         * Brings up lthe Facebook authentication page and either
         * logs in or creates a new user depending on whether the Facebook ID is recognised
        private async void WebViewOnNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
            var accessToken = facebookServices.ExtractAccessTokenFromUrl(e.Url);

            if (accessToken != "")
                FacebookProfile facebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

                string password = "******";

                UserAPI  userAPI  = new UserAPI();
                LoginAPI loginAPI = new LoginAPI();

                //Do a check to see if user is already in the database - if they are then skip the register and go to login if not just login
                Tuple <HttpStatusCode, bool> isUniqueEmailResult = await userAPI.isUniqueApiId(facebookProfile.Id);

                if (isUniqueEmailResult.Item1 != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to server for checking of unique email");

                //This account already exists
                if (isUniqueEmailResult.Item2 == false)
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = await loginAPI.LoginUser(facebookProfile.Id);

                    switch (statusCode)
                    case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                        // Pop away login screen on successful login
                        HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode = await userAPI.GetUserPhoto();

                        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                        await parentLoginPage.OpenMainPageFromSignUp();


                    case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Incorrect username/password",


                    case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Server unavailable, check connection",


                    case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Server error",

                else //Create new account
                    var waitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);
                    var modalPage  = new NavigationPage(new IncompleteFacebookDetailsPage(facebookProfile));
                    modalPage.Disappearing += (sender2, e2) =>

                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(modalPage);

                    await Task.Run(() => waitHandle.WaitOne());

                    facebookProfile.Email    = UserController.Instance.FacebookEmail;
                    facebookProfile.Birthday = UserController.Instance.FacebookDateOfBirth;
                    facebookProfile.NHI      = UserController.Instance.NHI;

                    User inputUser = new User
                        name = new List <string> {
                            facebookProfile.FirstName, "", facebookProfile.LastName
                        preferredName = new List <string> {
                            facebookProfile.FirstName, "", facebookProfile.LastName
                        email        = facebookProfile.Email,
                        username     = facebookProfile.Email,
                        password     = password,
                        dateOfBirth  = new CustomDate(DateTime.Parse(facebookProfile.Birthday)),
                        creationTime = new CustomDateTime(DateTime.Now),
                        gender       = facebookProfile.Gender.ToUpper(),
                        organs       = new List <Organ>(),
                        userHistory  = new List <HistoryItem>(),
                        nhi          = facebookProfile.NHI

                    //Server requires to initialise the organs and user history items on creation

                    HttpStatusCode registerUserResult = await loginAPI.RegisterUser(inputUser);

                    switch (registerUserResult)
                    case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                        HttpStatusCode registerFacebookUserResult =
                            await loginAPI.FacebookRegisterUser(inputUser.id, facebookProfile.Id);

                        //Set the local profile picture to the picture object

                        HttpClient client = ServerConfig.Instance.client;
                        // Get the single userController instance
                        UserController userController = UserController.Instance;

                        var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(facebookProfile.Picture.Data.Url);

                        Photo receievedPhoto = new Photo(Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
                        userController.photoObject = receievedPhoto;

                        ImageSource source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(bytes));

                        userController.ProfilePhotoSource = source;

                        HttpStatusCode loginUserResult = await loginAPI.LoginUser(facebookProfile.Id);

                        switch (loginUserResult)
                        case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                            //Upload the photo to the server - must happen after a login as the token is required
                            HttpStatusCode photoUpdated = await userAPI.UpdateUserPhoto();

                            if (photoUpdated != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                Console.WriteLine("Error uploading facebook photo to the server");
                            await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                            await parentLoginPage.OpenMainPageFromSignUp();


                        case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Incorrect username/password",


                        case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Server unavailable, check connection",


                        case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Server error",


                    case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Register",
                            "Server unavailable, check connection",


                    case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Register",
                            "Username/Email may be taken",

         * Called when the Sign Up button is clicked
        async void SignUpButtonClicked(Object sender, EventArgs args)
            string givenFirstName = InputValidation.Trim(firstNameInput.Text);
            string givenLastName  = InputValidation.Trim(lastNameInput.Text);
            string givenPassword  = InputValidation.Trim(passwordInput.Text);
            string givenEmail     = InputValidation.Trim(emailInput.Text);
            string givenUsername  = InputValidation.Trim(usernameInput.Text);
            string givenNhi       = InputValidation.Trim(nhiInput.Text);

            if (!ServerConfig.Instance.IsConnectedToInternet())
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Server unavailable, please check connection",


            // Check for valid inputs
            if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(givenFirstName, false, false))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Please enter a valid first name",

            else if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(givenLastName, false, false))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Please enter a valid last name",


            // Check if a username and valid email is entered
            else if (!InputValidation.IsValidEmail(givenEmail))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Valid email is required",


            else if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(givenUsername, true, false))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Username is required",


            else if (!InputValidation.IsValidNhiInput(givenNhi))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Please enter a valid NHI number",


            else if (!InputValidation.IsValidTextInput(givenPassword, true, false))
                await DisplayAlert("",
                                   "Please enter a password",

            // DOB validation is through constraints on the DatePicker in the XAML

            // Check uniqueness
            Tuple <bool, bool, bool, bool> uniquenessResult = await isUsernameEmailUnique();

            if (!uniquenessResult.Item1 || !uniquenessResult.Item2 || !uniquenessResult.Item3)
                // Username + email taken
                await DisplayAlert(
                    "Email/username/NHI is taken",


            LoginAPI loginAPI  = new LoginAPI();
            User     inputUser = new User();

            inputUser.name = new List <string> {
                givenFirstName, "", givenLastName
            inputUser.preferredName = new List <string> {
                givenFirstName, "", givenLastName
            inputUser.email        = givenEmail;
            inputUser.nhi          = givenNhi;
            inputUser.username     = givenUsername;
            inputUser.password     = givenPassword;
            inputUser.dateOfBirth  = new CustomDate(dobInput.Date);
            inputUser.creationTime = new CustomDateTime(DateTime.Now);
            //Server requires to initialise the organs and user history items on creation
            inputUser.organs      = new List <Organ>();
            inputUser.userHistory = new List <HistoryItem>();

            HttpStatusCode registerUserResult = await loginAPI.RegisterUser(inputUser);

            switch (registerUserResult)
            case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                await LoginRegisteredUser(givenUsername, givenEmail, givenPassword);


            case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                await DisplayAlert(
                    "Failed to Register",
                    "Server unavailable, check connection",


            case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                await DisplayAlert(
                    "Failed to Register",
                    "Server error, please try again",

Exemple #3
         * Creates a new user with a Google login
        public async Task RegisterNewUser()
            UserAPI  userAPI  = new UserAPI();
            LoginAPI loginAPI = new LoginAPI();

            HttpStatusCode registerUserResult = await loginAPI.RegisterUser(googleUser);

            HttpStatusCode accountUpdate = await loginAPI.GoogleRegisterUser(googleUser.id, api_id);

            switch (registerUserResult)
            case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                //Set the local profile picture to the picture object

                HttpClient client = ServerConfig.Instance.client;
                // Get the single userController instance
                UserController userController = UserController.Instance;

                var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(profileImageURL);

                Photo receievedPhoto = new Photo(Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
                userController.photoObject = receievedPhoto;

                ImageSource source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(bytes));

                userController.ProfilePhotoSource = source;

                HttpStatusCode loginUserResult = await loginAPI.LoginUser(api_id);

                switch (loginUserResult)
                case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                    //Upload the photo to the server - must happen after a login as the token is required
                    HttpStatusCode photoUpdated = await userAPI.UpdateUserPhoto();

                    if (photoUpdated != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error uploading facebook photo to the server");
                    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                    await parentLoginPage.OpenMainPageFromSignUp();


                case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                    await DisplayAlert(
                        "Failed to Login",
                        "Incorrect username/password",


                case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                    await DisplayAlert(
                        "Failed to Login",
                        "Server unavailable, check connection",


                case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                    await DisplayAlert(
                        "Failed to Login",
                        "Server error",


            case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                await DisplayAlert(
                    "Failed to Register",
                    "Server unavailable, check connection",


            case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                await DisplayAlert(
                    "Failed to Register",
                    "Username/Email may be taken",
