public void LogLearn(string session, string playSession, MiniGameCode miniGameCode, List <LearnResultParameters> resultsList)
            var learnRules = GetLearnRules(miniGameCode);

            foreach (var result in resultsList)
                float score        = 0f;
                float successRatio = result.nCorrect * 1f / (result.nCorrect + result.nWrong);
                switch (learnRules.voteLogic)
                case MiniGameLearnRules.VoteLogic.Threshold:
                    // Uses a binary threshold
                    float threshold = learnRules.logicParameter;
                    score = successRatio > threshold ? 1f : -1f;

                case MiniGameLearnRules.VoteLogic.SuccessRatio:
                    // Uses directly the success ratio to drive the vote
                    score = Mathf.InverseLerp(-1f, 1f, successRatio);
                score *= learnRules.minigameImportanceWeight;
                score += learnRules.minigameVoteSkewOffset;

                var data = new LogLearnData(session, playSession, miniGameCode, result.table, result.elementId, score);

                // We also update the score for that data element
                UpdateScoreDataWithMovingAverage(result.table, result.elementId, score, 5);
        public void TestInsertLogLearnData()
            var newData = new LogLearnData();

            newData.Session   = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10).ToString();
            newData.Timestamp = GenericUtilities.GetTimestampForNow();

            newData.PlaySession = "1.1.1";
            newData.MiniGame    = MiniGameCode.Assessment_LetterShape;

            bool useLetter = RND.value > 0.5f;

            newData.TableName = useLetter ? "LetterData" : "WordData";
            newData.ElementId = useLetter
                ? RandomHelper.GetRandom(dbManager.GetAllLetterData()).GetId()
                : RandomHelper.GetRandom(dbManager.GetAllWordData()).GetId();

            newData.Score = RND.Range(-1f, 1f);

            PrintOutput("Inserted new LogLearnData: " + newData.ToString());