bool IsNewMoon()
            LunarPhases massarPhase  = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.MassarLunarPhase;
            LunarPhases secundaPhase = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SecundaLunarPhase;

            return(massarPhase == LunarPhases.New || secundaPhase == LunarPhases.New);
        bool IsHalfMoon()
            LunarPhases massarPhase  = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.MassarLunarPhase;
            LunarPhases secundaPhase = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SecundaLunarPhase;

            return(massarPhase == LunarPhases.HalfWane || massarPhase == LunarPhases.HalfWax ||
                   secundaPhase == LunarPhases.HalfWane || secundaPhase == LunarPhases.HalfWax);
        // Borrowed this code from Lypyl's Enhanched Sky mod and cleaned up just to return phase value
        // This should return same value for lunar phases as Enhanced Sky so lycanthropes will see full moon on days they are forced to change
        // Moon phases are also used by "extra spell pts" item power during "full moon", "half moon", "new moon"
        private LunarPhases GetLunarPhase(bool isMasser)
            // Validate
            if (Year < 0)
                Debug.LogError("GetLunarPhase: Year < 0 not supported.");

            // 3 aligns full moon with vanilla DF for Masser, -1 for secunda
            int offset = (isMasser) ? 3 : -1;

            // Find the lunar phase for current day
            int         moonRatio = (DayOfYear + Year * MonthsPerYear * DaysPerMonth + offset) % 32;
            LunarPhases phase     = LunarPhases.None;

            if (moonRatio == 0)
                phase = LunarPhases.Full;
            else if (moonRatio == 16)
                phase = LunarPhases.New;
            else if (moonRatio <= 5)
                phase = LunarPhases.ThreeWane;
            else if (moonRatio <= 10)
                phase = LunarPhases.HalfWane;
            else if (moonRatio <= 15)
                phase = LunarPhases.OneWane;
            else if (moonRatio <= 22)
                phase = LunarPhases.OneWax;
            else if (moonRatio <= 28)
                phase = LunarPhases.HalfWax;
            else if (moonRatio <= 31)
                phase = LunarPhases.ThreeWax;
