public static MLAPIVersion GetVersionDiff(MLAPIVersion v1, MLAPIVersion v2) { return(new MLAPIVersion() { MAJOR = (byte)(v1.MAJOR - v2.MAJOR), MINOR = (byte)(v1.MINOR - v2.MINOR), PATCH = (byte)(v1.PATCH - v2.PATCH) }); }
private GithubRelease GetReleaseOfVersion(MLAPIVersion version) { for (int i = 0; i < releases.Length; i++) { if (MLAPIVersion.Parse(releases[i].tag_name) == version) { return(releases[i]); } } return(null); }
private List <MLAPIVersion> GetMajorVersionsBetween(MLAPIVersion currentVersion, MLAPIVersion targetVersion) { List <MLAPIVersion> versionsBetween = new List <MLAPIVersion>(); for (int i = 0; i < releases.Length; i++) { MLAPIVersion version = MLAPIVersion.Parse(releases[i].tag_name); if (version >= currentVersion && version <= targetVersion) { MLAPIVersion diff = MLAPIVersion.GetVersionDiff(currentVersion, version); if (diff.MAJOR > 0) { versionsBetween.Add(version); } } } return(versionsBetween); }
private IEnumerator InstallRelease(int index) { PendingPackages.Clear(); PendingPackageLock = true; bool waiting = true; bool accepted = false; MLAPIVersion currentMLAPIVersion = MLAPIVersion.Parse(currentVersion); List <MLAPIVersion> versions = GetMajorVersionsBetween(currentMLAPIVersion, MLAPIVersion.Parse(releases[index].tag_name)); if (versions.Count > 0 && currentMLAPIVersion.IsValid() && currentMLAPIVersion > new MLAPIVersion() { MAJOR = 2, MINOR = 0, PATCH = 0 }) { VersionUpgradePopup window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <VersionUpgradePopup>(); Rect mainWindowRect = MLAPIEditorExtensions.GetEditorMainWindowPos(); float widthFill = 0.5f; float heightFill = 0.3f; window.position = new Rect( - ((mainWindowRect.width * widthFill) / 2f), - ((mainWindowRect.height * heightFill) / 2f), mainWindowRect.width * widthFill, mainWindowRect.height * heightFill); window.SetData(GetReleasesFromVersions(versions), (result) => { //Called if the user proceeds with the upgrade. accepted = result; waiting = false; }); window.ShowPopup(); } else { accepted = true; waiting = false; } while (waiting) { yield return(null); } if (accepted) { showProgressBar = true; progressTarget = releases[index].assets.Length; progress = 0; statusMessage = "Cleaning lib folder"; yield return(null); if (Directory.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/MLAPI/Lib/")) { Directory.Delete(Application.dataPath + "/MLAPI/Lib/", true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.dataPath + "/MLAPI/Lib/"); bool downloadFail = false; for (int i = 0; i < releases[index].assets.Length; i++) { UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Get(releases[index].assets[i].browser_download_url); www.SendWebRequest(); while (!www.isDone && string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { statusMessage = "Downloading " + releases[index].assets[i].name + "(" + (i + 1) + "/" + releases[index].assets.Length + ") " + www.downloadProgress + "%"; yield return(null); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { //Some kind of error downloadFail = true; statusMessage = "Failed to download asset " + releases[index].assets[i].name + ". Error: " + www.error; double startTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; //Basically = yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); while (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - startTime <= 5f) { yield return(null); } statusMessage = ""; } else { statusMessage = "Writing " + releases[index].assets[i].name + " to disk"; yield return(null); File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/MLAPI/Lib/" + releases[index].assets[i].name,; if (releases[index].assets[i].name.EndsWith(".unitypackage")) { PendingPackages.Add(releases[index].assets[i].name); } yield return(null); } progress = i; } yield return(null); statusMessage = ""; if (!downloadFail) { currentVersion = releases[index].tag_name; //Only set this if there was no fail. This is to allow them to still retry the download } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } showProgressBar = false; statusMessage = ""; PendingPackageLock = false; }