Exemple #1
        public override void Read(AssetReader reader)
            if (IsSerialized(reader.Version))


                m_platforms = reader.ReadEnum32Array((t) => (GPUPlatform)t);
                uint[] offsets             = reader.ReadUInt32Array();
                uint[] compressedLengths   = reader.ReadUInt32Array();
                uint[] decompressedLengths = reader.ReadUInt32Array();
                byte[] compressedBlob      = reader.ReadByteArray();

                m_subProgramBlobs = new ShaderSubProgramBlob[m_platforms.Length];
                using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(compressedBlob))
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_platforms.Length; i++)
                        uint offset             = offsets[i];
                        uint compressedLength   = compressedLengths[i];
                        uint decompressedLength = decompressedLengths[i];

                        memStream.Position = offset;
                        byte[] decompressedBuffer = new byte[decompressedLength];
                        using (Lz4DecodeStream lz4Stream = new Lz4DecodeStream(memStream, (int)compressedLength))
                            int read = lz4Stream.Read(decompressedBuffer, 0, decompressedBuffer.Length);
                            if (read != decompressedLength)
                                throw new Exception($"Can't properly decode shader blob. Read {read} but expected {decompressedLength}");

                        using (MemoryStream blobMem = new MemoryStream(decompressedBuffer))
                            using (AssetReader blobReader = new AssetReader(blobMem, reader.Version, reader.Platform, reader.Flags))
                                ShaderSubProgramBlob blob = new ShaderSubProgramBlob();
                                m_subProgramBlobs[i] = blob;

                if (IsEncoded(reader.Version))
                    uint decompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    int  comressedSize    = reader.ReadInt32();

                    byte[] subProgramBlob = new byte[comressedSize];
                    reader.Read(subProgramBlob, 0, comressedSize);

                    if (comressedSize > 0 && decompressedSize > 0)
                        byte[] decompressedBuffer = new byte[decompressedSize];
                        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(subProgramBlob))
                            using (Lz4DecodeStream lz4Stream = new Lz4DecodeStream(memStream))
                                int read = lz4Stream.Read(decompressedBuffer, 0, decompressedBuffer.Length);
                                if (read != decompressedSize)
                                    throw new Exception($"Can't properly decode sub porgram blob. Read {read} but expected {decompressedSize}");

                        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(decompressedBuffer))
                            using (AssetReader blobReader = new AssetReader(memStream, reader.Version, reader.Platform, reader.Flags))

                if (IsReadFallback(reader.Version))
                if (IsReadDefaultProperties(reader.Version))
                if (IsReadStaticProperties(reader.Version))

            if (IsReadDependencies(reader.Version))
                m_dependencies = reader.ReadAssetArray <PPtr <Shader> >();
            if (IsReadNonModifiableTextures(reader.Version))
                m_nonModifiableTextures = reader.ReadAssetArray <PPtr <Texture> >();
            if (IsReadShaderIsBaked(reader.Version))
                ShaderIsBaked = reader.ReadBoolean();
        private void Read530Blocks(SmartStream dataStream)
            if (Header.Flags.IsMetadataAtTheEnd())
                dataStream.Position = Header.HeaderSize;

            int  cachedBlock = -1;
            long dataOffset  = dataStream.Position;

            // If MemoryStream has compressed block then we need to create individual streams for each entry and copy its data into it
            bool createIndividualStreams = dataStream.StreamType == SmartStreamType.Memory;

            if (createIndividualStreams)
                // find out if this bundle file has compressed blocks
                foreach (BlockInfo block in Metadata.BlockInfos)
                    if (block.Flags.GetCompression() != BundleCompressType.None)
                        createIndividualStreams = true;

            using (SmartStream blockStream = SmartStream.CreateNull())
                foreach (BundleFileEntry entry in Metadata.Entries.Values)
                    // find out block offsets
                    long blockCompressedOffset   = 0;
                    long blockDecompressedOffset = 0;
                    int  blockIndex = 0;
                    while (blockDecompressedOffset + Metadata.BlockInfos[blockIndex].DecompressedSize <= entry.Offset)
                        blockCompressedOffset   += Metadata.BlockInfos[blockIndex].CompressedSize;
                        blockDecompressedOffset += Metadata.BlockInfos[blockIndex].DecompressedSize;

                    // if at least one block of this entry is compressed or acording to the rule above
                    // we should copy the data of current entry to a separate stream
                    bool needToCopy = createIndividualStreams;
                    if (!needToCopy)
                        // check if this entry has compressed blocks
                        long entrySize = 0;
                        for (int bi = blockIndex; entrySize < entry.Size; bi++)
                            if (Metadata.BlockInfos[bi].Flags.GetCompression() != BundleCompressType.None)
                                // it does. then we need to create individual stream and decomress its data into it
                                needToCopy = true;
                            entrySize += Metadata.BlockInfos[bi].DecompressedSize;

                    long entryOffsetInsideBlock = entry.Offset - blockDecompressedOffset;
                    if (needToCopy)
                        // well, at leat one block is compressed so we should copy data of current entry to a separate stream
                        using (SmartStream entryStream = CreateStream(entry.Size))
                            long left = entry.Size;
                            dataStream.Position = dataOffset + blockCompressedOffset;

                            // copy data of all blocks used by current entry to new stream
                            for (int bi = blockIndex; left > 0; bi++)
                                long      blockOffset = 0;
                                BlockInfo block       = Metadata.BlockInfos[bi];
                                if (cachedBlock == bi)
                                    // some data of previous entry is in the same block as this one
                                    // so we don't need to unpack it once again. Instead we can use cached stream
                                    dataStream.Position += block.CompressedSize;
                                    BundleCompressType compressType = block.Flags.GetCompression();
                                    switch (compressType)
                                    case BundleCompressType.None:
                                        blockOffset = dataOffset + blockCompressedOffset;

                                    case BundleCompressType.LZMA:
                                        SevenZipHelper.DecompressLZMAStream(dataStream, block.CompressedSize, blockStream, block.DecompressedSize);

                                    case BundleCompressType.LZ4:
                                    case BundleCompressType.LZ4HZ:
                                        using (Lz4DecodeStream lzStream = new Lz4DecodeStream(dataStream, block.CompressedSize))
                                            long read = lzStream.Read(blockStream, block.DecompressedSize);
                                            if (read != block.DecompressedSize || lzStream.IsDataLeft)
                                                throw new Exception($"Read {read} but expected {block.DecompressedSize}");

                                        throw new NotImplementedException($"Bundle compression '{compressType}' isn't supported");
                                    cachedBlock = bi;

                                // consider next offsets:
                                // 1) block - if it is new stream then offset is 0, otherwise offset of this block in the bundle file
                                // 2) entry - if this is first block for current entry then it is offset of this entry related to this block
                                //			  otherwise 0
                                long fragmentSize = block.DecompressedSize - entryOffsetInsideBlock;
                                blockStream.Position   = blockOffset + entryOffsetInsideBlock;
                                entryOffsetInsideBlock = 0;

                                long size = Math.Min(fragmentSize, left);
                                blockStream.CopyStream(entryStream, size);

                                blockCompressedOffset += block.CompressedSize;
                                left -= size;
                            if (left < 0)
                                throw new Exception($"Read more than expected");

                            FileEntryOffset feOffset = new FileEntryOffset(entryStream.CreateReference(), 0);
                            m_entryStreams.Add(entry, feOffset);
                        // no compressed blocks was found so we can use original bundle stream
                        // since FileEntry.Offset contains decompressedOffset we need to preliminarily subtract it
                        FileEntryOffset feOffset = new FileEntryOffset(dataStream.CreateReference(), dataOffset + blockCompressedOffset + entryOffsetInsideBlock);
                        m_entryStreams.Add(entry, feOffset);
Exemple #3
        private void Read530Blocks(SmartStream bundleStream, BlockInfo[] blockInfos)
            int  cachedBlock = -1;
            long dataOffset  = bundleStream.Position;

            BundleFileEntry[] newEntries = new BundleFileEntry[Metadata.Entries.Count];
            using (SmartStream blockStream = SmartStream.CreateNull())
                for (int ei = 0; ei < Metadata.Entries.Count; ei++)
                    BundleFileEntry entry = Metadata.Entries[ei];

                    // find block corresponding to current entry
                    int  blockIndex         = 0;
                    long compressedOffset   = 0;
                    long decompressedOffset = 0;
                    while (true)
                        BlockInfo block = blockInfos[blockIndex];
                        if (decompressedOffset + block.DecompressedSize > entry.Offset)
                        compressedOffset   += block.CompressedSize;
                        decompressedOffset += block.DecompressedSize;

                    // check does this entry use any compressed blocks
                    long entrySize    = 0;
                    bool isCompressed = false;
                    for (int bi = blockIndex; entrySize < entry.Size; bi++)
                        BlockInfo block = blockInfos[bi];
                        entrySize += block.DecompressedSize;
                        if (block.Flags.GetCompression() != BundleCompressType.None)
                            isCompressed = true;

                    if (isCompressed)
                        // well, at leat one block is compressed so we should copy data of current entry to separate stream
                        using (SmartStream entryStream = CreateStream(entry.Size))
                            long left        = entry.Size;
                            long entryOffset = entry.Offset - decompressedOffset;
                            bundleStream.Position = dataOffset + compressedOffset;

                            // copy data of all blocks used by current entry to created stream
                            for (int bi = blockIndex; left > 0; bi++)
                                long      blockOffset = 0;
                                BlockInfo block       = blockInfos[bi];
                                if (cachedBlock == bi)
                                    // some data of previous entry is in the same block as this one
                                    // so we don't need to unpack it once again but can use cached stream
                                    bundleStream.Position += block.CompressedSize;
                                    BundleCompressType compressType = block.Flags.GetCompression();
                                    switch (compressType)
                                    case BundleCompressType.None:
                                        blockOffset = dataOffset + compressedOffset;

                                    case BundleCompressType.LZMA:
                                        SevenZipHelper.DecompressLZMAStream(bundleStream, block.CompressedSize, blockStream, block.DecompressedSize);

                                    case BundleCompressType.LZ4:
                                    case BundleCompressType.LZ4HZ:
                                        using (Lz4DecodeStream lzStream = new Lz4DecodeStream(bundleStream, block.CompressedSize))
                                            long read = lzStream.Read(blockStream, block.DecompressedSize);
                                            if (read != block.DecompressedSize)
                                                throw new Exception($"Read {read} but expected {block.CompressedSize}");

                                        throw new NotImplementedException($"Bundle compression '{compressType}' isn't supported");
                                    cachedBlock = bi;

                                // consider next offsets:
                                // 1) block - if it is new stream then offset is 0, otherwise offset of this block in bundle file
                                // 2) entry - if this is first block for current entry then it is offset of this entry related to this block
                                //			  otherwise 0
                                long fragmentSize = block.DecompressedSize - entryOffset;
                                blockStream.Position = blockOffset + entryOffset;
                                entryOffset          = 0;

                                long size = Math.Min(fragmentSize, left);
                                blockStream.CopyStream(entryStream, size);

                                compressedOffset += block.CompressedSize;
                                left             -= size;
                            if (left < 0)
                                throw new Exception($"Read more than expected");

                            newEntries[ei] = new BundleFileEntry(entryStream, entry.FilePath, entry.Name, 0, entry.Size);
                        // no compressed blocks was found so we can use original bundle stream
                        newEntries[ei] = new BundleFileEntry(entry, dataOffset + entry.Offset);
            Metadata = new BundleMetadata(m_filePath, newEntries);
        private SmartStream Read530Metadata(BundleFileReader reader)
            if (Header.Flags.IsMetadataAtTheEnd())
                reader.BaseStream.Position = Header.BundleSize - Header.MetadataCompressedSize;

            BundleCompressType metaCompression = Header.Flags.GetCompression();

            switch (metaCompression)
            case BundleCompressType.None:
                long expectedPosition = Header.Flags.IsMetadataAtTheEnd() ? Header.BundleSize : Header.HeaderSize + Header.MetadataDecompressedSize;
                if (reader.BaseStream.Position != expectedPosition)
                    throw new Exception($"Read {reader.BaseStream.Position - Header.HeaderSize} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

            case BundleCompressType.LZMA:
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(new byte[Header.MetadataDecompressedSize]))
                    SevenZipHelper.DecompressLZMASizeStream(reader.BaseStream, Header.MetadataCompressedSize, stream);
                    using (BundleFileReader decompressReader = new BundleFileReader(stream, reader.EndianType, reader.Generation))
                    if (stream.Position != Header.MetadataDecompressedSize)
                        throw new Exception($"Read {stream.Position} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

            case BundleCompressType.LZ4:
            case BundleCompressType.LZ4HZ:
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(new byte[Header.MetadataDecompressedSize]))
                    using (Lz4DecodeStream decodeStream = new Lz4DecodeStream(reader.BaseStream, Header.MetadataCompressedSize))
                        long read = decodeStream.Read(stream, Header.MetadataDecompressedSize);
                        if (read != Header.MetadataDecompressedSize || decodeStream.IsDataLeft)
                            throw new Exception($"Read {read} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

                    stream.Position = 0;
                    using (BundleFileReader decompressReader = new BundleFileReader(stream, reader.EndianType, reader.Generation))
                    if (stream.Position != Header.MetadataDecompressedSize)
                        throw new Exception($"Read {stream.Position} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

                throw new NotSupportedException($"Bundle compression '{metaCompression}' isn't supported");
Exemple #5
        private void Read530Metadata(EndianReader reader, long basePosition)
            SmartStream bundleStream = (SmartStream)reader.BaseStream;
            long        dataPosition = bundleStream.Position;

            if (Header.Flags.IsMetadataAtTheEnd())
                bundleStream.Position = basePosition + Header.BundleSize - Header.MetadataCompressedSize;
                dataPosition += Header.MetadataCompressedSize;

            BlockInfo[]        blockInfos;
            BundleCompressType metaCompression = Header.Flags.GetCompression();

            switch (metaCompression)
            case BundleCompressType.None:
                long metaPosition = bundleStream.Position;

                // unknown 0x10
                bundleStream.Position += 0x10;
                blockInfos             = reader.ReadEndianArray <BlockInfo>();
                Metadata = new BundleMetadata(m_filePath);
                Metadata.Read530(reader, bundleStream);

                if (bundleStream.Position != metaPosition + Header.MetadataDecompressedSize)
                    throw new Exception($"Read {bundleStream.Position - metaPosition} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

            case BundleCompressType.LZMA:
                using (MemoryStream metaStream = new MemoryStream(new byte[Header.MetadataDecompressedSize]))
                    SevenZipHelper.DecompressLZMASizeStream(bundleStream, Header.MetadataCompressedSize, metaStream);
                    using (EndianReader metaReader = new EndianReader(metaStream, EndianType.BigEndian))
                        // unknown 0x10
                        metaReader.BaseStream.Position += 0x10;
                        blockInfos = metaReader.ReadEndianArray <BlockInfo>();
                        Metadata   = new BundleMetadata(m_filePath);
                        Metadata.Read530(metaReader, bundleStream);

                    if (metaStream.Position != metaStream.Length)
                        throw new Exception($"Read {metaStream.Position} but expected {metaStream.Length}");

            case BundleCompressType.LZ4:
            case BundleCompressType.LZ4HZ:
                using (MemoryStream metaStream = new MemoryStream(new byte[Header.MetadataDecompressedSize]))
                    using (Lz4DecodeStream lzStream = new Lz4DecodeStream(bundleStream, Header.MetadataCompressedSize))
                        long read = lzStream.Read(metaStream, Header.MetadataDecompressedSize);
                        metaStream.Position = 0;

                        if (read != Header.MetadataDecompressedSize)
                            throw new Exception($"Read {read} but expected {Header.MetadataDecompressedSize}");

                    using (EndianReader metaReader = new EndianReader(metaStream, EndianType.BigEndian))
                        // unknown 0x10
                        metaReader.BaseStream.Position += 0x10;
                        blockInfos = metaReader.ReadEndianArray <BlockInfo>();
                        Metadata   = new BundleMetadata(m_filePath);
                        Metadata.Read530(metaReader, bundleStream);

                    if (metaStream.Position != metaStream.Length)
                        throw new Exception($"Read {metaStream.Position} but expected {metaStream.Length}");

                throw new NotSupportedException($"Bundle compression '{metaCompression}' isn't supported");

            bundleStream.Position = dataPosition;
            Read530Blocks(bundleStream, blockInfos);