Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates the key with the temporal and computer specific attributes
        /// </summary>
        protected StringBuilder GenerateKey()
            //-----a----- Start building the encrypted string
            StringBuilder tokenToEncrypt = new StringBuilder();


            //-----b----- Double check that the anonID cookie has been set and set it again if not... (this should never not have happened as it is called first OnInit in the MGLBasePage)

            //-----c----- The AnonID is a GUID - always 36 characters
            string tempValue = DefaultAnonID;

            if (Request.Cookies["AnonID"] != null)
                tempValue = Request.Cookies["AnonID"].Value;

            //-----d----- Add some padding

            //-----e----- The date time will be of the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss - and will always be dd and mm (not d and m for e.g. 01)
            tokenToEncrypt.Append(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(DateTime.Now, true, true));

            //-----f----- Do the encryption itself
            StringBuilder authKey = MGLEncryption.Encrypt(tokenToEncrypt);

            //-----g----- And lastly, lets make this key HTML secure ...
            authKey = MGLEncryption.HTMLifyString(authKey);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a series of simple integer range searches... useful for more specific testing
        /// </summary>
        public static void TestSorting()
            List <DatabaseIndexInfo> riis = rw.IndexFindAll(new TestObj());

            int      randomVal  = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, 1000000);
            long     randomVal2 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(8000000000, 12000000000);
            double   randomVal3 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(0, 1);
            DateTime randomVal4 = MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax);

            List <DatabaseSearchPattern> testPatterns = new List <DatabaseSearchPattern>()
                // Bool
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestBool", MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomBool()),
                // Score - equivalent (int)
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal),
                // Score - greater than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, true),
                // Score - less than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, false),
                // Score - between
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestInt", randomVal, randomVal + TestParameters.SearchRangeSize),
                // Text - Starts with
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestStr", MGLEncryption.GetSalt(RedisWrapper.TextIndexLength).ToString().ToLower()),
                // Score - between (long)
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestLong", randomVal2, randomVal2 + (4000000000 * TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / 1000000)),
                // Primary key
                new DatabaseSearchPattern((long)randomVal),
                // Score - between
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDouble", randomVal3, randomVal3 + ((double)TestParameters.SearchRangeSize / 1000000.0)),
                // Date time - betwen
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, randomVal4.AddDays(1)),
                // Date time - less than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, false),
                // Date time - greater than
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4, true),
                // Date time - equivalent
                new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestDT", randomVal4)

            // sort it

            string isItGucci = "";
        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates a number of randomly generated RedisTestObj objects, with each parameter between a range...
        ///     These are ONLY used for writing, so we can ignore if the readonly flag is enabled
        /// </summary>
        public static void GenerateRandomObjects()
            // These are ONLY used for writing, so we can ignore if the readonly flag is enabled
            if (TestParameters.DoWrite == false)
                Logger.Log("Skipping generating the random objects as the global TestParameter.JustDoRead parameter is set to read only.");

            RandomObjects = new List <object>();

            // Generate some random data!
            Logger.LogSubHeading("Generating " + NumIterations + " randomly generated TestObj objects...");

            int i = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                    // The primary key
                    new TestObj((ulong)i,
                                // A random int
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomInt(1, MaxIntegerInRange),
                                // longs ...
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomLong(TestParameters.MinLongInRange, TestParameters.MaxLongInRange),
                                // doubles ...
                                MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDouble(TestParameters.MinDoubleInRange, TestParameters.MaxDoubleInRange),
                                // bools ...
                                // strings ...
                                // DateTime - Standardise the dates to the nearest second so that the MySQL vs Redis comparison is consistent
                                // Otherwise Redis is stored to the nearest MS while MySQL only stores to the nearest second
                                DatabaseSearchPattern.StandardiseDateToStartOfSecond(MGLEncryption.GenerateRandomDateTime(TestParameters.DateMin, TestParameters.DateMax), false)));

                // Log the progress ...
                Logger.Log(i, 1000, NumIterations);
            Logger.Log(i, 1, NumIterations);
 public static DatabaseSearchPattern GenerateSearchPatternString()
     return(new DatabaseSearchPattern("TestStr", MGLEncryption.GetSalt(RedisWrapper.TextIndexLength).ToString().ToLower()));