Exemple #1
        protected void commentAddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (commentAddTextBox.Text.Length == 0)
                commentAddLabel.Text    = "Please enter a comment";
                commentAddLabel.Visible = true;

            if (itemsGridView.SelectedRow == null)
                throw new InvalidFormDataException("Comment can only be added to a selected item");

            MPRSession session = MPRController.StartSession();

            MPItem item = MPRController.RetrieveById <MPItem>(session, (Int64)itemsGridView.SelectedValue);

            if (item == null)
                throw new InvalidFormDataException("Asked to provide details for invalid item id");

            MPItemComment comment = new MPItemComment();

            comment.User = SessionUtils.GetCurrentUser();
            comment.Text = commentAddTextBox.Text;
            MPRController.Save <MPItem>(session, item);

            MPRController.EndSession(session, true);

            commentAddTextBox.Text  = "";
            commentAddLabel.Text    = "Comment added. Thank you!";
            commentAddLabel.Visible = true;
    protected void commentAddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      if (commentAddTextBox.Text.Length == 0)
        commentAddLabel.Text = "Please enter a comment";
        commentAddLabel.Visible = true;

      if (itemsGridView.SelectedRow == null)
        throw new InvalidFormDataException("Comment can only be added to a selected item");

      MPRSession session = MPRController.StartSession();

      MPItem item = MPRController.RetrieveById<MPItem>(session, (Int64)itemsGridView.SelectedValue);

      if (item == null)
        throw new InvalidFormDataException("Asked to provide details for invalid item id");

      MPItemComment comment = new MPItemComment();
      comment.User = SessionUtils.GetCurrentUser();
      comment.Text = commentAddTextBox.Text;
      MPRController.Save<MPItem>(session, item);

      MPRController.EndSession(session, true);

      commentAddTextBox.Text = "";
      commentAddLabel.Text = "Comment added. Thank you!";
      commentAddLabel.Visible = true;
