private void btn_ResetPass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TaiKhoan_Data.Update_TaiKhoanPass(edt_Ma.Text.Trim(), MD5_Hash.MD5Hash(this.pass_Default)); MessageBox.Show("The password is reseted to " + this.pass_Default + "!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.status) { if (edt_Ten.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Dienthoai.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_DiaChi.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Mail.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Ma.Text != "") { Data_Entity.TaiKhoan_Data.Add_TaiKhoan( new TaiKhoan { user_Acc = this.edt_Ma.Text.Trim(), pass_Acc = MD5_Hash.MD5Hash(this.pass_Default), status = this.swh_Status.Checked, id_LoaiTK = this.cbb_LoaiTK.SelectedValue.ToString() }, new TT_TaiKhoan { user_Acc = this.edt_Ma.Text.Trim(), name_User = this.edt_Ten.Text, email_User = this.edt_Mail.Text, phone_User = this.edt_Dienthoai.Text, address_User = this.edt_DiaChi.Text } ); MessageBox.Show("Add is success with the password: "******"!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RefeshForm(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The values of the columns is'nt NULL", "Note", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { if (edt_Ten.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Dienthoai.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_DiaChi.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Mail.Text.Trim() != "" && edt_Ma.Text != "") { Data_Entity.TaiKhoan_Data.Edit_TaiKhoan( new TaiKhoan { user_Acc = this.edt_Ma.Text.Trim(), status = this.swh_Status.Checked, id_LoaiTK = this.cbb_LoaiTK.SelectedValue.ToString() }, new TT_TaiKhoan { user_Acc = this.edt_Ma.Text.Trim(), name_User = this.edt_Ten.Text, email_User = this.edt_Mail.Text, phone_User = this.edt_Dienthoai.Text, address_User = this.edt_DiaChi.Text } ); MessageBox.Show("Edit is success!", "Notification", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); RefeshForm(); } else { MessageBox.Show("The values of the columns is'nt NULL", "Note", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }