/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the CheckListVehicleViewModel class.
        /// This constructor is declared protected to avoid undesired instantiation of the CheckListVehicleViewModel type without the POCO proxy factory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unitOfWorkFactory">A factory used to create a unit of work instance.</param>
        protected CheckListVehicleViewModel(IUnitOfWorkFactory <INextBOUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory = null, UnitOfWorkPolicy unitOfWorkPolicy = UnitOfWorkPolicy.Individual)
            : base(unitOfWorkFactory ?? UnitOfWorkSource.GetUnitOfWorkFactory(), x => x.CheckListByVehicles,
                   query => query.Where(CheckListByVehicle => CheckListByVehicle.CreateDate.Value.Date >= startDate.Date &&
                                        CheckListByVehicle.CreateDate.Value.Date >= startDate.Date &&
                                        CheckListByVehicle.Vehicle.PilotId == (pilotId == 0 ? CheckListByVehicle.Vehicle.PilotId: pilotId) &&
                                        CheckListByVehicle.VehicleId == (vehicleId == 0 ? CheckListByVehicle.VehicleId : vehicleId)),
                   unitOfWorkPolicy: unitOfWorkPolicy)
            LookUpPilot = this.CreateUnitOfWork().Users.Where(x => x.Pilot != null).ToList();
            User pilot = new User {
                Id = 0, Name = "todos"

            LookUpPilot.Insert(0, pilot);
            LookUpVehicle = this.CreateUnitOfWork().Vehicles.ToList();
            Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle {
                Brand = "Todos", Id = 0

            LookUpVehicle.Insert(0, vehicle);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the DeliveryHistoryCollectionViewModel class.
 /// This constructor is declared protected to avoid undesired instantiation of the DeliveryHistoryCollectionViewModel type without the POCO proxy factory.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unitOfWorkFactory">A factory used to create a unit of work instance.</param>
 protected DeliveryHistoryCollectionViewModel(IUnitOfWorkFactory <INextBOUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory = null, UnitOfWorkPolicy unitOfWorkPolicy = UnitOfWorkPolicy.Individual)
     : base(unitOfWorkFactory ?? UnitOfWorkSource.GetUnitOfWorkFactory(), x => x.Tasks, query => query.Where(task => task.CreatedDate.Value.Date >= startDate.Date && task.CreatedDate.Value.Date <= endDate.Date && task.DriverId == (pilotId == 0 ? task.DriverId : pilotId) && task.VehicleId == (vehicleId == 0 ? task.VehicleId : vehicleId)), unitOfWorkPolicy: unitOfWorkPolicy)
         User pilotDefault = new User();
         pilotDefault.Name = "Todos";
         pilotDefault.Id   = 0;
         LookUpPilot       = this.CreateUnitOfWork().Users.Where(x => x.Pilot != null).ToList();
         LookUpPilot.Insert(0, pilotDefault);
         Vehicle vehicleDefault = new Vehicle();
         vehicleDefault.Brand = "Todos";
         vehicleDefault.Id    = 0;
         LookUpVehicle        = this.CreateUnitOfWork().Vehicles.ToList();
         LookUpVehicle.Insert(0, vehicleDefault);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBoxService.ShowMessage(GetStringValue(Next.Enums.Enums.MessageError.WindowError) + ex.Message, ex.Message,
                                       MessageButton.OK, MessageIcon.Error);