public async Task AddTableRow(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
            // Telemetry
            TelemetryHelper.TrackDialog(context, result, "Tables", "AddTableRow");

            // Extract the name of the table from the query and save it
            var name = LuisHelper.GetNameEntity(result.Entities);

            if (name != null)
                context.UserData.SetValue <string>("TableName", name);

                context.UserData.SetValue <ObjectType>("Type", ObjectType.Table);
                context.UserData.SetValue <string>("Name", name);

            // Get the new table row from the query and persist it in the dialog
            Rows = new object[]
                LuisHelper.GetTableRow(result.Entities, result.Query)

            // Check if there is an open workbook and add the row to the table
            string workbookId = String.Empty;

            context.UserData.TryGetValue <string>("WorkbookId", out workbookId);

            if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(workbookId)))
                await TablesWorker.DoAddTableRow(context, Rows);

                context.Call <bool>(new ConfirmOpenWorkbookDialog(), AfterConfirm_AddTableRow);