Exemple #1
        async void OnPrint2dCodeClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Prepares to communicate with the printer
            _printer = await OpenPrinterService(_connectionInfo);

            if (_printer == null)

                await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

                // note : Page mode and transaction mode cannot be used together between IN and OUT.
                // When "setTransaction" function called with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN", print data are stored in the buffer.
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN);

                // Printer Setting Initialize
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x40 });

                await _printer.printQRCode("20542471256|01|f001|102.00|12.301|06|1043679394|fhfjhg98987uu",
                                           7,  // Size

                await _printer.printPDF417("20542471256|01|f001|102.00|12.301|06|1043679394|fhfjhg98987uu",
                                           0, // number of columns
                                           0, // number of rows
                                           3, // module Width
                                           3, // module Height

                // Feed to tear-off position (Manual Cutter Position)
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x4a, 0xaf });
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Exception", ex.ToString(), "OK");
                // Printer starts printing by calling "setTransaction" function with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT"
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT);

                // If there's nothing to do with the printer, call "closeService" method to disconnect the communication between Host and Printer.
Exemple #2
        async Task <MPosControllerPrinter> OpenPrinterService(MposConnectionInformation connectionInfo)
            if (connectionInfo == null)

            if (_printer != null)

            btnOpenService.IsEnabled = false;

            _printer = MPosDeviceFactory.Current.createDevice(MPosDeviceType.MPOS_DEVICE_PRINTER) as MPosControllerPrinter;

            switch (connectionInfo.IntefaceType)
            case MPosInterfaceType.MPOS_INTERFACE_BLUETOOTH:
            case MPosInterfaceType.MPOS_INTERFACE_WIFI:
            case MPosInterfaceType.MPOS_INTERFACE_ETHERNET:
                _printer.selectInterface((int)connectionInfo.IntefaceType, connectionInfo.Address);

                await DisplayAlert("Connection Fail", "Not Supported Interface", "OK");


            await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

                var result = await _printer.openService();

                if (result != (int)MPosResult.MPOS_SUCCESS)
                    _printer = null;
                    await DisplayAlert("Connection Fail", "openService failed. (" + result.ToString() + ")", "OK");

Exemple #3
        async void OnPrintImageClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Prepares to communicate with the printer
            _printer = await OpenPrinterService(_connectionInfo);

            if (_printer == null)

                await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

                // note : Page mode and transaction mode cannot be used together between IN and OUT.
                // When "setTransaction" function called with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN", print data are stored in the buffer.
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN);

                // Printer Setting Initialize
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x40 });

                await _printer.printBitmap(await DependencyService.Get <IPlatformInfo>().GetImgResourceAsync(),
                                           (int)MPosImageWidth.MPOS_IMAGE_WIDTH_ASIS, // Image Width
                                           (int)MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER,  // Alignment
                                           50,                                        // brightness
                                           true,                                      // Image Dithering
                                           true);                                     // Image Compress

                await _printer.printText("Bienvenido a Xamarin", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

                // Feed to tear-off position (Manual Cutter Position)
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x4a, 0xaf });
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Exception", ex.ToString(), "OK");
                // Printer starts printing by calling "setTransaction" function with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT"
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT);

                // If there's nothing to do with the printer, call "closeService" method to disconnect the communication between Host and Printer.
Exemple #4
        async void OnDeviceCloseClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

            if (_printer != null)
                // If there's nothing to do with the printer, call "closeService" method to disconnect the communication between Host and Printer.
                await _printer.closeService();

                _printer = null;
                btnPrintText.IsEnabled = false;

                btnCloseService.IsEnabled = false;
                btnOpenService.IsEnabled  = true;

Exemple #5
        async void OnDeviceOpenClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_printer == null)
                // Prepares to communicate with the printer
                _printer = await OpenPrinterService(_connectionInfo);

                if (_printer != null)
                    btnPrintText.IsEnabled = true;

                    btnCloseService.IsEnabled = true;
                    btnOpenService.IsEnabled  = false;
                    btnPrintText.IsEnabled = false;

                    btnCloseService.IsEnabled = false;
                    btnOpenService.IsEnabled  = true;
Exemple #6
        async void OnPrintTextClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Prepares to communicate with the printer
            _printer = await OpenPrinterService(_connectionInfo);

            if (_printer == null)

                await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

                uint   textCount = 0;
                string printText = "_Hola Charlen Xamarin\n";

                // note : Page mode and transaction mode cannot be used together between IN and OUT.
                // When "setTransaction" function called with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN", print data are stored in the buffer.
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN);

                // Printer Setting Initialize
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x40 });

                // Code Pages for the contries in east Asia. Please note that the font data downloading is required to print characters for Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_KSC5601 });   // Korean
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_SHIFTJIS });  // Japanese
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_GB2312 });    // Simplifies Chinese
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_BIG5 });      // Traditional Chinese
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_FARSI });     // Persian
                //await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute() { CodePage = (int)MPosEastAsiaCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_FARSI_II });  // Persian

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    CodePage = (int)MPosCodePage.MPOS_CODEPAGE_WPC1252

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    FontType = MPosFontType.MPOS_FONT_TYPE_B

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    FontType = MPosFontType.MPOS_FONT_TYPE_C

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Bold = true

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Reverse = true

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Underline = MPosFontUnderline.MPOS_FONT_UNDERLINE_2

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Height = MPosFontSizeHeight.MPOS_FONT_SIZE_HEIGHT_1

                await _printer.printText((textCount++).ToString() + printText, new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Width = MPosFontSizeWidth.MPOS_FONT_SIZE_WIDTH_1

                // Feed to tear-off position (Manual Cutter Position)
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x4a, 0xaf });
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Exception", ex.ToString(), "OK");
                // Printer starts printing by calling "setTransaction" function with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT"
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT);

                // If there's nothing to do with the printer, call "closeService" method to disconnect the communication between Host and Printer.
Exemple #7
        private async void Imprimir()

            _printer = await OpenPrinterService(_connectionInfo);

            if (_printer == null)

                await _printSemaphore.WaitAsync();

                // note : Page mode and transaction mode cannot be used together between IN and OUT.
                // When "setTransaction" function called with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN", print data are stored in the buffer.
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_IN);

                // Printer Setting Initialize
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x40 });

                await _printer.printText("LAMSAC\n\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, Bold = true, Width = MPosFontSizeWidth.MPOS_FONT_SIZE_WIDTH_1

                await _printer.printText(LabeValorTitulo.Text + "\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, Bold = true

                await _printer.printText("TARIFA :" + LabeValorPeaje.Text + "\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

                await _printer.printText("FECHA: " + LabeValorFecha.Text + "\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

                await _printer.printText("PLACA: " + LabeValorPlaca.Text + "\n\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER

                await _printer.printText("VINCI Highways\n", new MPosFontAttribute()
                    Alignment = MPosAlignment.MPOS_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, Reverse = true

                // Feed to tear-off position (Manual Cutter Position)
                await _printer.directIO(new byte[] { 0x1b, 0x4a, 0xaf });
            catch (Exception ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Exception", ex.ToString(), "OK");
                // Printer starts printing by calling "setTransaction" function with "MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT"
                await _printer.setTransaction((int)MPosTransactionMode.MPOS_PRINTER_TRANSACTION_OUT);

                // If there's nothing to do with the printer, call "closeService" method to disconnect the communication between Host and Printer.