Exemple #1
        public async Task LoginCommand()
            var connection = new UsernamePasswordConnection(_hostAddress, _userName, _view.LoginPasswordBox.Password);

            var manager = new YoutrackManager(connection);
            var error   = await manager.CheckConnection().ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (error == null)
                LogonSuccess?.Invoke(null, new LogonEventArgs(connection));
Exemple #2
        // Validate the username and password against the Users collection in the MainWindow window
        private void Logon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Find the user in the list of possible users - first check whether the user is a Teacher
            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3a: Use the VerifyPassword method of the Teacher class to verify the teacher's password
            var teacher = (from Teacher t in DataSource.Teachers
                           where string.CompareOrdinal(t.UserName, username.Text) == 0 &&
                           t.VerifyPassword(password.Password) == 0
                           select t).FirstOrDefault();

            // If the UserName of the user retrieved by using LINQ is non-empty then the user is a teacher
            // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3b: Check whether teacher is null before examining the UserName property
            if (teacher != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(teacher.UserName))
                // Save the UserID and Role (teacher or student) and UserName in the global context
                SessionContext.UserID         = teacher.TeacherID;
                SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Teacher;
                SessionContext.UserName       = teacher.UserName;
                SessionContext.CurrentTeacher = teacher;

                // Raise the LogonSuccess event and finish
                LogonSuccess?.Invoke(this, null);
            // If the user is not a teacher, check whether the username and password match those of a student
                // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3c: Use the VerifyPassword method of the Student class to verify the student's password
                var student = (from Student s in DataSource.Students
                               where string.CompareOrdinal(s.UserName, username.Text) == 0 &&
                               s.VerifyPassword(password.Password) == 0
                               select s).FirstOrDefault();

                // If the UserName of the user retrieved by using LINQ is non-empty then the user is a student
                // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 3d: Check whether student is null before examining the UserName property
                if (student != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.UserName))
                    // Save the details of the student in the global context
                    SessionContext.UserID         = student.StudentID;
                    SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Student;
                    SessionContext.UserName       = student.UserName;
                    SessionContext.CurrentStudent = student;

                    // Raise the LogonSuccess event and finish
                    LogonSuccess?.Invoke(this, null);

            // If the credentials do not match those for a Teacher or for a Student then they must be invalid
            // Raise the LogonFailed event
            LogonFailed(this, null);
        // TODO: Exercise 3: Task 1a: Define LogonFailed event


        #region Logon Validation

        // TODO: Exercise 3: Task 1b: Validate the username and password against the Users collection in the MainWindow window
        private void Logon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var teacherQuery =
                from Teacher teacher in DataSource.Teachers
                where teacher.UserName == username.Text &&    // User exists
                teacher.Password == password.Password         // Password is correct
                select teacher;

            var studentQuery =
                from Student student in DataSource.Students
                where student.UserName == username.Text &&
                student.Password == password.Password
                select student;

            if (teacherQuery.Count() == 1)  // Only if there's exactly one match!
                Teacher signedInTeacher = teacherQuery.First();

                // Save current teacher in SessionContext
                SessionContext.UserName       = signedInTeacher.UserName;
                SessionContext.UserID         = signedInTeacher.TeacherID;
                SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Teacher;
                SessionContext.CurrentTeacher = signedInTeacher;

                // Raise succes event
                LogonSuccess?.Invoke(sender, e); // ? checker om LogonSucces er null (ingen lyttere) før den kalder invoke på alle.
            else if (studentQuery.Count() == 1)
                Student signedInStudent = studentQuery.First();

                // Save current teacher in SessionContext
                SessionContext.UserName       = signedInStudent.UserName;
                SessionContext.UserID         = signedInStudent.StudentID;
                SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Student;
                SessionContext.CurrentStudent = signedInStudent;

                LogonSuccess?.Invoke(sender, e); // ? checker om LogonSucces er null (ingen lyttere) før den kalder invoke på alle.

            LogonFailed?.Invoke(sender, e); // Raise failed event
        // TODO: Exercise 1: Task 2b: Implement the Logon_Click event handler for the Logon button
        // Simulate logging on (no validation or authentication performed yet)

        private void Logon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username.Text) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password.Password))
                Teacher teacher = DataSource.Teachers.FirstOrDefault(t => t.UserName == username.Text && t.Password == this.password.Password);

                if (teacher != null)
                    SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Teacher;
                    SessionContext.UserID         = teacher.TeacherID;
                    SessionContext.UserName       = teacher.UserName;
                    SessionContext.CurrentTeacher = teacher;

                    LogonSuccess?.Invoke(this, null);
                    Student student = DataSource.Students.FirstOrDefault(s => s.UserName == username.Text && s.Password == this.password.Password);

                    if (student != null)
                        SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Student;
                        SessionContext.UserID         = student.StudentID;
                        SessionContext.UserName       = student.UserName;
                        SessionContext.CurrentStudent = student;

                        LogonSuccess?.Invoke(this, null);
                        LogonFailed?.Invoke(this, null);
                LogonFailed?.Invoke(this, null);
Exemple #5
        // TODO: Exercise 3: Task 1b: Validate the username and password against the Users collection in the MainWindow window
        private void Logon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var user = username.Text;
            var pass = password.Password;

            var teacher = (DataSource.Teachers.Cast <Teacher>()
                           .Where(t => String.CompareOrdinal(t.UserName, user) == 0 && String.CompareOrdinal(t.Password, pass) == 0))

            if (teacher.UserName != null)
                SessionContext.UserRole       = Role.Teacher;
                SessionContext.UserID         = teacher.TeacherID;
                SessionContext.UserName       = teacher.UserName;
                SessionContext.CurrentTeacher = teacher;
                LogonSuccess?.Invoke(this, null);
                LogonFailed?.Invoke(this, null);