private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { res = new ME3BioConversation.EntryListReplyListStruct(); res.Paraphrase = textBox1.Text; res.refParaphrase = Int32.Parse(textBox2.Text); res.CategoryType = pcc.FindNameOrAdd("EReplyCategory"); res.CategoryValue = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(comboBox1.Text); res.Index = Int32.Parse(textBox4.Text); state = 1; }
public byte[] ToArray() { MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream(); buffer.WriteValueU32(firstVal); buffer.WriteValueS32(pccRef.findName("None")); buffer.Seek(16, SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer.WriteValueU32(otherVal); buffer.WriteValueS32(enumTextureGroups.Count); foreach (ByteProp byteProp in enumTextureGroups) { buffer.WriteValueS32(pccRef.FindNameOrAdd(; buffer.WriteValueS32(byteProp.value); } return(buffer.ToArray()); }
public static void ImportImmutableProperty(ME3Package pcc, ME3Package importpcc, Property p, string className, MemoryStream m, bool inStruct = false) { string name = importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Name); int idxname = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name); if (name == "None") { return; } string type = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 8)); int idxtype = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(type); string name2; int idxname2; int size, count, pos; List <Property> Props; switch (type) { case "IntProperty": case "FloatProperty": case "ObjectProperty": case "StringRefProperty": m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue), 0, 4); break; case "NameProperty": m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue))), 0, 4); //preserve index or whatever the second part of a namereference is m.Write(p.raw, 28, 4); break; case "BoolProperty": m.WriteByte((byte)p.Value.IntValue); break; case "BioMask4Property": m.WriteByte((byte)p.Value.IntValue); break; case "ByteProperty": name2 = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24)); idxname2 = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name2); if (p.Size == 8) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue))), 0, 4); m.Write(new byte[4], 0, 4); } else { m.WriteByte(p.raw[32]); } break; case "StrProperty": name2 = p.Value.StringValue; if (name2.Length > 0) { name2 += '\0'; } m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(-name2.Length), 0, 4); foreach (char c in name2) { m.WriteByte((byte)c); m.WriteByte(0); } break; case "StructProperty": size = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 16); name2 = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24)); idxname2 = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name2); pos = 32; Props = new List <Property>(); try { Props = ReadProp(importpcc, p.raw, pos); } catch (Exception) { } if (Props.Count == 0 || Props[0].TypeVal == PropertyType.Unknown) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { m.WriteByte(p.raw[32 + i]); } } else { foreach (Property pp in Props) { ImportImmutableProperty(pcc, importpcc, pp, className, m, inStruct); } } break; case "ArrayProperty": size = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 16); count = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24); ArrayType arrayType = ME3UnrealObjectInfo.getArrayType(className, importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)); pos = 28; List <Property> AllProps = new List <Property>(); if (arrayType == ArrayType.Struct) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Props = new List <Property>(); try { Props = ReadProp(importpcc, p.raw, pos); } catch (Exception) { } AllProps.AddRange(Props); if (Props.Count != 0) { pos = Props[Props.Count - 1].offend; } } } m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(count), 0, 4); if (AllProps.Count != 0) { foreach (Property pp in AllProps) { ImportImmutableProperty(pcc, importpcc, pp, className, m, inStruct); } } else if (arrayType == ArrayType.Name) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string s = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 28 + i * 8)); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(s)), 0, 4); //preserve index or whatever the second part of a namereference is m.Write(p.raw, 32 + i * 8, 4); } } else { m.Write(p.raw, 28, size - 4); } break; default: case "DelegateProperty": throw new NotImplementedException(type); } }
public static void ImportImmutableProperty(ME3Package pcc, ME3Package importpcc, Property p, string className, MemoryStream m, bool inStruct = false) { string name = importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Name); int idxname = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name); if (name == "None") return; string type = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 8)); int idxtype = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(type); string name2; int idxname2; int size, count, pos; List<Property> Props; switch (type) { case "IntProperty": case "FloatProperty": case "ObjectProperty": case "StringRefProperty": m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue), 0, 4); break; case "NameProperty": m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue))), 0, 4); //preserve index or whatever the second part of a namereference is m.Write(p.raw, 28, 4); break; case "BoolProperty": m.WriteByte((byte)p.Value.IntValue); break; case "BioMask4Property": m.WriteByte((byte)p.Value.IntValue); break; case "ByteProperty": name2 = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24)); idxname2 = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name2); if (p.Size == 8) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Value.IntValue))), 0, 4); m.Write(new byte[4], 0, 4); } else { m.WriteByte(p.raw[32]); } break; case "StrProperty": name2 = p.Value.StringValue + '\0'; m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(-name2.Length), 0, 4); foreach (char c in name2) { m.WriteByte((byte)c); m.WriteByte(0); } break; case "StructProperty": size = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 16); name2 = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24)); idxname2 = pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name2); pos = 32; Props = new List<Property>(); try { Props = ReadProp(importpcc, p.raw, pos); } catch (Exception) { } if (Props.Count == 0 || Props[0].TypeVal == PropertyType.Unknown) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) m.WriteByte(p.raw[32 + i]); } else { foreach (Property pp in Props) ImportImmutableProperty(pcc, importpcc, pp, className, m, inStruct); } break; case "ArrayProperty": size = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 16); count = BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 24); ArrayType arrayType = ME3UnrealObjectInfo.getArrayType(className, importpcc.getNameEntry(p.Name), inStruct); pos = 28; List<Property> AllProps = new List<Property>(); if (arrayType == ArrayType.Struct) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Props = new List<Property>(); try { Props = ReadProp(importpcc, p.raw, pos); } catch (Exception) { } AllProps.AddRange(Props); if (Props.Count != 0) { pos = Props[Props.Count - 1].offend; } } } m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(count), 0, 4); if (AllProps.Count != 0) { foreach (Property pp in AllProps) ImportImmutableProperty(pcc, importpcc, pp, className, m, inStruct); } else if (arrayType == ArrayType.Name) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string s = importpcc.getNameEntry(BitConverter.ToInt32(p.raw, 28 + i * 8)); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(s)), 0, 4); //preserve index or whatever the second part of a namereference is m.Write(p.raw, 32 + i * 8, 4); } } else { m.Write(p.raw, 28, size - 4); } break; default: case "DelegateProperty": throw new NotImplementedException(type); } }
public void OneImageToRuleThemAll(string imageFileName, string archiveDir, out string newTextureGroup) { newTextureGroup = null; ImageMipMapHandler imgMipMap = new ImageMipMapHandler(imageFileName, null); // starts from the smaller image for (int i = imgMipMap.imageList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ImageFile newImageFile = imgMipMap.imageList[i]; // insert images only with size > 64 if (newImageFile.imgSize.width < 64 && newImageFile.imgSize.height < 64) { continue; } // write the new image into a file (I know that's crappy solution, I'll find another one later...) using (FileStream newImageStream = File.Create(newImageFile.fileName)) { byte[] buffer = newImageFile.ToArray(); newImageStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } // if the image size exists inside the texture2d image list then we have to replace it if (imgList.Exists(img => img.imgSize == newImageFile.imgSize)) { // ...but at least for now I can reuse my replaceImage function... ;) replaceImage(newImageFile.imgSize.ToString(), newImageFile.fileName, archiveDir); } else // if the image doesn't exists then we have to add it { // ...and use my addBiggerImage function! :P addBiggerImage(newImageFile.fileName, archiveDir); } File.Delete(newImageFile.fileName); } // check that Texture2D has a TextureGroup if (!properties.ContainsKey("LODGroup")) { return; } // extracting values from LODGroup Property PropertyReader.Property LODGroup = properties["LODGroup"]; string textureGroupName = pccRef.Names[LODGroup.Value.IntValue]; string newTextureGroupName = "TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap"; textureGroupName = newTextureGroupName; int nameIndex = pccRef.FindNameOrAdd(newTextureGroupName); using (MemoryStream rawStream = new MemoryStream(LODGroup.raw)) { rawStream.Seek(32, SeekOrigin.Begin); rawStream.WriteValueS32(nameIndex); //rawStream.Seek(32, SeekOrigin.Begin); rawStream.WriteValueS32(0); properties["LODGroup"].raw = rawStream.ToArray(); } //LODGroup.Value.IntValue = pccRef.Names.FindIndex(name => name == newTextureGroupName); /*MessageBox.Show("Texturegroup Name: " + textureGroupName); * ImageSize maxImageSize = imgList.Max(image => image.imgSize); * int textureGroupValue = (int)Math.Max(maxImageSize.width, maxImageSize.height) + 1; * * // open Engine.pcc file and edit TextureGroup enumerator * { * PCCObject pccEngine = new PCCObject(ME3Directory.cookedPath + "Engine.pcc"); * int idxTexGroups = pccEngine.Exports.FindIndex(export => export.ObjectName == "TextureGroup"); * * TextureGroup texGroup = new TextureGroup(pccEngine, pccEngine.Exports[idxTexGroups].Data); * if (texGroup.ExistsTextureGroup(textureGroupName, textureGroupValue)) * return; * else * { * if (!pccEngine.Names.Exists(name => name == newTextureGroupName)) * pccEngine.Names.Add(newTextureGroupName); * * newTextureGroup = textureGroupName + "_" + (textureGroupValue - 1); * * texGroup.Add(textureGroupName, textureGroupValue); * MessageBox.Show("Now editing texgroup enum"); * pccEngine.Exports[idxTexGroups].Data = texGroup.ToArray(); * MessageBox.Show("Now saving engine.pcc"); * pccEngine.saveToFile(true, ME3Directory.cookedPath + "Engine.pcc"); * MessageBox.Show("Saved engine.pcc"); * * * } * }*/ }
public void Save() { int tmp1, tmp2, size; if (pcc == null) { return; } MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Unk1), 0, 4); foreach (PropertyReader.Property p in Props) { switch (pcc.getNameEntry(p.Name)) { case "m_StartingList": m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(StartingList.Count * 4 + 4), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(StartingList.Count), 0, 4); foreach (int i in StartingList) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), 0, 4); } break; case "m_EntryList": tmp1 = (int)m.Position; m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(new byte[8], 0, 8); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(EntryList.Count), 0, 4); size = 4; foreach (EntryListStuct el in EntryList) { size += WriteEntryList(m, el); } tmp2 = (int)m.Position; m.Seek(tmp1 + 0x10, 0); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(size), 0, 4); m.Seek(tmp2, 0); break; case "m_ReplyList": tmp1 = (int)m.Position; m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(new byte[8], 0, 8); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(ReplyList.Count), 0, 4); size = 4; foreach (ReplyListStruct rp in ReplyList) { size += WriteReplyList(m, rp); } tmp2 = (int)m.Position; m.Seek(tmp1 + 0x10, 0); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(size), 0, 4); m.Seek(tmp2, 0); break; case "m_aSpeakerList": m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(SpeakerList.Count * 8 + 4), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(SpeakerList.Count), 0, 4); foreach (NameReference name in SpeakerList) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(pcc.FindNameOrAdd(name.Name)), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(name.Number), 0, 4); } break; case "m_aFemaleFaceSets": m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(FemaleFaceSets.Count * 4 + 4), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(FemaleFaceSets.Count), 0, 4); foreach (int i in FemaleFaceSets) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), 0, 4); } break; case "m_aMaleFaceSets": m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(MaleFaceSets.Count * 4 + 4), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, 4); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(MaleFaceSets.Count), 0, 4); foreach (int i in MaleFaceSets) { m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(i), 0, 4); } break; case "m_aStageDirections": tmp1 = (int)m.Position; m.Write(p.raw, 0, 0x10); m.Write(new byte[8], 0, 8); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(StageDirections.Count), 0, 4); size = 4; foreach (StageDirectionStruct sd in StageDirections) { size += WriteStageDirection(m, sd); } tmp2 = (int)m.Position; m.Seek(tmp1 + 0x10, 0); m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(size), 0, 4); m.Seek(tmp2, 0); break; default: m.Write(p.raw, 0, p.raw.Length); break; } } m.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(0), 0, 4); export.Data = m.ToArray(); }