public GoogleCloudLoggingSink(GoogleCloudLoggingSinkOptions sinkOptions, MessageTemplateTextFormatter messageTemplateTextFormatter, int batchSizeLimit, TimeSpan period)
            : base(batchSizeLimit, period)
            // logging client for google cloud apis
            // requires extra setup if credentials are passed as raw json text
            if (sinkOptions.GoogleCredentialJson == null)
                _client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
                var googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(sinkOptions.GoogleCredentialJson);
                var channel          = new Grpc.Core.Channel(LoggingServiceV2Client.DefaultEndpoint.Host, googleCredential.ToChannelCredentials());
                _client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create(channel);

            _sinkOptions  = sinkOptions;
            _logFormatter = new LogFormatter(_sinkOptions, messageTemplateTextFormatter);

            _resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = sinkOptions.ResourceType
            foreach (var kvp in _sinkOptions.ResourceLabels)
                _resource.Labels[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

            var ln = new LogName(sinkOptions.ProjectId, sinkOptions.LogName);

            _logName        = ln.ToString();
            _logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(ln);

            _serviceNameAvailable = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_sinkOptions.ServiceName);
Exemple #2
        public void WriteLogEntry_MessageWithSubstitution()
            string logMessageFormat = "This is a log $0";

            StackdriverVariable[] evaluatedExpressions = new StackdriverVariable[]
                new StackdriverVariable()
                    Value = "test1"

            Debugger.V2.Breakpoint breakpoint = new Debugger.V2.Breakpoint()
                LogLevel             = Debugger.V2.Breakpoint.Types.LogLevel.Warning,
                LogMessageFormat     = logMessageFormat,
                EvaluatedExpressions = { evaluatedExpressions },

            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = _logNameObj.ToString(),
                Severity    = Logging.Type.LogSeverity.Warning,
                TextPayload = $"LOGPOINT: This is a log {evaluatedExpressions[0].Value}"

            _mockLoggingClient.Verify(client =>
                                      client.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(_logNameObj), _resource, null, new[] { logEntry }, null),
Exemple #3
        public void WriteLogEntry_ErrorBreakpoint()
            string logMessageFormat = "This is a log $0";

            Debugger.V2.Breakpoint breakpoint = new Debugger.V2.Breakpoint()
                LogLevel         = Debugger.V2.Breakpoint.Types.LogLevel.Warning,
                LogMessageFormat = logMessageFormat,
                Status           = new Debugger.V2.StatusMessage()
                    Description = new Debugger.V2.FormatMessage
                        Format = "This is an error"
                    IsError = true

            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = _logNameObj.ToString(),
                Severity    = Logging.Type.LogSeverity.Warning,
                TextPayload = "LOGPOINT: Error evaluating logpoint \"This is a log $0\": This is an error."

            _mockLoggingClient.Verify(client =>
                                      client.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(_logNameObj), _resource, null, new[] { logEntry }, null),
Exemple #4
        public static string WriteLog(
            string msg,
            Guid guid,
            [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath  = "",
            [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0,
            [CallerMemberName] string memberName    = "")
            var assembly     = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            var assemblyName = assembly.GetName();

            LogName  logName  = new LogName(_projectId, _logid);
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = logName.ToString(),
                Severity    = LogSeverity.Error,
                TextPayload = msg

            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "source_file", sourceFilePath },
                { "source_line", sourceLineNumber.ToString() },
                { "member_name", memberName },
                { "assembly_name", assemblyName.Name },
                { "assembly_version", assemblyName.Version.ToString() },
                { "guid", guid.ToString() }

            _client.Value.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(logName), _resource.Value, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry }, null);
Exemple #5
        public void WriteLogEntry_MessageWithComplexSubstitution()
            string logMessageFormat = "I lost $$$0 today in the $1.";

            StackdriverVariable[] evaluatedExpressions = new StackdriverVariable[]
                new StackdriverVariable()
                    Value = "10000"
                new StackdriverVariable()
                    Value = "stock market"

            Debugger.V2.Breakpoint breakpoint = new Debugger.V2.Breakpoint()
                LogLevel             = Debugger.V2.Breakpoint.Types.LogLevel.Warning,
                LogMessageFormat     = logMessageFormat,
                EvaluatedExpressions = { evaluatedExpressions },

            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = _logNameObj.ToString(),
                Severity    = Logging.Type.LogSeverity.Warning,
                TextPayload = $"LOGPOINT: I lost ${evaluatedExpressions[0].Value} today in the {evaluatedExpressions[1].Value}."

            _mockLoggingClient.Verify(client =>
                                      client.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(_logNameObj), _resource, null, new[] { logEntry }, null),
Exemple #6
    public static void WriteExceptionalLog(Exception exceptionalSunny)
        LogName logName     = new LogName(ProjectId, LogId);
        var     jsonPayload = CreateJsonPayload();
        var     value       = new ProtoWellKnownTypes.Value()
            StringValue = exceptionalSunny.ToString()

        jsonPayload.Fields[MessageFieldName] = value;
        LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
            LogName     = logName.ToString(),
            Severity    = LogSeverity.Error,
            JsonPayload = jsonPayload

        MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
            Type = "global"
        // global does not use label.
        // resource.Labels["name"] = "This_is_another_name";

        IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
            { "size", "large" },
            { "color", "red" }

        _client.Value.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(logName), resource, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry }, null);
        //TestTrace($"Written entry {logEntry.ToString()}");
Exemple #7
        public static void WriteLog()
            LogName  logName  = new LogName("mars-148601", "log_id_tide_2");
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = logName.ToString(),
                Severity    = LogSeverity.Error,
                JsonPayload = ReadJson()

            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "logging_log"

            resource.Labels["name"] = "This_is_another_name";

            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "size", "large" },
                { "color", "red" }

            _client.Value.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(logName), resource, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry }, null);

            Console.WriteLine($"Created log entry {logEntry}.");
Exemple #8
        protected virtual async Task CreateLog <T>(string id, LogSeverity severity, string message, IDictionary <string, string> labels = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            where T : class
            // Prepare new log entry.
            LogEntry     entry          = new LogEntry();
            var          logId          = id;
            LogName      logName        = new LogName(GCPConfiguration.ProjectId, logId);
            LogNameOneof logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(logName);

            entry.LogName  = logName.ToString();
            entry.Severity = severity;

            // Create log entry message.
            string messageId     = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
            Type   type          = typeof(T);
            string entrySeverity = entry.Severity.ToString().ToUpper();

            entry.TextPayload =
                $"{messageId} {entrySeverity} {type.Namespace} - {message}";

            // Set the resource type to control which GCP resource the log entry belongs to.
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource
                Type = "global"

            // Add log entry to collection for writing. Multiple log entries can be added.
            IEnumerable <LogEntry> logEntries = new LogEntry[] { entry };

            // Write new log entry.
            await LogClient.WriteLogEntriesAsync(logNameToWrite, resource, labels, logEntries);
Exemple #9
        public async Task Execute(string projectId, string logId, string message, IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels)
            var      client   = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
            LogName  logName  = new LogName(projectId, logId);
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = logName.ToString(),
                Severity    = LogSeverity.Info,
                TextPayload = $"ChatBot - {message}"
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "global"

            if (entryLabels == null)
                entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "Timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToString() }
                entryLabels.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Timestamp", DateTime.Now.ToString()));
            await Task.Run(() => client.WriteLogEntries(
                               LogNameOneof.From(logName), resource, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry }, _retryAWhile));
Exemple #10
        public GoogleCloudLoggingSink(GoogleCloudLoggingSinkOptions sinkOptions, MessageTemplateTextFormatter messageTemplateTextFormatter, int batchSizeLimit, TimeSpan period)
            : base(batchSizeLimit, period)
            if (sinkOptions.GoogleCredentialJson == null)
                _client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
                var googleCredential = GoogleCredential.FromJson(sinkOptions.GoogleCredentialJson);
                var channel          = new Grpc.Core.Channel(LoggingServiceV2Client.DefaultEndpoint.Host, googleCredential.ToChannelCredentials());
                _client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create(channel);

            _sinkOptions = sinkOptions;

            _resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = sinkOptions.ResourceType
            foreach (var kvp in _sinkOptions.ResourceLabels)
                _resource.Labels[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

            var ln = new LogName(sinkOptions.ProjectId, sinkOptions.LogName);

            _logName        = ln.ToString();
            _logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(ln);

            _messageTemplateTextFormatter = messageTemplateTextFormatter;
Exemple #11
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            // Read projectId from args
            if (args.Length != 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: Project ID must be passed as first argument.");
            string projectId = args[0];

            // Create client
            LoggingServiceV2Client client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            LogNameOneof                 logName  = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName(projectId, $"test-{Guid.NewGuid()}"));
            MonitoredResource            resource = new MonitoredResource();
            IDictionary <string, string> labels   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            IEnumerable <LogEntry>       entries  = new List <LogEntry>();

            // Call API method
            WriteLogEntriesResponse response = client.WriteLogEntries(logName, resource, labels, entries);

            // Show the result

            // Success
            Console.WriteLine("Smoke test passed OK");
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Substitutes the log message format in breakpoint and writes
        /// the result as a log entry to the log _logName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>WriteLogEntriesResponse from the API.</returns>
        public WriteLogEntriesResponse WriteLogEntry(StackdriverBreakpoint breakpoint)
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName  = _logName.ToString(),
                Severity = _logSeverityConversion[breakpoint.LogLevel],

            if (breakpoint.Status?.IsError ?? false)
                // The .NET Debugger does not use parameters field so we can just use format directly.
                logEntry.TextPayload = $"{LogpointMessageStart}Error evaluating logpoint \"{breakpoint.LogMessageFormat}\": {breakpoint.Status?.Description?.Format}.";
                logEntry.TextPayload = SubstituteLogMessageFormat(

            // TODO(quoct): Detect whether we are on gke and use gke_container.
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "global"

            return(_logClient.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(_logName), resource, null, new[] { logEntry }));
Exemple #13
        static public void WriteEntry(string message, bool appendGit = true)
            LogName logName = new LogName(ProjectId, LogId);

            LogEntry log = new LogEntry
                LogName     = logName.ToString(),
                Severity    = LogSeverity.Info,
                TextPayload = message

            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "size", "large" },
                { "color", "red" }

            if (appendGit && SourceRevision.GitRevisionId != null)
                entryLabels.Add(SourceRevision.GitRevisionIdLogLabel, SourceRevision.GitRevisionId);

            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "global"

                new[] { log },
Exemple #14
        public void CreateNewLogging(string message, string logId, string type, IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels, LogSeverity severity = LogSeverity.Info)
            // Prepare new log entry.
            LogEntry     logEntry       = new LogEntry();
            LogName      logName        = new LogName(projectId, logId);
            LogNameOneof logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(logName);

            logEntry.LogName  = logName.ToString();
            logEntry.Severity = severity;

            // Create log entry message.
            string messageId     = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
            string entrySeverity = logEntry.Severity.ToString().ToUpper();

            logEntry.TextPayload =
                $"{messageId} {entrySeverity}.Logging - {message}";

            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource
                Type = type

            // Add log entry to collection for writing. Multiple log entries can be added.
            IEnumerable <LogEntry> logEntries = new LogEntry[] { logEntry };

            // Write new log entry.
            client.WriteLogEntriesAsync(logNameToWrite, resource, entryLabels, logEntries);
Exemple #15
        // [END update_log_sink]

        // [START logging_delete_log]
        private void DeleteLog(string logId)
            var     client  = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
            LogName logName = new LogName(s_projectId, logId);

            client.DeleteLog(LogNameOneof.From(logName), _retryAWhile);
            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted {logId}.");
 public StackdriverLogger(string projectId, string logId)
     _client   = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
     _logName  = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName(projectId, logId));
     _resource = new MonitoredResource {
         Type = "gce_backend_service"
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to run Health Check for google Stack Driver Telemetry (not yet implemented)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceKey"></param>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override LightHealth.HealthCheck HealthCheck(string serviceKey, string value)
         clientV2.WriteLogEntriesAsync(LogNameOneof.From(logName), null, null, null);
        /// <summary>Snippet for DeleteLog</summary>
        public void DeleteLog()
            // Snippet: DeleteLog(LogNameOneof,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            LoggingServiceV2Client loggingServiceV2Client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            LogNameOneof logName = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]"));

            // Make the request
            // End snippet
        /// <summary>Snippet for DeleteLogAsync</summary>
        public async Task DeleteLogAsync()
            // Snippet: DeleteLogAsync(LogNameOneof,CallSettings)
            // Additional: DeleteLogAsync(LogNameOneof,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            LoggingServiceV2Client loggingServiceV2Client = await LoggingServiceV2Client.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            LogNameOneof logName = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]"));
            // Make the request
            await loggingServiceV2Client.DeleteLogAsync(logName);

            // End snippet
Exemple #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Your Google Cloud Platform project ID.
            string projectId = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID";

            // Instantiates a client.
            var client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();

            // Prepare new log entry.
            LogEntry     logEntry       = new LogEntry();
            string       logId          = "my-log";
            LogName      logName        = new LogName(projectId, logId);
            LogNameOneof logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(logName);

            logEntry.LogName  = logName.ToString();
            logEntry.Severity = LogSeverity.Info;

            // Create log entry message.
            string message       = "Hello World!";
            string messageId     = DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString();
            Type   myType        = typeof(QuickStart);
            string entrySeverity = logEntry.Severity.ToString().ToUpper();

            logEntry.TextPayload =
                $"{messageId} {entrySeverity} {myType.Namespace}.LoggingSample - {message}";

            // Set the resource type to control which GCP resource the log entry belongs to.
            // See the list of resource types at:
            // This sample uses resource type 'global' causing log entries to appear in the
            // "Global" resource list of the Developers Console Logs Viewer:
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource();

            resource.Type = "global";

            // Create dictionary object to add custom labels to the log entry.
            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            entryLabels.Add("size", "large");
            entryLabels.Add("color", "red");

            // Add log entry to collection for writing. Multiple log entries can be added.
            IEnumerable <LogEntry> logEntries = new LogEntry[] { logEntry };

            // Write new log entry.
            client.WriteLogEntries(logNameToWrite, resource, entryLabels, logEntries);

            Console.WriteLine("Log Entry created.");
 /// <summary>Snippet for WriteLogEntries</summary>
 public void WriteLogEntries()
     // Snippet: WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof,MonitoredResource,IDictionary<string, string>,IEnumerable<LogEntry>,CallSettings)
     // Create client
     LoggingServiceV2Client loggingServiceV2Client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
     // Initialize request argument(s)
     LogNameOneof                 logName  = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]"));
     MonitoredResource            resource = new MonitoredResource();
     IDictionary <string, string> labels   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
     IEnumerable <LogEntry>       entries  = new List <LogEntry>();
     // Make the request
     WriteLogEntriesResponse response = loggingServiceV2Client.WriteLogEntries(logName, resource, labels, entries);
     // End snippet
        /// <summary>Snippet for DeleteLog</summary>
        public void DeleteLog_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: DeleteLog(DeleteLogRequest,CallSettings)
            // Create client
            LoggingServiceV2Client loggingServiceV2Client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
            // Initialize request argument(s)
            DeleteLogRequest request = new DeleteLogRequest
                LogNameAsLogNameOneof = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]")),

            // Make the request
            // End snippet
Exemple #23
        public GoogleCloudLoggingSink(GoogleCloudLoggingSinkOptions sinkOptions, MessageTemplateTextFormatter messageTemplateTextFormatter, int batchSizeLimit, TimeSpan period) : base(batchSizeLimit, period)
            _client      = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();
            _sinkOptions = sinkOptions;

            _resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = sinkOptions.ResourceType
            var ln = new LogName(sinkOptions.ProjectId, sinkOptions.LogName);

            _logName        = ln.ToString();
            _logNameToWrite = LogNameOneof.From(ln);

            _messageTemplateTextFormatter = messageTemplateTextFormatter;
Exemple #24
        public void DeleteLog2()
            Mock <LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Client> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Client>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            DeleteLogRequest request = new DeleteLogRequest
                LogNameAsLogNameOneof = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]")),
            Empty expectedResponse = new Empty();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.DeleteLog(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            LoggingServiceV2Client client = new LoggingServiceV2ClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);

Exemple #25
        public async Task DeleteLogAsync2()
            Mock <LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Client> mockGrpcClient = new Mock <LoggingServiceV2.LoggingServiceV2Client>(MockBehavior.Strict);
            DeleteLogRequest request = new DeleteLogRequest
                LogNameAsLogNameOneof = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]")),
            Empty expectedResponse = new Empty();

            mockGrpcClient.Setup(x => x.DeleteLogAsync(request, It.IsAny <CallOptions>()))
            .Returns(new Grpc.Core.AsyncUnaryCall <Empty>(Task.FromResult(expectedResponse), null, null, null, null));
            LoggingServiceV2Client client = new LoggingServiceV2ClientImpl(mockGrpcClient.Object, null);
            await client.DeleteLogAsync(request);

Exemple #26
        public static string WriteLog(
            string msg,
            [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath  = "",
            [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0,
            [CallerMemberName] string memberName    = "")
            var client = LoggingServiceV2Client.Create();

            var resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "global"

            resource.Labels["project_id"] = ProjectId;

            LogName logName = new LogName(ProjectId, LogId);
            LogEntrySourceLocation sourceLocation = new LogEntrySourceLocation
                File     = sourceFilePath,
                Line     = sourceLineNumber,
                Function = memberName

            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName        = logName.ToString(),
                Severity       = LogSeverity.Info,
                SourceLocation = sourceLocation,
                TextPayload    = msg

            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "size", "large" },
                { "color", "red" }


                logName: LogNameOneof.From(logName),
                resource: resource,
                labels: entryLabels,
                entries: new[] { logEntry },
                callSettings: null);
        /// <summary>Snippet for DeleteLogAsync</summary>
        public async Task DeleteLogAsync_RequestObject()
            // Snippet: DeleteLogAsync(DeleteLogRequest,CallSettings)
            // Additional: DeleteLogAsync(DeleteLogRequest,CancellationToken)
            // Create client
            LoggingServiceV2Client loggingServiceV2Client = await LoggingServiceV2Client.CreateAsync();

            // Initialize request argument(s)
            DeleteLogRequest request = new DeleteLogRequest
                LogNameAsLogNameOneof = LogNameOneof.From(new LogName("[PROJECT]", "[LOG]")),
            // Make the request
            await loggingServiceV2Client.DeleteLogAsync(request);

            // End snippet
        //TrackMetric sends to the Google Stack Driver metrics related to some point of view.
        //For example, you can measure how much time was spent to persist data in the database.
        public override void TrackMetric(string metricLabel, double value)
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = metricLabel,
                TextPayload = value.ToString(),
                Timestamp   = Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now)
            //Adding Metric log entries to send to google Cloud
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "TrackMetric"
            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "size", "large" },
                { "color", "red" }

            //Send Metric Log to Google Cloud Stack Driver
            clientV2.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(logName), resource, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry });
        /// <summary>
        /// Not Implemented because the driver isn't implemented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metricTelemetry"></param>
        public override void TrackAggregateMetric(object metricTelemetry)
            //Create a object to write trace log Entries
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = logName.ToString(),
                TextPayload = (string)metricTelemetry.GetType().GetProperty("Name").GetValue(metricTelemetry) + " - " + (string)metricTelemetry.GetType().GetProperty("Sum").GetValue(metricTelemetry),
            //Adding Metric log entries to send to google Cloud
            MonitoredResource resource = new MonitoredResource {
                Type = "TrackAggregateMetric"
            IDictionary <string, string> entryLabels = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "size", "large" },
                { "color", "red" }

            //Send Metric Log to Google Cloud Stack Driver
            clientV2.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(logName), resource, entryLabels, new[] { logEntry });
Exemple #30
        public void WriteLogEntry_SimpleMessage()
            string logMessageFormat = "This is a log";

            Debugger.V2.Breakpoint breakpoint = new Debugger.V2.Breakpoint()
                LogLevel         = Debugger.V2.Breakpoint.Types.LogLevel.Error,
                LogMessageFormat = logMessageFormat
            LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry
                LogName     = _logNameObj.ToString(),
                Severity    = Logging.Type.LogSeverity.Error,
                TextPayload = $"LOGPOINT: {logMessageFormat}"

            _mockLoggingClient.Verify(client =>
                                      client.WriteLogEntries(LogNameOneof.From(_logNameObj), _resource, null, new[] { logEntry }, null),