Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes MOGAssetStatus.statusInfos for use
        /// throughout MOG
        /// </summary>
        public MOGAssetStatus()
            this.StateImageList            = new ImageList();
            this.StateImageList.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth24Bit;
            int counter = 0;

            // Load all our potential icons
            // WARNING!! Can only have 15 or less
            foreach (string filename in MOG_AssetStatus.GetStateIconFiles())
                Bitmap icon = SetIcon(filename);

                // If we have a MOGMainForm, use it...
                if (icon != null)

            /// Fill ArrayList, statusInfos, with
            /// StatusInfo objects.
            foreach (MOG_AssetStatusInfo status in MOG_AssetStatus.GetAssetStatusInfos())
                /// Create a new MOGAssetStatus, and
                /// place it in the statusInfos ArrayList
                StatusInfo current = null;

                current = new StatusInfo(status.Status,
                                         stateImageList.Images.Count - 1);

                this.mStateTypes.Add(status.Status.ToLower(), current);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update an existing ListView node for the asset manager inboxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeColor"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void UpdateListViewItem(ListViewItem item, MOG_Filename asset, string status, MOG_Properties pProperties)
            string date    = "";
            string size    = "";
            string creator = "";
            string owner   = "";
            string group   = "";
            string target  = "";

            // Check if we have a properties?
            if (pProperties != null)
                // If we have a valid gameDataController, set our platform scope
                if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController() != null)
                    // Set our current platform

                // Gather the following info from our properties
                date    = MOG_Time.FormatTimestamp(pProperties.CreatedTime, "");
                size    = guiAssetController.FormatSize(pProperties.Size);
                creator = pProperties.Creator;
                owner   = pProperties.Owner;
                group   = pProperties.Group;

                // Check if this is a packaged asset?
                if (pProperties.IsPackagedAsset)
                    // Check if we have have any package assignments in our propeerties?
                    ArrayList packages = pProperties.GetPackages();
                    if (packages.Count == 0)
                        // Indicate this is a packaged asset w/o any package assignments
                        target = "Missing package assignment...";
                    else if (packages.Count == 1)
                        MOG_Property package          = packages[0] as MOG_Property;
                        MOG_Filename packageName      = new MOG_Filename(MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageName(package.mPropertyKey));
                        string       packageGroupPath = MOG_ControllerPackage.GetPackageGroups(package.mPropertyKey);
                        string       displayString    = MOG_ControllerPackage.CombinePackageAssignment(packageName.GetAssetLabel(), packageGroupPath, "");
                        target = "{Package} " + displayString + "  in  " + MOG_Filename.GetAdamlessClassification(packageName.GetAssetClassification());
                        target = "{Package} " + packages.Count + " Assignments...";
                else if (pProperties.SyncFiles)
                    // Get the formatted SyncTarget of this asset
                    target = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString("{Workspace}\\" + pProperties.SyncTargetPath, asset, pProperties.GetPropertyList());

            item.Text = asset.GetAssetLabel();

            // Populate the item's SubItems
            // I tried for a long time to be smart here and use ColumnNameFind(thisListView.Columns, "Name") but
            // I kept running into walls because this function is used by a lot of workers outside of the ListView's thread.
            // So, I gave up and am just going to do it the ugly brute force way!  YUCK!!
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.NAME].Text       = asset.GetAssetLabel();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CLASS].Text      = asset.GetAssetClassification();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.TARGETPATH].Text = target;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.DATE].Text       = date;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.SIZE].Text       = size;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.PLATFORM].Text   = asset.GetAssetPlatform();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.STATE].Text      = status;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.CREATOR].Text    = creator;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.RESPPARTY].Text  = owner;
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.OPTIONS].Text    = "";
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.FULLNAME].Text   = asset.GetEncodedFilename();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.BOX].Text        = asset.GetBoxName();
            item.SubItems[(int)AssetBoxColumns.GROUP].Text      = group;

            // Set the item's Icons
            item.ImageIndex = MogUtil_AssetIcons.GetFileIconIndex(asset.GetEncodedFilename(), pProperties);

            if (MogMainForm.MainApp != null &&
                MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager != null)
                // mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo() is sort of a black sheep and should maybe become static
                item.StateImageIndex = MogMainForm.MainApp.mAssetManager.mAssetStatus.GetStatusInfo(status).IconIndex;

            // Set the item's color
            item.ForeColor = MOG_AssetStatus.GetColor(status);
            // Check if this is a local item that has been blessed?
            if (asset.IsLocal() &&
                string.Compare(status, MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Blessed), true) == 0)
                // Mark local blessed items with light gray
                item.ForeColor = Color.LightGray;
        void CommandEventCallBack_Invoked(MOG_Command command)
            switch (command.GetCommandType())
            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemAlert:
            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemError:
            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemException:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemException
                MOG_ALERT_LEVEL level = MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ALERT;
                switch (command.GetCommandType())
                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemAlert:
                    level = MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ALERT;

                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemError:
                    level = MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.ERROR;

                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifySystemException:
                    level = MOG_ALERT_LEVEL.CRITICAL;
                MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage(command.GetTitle(), command.GetDescription(), command.GetSource(), level);

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockPersistentNotify:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_LockPersistentNotify
                // Check if this is the same project?
                MOG_Command lockInfo = command.GetCommand();
                if (lockInfo != null)
                    // Check if we are on the locks tab?
                    if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Locks", true) == 0)
                        if (mainForm.mLibraryManager != null)

                    // Check if this lock is related to our project?
                    if (MOG_Filename.IsClassificationValidForProject(lockInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName()))
                        // Check if we are on the workspace tab?
                        if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Workspace", true) == 0)
                            if (mainForm.mAssetManager != null)
// JohnRen - Removed because this is just too slow when the server sends us a ton of locks at startup
//								mainForm.LocalBranchMogControl_GameDataDestinationTreeView.RefreshFileLockStatus(command);
                        // Check if we are on the project tab?
                        else if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Project", true) == 0)
                            if (mainForm.mProjectManager != null)
                        // Check if we are on the library tab?
                        else if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Library", true) == 0)
                            if (mainForm.mLibraryManager != null)

                        // Check if this notify just got processed?
                        if (command.GetOptions().Contains("{Processed}"))
                            // Check if we have a local workspace defined?
                            MOG_ControllerSyncData workspace = MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController();
                            if (workspace != null)
                                // Time to check if this was our lock that just got released?
                                if (string.Compare(lockInfo.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), true) == 0 &&
                                    string.Compare(lockInfo.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) == 0)
                                    // Is this lockInfo for an asset?
                                    if (lockInfo.GetAssetFilename().GetFilenameType() == MOG_FILENAME_TYPE.MOG_FILENAME_Asset)
                                        // Check the user's privilege
                                        MOG_Privileges privileges = MOG_ControllerProject.GetPrivileges();
                                        if (!privileges.GetUserPrivilege(MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), MOG_PRIVILEGE.IgnoreSyncAsReadOnly))
                                            MOG_Filename bestAssetFilename = lockInfo.GetAssetFilename();

                                            // Check if there is a better inbox asset that can be substituted?
                                            MOG_Filename inboxAssetFilename = MOG_ControllerInbox.LocateBestMatchingAsset(bestAssetFilename);
                                            if (inboxAssetFilename != null)
                                                bestAssetFilename = inboxAssetFilename;

                                            // Check if this asset has it's files synced as read only?
                                            MOG_Properties properties = new MOG_Properties(bestAssetFilename);
                                            if (properties.SyncAsReadOnly)
                                                switch (lockInfo.GetCommandType())
                                                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest:
                                                    workspace.SetLocalFileAttributes(lockInfo.GetAssetFilename(), FileAttributes.Normal);

                                                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRelease:
                                                    workspace.SetLocalFileAttributes(lockInfo.GetAssetFilename(), FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ViewUpdate:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_ViewUpdate

                // Make sure this is relevant to our active project?
                if (string.Compare(command.GetProject(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetProjectName(), true) != 0)

                if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Project", true) == 0)
                    // Process the auto process and package commands
                    switch (MOG_AssetStatus.GetType(command.GetDescription()))
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Modified:
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Unprocessed:
                        // Check to see if this command comes from us
                        if (string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) != 0)

                        // Check for Auto Process
                        if (mainForm.AssetManagerAutoProcessCheckBox.Checked &&
                            string.Compare(command.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), true) == 0)

                    //KLK - This may be overkill because we are on the Project tab and why do we want to change their local package button
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Packaged:

                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Unpackaged:
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Repackage:
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.PackageError:
                    case MOG_AssetStatusType.Unpackage:
                        // We just got a new asset.  Make sure we inform the gui that a package is now required
                        if (mainForm.mAssetManager != null)

                //if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Workspace", true) == 0)
                if (true)
                    if (string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), "UnGrouped", true) == 0)

                        // Filter out updates to other computers that share our username and project
                        if ((string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) != 0) &&
                            (string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Copied), true) == 0 ||
                             string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Unpackaged), true) == 0 ||
                             string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Repackage), true) == 0 ||
                             string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Packaged), true) == 0 ||
                             string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.PackageError), true) == 0 ||
                             string.Compare(command.GetDescription(), MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Unpackage), true) == 0))
                    catch (Exception e)

                    // JohnRen - Changed...
                    // The ViewUpdate command contains the computer name of who generated the view command...not the computer name of the originator of the rip
                    // Because of this, AutoUpdate local would not work anytime somebody else's slave performed the rip.
                    // Changed the AutoUpdate events to respect the login user instead of the computer name because this will be 100% correct...
                    // However, multiple users will experience the event if they are logged in as the same user.
                    //					// Process the auto process and package commands
                    //					// only do this code if the command came from us
                    //					if (string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) == 0)
                    MOG_Filename destinationFilename = new MOG_Filename(command.GetDestination());
                    if (string.Compare(destinationFilename.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), true) == 0)
                        switch (MOG_AssetStatus.GetType(command.GetDescription()))
                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Modified:
                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Unprocessed:
                            // Check for Auto Process
                            if (mainForm.AssetManagerAutoProcessCheckBox.Checked)
                                // Only auto-process this if it is in the drafts folder
                                if (destinationFilename.IsDrafts())
                                    // Make sure we are the ones that requested it
                                    if (string.Compare(command.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), true) == 0 &&
                                        (string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) == 0))

                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Imported:
                            // Only auto-process this if it is in the drafts folder
                            if (destinationFilename.IsDrafts())
                                // Make sure we are the ones that requested it
                                if (string.Compare(command.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), true) == 0 &&
                                    (string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) == 0))
                                    guiAssetController.UpdateLocal(command.GetDestination(), false);

                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Processed:
                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Sent:
                            // Check if the MainForm's AutoUpdate button is checked?
                            if (mainForm.AssetManagerAutoUpdateLocalCheckBox.Checked)
                                // Only auto-process this if it is in the drafts folder
                                if (destinationFilename.IsDrafts())
                                    // Make sure we are the ones that requested it
                                    if (string.Compare(command.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUser().GetUserName(), true) == 0 &&
                                        (string.Compare(command.GetComputerName(), MOG_ControllerSystem.GetComputerName(), true) == 0))
                                        // Check if we have a current workspace?
                                        if (MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController() != null)
                                            guiAssetController.UpdateLocal(command.GetDestination(), false);

                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Rebuilt:
                            if (mainForm.mAssetManager != null)

                        case MOG_AssetStatusType.Deleted:
                            MOG_Filename assetName = new MOG_Filename(command.GetSource());
                            if (assetName.IsTrash() && mainForm.mAssetManager != null && mainForm.mAssetManager.mTrash != null && mainForm.AssetManagerInboxTabControl.SelectedTab.Name == "AssetManagerTrashTabPage")
                            else if (assetName.IsLocal() && mainForm.mAssetManager != null)
                                MOG_Filename tempAssetName = new MOG_Filename(command.GetSource());


            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RegisterEditor:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_RegisterEditor
                // We just lost an Editor

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownEditor:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_ShutdownEditor
                // We just lost an Editor

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionLost:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionLost
                // The server was shutdown
                Bitmap DisconnectedIcon = new Bitmap(mainForm.StatusBarImageList.Images[1]);
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.Icon        = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(DisconnectedIcon.GetHicon());
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.Text        = "Disconnected";
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.ToolTipText = "Server is disconnected!";

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionNew:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_ConnectionNew
                Bitmap ConnectedIcon = new Bitmap(mainForm.StatusBarImageList.Images[0]);
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.Icon        = System.Drawing.Icon.FromHandle(ConnectedIcon.GetHicon());
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.Text        = "Connected";
                mainForm.MOGStatusBarConnectionStatusBarPanel.ToolTipText = mainForm.RefreshConnectionToolText();

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_Complete:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_Complete
                // Make sure this contains an encapsulated command?
                if (command.GetCommand() != null)
                    // Determin the type of encapsulated command
                    switch (command.GetCommand().GetCommandType())
                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_Post:
                        #region MOG_COMMAND_PostComplete
                        if (mainForm != null)
                            // Check if we are on a tab that cares about this event?
                            if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Connections", true) == 0)
                                if (mainForm.mConnectionManager != null)
                                    // Only listen for the final Post w/o any assetFilename listed or else we would cause too many full refreshes
                                    if (command.GetCommand().GetAssetFilename().GetOriginalFilename().Length == 0)
                                        // Refresh the pending package listview
                                        // Refresh the pending post listview

                            // Check if this remove was successful?
                            if (command.GetCommand().IsCompleted())
// Someday this would be nice, but the library tab does refresh when it gets reselected so we need to process this event even though we are on another tab
//								// Check if we are on a tab that cares about this event?
//								if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Library", true) == 0)
//								{
                                if (command.GetCommand().GetAssetFilename().IsLibrary())
                                    if (mainForm.mLibraryManager != null)
//								}
                                // Check if we are on a tab that cares about this event?
                                if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Project", true) == 0)
                                    if (mainForm.mProjectManager != null)

                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_ReinstanceAssetRevision:
                        #region MOG_COMMAND_ReinstanceAssetRevision
                        // Check if this remove was successful?
                        if (command.GetCommand().IsCompleted())
                            if (mainForm.mProjectManager != null)
                                mainForm.mProjectManager.RemoveAssetFromProject(new MOG_Filename(command.GetCommand().GetSource()));
                            if (mainForm.LibraryExplorer != null)

                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RemoveAssetFromProject:
                        #region MOG_COMMAND_RemoveAssetFromProject
                        // Check if this remove was successful?
                        if (command.GetCommand().IsCompleted())
                            if (mainForm.mProjectManager != null)
                            if (mainForm.LibraryExplorer != null)

                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NetworkPackageMerge:
                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LocalPackageMerge:
                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_EditorPackageMergeTask:
                    case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NetworkPackageRebuild:

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveConnection:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveConnection
                if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Connections", true) == 0)
                    if (mainForm.mConnectionManager != null)

            // These are the all around locks requested commands from the server
            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveLock:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveLock
                switch (command.GetCommand().GetCommandType())
                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRelease:
                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockReadRequest:
                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRelease:
                case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_LockWriteRequest:
                    if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Locks", true) == 0)
                        if (mainForm.mLockManager != null)

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshProject:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_RefreshProject

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshApplication:

            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_RefreshTools:

            // These are the all around general commands from the server
            case MOG_COMMAND_TYPE.MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveCommand:
                #region MOG_COMMAND_NotifyActiveCommand
                // The command manager needs to know about all commands
                if (string.Compare(MOG_ControllerProject.GetActiveTabName(), "Connections", true) == 0)
                    if (mainForm.mConnectionManager != null)
        static public bool AddAssetToWorkspaces(MOG_Filename assetFilename, bool userInitiated, BackgroundWorker worker)
            bool bFailed = false;

            // Open the asset now to save time later so it doesn't need to be opened for each workspace
            MOG_ControllerAsset asset = MOG_ControllerAsset.OpenAsset(assetFilename);

            if (asset != null)
                    // Walk through all of our workspaces
                    foreach (MOG_ControllerSyncData workspace in mWorkspaces.Values)
                        bool bAddAsset = false;

                        // Check if this workspace is active?
                        if (workspace.IsAlwaysActive())
                            bAddAsset = true;
                        // Imported asset has special logic
                        else if (asset.GetProperties().Status == MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Imported))
                            // Check if this asset originated from within this workspace?  (special case added for SmartBomb so editor will always update the workspace of an object sent from the editor)
                            if (DosUtils.PathIsWithinPath(workspace.GetSyncDirectory(), asset.GetProperties().SourcePath))
                                bAddAsset = true;
                            // Check if the user actually initiated this event?
                            else if (userInitiated &&
                                     workspace == MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController())
                                bAddAsset = true;
                        // All other assets should simply go into the current
                        else if (workspace == MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController())
                            bAddAsset = true;

                        // Should this asset be added?
                        if (bAddAsset)
                            // Decide if the user wants to be notified about the asset's update
                            bool bInformUser = userInitiated;
                            // Check if no worker was specified?  or
                            // Check if this isn't the active workspace?
                            if (worker == null ||
                                workspace != MOG_ControllerProject.GetCurrentSyncDataController())
                                // Don't bother the user about any problems
                                bInformUser = false;

                            // Check if we can add this asset to the local workspace?
                            if (workspace.CanAddAssetToLocalWorkspace(asset, bInformUser))
                                // Check if this asset comming from an inbox?   and
                                // Check if this asset comming from our inbox?   and
                                // Check if this asset's current state is 'Imported'  and
                                // Check if this asset originated from this workspace?
                                // Finally, Make sure this wasn't user initiated?
                                if (assetFilename.IsWithinInboxes() &&
                                    string.Compare(assetFilename.GetUserName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetUserName(), true) == 0 &&
                                    string.Compare(asset.GetProperties().Status, MOG_AssetStatus.GetText(MOG_AssetStatusType.Imported), true) == 0 &&
                                    MOG_Filename.IsWithinPath(workspace.GetSyncDirectory(), asset.GetProperties().SourcePath) &&
                                    // Looks like we can proceed to import
                                    if (!workspace.AddAssetToLocalUpdatedTray(asset, worker))
                                        bFailed = true;

                                    // Continue on to the next asset

                                // Proceed to add the asset to this workspace
                                if (!workspace.AddAssetToLocalWorkspace(asset, worker))
                                    bFailed = true;
                bFailed = true;

            if (!bFailed)