public void Randomize() { LoggerTool.Post("Generate a randomize island for preview"); generator.useRandomSeed = true; UpdateInputValue(); generator.GenerateIsland(); }
public void GenerateWithSeed() { LoggerTool.Post("Generate a seeded island for preview"); generator.useRandomSeed = false; generator.seed = seedInput.text; UpdateInputValue(); generator.GenerateIsland(); }
void OnValuesUpdated() { if (!Application.isPlaying) { LoggerTool.Post("Generate island from Editor"); GenerateIsland(); } }
protected void packOneBundlePack() { string resPath = ""; List <string> assetNamesList = new List <string>(); List <Object> objList = new List <Object>(); UnityEngine.Object go; List <string> pathList = new List <string>(); List <string> filesList = ExportUtil.GetAll(ExportUtil.getDataPath(m_packParam.m_inPath)); string ext = ""; string nameNoExt = ""; #if UNITY_4_6 string tmpStr = ""; #endif AssetBundleParam bundleParam = new AssetBundleParam(); foreach (string filePath in filesList) { objList.Clear(); assetNamesList.Clear(); ext = ExportUtil.getFileExt(filePath); nameNoExt = ExportUtil.getFileNameNoExt(filePath); if (ExportUtil.isArrContainElem(ext, m_packParam.m_extArr)) { resPath = ExportUtil.convFullPath2AssetsPath(filePath); assetNamesList.Add(resPath); go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(resPath, ExportUtil.convResStr2Type(ExportUtil.convExt2ResStr(ext))); if (go) { objList.Add(go); #if UNITY_5 bundleParam.m_buildList = new AssetBundleBuild[1]; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetBundleName = nameNoExt; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetBundleVariant = ExportUtil.UNITY3D; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetNames = assetNamesList.ToArray(); pathList.Clear(); pathList.Add(m_packParam.m_outPath); bundleParam.m_pathName = ExportUtil.getStreamingDataPath(ExportUtil.combine(pathList.ToArray())); #elif UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_5 bundleParam.m_assets = objList.ToArray(); pathList.Clear(); pathList.Add(m_packParam.m_outPath); tmpStr = string.Format("{0}{1}", nameNoExt, ExportUtil.DOTUNITY3D); pathList.Add(tmpStr); bundleParam.m_pathName = ExportUtil.getStreamingDataPath(ExportUtil.combine(pathList.ToArray())); #endif ExportUtil.BuildAssetBundle(bundleParam); } else { LoggerTool.error(string.Format("AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 不能加载资源 {0}", filePath)); } } } }
void InitializeDatabase() { NameGenerator nameGen = GetComponent <NameGenerator> (); if (!JsonFile.FilesExistIn("NameGenerator")) { LoggerTool.Post("Initializing Database"); nameGen.BuildDatabase(); } }
// Called by LandMap.GetZones (), returns number of subregions public int ClusterLocationsAccordKMeans(MapPoint[,] points, TerrainVerticesDatabase vertDatabase) { // K-means cluster algorithm to separate locations in the regions int regionId = 0; for (int isleId = 0; isleId < regions.Count; isleId++) { MapRegion region = regions[isleId]; double[][] tileLocations = new double[region.turf.Count][]; for (int i = 0; i < tileLocations.Length; i++) { tileLocations[i] = new double[3]; TerrainVertData vertData = vertDatabase.GetVertDataFromRegionTile(region.turf[i], isleId); //LoggerTool.Post ("Requesting " + region.turf[i].ToString ()); if (vertData != null) { tileLocations[i][0] = region.turf[i].x; tileLocations[i][1] = vertData.inlandPosition; tileLocations[i][2] = region.turf[i].y; } else { LoggerTool.Post("Null from VertDB for " + region.turf[i].ToString()); tileLocations[i][0] = 0; tileLocations[i][1] = 0; tileLocations[i][2] = 0; } } int k = InitializeNumOfK(tileLocations.Length); Debug.Log(k + " centroid(s)"); KMeans kmeans = new KMeans(k); KMeansClusterCollection clusters = kmeans.Learn(tileLocations); int[] labels = clusters.Decide(tileLocations); Debug.Log("Number of labels (clusters) = " + labels.Length); for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++) { points[(int)tileLocations[i][0], (int)tileLocations[i][2]].areaValue = regionId + labels[i]; } regionId += k; } return(regionId); }
public static void Delete(string fileName, string folder) { string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + folder + "/" + fileName; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } else { Debug.LogWarning(fileName + " not found in the " + folder + " folder!"); LoggerTool.Post(fileName + " not found in the " + folder + " folder!", false); } }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = (T)this; SingletonAwake(); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Duplicate singleton " + GetType(), this); LoggerTool.Post("Duplicate singleton " + GetType(), false); Destroy(gameObject); } }
protected void packOneBundlePack(PackParam param) { string resPath = ""; List <Object> objList = new List <Object>(); List <string> assetNamesList = new List <string>(); UnityEngine.Object go; List <string> pathList = new List <string>(); foreach (PackItem packItem in m_packList) { pathList.Clear(); pathList.Add(param.m_inPath); pathList.Add(packItem.m_path); resPath = ExportUtil.getRelDataPath(UtilPath.combine(pathList.ToArray())); assetNamesList.Add(resPath); go = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(resPath, ExportUtil.convResStr2Type(packItem.m_resType)); if (go) { objList.Add(go); } else { LoggerTool.error(string.Format("AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 不能加载资源 {0}", resPath)); } } AssetBundleParam bundleParam = new AssetBundleParam(); #if UNITY_5 bundleParam.m_buildList = new AssetBundleBuild[1]; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetBundleName = m_name; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetBundleVariant = UtilApi.UNITY3D; bundleParam.m_buildList[0].assetNames = assetNamesList.ToArray(); pathList.Clear(); pathList.Add(param.m_outPath); bundleParam.m_pathName = ExportUtil.getStreamingDataPath(UtilPath.combine(pathList.ToArray())); #elif UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_5 bundleParam.m_assets = objList.ToArray(); pathList.Clear(); pathList.Add(param.m_outPath); pathList.Add(m_name); bundleParam.m_pathName = ExportUtil.getStreamingDataPath(ExportUtil.combine(pathList.ToArray())); #endif ExportUtil.BuildAssetBundle(bundleParam); }
public void SetVerticesBottomPoint(List <Vector3> vertices, Vector3 origin) { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++) { Vector2 key = (vertices[i] + origin).ToVec2FromXZ(); if (!verticesDictionary.ContainsKey(key)) { LoggerTool.Post(key.ToString() + " is not found while setting bottom point!"); continue; } verticesDictionary[key].bottomPoint = vertices[i].y; } }
void Update() { if (!readyPlaying && generator.IsDone()) { LoggerTool.Post("Generated with " + clock.Elapsed() + " seconds."); readyPlaying = true; if (overviewCam) { overviewCam.SetActive(false); } curtain.FadeToColour(Color.clear); } }
public void BuildDatabase() { Prefix currentPrefix = new Prefix(2); for (int i = 0; i <= sample.Length; i++) { char next = i < sample.Length ? CheckCharOf(sample[i]) : '*'; Suffix currentSuffix = new Suffix(next); AddToDatabase(currentPrefix, currentSuffix); currentPrefix.Add(next); } SaveDatabase(); LoggerTool.Post("Finished building database!"); }
public static void Load <T> (string fileName, string folder, ref T saveData) { string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + folder + "/" + fileName; if (File.Exists(path)) { string jsonData = File.ReadAllText(path); saveData = JsonUtility.FromJson <T> (jsonData); } else { Debug.LogWarning(fileName + " not found in the " + folder + " folder!"); LoggerTool.Post(fileName + " not found in the " + folder + " folder!", false); } }
// Called by LandMap.GetZones (), returns number of subregions public int ClusterLocationsDBSCAN(float epsilon, int minPts, MapPoint[,] points, TerrainVerticesDatabase vertDatabase) { // DBSCAN cluster algorithm to separate locations in the regions int regionId = 0; for (int isleId = 0; isleId < regions.Count; isleId++) { MapRegion region = regions[isleId]; List <TilePoint> tileLocations = new List <TilePoint> (); for (int i = 0; i < region.turf.Count; i++) { TerrainVertData vertData = vertDatabase.GetVertDataFromRegionTile(region.turf[i], isleId); if (vertData != null) { tileLocations.Add(new TilePoint(region.turf[i].x, vertData.inlandPosition, region.turf[i].y)); } else { LoggerTool.Post("Null from VertDB for " + region.turf[i].ToString()); } } HashSet <TilePoint[]> clusters; var dbscan = new DbscanImplementation.DbscanAlgorithm <TilePoint> ((t1, t2) => TilePoint.Dist(t1, t2)); dbscan.ComputeClusterDbscan(allPoints: tileLocations.ToArray(), epsilon: epsilon, minPts: minPts, clusters: out clusters); int k = clusters.Count; Debug.Log("Number of clusters = " + k); int clstCount = 0; foreach (var tiles in clusters) { for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { points[(int)tiles[i].X, (int)tiles[i].Z].areaValue = regionId + clstCount; } clstCount++; } regionId += k; } return(regionId); }
public static string[] GetAllFilesIn(string folder) { string folderPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + folder; if (!Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { Debug.LogWarning(folder + " folder not found!"); LoggerTool.Post(folder + " folder not found!", false); return(null); } string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, "*.json"); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { files[i] = Path.GetFileName(files[i]); } return(files); }
void Start() { if (inputManagerDatabase == null) { inputManagerDatabase = (InputManager)Resources.Load("InputManager"); } if (inventory == null) { inventory = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainInventory"); if (inventory) { inventory.SetActive(false); } else { LoggerTool.Post( + ": MainInventory not found"); } } stats = GetComponent <PlayerStats> (); if (craftSystem != null) { cS = craftSystem.GetComponent <CraftSystem> (); } if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tooltip") != null) { toolTip = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Tooltip").GetComponent <Tooltip> (); } if (inventory != null) { mainInventory = inventory.GetComponent <Inventory> (); } if (characterSystem != null) { characterSystemInventory = characterSystem.GetComponent <Inventory> (); } if (craftSystem != null) { craftSystemInventory = craftSystem.GetComponent <Inventory> (); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { IslandGenerator islandGen = target as IslandGenerator; if (DrawDefaultInspector()) { if (islandGen.autoUpdate) { LoggerTool.Post("Generate island from Editor"); islandGen.GenerateIsland(false); } } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate")) { LoggerTool.Post("Generate island from Editor"); islandGen.GenerateIsland(false); } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { LoggerTool.Post("Start generating island from a click"); bool prevRandSet = islandGenerator.useRandomSeed; islandGenerator.useRandomSeed = useRandomSeed; startedRecording = true; clock.Start(); islandGenerator.GenerateIsland(); islandGenerator.useRandomSeed = prevRandSet; } if (startedRecording && islandGenerator.IsDone()) { startedRecording = false; LoggerTool.Post("Generated with " + clock.Elapsed() + " seconds."); LoggerTool.Post(" ----------------------- "); } }
IEnumerator LoadGameLevelWithProgress(string levelName) { yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.5f)); loadingOperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(levelName); loadingOperation.allowSceneActivation = false; while (!loadingOperation.isDone) { LoggerTool.Post("Loading progress " + (loadingOperation.progress * 100) + "%"); if (loadingOperation.progress >= 0.9f) { loadingOperation.allowSceneActivation = true; LoggerTool.Post("Loaded level [" + levelName + "] with " + clock.Elapsed() + " seconds."); } yield return(null); } }
public List <MapRegion> GetZones(int zoneNum) { // Initialize list to prepare zones List <List <Coord> > zoneTiles = new List <List <Coord> > (); for (int i = 0; i <= zoneNum; i++) { zoneTiles.Add(new List <Coord> ()); } LoggerTool.Post("ZoneNum: " + zoneNum); // Fill the lists for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < length; y++) { if (spots[x, y].filled) { spots[x, y].areaValue = (spots[x, y].areaValue != -1) ? spots[x, y].areaValue : (zoneNum - 1); zoneTiles[spots[x, y].areaValue].Add(new Coord(x, y)); } } } List <MapRegion> zones = new List <MapRegion> (); for (int i = 0; i < zoneNum; i++) { if (zoneTiles[i].Count > 0) { zones.Add(new MapRegion(zoneTiles[i], width, length)); } else { LoggerTool.Post("Zone " + (i + 1) + " is empty, skip creating zone region."); } } return(zones); }
public void BuildDatabase() { PrefixWord currentPrefix = new PrefixWord(2); char[] delimiterChars = { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r' }; string[] words = sample.Split(delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //string pattern = @"\s?"; //string[] words = Regex.Split (sample, pattern); for (int i = 0; i <= words.Length; i++) { string next = i < words.Length ? words[i] : "*"; SuffixWord currentSuffix = new SuffixWord(next); AddToDatabase(currentPrefix, currentSuffix); currentPrefix.Add(next); } SaveDatabase(); LoggerTool.Post("Finished building story database!"); }
void Start() { LoggerTool.Post("GameController: Started game."); }
//Animation Events void Hit() { LoggerTool.Post("PlayerControllerExtension: Hit! (Animation event)", true, false); }
int DoClustering(List <MapRegion> regions, MapPoint[,] spots, TerrainVerticesDatabase vertDatabase, CAMethod clusteringAlgo, int seed) { Cluster cl = new Cluster(regions, islandData.tileSize, seed); int numOfCluster; switch (clusteringAlgo) { default: case CAMethod.KMeans3D: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Means inclusive heights."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsKMeans(spots, vertDatabase); break; case CAMethod.KMeans3DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Means inclusive heights with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMeans(spots, vertDatabase); break; case CAMethod.KMeans2D: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Means straightforward."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsKMeans(spots); break; case CAMethod.KMeans2DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Means straightforward with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMeans(spots); break; case CAMethod.Dbscan2D: LoggerTool.Post("Using DBSCAN straightforward."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsDBSCAN(6, 20, spots); break; case CAMethod.Dbscan3D: LoggerTool.Post("Using DBSCAN inclusive heights."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsDBSCAN(6, 20, spots, vertDatabase); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsPam2D: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoids (PAM) straightforward."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsKMedoidsPAM(spots); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsPam2DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoids (PAM) straightforward with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMedoidsPAM(spots); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsVoronoi2D: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoids (voronoi iteration) straightforward."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsKMedoidsVoronoi(spots); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsVoronoi2DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoids (voronoi iteration) straightforward with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMedoidsVoronoi(spots); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsPam3DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoid inclusive heights (PAM) with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMedoidsPAM(spots, vertDatabase); break; case CAMethod.KMedoidsVoronoi3DAccord: LoggerTool.Post("Using K-Medoid inclusive heights (voronoi iteration) with Accord library."); numOfCluster = cl.ClusterLocationsAccordKMedoidsVoronoi(spots, vertDatabase); break; } return(numOfCluster); }
// Called by LandMap.GetZones (), returns number of subregions public int ClusterLocationsKMeans(MapPoint[,] points, TerrainVerticesDatabase vertDatabase) { // K-means cluster algorithm to separate locations in the regions int regionId = 0; for (int isleId = 0; isleId < regions.Count; isleId++) { MapRegion region = regions[isleId]; Vector3[] tileLocations = new Vector3[region.turf.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < tileLocations.Length; i++) { TerrainVertData vertData = vertDatabase.GetVertDataFromRegionTile(region.turf[i], isleId); if (vertData != null) { tileLocations[i] = new Vector3(region.turf[i].x, vertData.surfaceElevatedCurve, region.turf[i].y); } else { LoggerTool.Post("Null from VertDB for " + region.turf[i].ToString()); } } int k = InitializeNumOfK(tileLocations.Length); Debug.Log(k + " centroid(s)"); Vector3[] centroids = new Vector3[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // Assign centroid to first k data points centroids[i] = tileLocations[i * (tileLocations.Length / k)]; //centroids[i] = tileLocations[i]; } // Loop until converged int changes = -1; int iter = 0; while (changes != 0 /* && iter < 1*/) { changes = 0; for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex < tileLocations.Length; tIndex++) { Coord tile = region.turf[tIndex]; int initialArea = points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue; float distanceToCentroid = float.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { //float currDistToCentroid = centroids[i].ManhattanDist (tileLocations[tIndex]); //float currDistToCentroid = Vector3.Distance (centroids[i], tileLocations[tIndex]); float currDistToCentroid = Vector2.Distance(centroids[i].ToVec2FromXZ(), tileLocations[tIndex].ToVec2FromXZ()); if (currDistToCentroid < distanceToCentroid) { distanceToCentroid = currDistToCentroid; points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue = regionId + i; } } if (initialArea != points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue) { changes++; } } int[] frequency = new int[k]; Vector3[] cumulativeCentroids = new Vector3[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { frequency[i] = 0; cumulativeCentroids[i] =; } for (int i = 0; i < tileLocations.Length; i++) { Coord tile = region.turf[i]; cumulativeCentroids[Mathf.Max(0, points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue - regionId)] += tileLocations[i]; frequency[Mathf.Max(0, points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue - regionId)]++; } for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (frequency[i] != 0) { centroids[i] = cumulativeCentroids[i] / frequency[i]; } else { centroids[i] = tileLocations[Random.Range(0, tileLocations.Length)]; } } iter++; } for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { Debug.Log("Centroid " + (regionId + i) + " at " + centroids[i].ToString()); } LoggerTool.Post("No of iteration: " + iter); regionId += k; } return(regionId); }
void Land() { LoggerTool.Post("PlayerControllerExtension: Land! (Animation event)", true, false); }
void Jump() { LoggerTool.Post("PlayerControllerExtension: Jump! (Animation event)", true, false); }
// Called by LandMap.GetZones (), returns number of subregions public int ClusterLocationsDBSCAN(float epsilon, int minPts, MapPoint[,] points) { // DBSCAN cluster algorithm to separate locations in the regions Dictionary <Coord, ClusterPoint> clusteredPts = new Dictionary <Coord, ClusterPoint> (); foreach (MapRegion region in regions) { foreach (Coord tile in region.turf) { if (!clusteredPts.ContainsKey(tile)) { clusteredPts.Add(tile, new ClusterPoint()); } else { LoggerTool.Post("DBSCAN: Duplicate of tile found! (" + tile.x + "," + tile.y + ")"); } } } int regionId = 0; foreach (MapRegion region in regions) { foreach (Coord tile in region.turf) { ClusterPoint cPt; if (clusteredPts[tile].done) { continue; } List <Coord> n = RangeQueries(region.turf, tile, epsilon); if (n.Count + 1 < minPts) { cPt = clusteredPts[tile]; cPt.regionNumber = -1; points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue = -1; cPt.done = true; clusteredPts[tile] = cPt; LoggerTool.Post("Outlier", true, false); continue; } else { LoggerTool.Post("Zone " + regionId); cPt = clusteredPts[tile]; cPt.regionNumber = regionId; points[tile.x, tile.y].areaValue = regionId; cPt.done = true; clusteredPts[tile] = cPt; } for (int i = 0; i < n.Count; i++) { Coord q = n[i]; if (clusteredPts[q].regionNumber == -1) { cPt = clusteredPts[q]; cPt.regionNumber = regionId; points[q.x, q.y].areaValue = regionId; cPt.done = true; clusteredPts[q] = cPt; } if (clusteredPts[q].done) { continue; } cPt = clusteredPts[q]; cPt.regionNumber = regionId; points[q.x, q.y].areaValue = regionId; cPt.done = true; clusteredPts[q] = cPt; List <Coord> nb = RangeQueries(region.turf, q, epsilon); if (nb.Count >= minPts) { n.AddRange(nb); } } regionId++; } } return(regionId + 1); }
public virtual void Interact() { // This method is meant to be overwritten LoggerTool.Post("Interacting with " +, true, false); }
IEnumerator GenerateInProgress() { finished = false; if (useRandomSeed) { seed = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } Random.State oldState = Random.state; int seedHash = seed.GetHashCode(); Random.InitState(seedHash); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); for (int i = 0; i < randCol.Length; i++) { randCol[i] = Random.ColorHSV(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.5f, 1); } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); map = new LandMap(islandData.maxWidth, islandData.maxHeight); // Fill the map randomly with 0s and 1s based on percentage fill map.RandomFillMap(islandData.randomFillPercent); // Mold to the base shape if (islandData.baseShape) { map.makeBaseShape(islandData.baseShape); } // Smooth the map 5 times map.SmoothMap(5); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); meshGen = GetComponent <IslandMeshGenerator> (); vertDatabase.Clear(); vertDatabase.tileSize = islandData.tileSize; // Find separated regions to form an island List <MapRegion> regions = map.GetRegions(); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Create separate islands SeparateIslands(regions); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); clk.Start(); vertDatabase.SetCoordDB(); LoggerTool.Post("Indexing takes " + clk.Elapsed() + " seconds."); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); if (shouldElevate) { int highestPeak = 0; foreach (IsleInfo island in islands) { int peak = island.surfaceMeshDetail.localPeak; highestPeak = peak > highestPeak ? peak : highestPeak; } foreach (IsleInfo island in islands) { island.surfaceMeshDetail.NormalizeGradientMap(highestPeak); } vertDatabase.SetVerticesInlandPos(islands, islandData.mountainCurve); ElevationGenerator elevGen = GetComponent <ElevationGenerator> (); elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, islandData.altitude, islandData.mountainCurve, surfaceNoiseData, seedHash, 0, vertDatabase); // elevate hills on the surface elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, -islandData.stalactite, islandData.bellyCurve, undersideNoiseData, seedHash, 2, vertDatabase); // extend stakes at surface below } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); clk.Start(); int zoneNum = DoClustering(regions, map.spots, vertDatabase, clusterAnalysis, seedHash); LoggerTool.Post("Clustering takes " + clk.Elapsed() + " seconds."); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // Find strategic locations in each region List <MapRegion> zones = map.GetZones(zoneNum); SpliceTerritory(zones); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); SetColliders(); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); PlacementGenerator placement = GetComponent <PlacementGenerator> (); if (placement && decorateTerrain) { placement.GenerateTrees(islands); placement.GenerateSectorsContent(sectors, vertDatabase); } else if (placement) { //placement.GeneratePlacements (islands); placement.GenerateSectorsContent(sectors, vertDatabase); } yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); if (flatShading) { foreach (IsleInfo island in islands) { for (int surfaceIndex = 0; surfaceIndex < 3; surfaceIndex++) { MeshFilter mf = island.GetSurfaceMesh(surfaceIndex); float oldVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount; mf.sharedMesh = FlatShade.DuplicateSharedVertex(mf.sharedMesh); float newVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount; //Debug.Log ( + "." + + " new vertices are at " + (newVertCount / oldVertCount * 100) + "% with " + newVertCount + " verts."); } } } Random.state = oldState; finished = true; yield return(null); }