Exemple #1
 void Awake()
     lutify = Camera.main.GetComponent <Lutify>();
     if (lutify == null)
         Debug.LogError("Can't aply color correction effect. The games camera does not have a color correction component attached.");
 void Prepare(Lutify inst)
     m_Lutify             = inst;
     m_SelectedCollection = m_Lutify._LastSelectedCategory;
     if (m_CollectionMenu == null || m_SelectedCollection >= m_CollectionMenu.Length)
         m_SelectedCollection = 0;
    public static void Init(Lutify inst)
        LutifyBrowser window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <LutifyBrowser>();

        window.autoRepaintOnSceneChange = true;
        window.minSize = new Vector2(370f, 200f);
Exemple #4
        private static void CreateMainCamera()
            if (null == mainCameraObj)
                GameObject mainCameraRootObj = new GameObject("Main Camera Root");

                mainCameraObj     = new GameObject("Main Camera");
                mainCamera        = mainCameraObj.AddComponent <Camera>();
                mainCameraObj.tag = "MainCamera";
                mainCameraObj.AddComponent <Animation>();
                BoxCollider collider  = mainCameraObj.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();
                Rigidbody   rigidbody = mainCameraObj.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

                collider.size        = new Vector3(1, 1, 10);
                collider.center      = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);
                collider.isTrigger   = true;
                rigidbody.mass       = 0;
                rigidbody.useGravity = false;

                mainCamera.backgroundColor    = Color.black;
                mainCamera.nearClipPlane      = 1;
                mainCamera.farClipPlane       = 1000;
                mainCamera.cullingMask        = DefaultSceneCullMask;
                mainCamera.layerCullSpherical = true;
                mainCameraObj.AddComponent <AudioListener>();
                mainCameraObj.transform.SetParent(mainCameraRootObj.transform, false);

                lutify = mainCameraObj.AddComponent <Lutify>();
                lutify.LookupTexture = AssetLoader.Load <Texture2D>(GloablDefine.LutifyTexturePath + "Standard/Cine Pack 1/Deep Dream.png");
                lutify.enabled       = true;

                mainCamCtrl = mainCameraObj.AddSingleComponent <MainCameraCtrl>();
		void Awake() {
			lutify = Camera.main.GetComponent<Lutify>();
			if (lutify == null) {
				Debug.LogError("Can't aply color correction effect. The games camera does not have a color correction component attached.");