Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

            //ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Resources.Strings", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
            //CultureInfo ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

                Int64 enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;
                Int64 entityId     = 0;

                String err = "";
                entityId = LoginUser.FindUser(this, Request["userLogin"], out err);
                if (entityId > 0)
                    Session["entityId"] = entityId;

                    LoginUser.NewCode(this, entityId, out err);
                    if (err == "")
                        String html = "";
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                            DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_confirmations where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and  entity_id = " + entityId);
                            html += "<form id=\"serviceRecover\" name=\"serviceRecover\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/recover2/\">";
                            if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                html += "<div class=\"login_form\">";
                                html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover2\" />";
                                html += "<ul>";
                                html += "    <li>";
                                html += "        <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_conf_to") + "</p>";
                                html += "    </li>";

                                foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows)
                                    String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)dr["is_mail"], (Boolean)dr["is_sms"]);
                                    if (data != "")
                                        html += "    <li><p style=\"width:400px;padding:0 0 5px 10px;color:#000;\"><input name=\"sentTo\" type=\"radio\" value=\"" + data + "\">" + data + "</p></li>";

                                html += "    <li>";
                                html += "        <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>";
                                html += "            <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("send_code") + "</button>";
                                html += "    </li>";
                                html += "</ul>     ";
                                html += "</div>";
                                html += "<div class=\"login_form\">";
                                html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover2\" />";
                                html += "<ul>";
                                html += "    <li>";
                                html += "        <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">No method available</p>";
                                html += "    </li>";
                                html += "    <li>";
                                html += "        <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a></span>";
                                html += "    </li>";
                                html += "</ul>     ";
                                html += "</div>";
                            html += "</form>";

                        //ret = new WebJsonResponse("recover1.aspx");
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html);
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true);
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));
Exemple #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebJsonResponse ret = null;

            //ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("Resources.Strings", System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("App_GlobalResources"));
            //CultureInfo ci = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

                Int64  enterpriseID = ((EnterpriseData)Page.Session["enterprise_data"]).Id;
                Int64  entityId     = 0;
                String err          = "";

                String sentTo = Request["sentTo"];
                if ((sentTo == null) || (sentTo == ""))
                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("select_option"), 3000, true);
                    if (Session["entityId"] != null)
                        entityId = (Int64)Session["entityId"];
                    if (entityId > 0)
                        using (IAMDatabase db = new IAMDatabase(IAMDatabase.GetWebConnectionString()))
                            DataTable c = db.Select("select * from vw_entity_confirmations where enterprise_id = " + enterpriseID + " and  entity_id = " + entityId);
                            if ((c != null) && (c.Rows.Count > 0))
                                DataRow drSentTo = null;
                                foreach (DataRow dr in c.Rows)
                                    String data = LoginUser.MaskData(dr["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)dr["is_mail"], (Boolean)dr["is_sms"]);
                                    if (sentTo.ToString().ToLower() == data)
                                        drSentTo = dr;

                                if (drSentTo == null)
                                    ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"), 3000, true);
                                    if (LoginUser.SendCode(entityId, drSentTo["value"].ToString(), (Boolean)drSentTo["is_mail"], (Boolean)drSentTo["is_sms"], out err))
                                        String html = "";
                                        html += "<form id=\"serviceRecover\" name=\"serviceRecover\" method=\"post\" action=\"/consoleapi/recover3/\">";
                                        html += "<div class=\"login_form\">";
                                        html += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"do\" value=\"recover3\" />";
                                        html += "<ul>";
                                        html += "    <li>";
                                        html += "        <p style=\"width:100%;padding:0 0 5px 0;color:#000;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("enter_code") + "</p>";
                                        html += "    </li>";
                                        html += "    <li>";
                                        html += "        <span class=\"inputWrap\">";
                                        //html += "			<span id=\"ph_userCode\" class=\"noSel\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 13px; left: 53px; color: rgb(204, 204, 204); display: block;\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("code") + "</span>";
                                        html += "			<input type=\"text\" id=\"userCode\" tabindex=\"1\" name=\"userCode\" value=\"\" style=\"\" placeholder=\""+ MessageResource.GetMessage("code") + "\" onfocus=\"$('#userCode').addClass('focus');\" onblur=\"$('#userCode').removeClass('focus');\" />";
                                        html += "			<span id=\"ph_passwordIcon\" onclick=\"$('#userCode').focus();\"></span>";
                                        html += "        </span>";
                                        html += "    </li>";
                                        html += "    <li>";
                                        html += "        <span class=\"forgot\"> <a href=\"/\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("cancel") + "</a> " + MessageResource.GetMessage("or") + " </span>";
                                        html += "        <button tabindex=\"4\" id=\"submitBtn\" class=\"action button floatright\">" + MessageResource.GetMessage("confirm_code") + "</button>";
                                        html += "    </li>";
                                        html += "</ul>     ";
                                        html += "</div>";
                                        html += "</form>";
                                        ret   = new WebJsonResponse("#recover_container", html);
                                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", err, 3000, true);
                                ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("option_not_found"), 3000, true);
                        ret = new WebJsonResponse("", MessageResource.GetMessage("ivalid_session"), 3000, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            if (ret != null)
                ReturnHolder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ret.ToJSON()));