, OfferingLevels), conn); conn.Open(); System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); adapter.Fill(dt); MSLWait.Hide(); dataGridView1.Show(); conn.Close(); dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; button1.Enabled = true; } }