private void populateComboBoxCustomerID() { if (comboCustomerIdClicked == false) { customerNamesList.Clear(); LogAsTXT lat = new LogAsTXT(); List <String> lstCusts = lat.GetCustomerList(); foreach (var customer in lstCusts) { //Only take the part of the string before the ~ character. This is used for the Azure query. //The other part is the actual client name. custIDNumber = customer.Split('~')[0]; comboBoxCustomerID.Items.Add(custIDNumber); customerIDName = customer.Split('~')[1]; customerNamesList.Add(customer); } comboBoxCustomerID.SelectedIndex = 0; } comboCustomerIdClicked = true; }
private void btnGetDatabaseFile(object sender, EventArgs e) { browseForFile = false; DefaultFileName(); LogAsTXT lat = new LogAsTXT(); //List<String> lstProbCusts = lat.GetProblemCustomerRefs(new List<String>() { "1234567", "1234568", "1234569" }); int maxLogs = Convert.ToInt32(maxLogsNumericUpDown.Value); int numofDays = Convert.ToInt32(NumOfDaysNumericUpDown.Value); int maxLines = Convert.ToInt32(maxLinesNumericUpDown.Value); string narrative = ""; if (comboBoxNarrative.SelectedItem != null) { narrative = comboBoxNarrative.SelectedItem.ToString(); } string outputFile = tbxOutputFileName.Text; string custID = ""; if (comboBoxCustomerID.SelectedItem != null) { custID = comboBoxCustomerID.SelectedItem.ToString(); } else { userInputCustomerID = comboBoxCustomerID.Text; List <String> lstCusts = lat.GetCustomerList(); foreach (var customer in lstCusts) { if (!lstCusts.Contains(custID)) { lstCusts.Add(custID); break; } } } SaveFileDialog sfdSaveSPTXT = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "TXT (*.txt)|*.txt", FileName = outputFile }; if (sfdSaveSPTXT.ShowDialog(this).Equals(DialogResult.OK)) { outputFile = sfdSaveSPTXT.FileName; textBoxFilePath.Text = "Working..."; Application.DoEvents(); if (lat.GetLogAsTXT(maxLogs, numofDays, narrative, custID, maxLines, outputFile)) { textBoxFilePath.Text = outputFile; } else { MessageBox.Show("CallSP Error:" + lat.GetLastError()); textBoxFilePath.Text = "Call SP Error..." + lat.GetLastError(); } } }
private void AddDataToLogList(DataTable logFileDataTable, string probId) { int minLines = Convert.ToInt32(linesNumericUpDown.Value); string rowSignature = ""; string tillNumber = ""; string version = ""; LogAsTXT lat = new LogAsTXT(); List <String> lstCusts = lat.GetCustomerList(); List <string> problemCustomers = new List <string>(); lat.GetProblemCustomerRefs(problemCustomers); if (comboBoxCustomerID.Text != "") { foreach (var name in lstCusts) { if (comboBoxCustomerID.Text == name.Split('~')[0]) { customerIDNumberAndName = name; customerIDName = name.Split('~')[0]; break; } else { customerIDNumberAndName = comboBoxCustomerID.Text; customerIDName = comboBoxCustomerID.Text; } } } foreach (var CustID in lstCusts) { foreach (var problemCustID in problemCustomers) { if (problemCustID.Split(',')[0] != CustID) { lstCusts.Add(problemCustID.Split(',')[0]); } break; } } foreach (var problemCustID in problemCustomers) { if (customerIDNumberAndName == problemCustID.Split('~')[0]) { tillNumber = problemCustID.Split(',')[3]; version = problemCustID.Split(',')[4]; break; } } //custIDNumber = comboBoxCustomerID.Text; //foreach (var problemCustID in problemCustomers) //{ // if (!lstCusts.Contains(problemCustID.Split(',')[0])) // { // lstCusts.Add(problemCustID.Split(',')[0]); // } // if (custIDNumber == problemCustID.Split('~')[0]) // { // customerIDNumberAndName = problemCustID.Split(',')[0]; // tillNumber = problemCustID.Split(',')[3]; // version = problemCustID.Split(',')[4]; // break; // } // foreach (var name in lstCusts) // { // if (custIDNumber == name.Split('~')[0]) // { // if (name.Split(',')[0] == problemCustID.Split(',')[0]) // { // customerIDNumberAndName = problemCustID.Split(',')[0]; // tillNumber = problemCustID.Split(',')[3]; // version = problemCustID.Split(',')[4]; // break; // } // } // } //} var results = from myRow in logFileDataTable.AsEnumerable() select myRow[0]; var topRows = results.Reverse().Take(minLines); int count = results.Count(); foreach (var item in topRows) { rowSignature += item.ToString(); } if (rowSignature != "") { LogList.Add(new LogFile { ProblemID = probId, Signature = rowSignature, LDvalue = 100, NumOfLines = count, CustomerID = customerIDNumberAndName, Narrative = narrative }); } }