public void testBookingPeriod()
            int btId = dbType.addNewRecord("newName", "newProducer", 10, 100); //capacity equals 10 hours
            int bId = dbBattery.addNewRecord("Charged", btId);
            int sID = dbStation.addNewRecord("newName", "newAddress", "newCountry", "newState");
            int bsID = dbStorage.addNewRecord(btId, sID, 20);
            dbPeriod.addNewRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, 10,5); // initial =10 custom = 5
            period = dbPeriod.getRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, true);
            storage = dbStorage.getRecord(bsID, true);
            DateTime time = new DateTime();
            time = DateTime.Today.AddDays(10);
            DateTime secondTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5);
               period = pCalc.getBookingPeriod(storage, time);
               MPeriod previous = pCalc.getPreviousPeriod(storage, period);
               Assert.AreEqual(isInPeriod(period, time, storage), true);
               period = pCalc.getBookingPeriod(storage, secondTime);
               Assert.AreEqual(isInPeriod(period, secondTime, storage), true);

                storage = dbStorage.getRecord(,true);
                foreach (MPeriod p in storage.periods)
 //This method returns period for given booking
 public MPeriod getBookingPeriod(MBatteryStorage storage, DateTime time)
     List<MPeriod> periods = dbPeriod.getStoragePeriods(,true);
     MPeriod lastPeriod = periods[periods.Count - 1];
     if (time.CompareTo(lastPeriod.time) > 0)//if time of booking is later then time of last period
         while (time.CompareTo(lastPeriod.time) > 0) //while time of booking is earlier or in the same time then time of last period
             lastPeriod = createPeriod(storage);//create new period
     else //if time of booking is before time of last period
         for (int x = periods.Count - 1; x >= 1; x--) //for periods from last to first
             MPeriod next = periods[x]; //last created period
             MPeriod curr = periods[x - 1]; //second last period
             if ((time.CompareTo(curr.time) >= 0) & (time.CompareTo(next.time) < 0)) //if time of booking is later then current and earlier then next period
                 return curr;
     return lastPeriod;
 public MPeriod createPeriod(MBatteryStorage storage)
     storage = dbStorage.getRecord(, true);
     MPeriod newPeriod = new MPeriod();
     newPeriod.time = getTime(storage);
     newPeriod.initBatteryNumber = getInitNumber(storage);
     dbPeriod.addNewRecord(, newPeriod.time, newPeriod.initBatteryNumber, newPeriod.bookedBatteryNumber);
     return newPeriod;
 public bool isInPeriod(MPeriod period, DateTime time, MBatteryStorage storage)
     DateTime first = period.time;
     double hours = (double) storage.type.capacity;
     DateTime second = period.time.AddHours(hours);
     if ((time.CompareTo(first) >= 0) & (time.CompareTo(second) < 0))
         return true;
     else return false;
 public List<MPeriod> getAllPeriodsAfter(MBatteryStorage storage, MPeriod period)
     List<MPeriod> periods = dbPeriod.getStoragePeriods(, true);
     bool found = false;
     List<MPeriod> periodsAfter = new List<MPeriod>();
     foreach (MPeriod p in periods)
         if (p.time == period.time)
             found = true;
         if (found)
     return periodsAfter;
 public MPeriod getNextPeriod(MBatteryStorage storage, MPeriod current)
     List<MPeriod> periods = dbPeriod.getStoragePeriods(, true);
     int x = 0;
     bool found = false;
     MPeriod next = new MPeriod();
     while (!found || x < periods.Count)
         MPeriod period = periods[x];
         if (period.time == current.time)
             found = true;
                 next = periods[x + 1];
             catch (Exception)
                 next = createPeriod(storage);
     return next;
 //This method will return number of batteries of given type for one storage
 public int getInitNumber(MBatteryStorage storage)
     int init = storage.storageNumber;
     return init;
 //This method adds hours according to the capacity of given battery type
 public DateTime getTime(MBatteryStorage storage)
     int count = storage.periods.Count;
     DateTime firstPeriod = storage.periods[count-1].time;
     int capacity = (int) storage.type.capacity;
     DateTime secondPeriod = firstPeriod.AddHours(capacity);
     return secondPeriod;
 public MPeriod getPreviousPeriod(MBatteryStorage storage, MPeriod current)
     List<MPeriod> periods = dbPeriod.getStoragePeriods(, true);
        int x = periods.Count;
     bool found = false;
     MPeriod previous = new MPeriod();
     while(!found || x>0)
        MPeriod period = periods[x-1];
        if (period.time == current.time)
            found = true;
                previous = periods[x - 2];
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
     return previous;
 public void TestGetInitNumber()
     int btId = dbType.addNewRecord("newName", "newProducer", 10, 100); //capacity equals 10 hours
     int sID = dbStation.addNewRecord("newName", "newAddress", "newCountry", "newState");
     int bsID = dbStorage.addNewRecord(btId, sID, 20);
     dbPeriod.addNewRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, 10, 5); // initial =10 custom = 5 future = 1
     period = dbPeriod.getRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, true);
     storage = dbStorage.getRecord(bsID, true);
         int init = pCalc.getInitNumber(storage);
         Assert.AreEqual(init, 20);
         dbPeriod.deleteRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today);
        public void TestGetPeriod()
            int btId = dbType.addNewRecord("newName", "newProducer", 10, 100); //capacity equals 10 hours
            int sID = dbStation.addNewRecord("newName", "newAddress", "newCountry", "newState");
            int bsID = dbStorage.addNewRecord(btId, sID, 20);
            dbPeriod.addNewRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, 10, 5); // initial =10 custom = 5 future = 1
            period = dbPeriod.getRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today, true);
            storage = dbStorage.getRecord(bsID, true);
                MPeriod firstPeriod = pCalc.createPeriod(storage);
                storage = dbStorage.getRecord(, true);
                MPeriod secondPeriod = pCalc.createPeriod(storage);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Today.AddHours(20), secondPeriod.time);
                Assert.AreEqual(20, secondPeriod.initBatteryNumber);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, firstPeriod.bookedBatteryNumber);
                dbPeriod.deleteRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today);
                dbPeriod.deleteRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today.AddHours(10));
                dbPeriod.deleteRecord(bsID, DateTime.Today.AddHours(20));
