Exemple #1
        public void ListenTo(EntityApp targetApp)
            // Hook to target log batch service - it will broadcast log batches, which this service will persist.
            var targetLogBatchService = LogBatchingService.GetCreateLogBatchingService(targetApp);

            // Error log is different - we want to save errors immediately, without going thru batches,
            // so we listen to general log and catch all error entries.
Exemple #2
        /// <summary> Constructs a new EntityApp instance. </summary>
        public EntityApp(string appName = null, string version = "", string activationLogPath = null)
            _shutdownTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            AppName          = appName ?? this.GetType().Name;
            Version          = new Version(version);
            Status           = EntityAppStatus.Created;
            AppEvents        = new EntityAppEvents(this);
            DataSourceEvents = new DataSourceEvents(this);
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload;

            // Time service and Timers service  are global singletons, we register these here, as early as possible
            this.TimeService = Vita.Entities.Services.Implementations.TimeService.Instance;
            this.RegisterService <ITimeService>(this.TimeService);
            var timers = new TimerService();

            this.RegisterService <ITimerService>(timers);
            this.RegisterService <ITimerServiceControl>(timers);

            // Logging services
            this.LogService = new LogService();
            RegisterService <ILogService>(LogService);
            var logBatchingService = new LogBatchingService();

            RegisterService <ILogBatchingService>(logBatchingService);
            ActivationLog = new BufferedLog(LogContext.SystemLogContext, 10000, LogService);

            //Misc services
            var custService = new EntityModelCustomizationService(this);

            this.RegisterService <IEntityModelCustomizationService>(custService);
            this.DataAccess = new DataAccessService(this);
            RegisterService <IDataAccessService>(this.DataAccess);
            RegisterService <IBackgroundTaskService>(new DefaultBackgroundTaskService());
            RegisterService <IHashingService>(new HashingService());