/// <summary>
        /// Enumerates all terms greater/equal than <code>lowerTerm</code>
        /// but less/equal than <code>upperTerm</code>.
        /// If an endpoint is null, it is said to be "open". Either or both
        /// endpoints may be open.  Open endpoints may not be exclusive
        /// (you can't select all but the first or last term without
        /// explicitly specifying the term to exclude.)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tenum">
        ///          TermsEnum to filter </param>
        /// <param name="lowerTerm">
        ///          The term text at the lower end of the range </param>
        /// <param name="upperTerm">
        ///          The term text at the upper end of the range </param>
        /// <param name="includeLower">
        ///          If true, the <code>lowerTerm</code> is included in the range. </param>
        /// <param name="includeUpper">
        ///          If true, the <code>upperTerm</code> is included in the range. </param>
        public TermRangeTermsEnum(TermsEnum tenum, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
            : base(tenum)
            // do a little bit of normalization...
            // open ended range queries should always be inclusive.
            if (lowerTerm == null)
                this.LowerBytesRef = new BytesRef();
                this.IncludeLower = true;
                this.LowerBytesRef = lowerTerm;
                this.IncludeLower = includeLower;

            if (upperTerm == null)
                this.IncludeUpper = true;
                UpperBytesRef = null;
                this.IncludeUpper = includeUpper;
                UpperBytesRef = upperTerm;

            InitialSeekTerm = LowerBytesRef;
            TermComp = Comparator;
Exemple #2
        public BytesRef GetPayload()
            if (payloadLength <= 0)
                return(null); // no payload

            if (needToLoadPayload)
                // read payloads lazily
                if (payload == null)
                    payload = new BytesRef(payloadLength);

                proxStream.ReadBytes(payload.Bytes, payload.Offset, payloadLength);
                payload.Length    = payloadLength;
                needToLoadPayload = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Factory that creates a new <see cref="TermRangeFilter"/> using <see cref="string"/>s for term text.
        /// </summary>
        public static TermRangeFilter NewStringRange(string field, string lowerTerm, string upperTerm, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
            BytesRef lower = lowerTerm == null ? null : new BytesRef(lowerTerm);
            BytesRef upper = upperTerm == null ? null : new BytesRef(upperTerm);

            return(new TermRangeFilter(field, lower, upper, includeLower, includeUpper));
 public MockVariableLengthPayloadFilter(Random random, TokenStream @in)
     : base(@in)
     this.Random = random;
     this.Payload = new BytesRef(Bytes);
     this.PayloadAtt = AddAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>();
        /// <summary>
        /// If <paramref name="key"/> exists, returns its ordinal, else
        /// returns <c>-insertionPoint-1</c>, like
        /// <see cref="System.Array.BinarySearch(System.Array, int, int, object)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"> Key to look up</param>
        public virtual int LookupTerm(BytesRef key)
            BytesRef spare = new BytesRef();
            int      low   = 0;
            int      high  = ValueCount - 1;

            while (low <= high)
                int mid = (int)((uint)(low + high) >> 1);
                LookupOrd(mid, spare);
                int cmp = spare.CompareTo(key);

                if (cmp < 0)
                    low = mid + 1;
                else if (cmp > 0)
                    high = mid - 1;
                    return(mid); // key found

            return(-(low + 1)); // key not found.
        public virtual void AddValue(int docID, BytesRef value)
            if (value == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("field \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\": null value not allowed");
            if (value.Length > (ByteBlockPool.BYTE_BLOCK_SIZE - 2))
                throw new System.ArgumentException("DocValuesField \"" + FieldInfo.Name + "\" is too large, must be <= " + (ByteBlockPool.BYTE_BLOCK_SIZE - 2));

            if (docID != CurrentDoc)

            // Fill in any holes:
            while (CurrentDoc < docID)
                PendingCounts.Add(0); // no values

Exemple #7
            public override void Get(int docID, Int32sRef ordinals)
                BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef();

                values.Get(docID, bytes);
                outerInstance.Decode(bytes, ordinals);
        private void SumValues(IList<FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs> matchingDocs)
            //System.out.println("count matchingDocs=" + matchingDocs + " facetsField=" + facetsFieldName);
            foreach (FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs hits in matchingDocs)
                BinaryDocValues dv = hits.context.AtomicReader.GetBinaryDocValues(IndexFieldName);
                if (dv == null) // this reader does not have DocValues for the requested category list

                DocIdSetIterator docs = hits.bits.GetIterator();

                int doc;
                while ((doc = docs.NextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS)
                    //System.out.println("  doc=" + doc);
                    // TODO: use OrdinalsReader?  we'd need to add a
                    // BytesRef getAssociation()?
                    BytesRef bytesRef = new BytesRef();
                    dv.Get(doc, bytesRef);
                    byte[] bytes = bytesRef.Bytes;
                    int end = bytesRef.Offset + bytesRef.Length;
                    int offset = bytesRef.Offset;
                    while (offset < end)
                        int ord = ((bytes[offset] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((bytes[offset + 1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((bytes[offset + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[offset + 3] & 0xFF);
                        offset += 4;
                        int value = ((bytes[offset] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((bytes[offset + 1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((bytes[offset + 2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (bytes[offset + 3] & 0xFF);
                        offset += 4;
                        values[ord] += Number.IntBitsToFloat(value);
        public virtual void TestFixedBinary()
            BaseDirectoryWrapper dir = NewFSDirectory(CreateTempDir("2BFixedBinary"));
            if (dir is MockDirectoryWrapper)
                ((MockDirectoryWrapper)dir).Throttling = MockDirectoryWrapper.Throttling_e.NEVER;

            IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random()))
               .SetMaxBufferedDocs(IndexWriterConfig.DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH).SetRAMBufferSizeMB(256.0).SetMergeScheduler(new ConcurrentMergeScheduler()).SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy(false, 10)).SetOpenMode(IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode_e.CREATE));

            Document doc = new Document();
            var bytes = new byte[4];
            BytesRef data = new BytesRef(bytes);
            BinaryDocValuesField dvField = new BinaryDocValuesField("dv", data);

            for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
                bytes[0] = (byte)(i >> 24);
                bytes[1] = (byte)(i >> 16);
                bytes[2] = (byte)(i >> 8);
                bytes[3] = (byte)i;
                if (i % 100000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("indexed: " + i);



            DirectoryReader r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            int expectedValue = 0;
            foreach (AtomicReaderContext context in r.Leaves)
                AtomicReader reader = context.AtomicReader;
                BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef();
                BinaryDocValues dv = reader.GetBinaryDocValues("dv");
                for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
                    bytes[0] = (byte)(expectedValue >> 24);
                    bytes[1] = (byte)(expectedValue >> 16);
                    bytes[2] = (byte)(expectedValue >> 8);
                    bytes[3] = (byte)expectedValue;
                    dv.Get(i, scratch);
                    Assert.AreEqual(data, scratch);

Exemple #10
 // like clear() but doesn't clear termBuffer/text
 private void ClearNoTermBuffer()
     payload           = null;
     positionIncrement = 1;
     flags             = 0;
     startOffset       = endOffset = 0;
     type = Tokenattributes.TypeAttribute_Fields.DEFAULT_TYPE;
 private DocTermOrdsRangeFilter(string field, BytesRef lowerVal, BytesRef upperVal, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
     this.Field_Renamed = field;
     this.LowerVal_Renamed = lowerVal;
     this.UpperVal_Renamed = upperVal;
     this.IncludeLower = includeLower;
     this.IncludeUpper = includeUpper;
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Resets the term text, payload, flags, and positionIncrement,
 /// startOffset, endOffset and token type to default.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Clear()
     payload           = null;
     positionIncrement = 1;
     flags             = 0;
     startOffset       = endOffset = 0;
     type = Tokenattributes.TypeAttribute_Fields.DEFAULT_TYPE;
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy the prototype token's fields into this one, with a different term. Note: Payloads are shared. </summary>
 /// <param name="prototype"> existing Token </param>
 /// <param name="newTerm"> new term text </param>
 public virtual void Reinit(Token prototype, string newTerm)
     positionIncrement = prototype.positionIncrement;
     flags             = prototype.flags;
     startOffset       = prototype.startOffset;
     endOffset         = prototype.endOffset;
     type    = prototype.type;
     payload = prototype.payload;
 public BinaryDocValuesFieldUpdates(string field, int maxDoc)
     : base(field, Type_e.BINARY)
     DocsWithField = new FixedBitSet(64);
     Docs = new PagedMutable(1, 1024, PackedInts.BitsRequired(maxDoc - 1), PackedInts.COMPACT);
     Offsets = new PagedGrowableWriter(1, 1024, 1, PackedInts.FAST);
     Lengths = new PagedGrowableWriter(1, 1024, 1, PackedInts.FAST);
     Values = new BytesRef(16); // start small
     Size = 0;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy the prototype token's fields into this one. Note: Payloads are shared. </summary>
 /// <param name="prototype"> source Token to copy fields from </param>
 public virtual void Reinit(Token prototype)
     CopyBuffer(prototype.Buffer(), 0, prototype.Length);
     positionIncrement = prototype.positionIncrement;
     flags             = prototype.flags;
     startOffset       = prototype.startOffset;
     endOffset         = prototype.endOffset;
     type    = prototype.type;
     payload = prototype.payload;
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy the prototype token's fields into this one, with a different term. Note: Payloads are shared. </summary>
 /// <param name="prototype"> existing Token </param>
 /// <param name="newTermBuffer"> buffer containing new term text </param>
 /// <param name="offset"> the index in the buffer of the first character </param>
 /// <param name="length"> number of valid characters in the buffer </param>
 public virtual void Reinit(Token prototype, char[] newTermBuffer, int offset, int length)
     CopyBuffer(newTermBuffer, offset, length);
     positionIncrement = prototype.positionIncrement;
     flags             = prototype.flags;
     startOffset       = prototype.startOffset;
     endOffset         = prototype.endOffset;
     type    = prototype.type;
     payload = prototype.payload;
 protected internal override AcceptStatus Accept(BytesRef term)
     if (StringHelper.StartsWith(term, PrefixRef))
         return AcceptStatus.YES;
         return AcceptStatus.END;
Exemple #18
 protected internal override AcceptStatus Accept(BytesRef term)
     if (StringHelper.StartsWith(term, PrefixRef))
            private void ReadVectors()
                termAndPostings = new TermAndPostings[numTerms];
                BytesRef lastTerm = new BytesRef();

                for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++)
                    TermAndPostings t    = new TermAndPostings();
                    BytesRef        term = new BytesRef();
                    int start    = tvf.ReadVInt32();
                    int deltaLen = tvf.ReadVInt32();
                    term.Length = start + deltaLen;
                    tvf.ReadBytes(term.Bytes, start, deltaLen);
                    t.Term = term;
                    int freq = tvf.ReadVInt32();
                    t.Freq = freq;

                    if (storePositions)
                        int[] positions = new int[freq];
                        int   pos       = 0;
                        for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
                            int delta = tvf.ReadVInt32();
                            if (delta == -1)
                                delta = 0; // LUCENE-1542 correction
                            pos += delta;
                            positions[posUpto] = pos;
                        t.Positions = positions;

                    if (storeOffsets)
                        int[] startOffsets = new int[freq];
                        int[] endOffsets   = new int[freq];
                        int   offset       = 0;
                        for (int posUpto = 0; posUpto < freq; posUpto++)
                            startOffsets[posUpto] = offset + tvf.ReadVInt32();
                            offset = endOffsets[posUpto] = startOffsets[posUpto] + tvf.ReadVInt32();
                        t.StartOffsets = startOffsets;
                        t.EndOffsets   = endOffsets;
                    termAndPostings[i] = t;
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Shorthand for calling <seealso cref="#clear"/>,
 ///  <seealso cref="#copyBuffer(char[], int, int)"/>,
 ///  <seealso cref="#setOffset"/>,
 ///  <seealso cref="#setType"/> </summary>
 ///  <returns> this Token instance  </returns>
 public virtual Token Reinit(char[] newTermBuffer, int newTermOffset, int newTermLength, int newStartOffset, int newEndOffset, string newType)
     CheckOffsets(newStartOffset, newEndOffset);
     CopyBuffer(newTermBuffer, newTermOffset, newTermLength);
     payload           = null;
     positionIncrement = 1;
     startOffset       = newStartOffset;
     endOffset         = newEndOffset;
     type = newType;
 public MockFixedLengthPayloadFilter(Random random, TokenStream @in, int length)
     : base(@in)
     if (length < 0)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("length must be >= 0");
     this.Random = random;
     this.Bytes = new byte[length];
     this.Payload = new BytesRef(Bytes);
     this.PayloadAtt = AddAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>();
        public virtual void Test()
            Directory dir = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())).SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy()));

            IList<long?> numbers = new List<long?>();
            IList<BytesRef> binary = new List<BytesRef>();
            IList<BytesRef> sorted = new List<BytesRef>();
            int numDocs = AtLeast(100);
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
                Document d = new Document();
                long number = Random().NextLong();
                d.Add(new NumericDocValuesField("number", number));
                BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef(TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random()));
                d.Add(new BinaryDocValuesField("bytes", bytes));
                bytes = new BytesRef(TestUtil.RandomRealisticUnicodeString(Random()));
                d.Add(new SortedDocValuesField("sorted", bytes));

            IndexReader r = w.Reader;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, r.Leaves.Count);
            AtomicReader ar = (AtomicReader)r.Leaves[0].Reader;

            int numThreads = TestUtil.NextInt(Random(), 2, 5);
            IList<ThreadClass> threads = new List<ThreadClass>();
            CountDownLatch startingGun = new CountDownLatch(1);
            for (int t = 0; t < numThreads; t++)
                Random threadRandom = new Random(Random().Next());
                ThreadClass thread = new ThreadAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, numbers, binary, sorted, numDocs, ar, startingGun, threadRandom);


            foreach (ThreadClass thread in threads)

 public virtual DocsAndPositionsEnum GetDocsAndPositions(AtomicReader reader, BytesRef bytes, Bits liveDocs)
     Terms terms = reader.Terms(FieldName);
     if (terms != null)
         TermsEnum te = terms.Iterator(null);
         if (te.SeekExact(bytes))
             return te.DocsAndPositions(liveDocs, null);
     return null;
 public override void Get(int docID, BytesRef result)
     int ord = GetOrd(docID);
     if (ord == -1)
         result.Bytes = BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES;
         result.Length = 0;
         result.Offset = 0;
         LookupOrd(ord, result);
Exemple #25
        public override void Get(int docID, BytesRef result)
            int ord = GetOrd(docID);

            if (ord == -1)
                result.Bytes  = BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES;
                result.Length = 0;
                result.Offset = 0;
                LookupOrd(ord, result);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates this from <paramref name="dim"/> and <paramref name="path"/> and an
 /// association 
 /// </summary>
 public AssociationFacetField(BytesRef assoc, string dim, params string[] path)
     : base("dummy", TYPE)
     foreach (string label in path)
     this.Dim = dim;
     this.Assoc = assoc;
     if (path.Length == 0)
         throw new System.ArgumentException("path must have at least one element");
     this.Path = path;
        public virtual void TestBinary()
            Directory dir = NewDirectory();
            Document doc = new Document();
            BytesRef @ref = new BytesRef();
            Field field = new BinaryDocValuesField("bytes", @ref);

            IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(Random(), TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, null);
            RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir, iwc);

            int numDocs = AtLeast(500);
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
                if (Random().Next(17) == 0)
            DirectoryReader ir = iw.Reader;
            DirectoryReader ir2 = iw.Reader;
            AtomicReader merged = GetOnlySegmentReader(ir2);

            BinaryDocValues multi = MultiDocValues.GetBinaryValues(ir, "bytes");
            BinaryDocValues single = merged.GetBinaryDocValues("bytes");
            BytesRef actual = new BytesRef();
            BytesRef expected = new BytesRef();
            for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++)
                single.Get(i, expected);
                multi.Get(i, actual);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            // NOTE: slow!  (linear scan)
            public override SeekStatus SeekCeil(BytesRef text)
                IComparer <BytesRef> comparer = Comparer;

                for (int i = 0; i < numTerms; i++)
                    int cmp = comparer.Compare(text, termAndPostings[i].Term);
                    if (cmp < 0)
                        currentTerm = i;
                    else if (cmp == 0)
                        currentTerm = i;
                currentTerm = termAndPostings.Length;
Exemple #29
 protected internal virtual void ProcessPayload(Similarity similarity)
     if (TermSpans.PayloadAvailable)
         DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = TermSpans.Postings;
         Payload = postings.Payload;
         if (Payload != null)
             PayloadScore_Renamed = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.Function.CurrentScore(Doc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.Term.Field(), Spans.Start(), Spans.End(), PayloadsSeen, PayloadScore_Renamed, DocScorer.ComputePayloadFactor(Doc, Spans.Start(), Spans.End(), Payload));
             PayloadScore_Renamed = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.Function.CurrentScore(Doc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.Term.Field(), Spans.Start(), Spans.End(), PayloadsSeen, PayloadScore_Renamed, 1F);
         // zero out the payload?
 protected internal virtual void ProcessPayload(Similarity similarity)
     if (termSpans.IsPayloadAvailable)
         DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = termSpans.Postings;
         m_payload = postings.GetPayload();
         if (m_payload != null)
             m_payloadScore = outerInstance.outerInstance.m_function.CurrentScore(m_doc, outerInstance.outerInstance.Term.Field, m_spans.Start, m_spans.End, m_payloadsSeen, m_payloadScore, m_docScorer.ComputePayloadFactor(m_doc, m_spans.Start, m_spans.End, m_payload));
             m_payloadScore = outerInstance.outerInstance.m_function.CurrentScore(m_doc, outerInstance.outerInstance.Term.Field, m_spans.Start, m_spans.End, m_payloadsSeen, m_payloadScore, 1F);
         // zero out the payload?
        public virtual void TestBinary()
            Directory dir = NewDirectory();
            RandomIndexWriter iw = new RandomIndexWriter(Random(), dir);
            BytesRef bytes = new BytesRef(2);
            BinaryTokenStream tokenStream = new BinaryTokenStream(bytes);

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                bytes.Bytes[0] = (byte)i;
                bytes.Bytes[1] = unchecked((byte)(255 - i));
                bytes.Length = 2;
                Document doc = new Document();
                FieldType customType = new FieldType();
                customType.Stored = true;
                doc.Add(new Field("id", "" + i, customType));
                doc.Add(new TextField("bytes", tokenStream));

            IndexReader ir = iw.Reader;

            IndexSearcher @is = NewSearcher(ir);

            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                bytes.Bytes[0] = (byte)i;
                bytes.Bytes[1] = unchecked((byte)(255 - i));
                bytes.Length = 2;
                TopDocs docs = @is.Search(new TermQuery(new Term("bytes", bytes)), 5);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, docs.TotalHits);
                Assert.AreEqual("" + i, @is.Doc(docs.ScoreDocs[0].Doc).Get("id"));

Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Subclass &amp; override if you change the encoding.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void Decode(BytesRef buf, Int32sRef ordinals)
            // grow the buffer up front, even if by a large number of values (buf.length)
            // that saves the need to check inside the loop for every decoded value if
            // the buffer needs to grow.
            if (ordinals.Int32s.Length < buf.Length)
                ordinals.Int32s = ArrayUtil.Grow(ordinals.Int32s, buf.Length);

            ordinals.Offset = 0;
            ordinals.Length = 0;

            // it is better if the decoding is inlined like so, and not e.g.
            // in a utility method
            int upto   = buf.Offset + buf.Length;
            int value  = 0;
            int offset = buf.Offset;
            int prev   = 0;

            while (offset < upto)
                byte b = buf.Bytes[offset++];
                if ((sbyte)b >= 0)
                    ordinals.Int32s[ordinals.Length] = ((value << 7) | b) + prev;
                    value = 0;
                    prev  = ordinals.Int32s[ordinals.Length];
                    value = (value << 7) | (b & 0x7F);
 public override void Clear()
     MaxNonCompetitiveBoost_Renamed = float.NegativeInfinity;
     CompetitiveTerm_Renamed = null;
 public override void Decompress(DataInput @in, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes)
     Debug.Assert(offset + length <= originalLength);
     if (bytes.Bytes.Length < originalLength)
         bytes.Bytes = new byte[ArrayUtil.Oversize(originalLength, 1)];
     @in.ReadBytes(bytes.Bytes, 0, offset + length);
     bytes.Offset = offset;
     bytes.Length = length;
 internal Iterator(int size, PagedGrowableWriter offsets, PagedGrowableWriter lengths, PagedMutable docs, BytesRef values, FixedBitSet docsWithField)
     this.Offsets = offsets;
     this.Size = size;
     this.Lengths = lengths;
     this.Docs = docs;
     this.DocsWithField = docsWithField;
     Value_Renamed = (BytesRef)values.Clone();
Exemple #36
 public override float ComputePayloadFactor(int doc, int start, int end, BytesRef payload)
Exemple #37
 public override void Get(int docID, BytesRef result)
     result.Bytes  = BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES;
     result.Offset = 0;
     result.Length = 0;
Exemple #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a filter for field <paramref name="fieldName"/> matching
 /// greater than or equal to <paramref name="lowerTerm"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static TermRangeFilter More(string fieldName, BytesRef lowerTerm)
     return(new TermRangeFilter(fieldName, lowerTerm, null, true, false));
 internal DumbPrefixQuery(TestPrefixRandom outerInstance, Term term)
     : base(term.Field)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     Prefix = term.Bytes;
        public virtual void TestVariableBinary([ValueSource(typeof(ConcurrentMergeSchedulers), "Values")]IConcurrentMergeScheduler scheduler)
            BaseDirectoryWrapper dir = NewFSDirectory(CreateTempDir("2BVariableBinary"));
            if (dir is MockDirectoryWrapper)
                ((MockDirectoryWrapper)dir).Throttling = MockDirectoryWrapper.Throttling_e.NEVER;

            var config = new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random()))
                            .SetMergePolicy(NewLogMergePolicy(false, 10))
            IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(dir, config);

            Document doc = new Document();
            var bytes = new byte[4];
            ByteArrayDataOutput encoder = new ByteArrayDataOutput(bytes);
            BytesRef data = new BytesRef(bytes);
            BinaryDocValuesField dvField = new BinaryDocValuesField("dv", data);

            for (int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)
                encoder.WriteVInt(i % 65535); // 1, 2, or 3 bytes
                data.Length = encoder.Position;
                if (i % 100000 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("indexed: " + i);



            DirectoryReader r = DirectoryReader.Open(dir);
            int expectedValue = 0;
            ByteArrayDataInput input = new ByteArrayDataInput();
            foreach (AtomicReaderContext context in r.Leaves)
                AtomicReader reader = context.AtomicReader;
                BytesRef scratch = new BytesRef(bytes);
                BinaryDocValues dv = reader.GetBinaryDocValues("dv");
                for (int i = 0; i < reader.MaxDoc; i++)
                    dv.Get(i, scratch);
                    input.Reset((byte[])(Array)scratch.Bytes, scratch.Offset, scratch.Length);
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue % 65535, input.ReadVInt());

Exemple #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a filter for field <paramref name="fieldName"/> matching
 /// less than or equal to <paramref name="upperTerm"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public static TermRangeFilter Less(string fieldName, BytesRef upperTerm)
     return(new TermRangeFilter(fieldName, null, upperTerm, false, true));
Exemple #42
 /// <param name="fieldName"> The field this range applies to </param>
 /// <param name="lowerTerm"> The lower bound on this range </param>
 /// <param name="upperTerm"> The upper bound on this range </param>
 /// <param name="includeLower"> Does this range include the lower bound? </param>
 /// <param name="includeUpper"> Does this range include the upper bound? </param>
 /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> if both terms are <c>null</c> or if
 ///  lowerTerm is <c>null</c> and includeLower is <c>true</c> (similar for upperTerm
 ///  and includeUpper) </exception>
 public TermRangeFilter(string fieldName, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
     : base(new TermRangeQuery(fieldName, lowerTerm, upperTerm, includeLower, includeUpper))
        public override void StartTerm(BytesRef term, int freq)
            int prefix = StringHelper.BytesDifference(LastTerm, term);
            int suffix = term.Length - prefix;
            Tvf.WriteBytes(term.Bytes, term.Offset + prefix, suffix);
            LastPosition = LastOffset = 0;

            if (Offsets && Positions)
                // we might need to buffer if its a non-bulk merge
                OffsetStartBuffer = ArrayUtil.Grow(OffsetStartBuffer, freq);
                OffsetEndBuffer = ArrayUtil.Grow(OffsetEndBuffer, freq);
                OffsetIndex = 0;
                OffsetFreq = freq;
        public override void AddPosition(int position, int startOffset, int endOffset, BytesRef payload)
            Debug.Assert(payload == null);
            if (Positions && Offsets)
                // write position delta
                Tvf.WriteVInt(position - LastPosition);
                LastPosition = position;

                // buffer offsets
                OffsetStartBuffer[OffsetIndex] = startOffset;
                OffsetEndBuffer[OffsetIndex] = endOffset;

                // dump buffer if we are done
                if (OffsetIndex == OffsetFreq)
                    for (int i = 0; i < OffsetIndex; i++)
                        Tvf.WriteVInt(OffsetStartBuffer[i] - LastOffset);
                        Tvf.WriteVInt(OffsetEndBuffer[i] - OffsetStartBuffer[i]);
                        LastOffset = OffsetEndBuffer[i];
            else if (Positions)
                // write position delta
                Tvf.WriteVInt(position - LastPosition);
                LastPosition = position;
            else if (Offsets)
                // write offset deltas
                Tvf.WriteVInt(startOffset - LastOffset);
                Tvf.WriteVInt(endOffset - startOffset);
                LastOffset = endOffset;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a BytesRef range filter using <seealso cref="IFieldCache#getTermsIndex"/>. this works with all
 /// fields containing zero or one term in the field. The range can be half-open by setting one
 /// of the values to <code>null</code>.
 /// </summary>
 public static DocTermOrdsRangeFilter NewBytesRefRange(string field, BytesRef lowerVal, BytesRef upperVal, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
     return new DocTermOrdsRangeFilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(field, lowerVal, upperVal, includeLower, includeUpper);
 internal SimplePrefixTermsEnum(TestPrefixRandom.DumbPrefixQuery outerInstance, TermsEnum tenum, BytesRef prefix)
     : base(tenum)
     this.OuterInstance = outerInstance;
     this.Prefix = prefix;
     InitialSeekTerm = new BytesRef("");
 public DocTermOrdsRangeFilterAnonymousInnerClassHelper(string field, BytesRef lowerVal, BytesRef upperVal, bool includeLower, bool includeUpper)
     : base(field, lowerVal, upperVal, includeLower, includeUpper)
     this.Field = field;
     this.LowerVal = lowerVal;
     this.UpperVal = upperVal;
     this.IncludeLower = includeLower;
     this.IncludeUpper = includeUpper;
 protected internal override AcceptStatus Accept(BytesRef term)
     return StringHelper.StartsWith(term, Prefix) ? AcceptStatus.YES : AcceptStatus.NO;
Exemple #49
 public override void LookupOrd(int ord, BytesRef result)
     result.Bytes  = BytesRef.EMPTY_BYTES;
     result.Offset = 0;
     result.Length = 0;
 public PrefixTermsEnum(TermsEnum tenum, BytesRef prefixText)
     : base(tenum)
     InitialSeekTerm = this.PrefixRef = prefixText;
Exemple #51
 public override void LookupOrd(long ord, BytesRef result)
     throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException();
 public override float ScorePayload(int docId, int start, int end, BytesRef payload)
     //we know it is size 4 here, so ignore the offset/length
     return payload.Bytes[payload.Offset];
Exemple #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieves the value for the specified ordinal. </summary>
 /// <param name="ord"> ordinal to lookup (must be &gt;= 0 and &lt; <see cref="ValueCount"/>) </param>
 /// <param name="result"> will be populated with the ordinal's value </param>
 /// <seealso cref="GetOrd(int)"/>
 public abstract void LookupOrd(int ord, BytesRef result);
            public override void Decompress(DataInput @in, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes)
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    Debugging.Assert(offset + length <= originalLength);
                // add 7 padding bytes, this is not necessary but can help decompression run faster
                if (bytes.Bytes.Length < originalLength + 7)
                    bytes.Bytes = new byte[ArrayUtil.Oversize(originalLength + 7, 1)];
                int decompressedLength = LZ4.Decompress(@in, offset + length, bytes.Bytes, 0);

                if (decompressedLength > originalLength)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Corrupted: lengths mismatch: " + decompressedLength + " > " + originalLength + " (resource=" + @in + ")");
                bytes.Offset = offset;
                bytes.Length = length;
Exemple #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate a scoring factor based on the data in the payload. </summary>
 public abstract float ComputePayloadFactor(int doc, int start, int end, BytesRef payload);
            public override void Decompress(DataInput input, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes)
                if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                    Debugging.Assert(offset + length <= originalLength);
                if (length == 0)
                    bytes.Length = 0;

                byte[] compressedBytes = new byte[input.ReadVInt32()];
                input.ReadBytes(compressedBytes, 0, compressedBytes.Length);
                byte[] decompressedBytes = null;

                using (MemoryStream decompressedStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (MemoryStream compressedStream = new MemoryStream(compressedBytes))
                        using (DeflateStream dStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode.Decompress))
                    decompressedBytes = decompressedStream.ToArray();

                if (decompressedBytes.Length != originalLength)
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Length mismatch: " + decompressedBytes.Length + " != " + originalLength + " (resource=" + input + ")");

                bytes.Bytes  = decompressedBytes;
                bytes.Offset = offset;
                bytes.Length = length;
Exemple #57
 /// <summary>
 /// Decompress bytes that were stored between offsets <paramref name="offset"/> and
 /// <c>offset+length</c> in the original stream from the compressed
 /// stream <paramref name="in"/> to <paramref name="bytes"/>. After returning, the length
 /// of <paramref name="bytes"/> (<c>bytes.Length</c>) must be equal to
 /// <paramref name="length"/>. Implementations of this method are free to resize
 /// <paramref name="bytes"/> depending on their needs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="in"> The input that stores the compressed stream. </param>
 /// <param name="originalLength"> The length of the original data (before compression). </param>
 /// <param name="offset"> Bytes before this offset do not need to be decompressed. </param>
 /// <param name="length"> Bytes after <c>offset+length</c> do not need to be decompressed. </param>
 /// <param name="bytes"> a <see cref="BytesRef"/> where to store the decompressed data. </param>
 public abstract void Decompress(DataInput @in, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes);
        public virtual void TestLengthPrefixAcrossTwoPages()
            Directory d = NewDirectory();
            IndexWriter w = new IndexWriter(d, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random())));
            Document doc = new Document();
            var bytes = new byte[32764];
            BytesRef b = new BytesRef();
            b.Bytes = bytes;
            b.Length = bytes.Length;
            doc.Add(new SortedDocValuesField("field", b));
            bytes[0] = 1;
            DirectoryReader r = w.Reader;
            BinaryDocValues s = FieldCache.DEFAULT.GetTerms(GetOnlySegmentReader(r), "field", false);

            BytesRef bytes1 = new BytesRef();
            s.Get(0, bytes1);
            Assert.AreEqual(bytes.Length, bytes1.Length);
            bytes[0] = 0;
            Assert.AreEqual(b, bytes1);

            s.Get(1, bytes1);
            Assert.AreEqual(bytes.Length, bytes1.Length);
            bytes[0] = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(b, bytes1);
        public virtual void TestTooLargeTermSortedSetBytes()
            AssumeTrue("codec does not support SORTED_SET", DefaultCodecSupportsSortedSet());
            Analyzer analyzer = new MockAnalyzer(Random());

            Directory directory = NewDirectory();
            // we don't use RandomIndexWriter because it might add more docvalues than we expect !!!!1
            IndexWriterConfig iwc = NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, analyzer);
            IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, iwc);
            Document doc = new Document();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[100000];
            BytesRef b = new BytesRef(bytes);
            doc.Add(new SortedSetDocValuesField("dv", b));
                Assert.Fail("did not get expected exception");
            catch (System.ArgumentException expected)
                // expected
Exemple #60
 /// <summary>
 /// Lookup the value for document. </summary>
 public abstract void Get(int docID, BytesRef result);