public async Task OnAsync(Event <LogEventData> evt) { try { //If the event level is defined and it is not in the list do not log it if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return; } if (TraceMessage) { _log.Information("Start Processing {Message}", evt.Data.RenderedMessage); } using (var client = new HttpClient(_httpClientHandler, disposeHandler: false)) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(TeamsBaseUrl); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var js = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; O365ConnectorCard body = BuildBody(evt); var bodyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, js); var response = await client.PostAsync("", new StringContent(bodyJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { _log.Error("Could not send Teams message, server replied {StatusCode} {StatusMessage}: {Message}. Request Body: {RequestBody}", Convert.ToInt32(response.StatusCode), response.StatusCode, await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(), bodyJson); } else { if (TraceMessage) { var responseResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); _log.Information("Server replied {StatusCode} {StatusMessage}: {Message}", Convert.ToInt32(response.StatusCode), response.StatusCode, responseResult); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex, "An error occured while constructing the request"); } }
private void SendEventToUdp(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) { return; } if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return; } var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; IPAddress remoteAddress; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(RemoteAddress, out remoteAddress)) { return; } if (RemotePort < IPEndPoint.MinPort || RemotePort > IPEndPoint.MaxPort) { return; } int localPort = LocalPort <= IPEndPoint.MinPort || LocalPort > IPEndPoint.MaxPort ? 0 : LocalPort; RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(remoteAddress, RemotePort); using ( UdpClient client = localPort == 0 ? new UdpClient(RemoteEndPoint.AddressFamily) : new UdpClient(localPort, RemoteEndPoint.AddressFamily)) { var renderedMessage = evt.Data.RenderedMessage; var propValuesInTitle = BuildPropertyValuesString(evt); var logLevel = evt.Data.Level.ToString(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"[{logLevel}]{(propValuesInTitle.HasValue() ? " " + propValuesInTitle + " | " : " ")} {evt.Data.LocalTimestamp} | {renderedMessage}"); Byte[] buffer = encoding.GetBytes(sb.ToString().ToCharArray()); client.Send(buffer, buffer.Length, RemoteEndPoint); client.Close(); } }
public async Task OnAsync(Event <LogEventData> evt) { //If the event level is defined and it is not in the list do not log it if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return; } try { await CreateIssueAsync(evt); } catch (AggregateException aex) { var fex = aex.Flatten(); throw new SeqAppException($"Error while creating item in Azure DevOps. The step is: {_step}.", fex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SeqAppException($"Error while creating item in Azure DevOps. The step is: {_step}.", ex); } }
private async Task <bool> CreateIssue(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) { return(false); } if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return(false); } if (!(GitLabProjectName ?? "").HasValue() || !(GitLabPrivateToken ?? "").HasValue()) { return(false); } object projectNamePropValue = null; evt?.Data?.Properties?.TryGetValue(GitLabProjectName, out projectNamePropValue); var projectName = projectNamePropValue?.ToString() ?? GitLabProjectName; if (!(projectName ?? "").HasValue()) { return(false); } var apiBaseUrl = GitLabRestApiUrl.NormalizeHostOrFQDN(); var client = new JsonRestClient(apiBaseUrl); client.DoNotAuthorize = true; // Add private token data to request header Dictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["PRIVATE-TOKEN"] = GitLabPrivateToken }; _step = $"Will get project id for {projectName}"; var searchResult = await client.GetAsync <List <IdDto> >($"projects/search/{projectName}", headers) .ConfigureAwait(false); var projectId = searchResult.FirstOrDefault(); if (projectId == null) { Log.Error($"Project not found {projectName}"); return(false); } var renderedMessage = (evt?.Data?.RenderedMessage ?? ""); var summary = renderedMessage.CleanCRLF().TruncateWithEllipsis(255); _step = $"DONE get project id for {projectName}"; var seqUrl = SeqUrl.NormalizeHostOrFQDN(); var eventUrl = $"{seqUrl}#/events?filter=@Id%20%3D%20'{evt.Id}'"; var propValuesInTitle = BuildPropertyValuesString(evt, TitlePropertiesList); var labels = BuildPropertyValuesString(evt, LabelPropertiesList, ",", (AddLogLevelAsLabel ? new string[1] { evt.Data.Level.ToString() } : null)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Attach the rendered message if (renderedMessage.HasValue()) { sb.AppendLine($"**Message** [View Event]({eventUrl})"); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(renderedMessage); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // If event has exception attach that Exception if (AttachException && (evt?.Data?.Exception ?? "").HasValue()) { sb.AppendLine("**Exception**"); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(evt?.Data?.Exception); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // Attach structured properties if (AttachProperties && (evt?.Data?.Properties?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { sb.AppendLine("**Properties**"); var allProps = evt.Data.Properties; var additionPropList = AdditionalPropertiesList; sb.AppendLine("```"); foreach (var kvp in allProps) { if (additionPropList?.Count > 0 && !additionPropList.Contains(kvp.Key)) { continue; } sb.AppendLine($"* {kvp.Key} : {(kvp.Value != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kvp.Value) : "")}");; } sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // Create the issue var gitLabIssue = new NewIssuePayload { id =, title = $"{(propValuesInTitle.HasValue() ? propValuesInTitle + " : " : "")}{summary}", description = sb.ToString(), labels = labels }; _step = $"Will create issue for {} -> {projectName}"; // Post the message var createIssueResult = await client.PostAsync <NewIssueResponsePayload, NewIssuePayload>($"projects/{}/issues", gitLabIssue, headers) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (createIssueResult == null || ! { var e = new ApplicationException($"Can not create issue for project {} -> {projectName}"); var error = (createIssueResult?.error ?? ""); Log.Error(e, "GitLab create issue failure : {error}", error); return(false); } _step = $"DONE create issue {} -> {projectName}"; return(true); }
private async Task <bool> PostMessage(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) { return(false); } if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return(false); } if (!(Channel ?? "").HasValue()) { return(false); } var apiBaseUrl = RocketApiUrl.NormalizeHostOrFQDN(); var client = new JsonRestClient(apiBaseUrl); client.DoNotAuthorize = true; // Get the auth ticket _step = "Will authenticate: " + client.GetUriForResource("login"); var authTicket = await client.PostAsync <RocketAuthTicket, RocketAuthPayload>("login", new RocketAuthPayload { username = Username, password = Password }) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (authTicket?.data == null || authTicket.status != "success") { var e = new ApplicationException("Can not authenticate Rocket.Chat with the specified username/passwod"); Log.Error(e, "Rocket.Chat authentication failure"); return(false); } _step = "Done authenticate"; var renderedMessage = (evt?.Data?.RenderedMessage ?? ""); var summary = renderedMessage.CleanCRLF().TruncateWithEllipsis(255); var channel = Channel.StartsWith("#") ? Channel.Trim() : $"#{Channel.Trim()}"; var seqUrl = SeqUrl.NormalizeHostOrFQDN(); var eventUrl = $"{seqUrl}#/events?filter=@Id%20%3D%20'{evt.Id}'"; var propValuesInTitle = BuildPropertyValuesString(evt); // Create the rocket message var rocketMessage = new RocketChatMessage { channel = channel, text = $"[ View Event ]({eventUrl}) {(propValuesInTitle.HasValue() ? propValuesInTitle + " : " : "")}{summary}" }; // Attach the rendered message if (renderedMessage.HasValue()) { var attachment = new RocketChatMessageAttachment { color = RocketChatMessageAttachment.ColorByLevel(evt.Data.Level), title = "Message", //title_link = eventUrl, collapsed = true, }; var field = new RocketChatMessageAttachmentField { @short = false, value = renderedMessage, }; attachment.fields = attachment.fields ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachmentField>(); attachment.fields.Add(field); rocketMessage.attachments = rocketMessage.attachments ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachment>(); rocketMessage.attachments.Add(attachment); } // If event has exception attach that Exception if (AttachException && (evt?.Data?.Exception ?? "").HasValue()) { var attachment = new RocketChatMessageAttachment { color = RocketChatMessageAttachment.ColorByLevel(LogEventLevel.Fatal), title = "Exception", //title_link = eventUrl, collapsed = true, }; var field = new RocketChatMessageAttachmentField { @short = false, value = evt.Data.Exception, }; attachment.fields = attachment.fields ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachmentField>(); attachment.fields.Add(field); rocketMessage.attachments = rocketMessage.attachments ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachment>(); rocketMessage.attachments.Add(attachment); } // Attach structured properties if (AttachProperties && (evt?.Data?.Properties?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { var attachment = new RocketChatMessageAttachment { title = "Additional Data", //title_link = eventUrl, collapsed = true }; var allProps = evt.Data.Properties; var additionPropList = AdditionalPropertiesList; foreach (var kvp in allProps) { if (additionPropList?.Count > 0 && !additionPropList.Contains(kvp.Key)) { continue; } var field = new RocketChatMessageAttachmentField { @short = false, title = kvp.Key, value = kvp.Value != null?JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kvp.Value) : "" }; attachment.fields = attachment.fields ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachmentField>(); attachment.fields.Add(field); } rocketMessage.attachments = rocketMessage.attachments ?? new List <RocketChatMessageAttachment>(); rocketMessage.attachments.Add(attachment); } // Add auth token data to request header Dictionary <string, string> authHeaders = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["X-User-Id"] =, ["X-Auth-Token"] =, }; _step = "Will post message"; // Post the message var postMessageResult = await client.PostAsync <RocketChatPostMessageResult, RocketChatMessage>("chat.postMessage", rocketMessage, authHeaders).ConfigureAwait(false); if (postMessageResult == null || !postMessageResult.success) { var e = new ApplicationException("Can not post message to Rocket.Chat"); var error = (postMessageResult?.error ?? ""); Log.Error(e, "Rocket.Chat post message failure : {error}", error); return(false); } _step = "Done post message"; return(true); }
private async Task <bool> CreateIssue(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) { return(false); } if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return(false); } if (!(GitHubRepoName ?? "").HasValue() || !(GitHubRepoOwnerName ?? "").HasValue() || !(GitHubUsername ?? "").HasValue() ) { return(false); } Uri entUri = null; if ((GitHubEntUrl ?? "").HasValue() && !Uri.TryCreate(GitHubEntUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out entUri)) { return(false); } var phv = new ProductHeaderValue("SeqApp.GitHub"); if (entUri != null) { _step = $"Will probe GitHub enterprise {entUri}"; var probe = new EnterpriseProbe(phv); var result = await probe.Probe(entUri); _step = $"DONE probe GitHub enterprise {entUri}"; if (result != EnterpriseProbeResult.Ok) { Log.Error("Probe enterprise GitHub failed with result {result}", result); return(false); } } object repoNamePropValue = null; evt?.Data?.Properties?.TryGetValue(GitHubRepoName, out repoNamePropValue); var repoName = repoNamePropValue?.ToString() ?? GitHubRepoName; if (!(repoName ?? "").HasValue()) { return(false); } object repoOwnerNamePropValue = null; evt?.Data?.Properties?.TryGetValue(GitHubRepoOwnerName, out repoOwnerNamePropValue); var repoOwnerName = repoOwnerNamePropValue?.ToString() ?? GitHubRepoOwnerName; if (!(repoOwnerName ?? "").HasValue()) { return(false); } var creds = (GitHubPassword ?? "").HasValue() ? new Credentials(GitHubUsername, GitHubPassword) : new Credentials(GitHubUsername); var client = entUri == null ? new GitHubClient(phv) : new GitHubClient(phv, entUri); client.Credentials = creds; var renderedMessage = (evt?.Data?.RenderedMessage ?? ""); var summary = renderedMessage.CleanCRLF().TruncateWithEllipsis(255); var seqUrl = SeqUrl.NormalizeHostOrFQDN(); var eventUrl = $"{seqUrl}#/events?filter=@Id%20%3D%20'{evt.Id}'"; var propValuesInTitle = BuildPropertyValuesString(evt, TitlePropertiesList); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Attach the rendered message if (renderedMessage.HasValue()) { sb.AppendLine($"**Message** [View Event]({eventUrl})"); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(renderedMessage); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // If event has exception attach that Exception if (AttachException && (evt?.Data?.Exception ?? "").HasValue()) { sb.AppendLine("**Exception**"); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(evt?.Data?.Exception); sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // Attach structured properties if (AttachProperties && (evt?.Data?.Properties?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { sb.AppendLine("**Properties**"); var allProps = evt.Data.Properties; var additionPropList = AdditionalPropertiesList; sb.AppendLine("```"); foreach (var kvp in allProps) { if (additionPropList?.Count > 0 && !additionPropList.Contains(kvp.Key)) { continue; } sb.AppendLine($"* {kvp.Key} : {(kvp.Value != null ? JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kvp.Value) : "")}");; } sb.AppendLine("```"); sb.AppendLine(""); } // Create the issue var title = $"{(propValuesInTitle.HasValue() ? propValuesInTitle + " : " : "")}{summary}"; var newIssue = new NewIssue(title) { Body = sb.ToString(), }; var labels = GetPropertyValuesAsList(evt, LabelPropertiesList, ",", (AddLogLevelAsLabel ? new string[1] { evt.Data.Level.ToString() } : null)); if (labels?.Count > 0) { labels.ForEach(lb => newIssue.Labels.Add(lb)); } _step = $"Will create issue for {GitHubRepoOwnerName}/{GitHubRepoName}"; var createdIssue = await client.Issue.Create(GitHubRepoOwnerName, GitHubRepoName, newIssue).ConfigureAwait(false); _step = $"DONE create issue for {GitHubRepoOwnerName}/{GitHubRepoName}"; return(true); }
public void On(Event <LogEventData> evt) { try { //If the event level is defined and it is not in the list do not log it if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return; } if (TraceMessage) { Log .ForContext("Uri", new Uri(TeamsBaseUrl)) .Information("Start Processing {Message}", evt.Data.RenderedMessage); } O365ConnectorCard body = BuildBody(evt); var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WebProxy)) { ICredentials credentials = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WebProxyUserName)) { credentials = new NetworkCredential(WebProxyUserName, WebProxyPassword); } httpClientHandler.Proxy = new WebProxy(WebProxy, false, null, credentials); httpClientHandler.UseProxy = true; } else { httpClientHandler.UseProxy = false; } using (var client = new HttpClient(httpClientHandler)) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(TeamsBaseUrl); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var js = new JsonSerializerSettings(); js.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; var bodyJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, js); var response = client.PostAsync( "", new StringContent(bodyJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") ).Result; if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Log .ForContext("Uri", response.RequestMessage.RequestUri) .Error("Could not send Teams message, server replied {StatusCode} {StatusMessage}: {Message}. Request Body: {RequestBody}", Convert.ToInt32(response.StatusCode), response.StatusCode, response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result, bodyJson); } else { if (TraceMessage) { string reponseResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Log .ForContext("Uri", response.RequestMessage.RequestUri) .Information("Server replied {StatusCode} {StatusMessage}: {Message}", Convert.ToInt32(response.StatusCode), response.StatusCode, reponseResult); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log .ForContext("Uri", new Uri(TeamsBaseUrl)) .Error(ex, "An error occured while constructing request."); } }
public async Task <bool> CreateIssue(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) //Not sure when or if this could happen? { return(false); } //If the event level is defined and it is not in the list do not log it if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return(false); } _step = "Beginning process"; LogIfDebug(_step); var description = evt.Data.Exception ?? evt.Data.RenderedMessage; //var messageId = ComputeId(description); var connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(AzureDevOpsUrl), new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, PersonalAccessToken)); var workitemClient = await connection.GetClientAsync <WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>(); WorkItemQueryResult workItemQueryResult = null; // Try to match an existing work item if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeqEventField)) { _step = "Querying existing work item"; LogIfDebug(_step); Wiql wiql = new Wiql() { Query = "Select [State], [Title] " + "From WorkItems " + "Where [" + SeqEventField + "] = '" + evt.Id + "' " + "And [System.TeamProject] = '" + Project + "' " + //"And [System.State] <> 'Closed' " + "Order By [State] Asc, [Changed Date] Desc" }; //execute the query to get the list of work items in teh results workItemQueryResult = await workitemClient.QueryByWiqlAsync(wiql); if (workItemQueryResult.WorkItems.Count() != 0) { Log.Information("Duplicate DevOps item creation prevented for event id {id}", evt.Id); return(false); } } _step = "Adding fields"; LogIfDebug(_step); var document = new JsonPatchDocument(); _step = "Adding title"; string title = $"SEQ Event - {evt.Data.RenderedMessage}".TruncateWithEllipsis(255); //DevOps has max 255 character length for title if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) //User has defined their own title parsing { title = GetSeqMappedPropertyString(Title, evt).TruncateWithEllipsis(255); } document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = "/fields/System.Title", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = title }); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = "/fields/System.AssignedTo", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = AssignedTo ?? string.Empty }); if (!ParentWorkItemLinkUrl.IsNullOrEmpty()) { document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Operation = Operation.Add, Path = "/relations/-", Value = new { rel = "System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Reverse", url = ParentWorkItemLinkUrl, attributes = new { comment = "Seq Event Auto-Parent Link" } } } ); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeqEventField)) { _step = "Adding Seq ID mapping"; LogIfDebug(_step); document.Add(new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = "/fields/" + SeqEventField, Operation = Operation.Add, Value = evt.Id }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tags)) { _step = "Adding tags"; LogIfDebug(_step); document.Add(new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = "/fields/Tags", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = Tags //DevOps takes a comma seperated list without any alterations }); } _step = "Setting description"; LogIfDebug(_step); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = $"/fields/{DescriptionDevOpsMappingField}", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = RenderDescription(evt) }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeqToDevOpsMapping)) { _step = "Setting Seq to DevOps property mappings"; LogIfDebug(_step); var keyValuePairs = SeqToDevOpsMapping.ParseKeyValueArray(); foreach (var value in keyValuePairs) { if (evt.Data.Properties.ContainsKey(value.Key)) { LogIfDebug("Setting Seq to DevOps Property: " + value.Value + " Value: " + value.Key); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = $"/fields/{value.Value}", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = evt.Data.Properties[value.Key] }); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DevOpsMappings)) { _step = "Setting DevOps static property mappings"; LogIfDebug(_step); var keyValuePairs = DevOpsMappings.ParseKeyValueArray(); foreach (var value in keyValuePairs) { LogIfDebug("Setting DevOps Static Property: " + value.Key + " Value: " + value.Value); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = $"/fields/{value.Key}", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = value.Value }); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AreaPath)) { _step = "Setting Area Path"; LogIfDebug(_step); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = $"/fields/System.AreaPath", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = AreaPath }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Iteration)) { _step = "Setting Iteration"; LogIfDebug(_step); document.Add( new JsonPatchOperation() { Path = $"/fields/System.IterationPath", Operation = Operation.Add, Value = Iteration }); } _step = "Adding work item"; LogIfDebug(_step); var workitem = await workitemClient.CreateWorkItemAsync(document, Project, DevOpsIssueType, false, true); _step = "Finished process"; LogIfDebug(_step); return(true); }
public async Task <bool> CreateIssue(Event <LogEventData> evt) { if (evt == null) { return(false); } if ((LogEventLevelList?.Count ?? 0) > 0 && !LogEventLevelList.Contains(evt.Data.Level)) { return(false); } var description = evt.Data.Exception ?? evt.Data.RenderedMessage; var messageId = ComputeId(description); var summary = evt.Data.RenderedMessage.CleanCRLF().TruncateWithEllipsis(255); var client = new JsonRestClient(JiraApiUrl) { Username = Username, Password = Password }; // Try to match if (SeqEventField.HasValue) { var searchUrl = GiveMeTheSearchDuplicateIssueUrl(messageId); var searchResult = await client.GetAsync <JiraIssueSearchResult>(searchUrl).ConfigureAwait(false); if ((searchResult?.total ?? 0) > 0) { return(false); } } var fields = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "project", new { key = ProjectKey.Trim() } }, { "issuetype", new { name = JiraIssueType.Trim() } }, { "summary", summary }, { "description", RenderDescription(evt) }, }; // Process components var components = ComponentsAsArray; if ((components?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { fields.Add("components", components); } // Process labels var labels = Labels.IsNullOrEmpty() ? null : Labels.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if ((labels?.Length ?? 0) > 0) { fields.Add("labels", labels.TrimAll()); } if (SeqEventField.HasValue) { fields.Add($"customfield_{SeqEventField}", messageId); } var payload = new { fields }; //var payloadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); // Create the issue _step = "Will create issue"; var result = await client.PostAsync <JiraCreateIssueResponse, object>("issue", payload) .ConfigureAwait(false); if ((result?.Errors?.Count ?? 0) > 0) { var e = new ApplicationException("Jira errors are " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Errors)); Log.Error(e, "Can not crate issue on Jira"); return(false); } _step = "Issue created"; // Add details as comment if (!FullDetailsInDescription) { _step = "Will add details as comment"; var commentBody = $"{{noformat}}{evt.Data.RenderedMessage}{{noformat}}"; if (commentBody.HasValue()) { await CommentAsync(result, commentBody).ConfigureAwait(false); } _step = "Added details as comment"; } // Properties as comment if (PropertiesAsComment) { _step = "Will add properties as comment"; var commentBody = RenderProperties(evt, "Structured Event Properties"); if (commentBody.HasValue()) { await CommentAsync(result, commentBody).ConfigureAwait(false); } _step = "Added properties as comment"; } return(true); }