Exemple #1
        private static void CountObjects(MIL_ID MilDisplay, MIL_ID MilGraphicsList, MIL_ID MilGraphicsContext, MIL_ID MilBinImage, MIL_ID MilBlobFeatureList, MIL_ID MilBlobResult)
            MIL_INT NumberOfBlobs      = 0;
            MIL_INT NumberOfPrimitives = 0;
            MIL_INT Index;

            string TextLabel;

            // Disable the display update for better performance.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_DISABLE);

            // Remove all elements from the graphics list, except the rectangle
            // region primitive at index 0.
            MIL.MgraInquireList(MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_LIST, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_NUMBER_OF_GRAPHICS, ref NumberOfPrimitives);
            for (Index = NumberOfPrimitives - 1; Index > 0; Index--)
                MIL.MgraControlList(MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_GRAPHIC_INDEX(Index), MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DELETE, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Set the input region. The blob analysis will be done
            // from the (filled) interactive rectangle.
            MIL.MbufSetRegion(MilBinImage, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RASTERIZE + MIL.M_FILL_REGION, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Calculate the blobs and their features.
            MIL.MblobCalculate(MilBinImage, MIL.M_NULL, MilBlobFeatureList, MilBlobResult);

            // Get the total number of blobs.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref NumberOfBlobs);

            // Set the input units to display unit for the count annotations.
            MIL.MgraControl(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_INPUT_UNITS, MIL.M_DISPLAY);
            TextLabel = string.Format(" Number of blobs found: {0:00} ", NumberOfBlobs);

            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_WHITE);
            MIL.MgraText(MilGraphicsContext, MilGraphicsList, 10, 10, TextLabel);

            // Restore the input units to pixel units for result annotations.
            MIL.MgraControl(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_INPUT_UNITS, MIL.M_PIXEL);

            // Draw blob center of gravity annotation.
            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);
            MIL.MblobDraw(MilGraphicsContext, MilBlobResult, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DRAW_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY, MIL.M_INCLUDED_BLOBS, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Draw blob bounding box annotations.
            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_GREEN);
            MIL.MblobDraw(MilGraphicsContext, MilBlobResult, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DRAW_BOX, MIL.M_INCLUDED_BLOBS, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Enable the display to update the drawings.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_ENABLE);
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MIL_ID  MilApplication      = MIL.M_NULL;           // Application identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilSystem           = MIL.M_NULL;           // System identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilDisplay          = MIL.M_NULL;           // Display identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilImage            = MIL.M_NULL;           // Image buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilGraphicList      = MIL.M_NULL;           // Graphic list identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilBinImage         = MIL.M_NULL;           // Binary image buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilBlobResult       = MIL.M_NULL;           // Blob result buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilBlobFeatureList  = MIL.M_NULL;           // Feature list identifier.
            MIL_INT TotalBlobs          = 0;                    // Total number of blobs.
            MIL_INT BlobsWithHoles      = 0;                    // Number of blobs with holes.
            MIL_INT BlobsWithRoughHoles = 0;                    // Number of blobs with rough holes.
            MIL_INT n     = 0;                                  // Counter.
            MIL_INT SizeX = 0;                                  // Size X of the source buffer
            MIL_INT SizeY = 0;                                  // Size Y of the source buffer

            double[] CogX = null;                               // X coordinate of center of gravity.
            double[] CogY = null;                               // Y coordinate of center of gravity.

            // Allocate defaults.
            MIL.MappAllocDefault(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilApplication, ref MilSystem, ref MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL);

            // Restore source image into image buffer.
            MIL.MbufRestore(IMAGE_FILE, MilSystem, ref MilImage);

            // Allocate a graphic list to hold the subpixel annotations to draw.
            MIL.MgraAllocList(MilSystem, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilGraphicList);

            // Associate the graphic list to the display.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID, MilGraphicList);

            // Display the buffer.
            MIL.MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImage);

            // Allocate a binary image buffer for fast processing.
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref SizeX);
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref SizeY);
            MIL.MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, SizeX, SizeY, 1 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_PROC, ref MilBinImage);

            // Pause to show the original image.
            Console.Write("\nBLOB ANALYSIS:\n");
            Console.Write("This program determines the number of bolts, nuts and washers\n");
            Console.Write("in the image and finds their center of gravity.\n");
            Console.Write("Press <Enter> to continue.\n\n");

            // Binarize image.

            // Remove small particles and then remove small holes.
            MIL.MimOpen(MilBinImage, MilBinImage, MIN_BLOB_RADIUS, MIL.M_BINARY);
            MIL.MimClose(MilBinImage, MilBinImage, MIN_BLOB_RADIUS, MIL.M_BINARY);

            // Allocate a feature list.
            MIL.MblobAllocFeatureList(MilSystem, ref MilBlobFeatureList);

            // Enable the Area and Center Of Gravity feature calculation.
            MIL.MblobSelectFeature(MilBlobFeatureList, MIL.M_AREA);
            MIL.MblobSelectFeature(MilBlobFeatureList, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY);

            // Allocate a blob result buffer.
            MIL.MblobAllocResult(MilSystem, ref MilBlobResult);

            // Calculate selected features for each blob.
            MIL.MblobCalculate(MilBinImage, MIL.M_NULL, MilBlobFeatureList, MilBlobResult);

            // Exclude blobs whose area is too small.

            // Get the total number of selected blobs.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref TotalBlobs);
            Console.Write("There are {0} objects ", TotalBlobs);

            // Read and print the blob's center of gravity.
            CogX = new double[TotalBlobs];
            CogY = new double[TotalBlobs];
            if (CogX != null && CogY != null)
                // Get the results.
                MIL.MblobGetResult(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_X, CogX);
                MIL.MblobGetResult(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_Y, CogY);

                // Print the center of gravity of each blob.
                Console.Write("and their centers of gravity are:\n");
                for (n = 0; n < TotalBlobs; n++)
                    Console.Write("Blob #{0}: X={1,5:0.0}, Y={2,5:0.0}\n", n, CogX[n], CogY[n]);
                Console.Write("\nError: Not enough memory.\n");

            // Draw a cross at the center of gravity of each blob.
            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);

            // Reverse what is considered to be the background so that
            // holes are seen as being blobs.

            MIL.MblobControl(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_FOREGROUND_VALUE, MIL.M_ZERO);

            // Add a feature to distinguish between types of holes.Since area
            // has already been added to the feature list, and the processing
            // mode has been changed, all blobs will be re-included and the area
            // of holes will be calculated automatically.

            MIL.MblobSelectFeature(MilBlobFeatureList, MIL.M_COMPACTNESS);

            // Calculate selected features for each blob.
            MIL.MblobCalculate(MilBinImage, MIL.M_NULL, MilBlobFeatureList, MilBlobResult);

            // Exclude small holes and large (the area around objects) holes.

            // Get the number of blobs with holes.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref BlobsWithHoles);

            // Exclude blobs whose holes are compact (i.e.nuts).

            // Get the number of blobs with holes that are NOT compact.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref BlobsWithRoughHoles);

            // Print results.
            Console.Write("\nIdentified objects:\n");
            Console.Write("{0} bolts\n", TotalBlobs - BlobsWithHoles);
            Console.Write("{0} nuts\n", BlobsWithHoles - BlobsWithRoughHoles);
            Console.Write("{0} washers\n\n", BlobsWithRoughHoles);
            Console.Write("Press <Enter> to end.\n\n");

            // Free all allocations.
            MIL.MappFreeDefault(MilApplication, MilSystem, MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL);
Exemple #3
        // Find defects in corrected depth map, compute max deviation and draw contours.
        static void PerformBlobAnalysis(MIL_ID MilSystem, MIL_ID MilDisplay, MIL_ID MilOverlayImage, MIL_ID MilDepthMap)
            MIL_ID  MilBinImage        = MIL.M_NULL;    // Binary image buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilBlobFeatureList = MIL.M_NULL;    // Feature list identifier.
            MIL_ID  MilBlobResult      = MIL.M_NULL;    // Blob result buffer identifier.
            MIL_INT SizeX      = 0;                     // Width of depth map.
            MIL_INT SizeY      = 0;                     // Height of depth map.
            MIL_INT TotalBlobs = 0;                     // Total number of blobs.
            MIL_INT n          = 0;                     // Counter.

            MIL_INT[] MinPixels       = null;           // Maximum height of defects.
            double    DefectThreshold = 0.0;            // A gray level below it is a defect.

            double[] CogX = null;                       // X coordinate of center of gravity.
            double[] CogY = null;                       // Y coordinate of center of gravity.

            // Get size of depth map.
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilDepthMap, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref SizeX);
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilDepthMap, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref SizeY);

            // Allocate a binary image buffer for fast processing.
            MIL.MbufAlloc2d(MilSystem, SizeX, SizeY, 1 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_PROC, ref MilBinImage);

            // Binarize image.
            MIL.MimBinarize(MilDepthMap, MilBinImage, MIL.M_FIXED + MIL.M_LESS_OR_EQUAL, DefectThreshold, MIL.M_NULL);

            // Remove small particles.
            MIL.MimOpen(MilBinImage, MilBinImage, MIN_BLOB_RADIUS, MIL.M_BINARY);

            // Allocate a feature list.
            MIL.MblobAllocFeatureList(MilSystem, ref MilBlobFeatureList);

            // Enable the Center Of Gravity and Min Pixel features calculation.
            MIL.MblobSelectFeature(MilBlobFeatureList, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY);
            MIL.MblobSelectFeature(MilBlobFeatureList, MIL.M_MIN_PIXEL);

            // Allocate a blob result buffer.
            MIL.MblobAllocResult(MilSystem, ref MilBlobResult);

            // Calculate selected features for each blob.
            MIL.MblobCalculate(MilBinImage, MilDepthMap, MilBlobFeatureList, MilBlobResult);

            // Get the total number of selected blobs.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref TotalBlobs);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of defects: {0}", TotalBlobs);

            // Read and print the blob characteristics.
            CogX      = new double[TotalBlobs];
            CogY      = new double[TotalBlobs];
            MinPixels = new MIL_INT[TotalBlobs];
            if (CogX != null && CogY != null && MinPixels != null)
                // Get the results.
                MIL.MblobGetResult(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_X, CogX);
                MIL.MblobGetResult(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY_Y, CogY);
                MIL.MblobGetResult(MilBlobResult, MIL.M_MIN_PIXEL + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, MinPixels);

                // Draw the defects.
                MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);
                MIL.MblobDraw(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilBlobResult, MilOverlayImage, MIL.M_DRAW_BLOBS, MIL.M_INCLUDED_BLOBS, MIL.M_DEFAULT);
                MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_WHITE);

                // Print the depth of each blob.
                for (n = 0; n < TotalBlobs; n++)
                    double DepthOfDefect;
                    string DepthString;

                    // Write the depth of the defect in the overlay.
                    DepthOfDefect = EXPECTED_HEIGHT - (MinPixels[n] / SCALE_FACTOR);
                    DepthString   = string.Format("{0:0.00} mm", DepthOfDefect);

                    Console.WriteLine("Defect #{0}: depth ={1,5:0.00} mm", n, DepthOfDefect);
                    MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilOverlayImage, CogX[n] + TEXT_H_OFFSET_1, CogY[n] + TEXT_V_OFFSET_1, "Defect depth");
                    MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilOverlayImage, CogX[n] + TEXT_H_OFFSET_2, CogY[n] + TEXT_V_OFFSET_2, DepthString);
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Not enough memory.");

            // Free all allocations.