Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists assembly load errors and attempts to construct instances of all Types declared as Exports (which are ICheckable)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifier"></param>
        public void Check(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Exception> badAssembly in _mefPlugins.ListBadAssemblies())
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Could not load assembly " + badAssembly.Key, CheckResult.Fail, badAssembly.Value));

            foreach (Type t in _mefPlugins.GetAllTypes())
                notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found Type " + t, CheckResult.Success, null));

                if (typeof(ICheckable).IsAssignableFrom(t))
                        _mefPlugins.CreateA <ICheckable>(t.FullName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs(
                                                      "Class " + t.FullName +
                                                      " implements ICheckable but could not be created as an ICheckable.",
                                                      CheckResult.Warning, ex));
        public IDilutionOperation Create(Type operation)
            if (operation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("operation");

            if (!typeof(IDilutionOperation).IsAssignableFrom(operation))
                throw new ArgumentException("Requested operation Type " + operation + " did was not an IDilutionOperation");

            var instance = _mef.CreateA <IDilutionOperation>(operation.FullName);

            instance.ColumnToDilute = _targetColumn;

        public AttacherRuntimeTask(IProcessTask task, RuntimeArgumentCollection args, MEF mef)
            : base(task, args)
            //All attachers must be marked as mounting stages, and therefore we can pull out the RAW Server and Name
            var mountingStageArgs = args.StageSpecificArguments;

            if (mountingStageArgs.LoadStage != LoadStage.Mounting)
                throw new Exception("AttacherRuntimeTask can only be called as a Mounting stage process");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(task.Path))
                throw new ArgumentException("Path is blank for ProcessTask '" + task + "' - it should be a class name of type " + typeof(IAttacher).Name);

            Attacher = mef.CreateA <IAttacher>(ProcessTask.Path);
            SetPropertiesForClass(RuntimeArguments, Attacher);
            Attacher.Initialize(args.StageSpecificArguments.RootDir, RuntimeArguments.StageSpecificArguments.DbInfo);
        public DataProviderRuntimeTask(IProcessTask task, RuntimeArgumentCollection args, MEF mef)
            : base(task, args)
            string classNameToInstantiate = task.Path;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(task.Path))
                throw new ArgumentException("Path is blank for ProcessTask '" + task + "' - it should be a class name of type " + typeof(IDataProvider).Name);

            Provider = mef.CreateA <IDataProvider>(classNameToInstantiate);

                SetPropertiesForClass(RuntimeArguments, Provider);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Error when trying to set the properties for '" + task.Name + "'", e);

            Provider.Initialize(args.StageSpecificArguments.RootDir, RuntimeArguments.StageSpecificArguments.DbInfo);
Exemple #5
        public MutilateDataTablesRuntimeTask(IProcessTask task, RuntimeArgumentCollection args, MEF mef)
            : base(task, args)
            //All attachers must be marked as mounting stages, and therefore we can pull out the RAW Server and Name
            var stageArgs = args.StageSpecificArguments;

            if (stageArgs == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Stage args was null");
            if (stageArgs.DbInfo == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Stage args had no DbInfo, unable to mutilate tables without a database - mutilator is sad");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(task.Path))
                throw new ArgumentException("Path is blank for ProcessTask '" + task + "' - it should be a class name of type " + typeof(IMutilateDataTables).Name);

            MutilateDataTables = mef.CreateA <IMutilateDataTables>(ProcessTask.Path);
            SetPropertiesForClass(RuntimeArguments, MutilateDataTables);
            MutilateDataTables.Initialize(stageArgs.DbInfo, ProcessTask.LoadStage);