Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Returns a detailed human readable string that represents the current configuration. It does not contain every single configuration knob.</summary>
        public override string ToString()
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendLine("Platform version info:").Append(ConfigUtilities.RuntimeVersionInfo());
            sb.Append("   Host: ").AppendLine(Dns.GetHostName());
            sb.Append("   Processor Count: ").Append(System.Environment.ProcessorCount).AppendLine();

            sb.AppendLine("Client Configuration:");
            sb.Append("   Config File Name: ").AppendLine(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceFile) ? "" : Path.GetFullPath(SourceFile));
            sb.Append("   Start time: ").AppendLine(LogFormatter.PrintDate(DateTime.UtcNow));
            sb.Append("   Gateway Provider: ").Append(GatewayProvider);
            if (GatewayProvider == GatewayProviderType.None)
                sb.Append(".   Gateway Provider that will be used instead: ").Append(GatewayProviderToUse);
            if (Gateways != null && Gateways.Count > 0)
                sb.AppendFormat("   Gateways[{0}]:", Gateways.Count).AppendLine();
                foreach (var endpoint in Gateways)
                    sb.Append("      ").AppendLine(endpoint.ToString());
                sb.Append("   Gateways: ").AppendLine("Unspecified");
            sb.Append("   Preferred Gateway Index: ").AppendLine(PreferedGatewayIndex.ToString());
            if (Gateways != null && PreferedGatewayIndex >= 0 && PreferedGatewayIndex < Gateways.Count)
                sb.Append("   Preferred Gateway Address: ").AppendLine(Gateways[PreferedGatewayIndex].ToString());
            sb.Append("   GatewayListRefreshPeriod: ").Append(GatewayListRefreshPeriod).AppendLine();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DeploymentId) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(DataConnectionString))
                sb.Append("   Azure:").AppendLine();
                sb.Append("      DeploymentId: ").Append(DeploymentId).AppendLine();
                string dataConnectionInfo = ConfigUtilities.RedactConnectionStringInfo(DataConnectionString); // Don't print Azure account keys in log files
                sb.Append("      DataConnectionString: ").Append(dataConnectionInfo).AppendLine();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NetInterface))
                sb.Append("   Network Interface: ").AppendLine(NetInterface);
            if (Port != 0)
                sb.Append("   Network Port: ").Append(Port).AppendLine();
            sb.Append("   Preferred Address Family: ").AppendLine(PreferredFamily.ToString());
            sb.Append("   DNS Host Name: ").AppendLine(DNSHostName);
            sb.Append("   Client Name: ").AppendLine(ClientName);
            sb.Append("   .NET: ").AppendLine();
            int workerThreads;
            int completionPortThreads;
            ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out workerThreads, out completionPortThreads);
            sb.AppendFormat("       .NET thread pool sizes - Min: Worker Threads={0} Completion Port Threads={1}", workerThreads, completionPortThreads).AppendLine();
            ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out completionPortThreads);
            sb.AppendFormat("       .NET thread pool sizes - Max: Worker Threads={0} Completion Port Threads={1}", workerThreads, completionPortThreads).AppendLine();
            sb.AppendFormat("   Providers:").AppendLine();
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this Orleans silo for execution with the specified Azure clusterId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">If null, Config data will be read from silo config file as normal, otherwise use the specified config data.</param>
        /// <param name="clusterId">Azure ClusterId this silo is running under</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">Azure DataConnectionString. If null, defaults to the DataConnectionString setting from the Azure configuration for this role.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the silo startup was successful</returns>
        internal bool Start(ClusterConfiguration config, string clusterId, string connectionString)
            if (config != null && clusterId != null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot use config and clusterId on the same time");

            // Program ident
            Trace.TraceInformation("Starting {0} v{1}", this.GetType().FullName, RuntimeVersion.Current);

            // Read endpoint info for this instance from Azure config
            string instanceName = serviceRuntimeWrapper.InstanceName;

            // Configure this Orleans silo instance
            if (config == null)
                host = new SiloHost(instanceName);
                host.LoadOrleansConfig(); // Load config from file + Initializes logger configurations
                host = new SiloHost(instanceName, config); // Use supplied config data + Initializes logger configurations

            IPEndPoint myEndpoint    = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetIPEndpoint(SiloEndpointConfigurationKeyName);
            IPEndPoint proxyEndpoint = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetIPEndpoint(ProxyEndpointConfigurationKeyName);


            int generation = SiloAddress.AllocateNewGeneration();

            // Bootstrap this Orleans silo instance

            // If clusterId was not direclty provided, take the value in the config. If it is not
            // in the config too, just take the ClusterId from Azure
            if (clusterId == null)
                clusterId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host.Config.Globals.ClusterId)
                    ? serviceRuntimeWrapper.DeploymentId
                    : host.Config.Globals.ClusterId;

            myEntry = new SiloInstanceTableEntry
                DeploymentId = clusterId,
                Address      = myEndpoint.Address.ToString(),
                Port         = myEndpoint.Port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                Generation   = generation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

                HostName  = host.Config.GetOrCreateNodeConfigurationForSilo(host.Name).DNSHostName,
                ProxyPort = (proxyEndpoint != null ? proxyEndpoint.Port : 0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

                RoleName   = serviceRuntimeWrapper.RoleName,
                SiloName   = instanceName,
                UpdateZone = serviceRuntimeWrapper.UpdateDomain.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                FaultZone  = serviceRuntimeWrapper.FaultDomain.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                StartTime  = LogFormatter.PrintDate(DateTime.UtcNow),

                PartitionKey = clusterId,
                RowKey       = myEndpoint.Address + "-" + myEndpoint.Port + "-" + generation

            if (connectionString == null)
                connectionString = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetConfigurationSettingValue(DataConnectionConfigurationSettingName);

                siloInstanceManager = OrleansSiloInstanceManager.GetManager(
                    clusterId, connectionString, AzureStorageClusteringOptions.DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, this.loggerFactory).WithTimeout(AzureTableDefaultPolicies.TableCreationTimeout).Result;
            catch (Exception exc)
                var error = String.Format("Failed to create OrleansSiloInstanceManager. This means CreateTableIfNotExist for silo instance table has failed with {0}",
                logger.Error((int)AzureSiloErrorCode.AzureTable_34, error, exc);
                throw new OrleansException(error, exc);

            // Always use Azure table for membership when running silo in Azure
            if (host.Config.Globals.ReminderServiceType == GlobalConfiguration.ReminderServiceProviderType.NotSpecified ||
                host.Config.Globals.ReminderServiceType == GlobalConfiguration.ReminderServiceProviderType.ReminderTableGrain)

            // Initialize this Orleans silo instance
            host.SetDeploymentId(clusterId, connectionString);
            host.SetSiloEndpoint(myEndpoint, generation);

            host.ConfigureSiloHostDelegate = ConfigureSiloHostDelegate;

Exemple #3
 internal IStatement UpdateMembership(MembershipEntry membershipEntry, int version) =>
     new_version      = version + 1,
     expected_version = version,
     status           = (int)membershipEntry.Status,
     suspect_times    = membershipEntry.SuspectTimes == null ? null : string.Join("|", membershipEntry.SuspectTimes.Select(s => $"{s.Item1.ToParsableString()},{LogFormatter.PrintDate(s.Item2)}")),
     i_am_alive_time  = membershipEntry.IAmAliveTime,
     address          = membershipEntry.SiloAddress.Endpoint.Address.ToString(),
     port             = membershipEntry.SiloAddress.Endpoint.Port,
     generation       = membershipEntry.SiloAddress.Generation
Exemple #4
        public async Task StatelessWorker()
            IStatelessWorkerGrain grain    = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <IStatelessWorkerGrain>(0);
            List <Task>           promises = new List <Task>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ExpectedMaxLocalActivations * 3; i++)
                promises.Add(grain.LongCall()); // trigger activation of ExpectedMaxLocalActivations local activations
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < ExpectedMaxLocalActivations * 3; i++)
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);


            //Assert.IsTrue(stopwatch.Elapsed > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(19.5), "50 requests with a 2 second processing time shouldn't take less than 20 seconds on 10 activations. But it took " + stopwatch.Elapsed);

            for (int i = 0; i < ExpectedMaxLocalActivations * 3; i++)
                promises.Add(grain.GetCallStats());  // gather stats
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            HashSet <Guid> activations = new HashSet <Guid>();

            foreach (var promise in promises)
                Tuple <Guid, List <Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> > > response = await(Task <Tuple <Guid, List <Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> > > >) promise;

                if (activations.Contains(response.Item1))
                    continue; // duplicate response from the same activation

                logger.Info(" {0}: Activation {1}", activations.Count, response.Item1);
                int count = 1;
                foreach (Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> call in response.Item2)
                    logger.Info("\t{0}: {1} - {2}", count++, LogFormatter.PrintDate(call.Item1), LogFormatter.PrintDate(call.Item2));

            Assert.IsTrue(activations.Count <= ExpectedMaxLocalActivations, "activations.Count = " + activations.Count + " but expected no more than " + ExpectedMaxLocalActivations);
 public static MongoSuspectTime Create(Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime> tuple)
     return(new MongoSuspectTime {
         Address = tuple.Item1.ToParsableString(), IAmAliveTime = LogFormatter.PrintDate(tuple.Item2)
        public async Task <bool> TryToSuspectOrKill(SiloAddress silo)
            var table = await membershipTableProvider.ReadAll();

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                log.Debug("-TryToSuspectOrKill: Read Membership table {0}", table.ToString());

            if (this.IsStopping)
                    "Ignoring call to TrySuspectOrKill for silo {Silo} since the local silo is dead",

            var(localSiloEntry, _) = this.GetOrCreateLocalSiloEntry(table, this.CurrentStatus);
            if (localSiloEntry.Status == SiloStatus.Dead)
                var msg = string.Format("I should be Dead according to membership table (in TryToSuspectOrKill): entry = {0}.", localSiloEntry.ToFullString(full: true));
                log.Warn(ErrorCode.MembershipFoundMyselfDead3, msg);

            if (!table.Contains(silo))
                // this should not happen ...
                var str = string.Format("-Could not find silo entry for silo {0} in the table.", silo);
                log.Error(ErrorCode.MembershipFailedToReadSilo, str);
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(str);

            var    tuple = table.Get(silo);
            var    entry = tuple.Item1.Copy();
            string eTag  = tuple.Item2;

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                log.Debug("-TryToSuspectOrKill {siloAddress}: The current status of {siloAddress} in the table is {status}, its entry is {entry}",
                          entry.SiloAddress, // First
                          entry.SiloAddress, // Second
            // check if the table already knows that this silo is dead
            if (entry.Status == SiloStatus.Dead)
                this.ProcessTableUpdate(table, "TrySuspectOrKill");

            var allVotes = entry.SuspectTimes ?? new List <Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime> >();

            // get all valid (non-expired) votes
            var freshVotes = entry.GetFreshVotes(DateTime.UtcNow, this.clusterMembershipOptions.DeathVoteExpirationTimeout);

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                log.Trace("-Current number of fresh Voters for {0} is {1}", silo, freshVotes.Count.ToString());

            if (freshVotes.Count >= this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration)
                // this should not happen ...
                var str = string.Format("-Silo {0} is suspected by {1} which is more or equal than {2}, but is not marked as dead. This is a bug!!!",
                                        entry.SiloAddress, freshVotes.Count.ToString(), this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration.ToString());
                log.Error(ErrorCode.Runtime_Error_100053, str);
                KillMyselfLocally("Found a bug! Will stop.");

            // handle the corner case when the number of active silos is very small (then my only vote is enough)
            int activeSilos = table.GetSiloStatuses(status => status == SiloStatus.Active, true, this.localSiloDetails.SiloAddress).Count;
            // find if I have already voted
            int myVoteIndex = freshVotes.FindIndex(voter => myAddress.Equals(voter.Item1));

            // Try to kill:
            //  if there is NumVotesForDeathDeclaration votes (including me) to kill - kill.
            //  otherwise, if there is a majority of nodes (including me) voting to kill – kill.
            bool declareDead      = false;
            int  myAdditionalVote = myVoteIndex == -1 ? 1 : 0;

            if (freshVotes.Count + myAdditionalVote >= this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration)
                declareDead = true;

            if (freshVotes.Count + myAdditionalVote >= (activeSilos + 1) / 2)
                declareDead = true;

            if (declareDead)
                // kick this silo off
                         "-Going to mark silo {0} as DEAD in the table #1. I am the last voter: #freshVotes={1}, myVoteIndex = {2}, NumVotesForDeathDeclaration={3} , #activeSilos={4}, suspect list={5}",
                return(await DeclareDead(entry, eTag, table.Version));

            // we still do not have enough votes - need to vote
            // find voting place:
            //      update my vote, if I voted previously
            //      OR if the list is not full - just add a new vote
            //      OR overwrite the oldest entry.
            int indexToWrite = allVotes.FindIndex(voter => myAddress.Equals(voter.Item1));

            if (indexToWrite == -1)
                // My vote is not recorded. Find the most outdated vote if the list is full, and overwrite it
                if (allVotes.Count >= this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration) // if the list is full
                    // The list is full.
                    DateTime minVoteTime = allVotes.Min(voter => voter.Item2); // pick the most outdated vote
                    indexToWrite = allVotes.FindIndex(voter => voter.Item2.Equals(minVoteTime));

            var prevList = allVotes.ToList(); // take a copy
            var now      = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (indexToWrite == -1)
                // if did not find specific place to write (the list is not full), just add a new element to the list
                entry.AddSuspector(myAddress, now);
                var newEntry = new Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime>(myAddress, now);
                entry.SuspectTimes[indexToWrite] = newEntry;
                     "-Putting my vote to mark silo {0} as DEAD #2. Previous suspect list is {1}, trying to update to {2}, eTag={3}, freshVotes is {4}",

            // If we fail to update here we will retry later.
            return(await membershipTableProvider.UpdateRow(entry, eTag, table.Version.Next()));

            string PrintSuspectList(IEnumerable <Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime> > list)
                return(Utils.EnumerableToString(list, t => string.Format("<{0}, {1}>",
                                                                         t.Item1, LogFormatter.PrintDate(t.Item2))));
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles cache purge signals
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lastItemPurged"></param>
 /// <param name="newestItem"></param>
 private void OnPurge(CachedMessage?lastItemPurged, CachedMessage?newestItem)
     if (logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug) && lastItemPurged.HasValue && newestItem.HasValue)
         logger.Debug($"CachePeriod: EnqueueTimeUtc: {LogFormatter.PrintDate(lastItemPurged.Value.EnqueueTimeUtc)} to {LogFormatter.PrintDate(newestItem.Value.EnqueueTimeUtc)}, DequeueTimeUtc: {LogFormatter.PrintDate(lastItemPurged.Value.DequeueTimeUtc)} to {LogFormatter.PrintDate(newestItem.Value.DequeueTimeUtc)}");
     if (lastItemPurged.HasValue)
         checkpointer.Update(this.dataAdapter.GetOffset(lastItemPurged.Value), DateTime.UtcNow);
Exemple #8
        private static async Task <T> ExecuteWithRetriesHelper <T>(
            Func <int, Task <T> > function,
            int callCounter,
            int maxNumSuccessTries,
            int maxNumErrorTries,
            TimeSpan maxExecutionTime,
            DateTime startExecutionTime,
            Func <T, int, bool> retryValueFilter             = null,
            Func <Exception, int, bool> retryExceptionFilter = null,
            IBackoffProvider onSuccessBackOff = null,
            IBackoffProvider onErrorBackOff   = null)
            T result = default(T);
            ExceptionDispatchInfo lastExceptionInfo = null;
            bool retry;

                retry = false;

                if (maxExecutionTime != Constants.INFINITE_TIMESPAN && maxExecutionTime != default(TimeSpan))
                    DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (now - startExecutionTime > maxExecutionTime)
                        if (lastExceptionInfo == null)
                            throw new TimeoutException(
                                      $"ExecuteWithRetries has exceeded its max execution time of {maxExecutionTime}. Now is {LogFormatter.PrintDate(now)}, started at {LogFormatter.PrintDate(startExecutionTime)}, passed {now - startExecutionTime}");


                int counter = callCounter;

                    result = await function(counter);

                    lastExceptionInfo = null;

                    if (callCounter < maxNumSuccessTries || maxNumSuccessTries == INFINITE_RETRIES) // -1 for infinite retries
                        if (retryValueFilter != null)
                            retry = retryValueFilter(result, counter);

                    if (retry)
                        TimeSpan?delay = onSuccessBackOff?.Next(counter);

                        if (delay.HasValue)
                            await Task.Delay(delay.Value);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    retry = false;

                    if (callCounter < maxNumErrorTries || maxNumErrorTries == INFINITE_RETRIES)
                        if (retryExceptionFilter != null)
                            retry = retryExceptionFilter(exc, counter);

                    if (!retry)

                    lastExceptionInfo = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exc);

                    TimeSpan?delay = onErrorBackOff?.Next(counter);

                    if (delay.HasValue)
                        await Task.Delay(delay.Value);
            } while (retry);

        public async Task <bool> TryToSuspectOrKill(SiloAddress silo)
            var table = await membershipTableProvider.ReadAll();

            var now = GetDateTimeUtcNow();

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                log.Debug("-TryToSuspectOrKill: Read Membership table {0}", table.ToString());

            if (this.IsStopping)
                    "Ignoring call to TrySuspectOrKill for silo {Silo} since the local silo is dead",

            var(localSiloEntry, _) = this.GetOrCreateLocalSiloEntry(table, this.CurrentStatus);
            if (localSiloEntry.Status == SiloStatus.Dead)
                var msg = string.Format("I should be Dead according to membership table (in TryToSuspectOrKill): entry = {0}.", localSiloEntry.ToFullString(full: true));
                log.Warn(ErrorCode.MembershipFoundMyselfDead3, msg);

            if (!table.Contains(silo))
                // this should not happen ...
                var str = string.Format("-Could not find silo entry for silo {0} in the table.", silo);
                log.Error(ErrorCode.MembershipFailedToReadSilo, str);
                throw new KeyNotFoundException(str);

            var    tuple = table.Get(silo);
            var    entry = tuple.Item1.Copy();
            string eTag  = tuple.Item2;

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Debug))
                log.Debug("-TryToSuspectOrKill {siloAddress}: The current status of {siloAddress} in the table is {status}, its entry is {entry}",
                          entry.SiloAddress, // First
                          entry.SiloAddress, // Second

            // Check if the table already knows that this silo is dead
            if (entry.Status == SiloStatus.Dead)
                this.ProcessTableUpdate(table, "TrySuspectOrKill");

            // Get all valid (non-expired) votes
            var freshVotes = entry.GetFreshVotes(now, this.clusterMembershipOptions.DeathVoteExpirationTimeout);

            if (log.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Trace))
                log.Trace("-Current number of fresh Voters for {0} is {1}", silo, freshVotes.Count.ToString());

            if (freshVotes.Count >= this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration)
                // this should not happen ...
                var str = string.Format("-Silo {0} is suspected by {1} which is more or equal than {2}, but is not marked as dead. This is a bug!!!",
                                        entry.SiloAddress, freshVotes.Count.ToString(), this.clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration.ToString());
                log.Error(ErrorCode.Runtime_Error_100053, str);
                KillMyselfLocally("Found a bug! Will stop.");

            // Try to add our vote to the list and tally the fresh votes again.
            var prevList = entry.SuspectTimes?.ToList() ?? new List <Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime> >();

            entry.AddOrUpdateSuspector(myAddress, now, clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration);
            freshVotes = entry.GetFreshVotes(now, this.clusterMembershipOptions.DeathVoteExpirationTimeout);

            // Determine if there are enough votes to evict the silo.
            // Handle the corner case when the number of active silos is very small (then my only vote is enough)
            int activeSilos = table.GetSiloStatuses(status => status == SiloStatus.Active, true, myAddress).Count;

            if (freshVotes.Count >= clusterMembershipOptions.NumVotesForDeathDeclaration || freshVotes.Count >= (activeSilos + 1) / 2)
                // Find the local silo's vote index
                int myVoteIndex = freshVotes.FindIndex(voter => myAddress.Equals(voter.Item1));

                // Kick this silo off
                         "-Going to mark silo {0} as DEAD in the table #1. This silo is the last voter: #FreshVotes={1}, MyVoteIndex = {2}, NumVotesForDeathDeclaration={3} , #activeSilos={4}, suspect list={5}",
                return(await DeclareDead(entry, eTag, table.Version, now));

                     "-Putting my vote to mark silo {0} as DEAD #2. Previous suspect list is {1}, trying to update to {2}, eTag={3}, freshVotes is {4}",

            // If we fail to update here we will retry later.
            var ok = await membershipTableProvider.UpdateRow(entry, eTag, table.Version.Next());

            if (ok)
                table = await membershipTableProvider.ReadAll();

                this.ProcessTableUpdate(table, "TrySuspectOrKill");

                // Gossip using the local silo status, since this is just informational to propagate the suspicion vote.
                GossipToOthers(localSiloEntry.SiloAddress, localSiloEntry.Status).Ignore();


            string PrintSuspectList(IEnumerable <Tuple <SiloAddress, DateTime> > list)
                return(Utils.EnumerableToString(list, t => string.Format("<{0}, {1}>",
                                                                         t.Item1, LogFormatter.PrintDate(t.Item2))));
        public async Task StatelessWorkerActivationsPerSiloDoNotExceedMaxLocalWorkersCount()
            var gatewayOptions = this.Fixture.Client.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IOptions <StaticGatewayListProviderOptions> >();
            var gatewaysCount  = gatewayOptions.Value.Gateways.Count;
            // do extra calls to trigger activation of ExpectedMaxLocalActivations local activations
            int numberOfCalls = ExpectedMaxLocalActivations * 3 * gatewaysCount;

            IStatelessWorkerGrain grain    = this.GrainFactory.GetGrain <IStatelessWorkerGrain>(GetRandomGrainId());
            List <Task>           promises = new List <Task>();

            // warmup
            for (int i = 0; i < gatewaysCount; i++)
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++)
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);



            var statsTasks = new List <Task <Tuple <Guid, string, List <Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> > > > >();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCalls; i++)
                statsTasks.Add(grain.GetCallStats());  // gather stats
            await Task.WhenAll(promises);

            var responsesPerSilo = statsTasks.Select(t => t.Result).GroupBy(s => s.Item2);

            foreach (var siloGroup in responsesPerSilo)
                var silo = siloGroup.Key;

                HashSet <Guid> activations = new HashSet <Guid>();

                foreach (var response in siloGroup)
                    if (activations.Contains(response.Item1))
                        continue; // duplicate response from the same activation

                    output.WriteLine($"Silo {silo} with {activations.Count} activations: Activation {response.Item1}");
                    int count = 1;
                    foreach (Tuple <DateTime, DateTime> call in response.Item3)
                        output.WriteLine($"\t{count++}: {LogFormatter.PrintDate(call.Item1)} - {LogFormatter.PrintDate(call.Item2)}");

                Assert.True(activations.Count <= ExpectedMaxLocalActivations, $"activations.Count = {activations.Count} in silo {silo} but expected no more than {ExpectedMaxLocalActivations}");
        private static async Task <T> ExecuteWithRetriesHelper <T>(
            Func <int, Task <T> > function,
            int callCounter,
            int maxNumSuccessTries,
            int maxNumErrorTries,
            TimeSpan maxExecutionTime,
            DateTime startExecutionTime,
            Func <T, int, bool> retryValueFilter             = null,
            Func <Exception, int, bool> retryExceptionFilter = null,
            IBackoffProvider onSuccessBackOff = null,
            IBackoffProvider onErrorBackOff   = null)
            if (maxExecutionTime != Constants.INFINITE_TIMESPAN && maxExecutionTime != default(TimeSpan))
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                if (now - startExecutionTime > maxExecutionTime)
                    Exception timeoutException = new TimeoutException(String.Format("ExecuteWithRetries has exceeded its max execution time of {0}. Now is {1}, started at {2}, passed {3}",
                                                                                    maxExecutionTime, LogFormatter.PrintDate(now), LogFormatter.PrintDate(startExecutionTime), now - startExecutionTime));
                    throw timeoutException;
            T         result    = default(T);
            int       counter   = callCounter;
            Exception exception = null;

                result = await function(counter);

                bool retry = false;
                if (callCounter < maxNumSuccessTries || maxNumSuccessTries == INFINITE_RETRIES) // -1 for infinite retries
                    if (retryValueFilter != null)
                        retry = retryValueFilter(result, counter);
                if (retry)
                    if (onSuccessBackOff == null)
                        return(await ExecuteWithRetriesHelper(function, callCounter, maxNumSuccessTries, maxNumErrorTries, maxExecutionTime, startExecutionTime, retryValueFilter, retryExceptionFilter, onSuccessBackOff, onErrorBackOff));
                        TimeSpan delay = onSuccessBackOff.Next(counter);
                        await Task.Delay(delay);

                        return(await ExecuteWithRetriesHelper(function, callCounter, maxNumSuccessTries, maxNumErrorTries, maxExecutionTime, startExecutionTime, retryValueFilter, retryExceptionFilter, onSuccessBackOff, onErrorBackOff));
            catch (Exception exc)
                exception = exc;

            if (exception != null)
                bool retry = false;
                if (callCounter < maxNumErrorTries || maxNumErrorTries == INFINITE_RETRIES)
                    if (retryExceptionFilter != null)
                        retry = retryExceptionFilter(exception, counter);
                if (retry)
                    if (onErrorBackOff == null)
                        return(await ExecuteWithRetriesHelper(function, callCounter, maxNumSuccessTries, maxNumErrorTries, maxExecutionTime, startExecutionTime, retryValueFilter, retryExceptionFilter, onSuccessBackOff, onErrorBackOff));
                        TimeSpan delay = onErrorBackOff.Next(counter);
                        await Task.Delay(delay);

                        return(await ExecuteWithRetriesHelper(function, callCounter, maxNumSuccessTries, maxNumErrorTries, maxExecutionTime, startExecutionTime, retryValueFilter, retryExceptionFilter, onSuccessBackOff, onErrorBackOff));

            return(result); // this return value is just for the compiler to supress "not all control paths return a value".
 public async Task UpdateIAmAlive(string deploymentId, SiloAddress address, DateTime iAmAliveTime)
     await Collection.UpdateOneAsync(x => x.DeploymentId == deploymentId,
                                     .Set($"Members.{BuildKey(address)}.IAmAliveTime", LogFormatter.PrintDate(iAmAliveTime)));
Exemple #13
        public Task UpdateIAmAlive(string deploymentId, SiloAddress address, DateTime iAmAliveTime)
            var id = ReturnId(deploymentId, address);

            return(Collection.UpdateOneAsync(x => x.Id == id, Update.Set(x => x.IAmAliveTime, LogFormatter.PrintDate(iAmAliveTime))));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this Orleans silo for execution with the specified Azure deploymentId
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">If null, Config data will be read from silo config file as normal, otherwise use the specified config data.</param>
        /// <param name="deploymentId">Azure DeploymentId this silo is running under</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString">Azure DataConnectionString. If null, defaults to the DataConnectionString setting from the Azure configuration for this role.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> is the silo startup was successful</returns>
        public bool Start(ClusterConfiguration config, string deploymentId = null, string connectionString = null)
            // Program ident
            Trace.TraceInformation("Starting {0} v{1}", this.GetType().FullName, RuntimeVersion.Current);

            // Check if deployment id was specified
            if (deploymentId == null)
                deploymentId = serviceRuntimeWrapper.DeploymentId;

            // Read endpoint info for this instance from Azure config
            string instanceName = serviceRuntimeWrapper.InstanceName;

            // Configure this Orleans silo instance
            if (config == null)
                host = new SiloHost(instanceName);
                host.LoadOrleansConfig(); // Load config from file + Initializes logger configurations
                host = new SiloHost(instanceName, config); // Use supplied config data + Initializes logger configurations

            IPEndPoint myEndpoint    = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetIPEndpoint(SiloEndpointConfigurationKeyName);
            IPEndPoint proxyEndpoint = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetIPEndpoint(ProxyEndpointConfigurationKeyName);


            int generation = SiloAddress.AllocateNewGeneration();

            // Bootstrap this Orleans silo instance

            myEntry = new SiloInstanceTableEntry
                DeploymentId = deploymentId,
                Address      = myEndpoint.Address.ToString(),
                Port         = myEndpoint.Port.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                Generation   = generation.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

                HostName  = host.Config.GetOrCreateNodeConfigurationForSilo(host.Name).DNSHostName,
                ProxyPort = (proxyEndpoint != null ? proxyEndpoint.Port : 0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

                RoleName   = serviceRuntimeWrapper.RoleName,
                SiloName   = instanceName,
                UpdateZone = serviceRuntimeWrapper.UpdateDomain.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                FaultZone  = serviceRuntimeWrapper.FaultDomain.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                StartTime  = LogFormatter.PrintDate(DateTime.UtcNow),

                PartitionKey = deploymentId,
                RowKey       = myEndpoint.Address + "-" + myEndpoint.Port + "-" + generation

            if (connectionString == null)
                connectionString = serviceRuntimeWrapper.GetConfigurationSettingValue(DataConnectionConfigurationSettingName);

                siloInstanceManager = OrleansSiloInstanceManager.GetManager(
                    deploymentId, connectionString).WithTimeout(AzureTableDefaultPolicies.TableCreationTimeout).Result;
            catch (Exception exc)
                var error = String.Format("Failed to create OrleansSiloInstanceManager. This means CreateTableIfNotExist for silo instance table has failed with {0}",
                logger.Error(ErrorCode.AzureTable_34, error, exc);
                throw new OrleansException(error, exc);

            // Always use Azure table for membership when running silo in Azure
            if (host.Config.Globals.ReminderServiceType == GlobalConfiguration.ReminderServiceProviderType.NotSpecified ||
                host.Config.Globals.ReminderServiceType == GlobalConfiguration.ReminderServiceProviderType.ReminderTableGrain)

            // Initialise this Orleans silo instance
            host.SetDeploymentId(deploymentId, connectionString);
            host.SetSiloEndpoint(myEndpoint, generation);

            logger.Info(ErrorCode.Runtime_Error_100288, "Successfully initialized Orleans silo '{0}' as a {1} node.", host.Name, host.Type);
        private static async Task <T> DoExecuteWithRetriesAsync <T>(
            Func <int, Task <T> > userDefinedFunction,
            int callCounter,
            int maxNumSuccessTries,
            int maxNumErrorTries,
            TimeSpan maxExecutionTime,
            DateTime startExecutionTime,
            Func <T, int, bool> retryValueFilter             = null,
            Func <Exception, int, bool> retryExceptionFilter = null,
            IBackOffProvider onSuccessBackOff = null,
            IBackOffProvider onErrorBackOff   = null)
            onSuccessBackOff ??= DefaultBackOffProvider;
            onErrorBackOff ??= DefaultBackOffProvider;

            var result = default(T);
            ExceptionDispatchInfo lastExceptionInfo = null;
            bool needRetry;

                needRetry = false;

                if (maxExecutionTime != InfiniteTimespan &&
                    maxExecutionTime != default)
                    var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    if (now - startExecutionTime > maxExecutionTime)
                        if (lastExceptionInfo == null)
                            throw new TimeoutException(
                                      $"ExecuteWithRetries has exceeded its max execution time of {maxExecutionTime}. Now is {LogFormatter.PrintDate(now)}, started at {LogFormatter.PrintDate(startExecutionTime)}, passed {now - startExecutionTime}");


                var counter = callCounter;

                    result = await userDefinedFunction(counter);

                    lastExceptionInfo = null;

                    if (callCounter < maxNumSuccessTries ||
                        maxNumSuccessTries == InfiniteRetries) // -1 for infinite retries
                        if (retryValueFilter != null)
                            needRetry = retryValueFilter(result, counter);

                    if (needRetry)
                        var delay = onSuccessBackOff?.Next(counter);

                        if (delay.HasValue)
                            await Task.Delay(delay.Value);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    needRetry = false;

                    if (callCounter < maxNumErrorTries ||
                        maxNumErrorTries == InfiniteRetries)
                        if (retryExceptionFilter != null)
                            needRetry = retryExceptionFilter(exc, counter);

                    if (!needRetry)

                    lastExceptionInfo = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(exc);

                    var delay = onErrorBackOff?.Next(counter);

                    if (delay.HasValue)
                        await Task.Delay(delay.Value);
            } while (needRetry);
