protected async Task <string> GetAccessToken(IDialogContext context)
            var provider   = new MSALAuthProvider();
            var authResult = await provider.GetAccessToken(authOptions, context);

            return(authResult == null ? string.Empty : authResult.AccessToken);
Exemple #2
        public virtual async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> item)
            var message = await item;

            Debug.WriteLine("am I here");
            // Initialize AuthenticationOptions and forward to AuthDialog for token
            AuthenticationOptions options = new AuthenticationOptions()
                Authority    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["aad:Authority"],
                ClientId     = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["aad:ClientId"],
                ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["aad:ClientSecret"],
                Scopes       = new string[] { "User.Read" },
                RedirectUrl  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["aad:Callback"]
            var loginMicrosoftOnlineCom = new MSALAuthProvider();
            ///await context.Forward(new AuthDialog(new MSALAuthProvider(), options), async (IDialogContext authContext, IAwaitable<AuthResult> authResult) =>
            await context.Forward(new AuthDialog(loginMicrosoftOnlineCom, options), async (IDialogContext authContext, IAwaitable <AuthResult> authResult) =>
                var result = await authResult;
                // Use token to call into service
                var json = await new HttpClient().GetWithAuthAsync(result.AccessToken, "");
                await authContext.PostAsync($"Welcome back {json.Value<string>("displayName")} , you've login as {json.Value<string>("userPrincipalName")}. Account/transaction can operate now....");
                ///await authContext.PostAsync("Welcome back" + result.UserName + " you've login as " + result.UserUniqueId + " Account/transaction can operate now....");
            }, message, CancellationToken.None);

            await loginMicrosoftOnlineCom.Logout(options, context);
Exemple #3
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result)
            var message      = await result as Activity;
            var authProvider = new MSALAuthProvider();

            if (context.UserData.TryGetValue($"{authProvider.Name}{MagicNumberValidated}", out string validated))
                if (validated == "true" && message != null)
                    // Check for spelling
                    message.Text = await CallBingSpellCheckAsync(message.Text);

                    await context.Forward(new PolicyEnquiryDialog(),
                                          async (luisContext, obj) =>
                        var res = await obj;
                        // Do Something
                                          message, CancellationToken.None);

                await context.Forward(
                    new AuthDialog(
                        new MSALAuthProvider(),
                        new AuthenticationOptions(GetSetting("aad:Authority"), GetSetting("aad:ClientId"),
                                                  GetSetting("aad:ClientSecret"), new[] { "User.Read" }, GetSetting("aad:Callback"))),
                    async (authContext, authResult) =>
                    var res = await authResult;

                    // Use token to call into service
                    var json = await new HttpClient().GetWithAuthAsync(res.AccessToken, "");
                    await authContext.PostAsync($"Hi {json.Value<string>("displayName")}, what can I do for you today?");
                }, message, CancellationToken.None);

            // TODO: Implement logout in luis dialog
            if (message?.Text.ToUpperInvariant() == "BYE")
                context.UserData.SetValue($"{authProvider.Name}{MagicNumberValidated}", "false");

        private async Task AfterInitialAuthDialog(
            IDialogContext authContext,
            IAwaitable <AuthResult> awaitableAuthResult)

                AuthResult authResult = await awaitableAuthResult;
                Activity   activity   = authContext.ConversationData.GetValue <Activity>("Activity");

                // return our reply to the user for debugging purposes
                if (displayAuthMessages)
                    int length = (activity.Text ?? string.Empty).Length;
                    await authContext.PostAsync($"We see you sent {activity.Text} which was {length} characters");

                if (authResult == null)
                    await authContext.PostAsync("You didn't log in.");

                    if (displayAuthMessages)
                        await authContext.PostAsync($"Token: {authResult.AccessToken}");

                // Use token to call into service
                JObject json = await new HttpClient().GetWithAuthAsync(
                    authResult.AccessToken, GraphUrl);

                // Two items to test
                // A -- Access Token Expires, do JUST [Part 1] Below
                // B -- Access Token Expires AND refresh fails, do [Part 1], [Part 2], and [Part 3].
                // To test auth expiration null out json variable (uncomment next line) [Part 1]
                // json = null;
                if (json == null)
                    var authProvider = new MSALAuthProvider();
                    AuthenticationOptions options =
                        authContext.UserData.GetValue <AuthenticationOptions>(

                    SD.Trace.TraceInformation("Attempting to refresh with token.");
                    if (displayAuthMessages)
                        await authContext.PostAsync($"Attempting to refresh with token: {authResult.RefreshToken}");

                    // To test auth expiration comment out next line [Part 2]
                    authResult = await authProvider.GetAccessToken(options, authContext);

                    // To test auth expiration uncomment out next two lines [Part 3]
                    // authResult = null;
                    // await authProvider.Logout(options, authContext);
                    if (authResult != null)
                        SD.Trace.TraceInformation("Token Refresh Succeeded.");
                        if (displayAuthMessages)
                            await authContext.PostAsync($"Token Refresh Succeeded. New Token: {authResult.AccessToken}");
                        json = await new HttpClient().GetWithAuthAsync(
                            authResult.AccessToken, "");
                        SD.Trace.TraceInformation("Token Refresh Failed. Trying full login.");

                        if (displayAuthMessages)
                            await authContext.PostAsync("Token Refresh Failed. Trying full login.");
                        await authContext.Forward(
                            new BotAuth.Dialogs.AuthDialog(new MSALAuthProvider(), options),


                SD.Trace.TraceInformation("Getting user data post auth.");
                string userName  = json.Value <string>("displayName");
                string userEmail = json.Value <string>("userPrincipalName");

                if (displayAuthMessages)
                    await authContext.PostAsync($"I now know your name is {userName} " +
                                                $"and your UPN is {userEmail}");

                MeetingRequestInput meetingData = authContext.ConversationData.GetValue <MeetingRequestInput>(MeetingDataKey);
                meetingData.OrganizerName  = userName;
                meetingData.OrganizerEmail = userEmail;

                authContext.ConversationData.SetValue(MeetingDataKey, meetingData);
                authContext.PrivateConversationData.SetValue(AccessTokenDataKey, authResult.AccessToken);

                SD.Trace.TraceInformation("Post Auth Hand Off to CreateMeetingRequestDialog.");
                authContext.Call(new CreateMeetingRequestDialog(), this.ResumeAfterMeetingDialog);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string fullError = ex.ToString();
                await authContext.PostAsync(fullError);
Exemple #5
        public virtual async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> item)
            var message = await item;

            // Save the message for later
            context.ConversationData.SetValue <Activity>("OriginalMessage", (Activity)message);

            // Let the user chose a provider
            var providers = AuthProviderConfig.GetAuthProviders();

            PromptDialog.Choice(context, async(IDialogContext choiceContext, IAwaitable <AuthProviderConfig> choiceResult) =>
                var providerConfig = await choiceResult;
                choiceContext.ConversationData.SetValue <AuthProviderConfig>("AuthProvider", providerConfig);
                IAuthProvider authProvider;
                if (providerConfig.ProviderName == "Microsoft")
                    authProvider = new MSALAuthProvider();
                    authProvider = new GenericOAuth2Provider($"GenericOAuth2Provider{providerConfig.ClientType}");

                await choiceContext.Forward(new AuthDialog(authProvider, providerConfig), async(IDialogContext authContext, IAwaitable <AuthResult> authResult) =>
                    var result = await authResult;

                    // Use token to call into service
                    var prov = authContext.ConversationData.Get <AuthProviderConfig>("AuthProvider");
                    if (prov.ProviderName == "Microsoft")
                        var bytes = await new HttpClient().GetStreamWithAuthAsync(result.AccessToken, prov.PictureEndpoint);
                        var pic   = "data:image/png;base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                        var m     = authContext.MakeMessage();
                        m.Attachments.Add(new Attachment("image/png", pic));
                        await authContext.PostAsync(m);
                        var json = await new HttpClient().GetWithAuthAsync(result.AccessToken, prov.PictureEndpoint);
                        var pic  = "";
                        if (prov.ProviderName == "Google")
                            pic = json.Value <string>("picture");
                        else if (prov.ProviderName == "Facebook")
                            pic = json.SelectToken("").Value <string>("url");
                        else if (prov.ProviderName == "LinkedIn")
                            pic = json.Value <string>("pictureUrl");
                        var m = authContext.MakeMessage();
                        m.Attachments.Add(new Attachment("image/png", pic));
                        await authContext.PostAsync(m);

                    // Wait for another message
                }, choiceContext.ConversationData.Get <Activity>("OriginalMessage"), CancellationToken.None);
            }, providers, "Please select a provider we can use to look-up your information");