public void OptionSetBeanTest01()
            LocalizedLabel lLabel = new LocalizedLabel("Option1", 1041);
            LocalizedLabel lLabel2 = new LocalizedLabel("Option2", LANG_CODE);

            PicklistAttributeMetadata meta = new PicklistAttributeMetadata();
            meta.OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata()
                Name = "optionSet",
                DisplayName = new Label("optiondisplay", LANG_CODE),
                Options =
                     new OptionMetadata(new Label(lLabel, null), 1),
                     new OptionMetadata(new Label("Option2", LANG_CODE), 2),
                     new OptionMetadata(new Label(lLabel2, null), 3)

            OptionSetBean cls = new OptionSetBean(meta);

            Assert.AreEqual("Option1", cls.GetValue(1), "ラベルあり");
            Assert.Null(cls.GetValue(2), "ラベルなし");
            Assert.AreEqual("Option2", cls.GetValue(3), "ラベルあり");
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        plcPageSize.Visible = (DisplayPager && ShowPageSize && (drpPageSize.Items.Count > 1));

        // Handle pager only if visible
        if (pagerElem.Visible)
            if (UniPager.PageCount > UniPager.GroupSize)
                LocalizedLabel lblPage = ControlsHelper.GetChildControl(UniPager, typeof(LocalizedLabel), "lblPage") as LocalizedLabel;
                using (Control drpPage = ControlsHelper.GetChildControl(UniPager, typeof(DropDownList), "drpPage"))
                    using (Control txtPage = ControlsHelper.GetChildControl(UniPager, typeof(TextBox), "txtPage"))
                        if ((lblPage != null) && (drpPage != null) && (txtPage != null))
                            if (UniPager.PageCount > 20)
                                drpPage.Visible = false;
                                // Set labels associated control for US Section 508 validation
                                lblPage.AssociatedControlClientID = txtPage.ClientID;
                                txtPage.Visible = false;
                                // Set labels associated control for US Section 508 validation
                                lblPage.AssociatedControlClientID = drpPage.ClientID;
                // Remove direct page control if only one group of pages is  shown
                using (Control plcDirectPage = ControlsHelper.GetChildControl(UniPager, typeof(PlaceHolder), "plcDirectPage"))
                    if (plcDirectPage != null)

        plcSpace.Visible = !pagerElem.Visible;

        // Hide entire control if pager and page size drodown is hidden
        if (!plcPageSize.Visible && !pagerElem.Visible)
            Visible          = false;
            UniPager.Enabled = false;

        PagerLoaded = true;
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Display invalid logon attempts.
    /// </summary>
    private string GetLogonAttemptsUnlockingLink()
        LocalizedLabel failureLit = Login1.FindControl("FailureText") as LocalizedLabel;

        if (failureLit == null)
        return("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "null", "UpdateLabel_" + ClientID, "'" + failureLit.ClientID + "'") + ";\">" + GetString("general.clickhere") + "</a>");
        public void OptionSetBeanTest04()
            LocalizedLabel lLabel = new LocalizedLabel("Option1", 1041);

            StringAttributeMetadata meta = new StringAttributeMetadata();

            OptionSetBean cls = new OptionSetBean(meta);

Exemple #5
    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get label for info text field
        LocalizedLabel infoTextLabel = editForm.FieldLabels["InfoText"];

        // Set label to render without colon. It is used for info message through whole form width.
        if (infoTextLabel != null)
            infoTextLabel.DisplayColon = false;
    protected void MappingItemRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        LocalizedLabel  literal      = e.Item.FindControl("FieldNameLiteral") as LocalizedLabel;
        CMSDropDownList dropDownList = e.Item.FindControl("AttributeNamesDropDownList") as CMSDropDownList;
        FormFieldInfo   fieldInfo    = e.Item.DataItem as FormFieldInfo;

        literal.Text = ResHelper.LocalizeString(fieldInfo.GetDisplayName(MacroContext.CurrentResolver));
        dropDownList.Items.Add(new ListItem(String.Empty, String.Empty));
        dropDownList.Items.AddRange(mContext.EntityInfo.Items.Select(x => new ListItem(ResHelper.LocalizeString(x.DisplayName), x.Name)).ToArray());
        mAttributeNamesDropDownLists.Add(fieldInfo.Name, dropDownList);
Exemple #7
    private void AddError(bool condition, LocalizedLabel label, string validationResult)
        if (condition)
            string anchorScript = label != null?String.Format("onclick=\"{0}\";", MessagesPlaceHolder.GetAnchorScript(label.ClientID, null)) : String.Empty;

            AddError(label.GetText(), validationResult, anchorScript);

            mSubmitValid = false;
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Shows required field marks not handled automatically.
    /// </summary>
    private void ShowCustomRequiredMarks()
        // Show required marks for fields visible only if the dynamic type is selected
        LocalizedLabel dynamicUrlLabel = NewForm.FieldLabels["NewsletterDynamicURL"];

        if (dynamicUrlLabel != null)
            dynamicUrlLabel.ShowRequiredMark = true;

        private RetrieveEntityResponse ExecuteInternal(RetrieveEntityRequest request)
            var name     = new LocalizedLabel(request.LogicalName, Info.LanguageCode);
            var response = new RetrieveEntityResponse();

            response.Results["EntityMetadata"] = new EntityMetadata
                DisplayCollectionName = new Label(name, new [] { name }),

    public override void ReloadData()
        int currPos = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(CurrentRating * MaxRating, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table class=\"CntRatingRadioTable\"><tr>\n"));

        // Create radio buttons
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRating; i++)
            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>"));

            CMSRadioButton radBtn = new CMSRadioButton();
            radBtn.ID      = "radBtn_" + Convert.ToString(i);
            radBtn.Enabled = Enabled;
            if (!Enabled)
                radBtn.Checked = i == currPos;
            radBtn.GroupName = ClientID;

            // WAI validation
            LocalizedLabel lbl = new LocalizedLabel();
            lbl.Display             = false;
            lbl.EnableViewState     = false;
            lbl.ResourceString      = "general.rating";
            lbl.AssociatedControlID = radBtn.ID;

            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));
        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n</tr>\n<tr>\n"));

        // Create labels
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRating; i++)
            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>" + i.ToString() + "</td>"));
        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n</tr>\n</table>"));

        if (Enabled)
            btnSubmit.Text   = ResHelper.GetString("general.ok");
            btnSubmit.Click += new EventHandler(btnSubmit_Click);

        // Hide button when control is disabled or external management is used
        btnSubmit.Visible = Enabled && !ExternalManagement;
Exemple #11
    private void SetLabel(LocalizedLabel label, string suffix, string defaultString)
        string stringPrefixName = "cloning.settings." + TranslationHelper.GetSafeClassName(typeInfo.ObjectType) + ".";
        string newString        = stringPrefixName + suffix;

        if (GetString(newString) != newString)
            label.ResourceString = newString;
            label.ResourceString = defaultString;
    public override void ReloadData()
        int currPos = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(CurrentRating * MaxRating, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table class=\"CntRatingRadioTable\"><tr>\n"));

        // Create radio buttons
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRating; i++)
            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>"));

            RadioButton radBtn = new RadioButton();
            radBtn.ID = "radBtn_" + Convert.ToString(i);
            radBtn.Enabled = Enabled;
            if (!Enabled)
                radBtn.Checked = i == currPos;
            radBtn.GroupName = ClientID;

            // WAI validation
            LocalizedLabel lbl = new LocalizedLabel();
            lbl.Display = false;
            lbl.EnableViewState = false;
            lbl.ResourceString = "general.rating";
            lbl.AssociatedControlID = radBtn.ID;

            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td>"));
        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n</tr>\n<tr>\n"));

        // Create labels
        for (int i = 1; i <= MaxRating; i++)
            plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>" + i.ToString() + "</td>"));
        plcContent.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("\n</tr>\n</table>"));

        if (Enabled)
            btnSubmit.Text = ResHelper.GetString("general.ok");
            btnSubmit.Click += new EventHandler(btnSubmit_Click);

        // Hide button when control is disabled or external management is used
        btnSubmit.Visible = Enabled && !ExternalManagement;
Exemple #13
        private static void CreateMenu()
            MenuWobject    = new WObject("Main Menu");
            MenuCameraWobj = new WObject("Main Menu Camera Wobject")
                Parent = MenuWobject
            Camera MainMenuCamera = MenuCameraWobj.AddModule <Camera>();

            MenuBGWObject        = new WObject("Main Menu Background Object");
            MenuBGWObject.Parent = MenuWobject;
            MainMenuCamera.FOV   = 80.0D;
            MainMenuCamera.WObject.LocalRotation = new Quaternion(25, 0, 0);

            MenuBGWObject.AddModule <MenuBackgroundControler>();

            WObject bgPanel = new WObject("Background Panel")
                Parent = MenuWobject

            bgPanel.Parent = MenuWobject;

            LocalizedLabel lbVersion = bgPanel.AddModule <LocalizedLabel>();

            lbVersion.LocalizationArgs = new object[] { Winecrash.Version };
            lbVersion.Localization     = "#winecrash:ui.mainmenu.gameversion";
            lbVersion.Aligns           = TextAligns.Down | TextAligns.Left;
            lbVersion.AutoSize         = true;
            lbVersion.MinAnchor        = new Vector2F(0.0F, 0.0F);
            lbVersion.MaxAnchor        = new Vector2F(1.0F, 0.05F);
            lbVersion.Color            = Color256.White;
            lbVersion.Left             = 20.0D;

            Label lbCopyright = bgPanel.AddModule <Label>();

            lbCopyright.Text      = "Copyright Arekva 2020\nAll Rights Reserved";
            lbCopyright.Aligns    = TextAligns.Down | TextAligns.Right;
            lbCopyright.AutoSize  = true;
            lbCopyright.MinAnchor = new Vector2F(0.0F, 0.0F);
            lbCopyright.MaxAnchor = new Vector2F(1.0F, 0.1F);
            lbCopyright.Color     = Color256.White;
            lbCopyright.Right     = 20.0D;

Exemple #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles content tree changes performed when Attribute type of rule is selected.
    /// </summary>
    private void AttributeRuleTypeSelected()
        // Show markup containing controls related to attribute settings
        plcAttributeSettings.Visible = true;

        if (attributeFormCondition.FieldLabels != null)
            // Change visual style of form label
            LocalizedLabel ll = attributeFormCondition.FieldLabels[mSelectedAttribute.Name];
            if (ll != null)
                ll.ResourceString = "om.score.condition";
        public virtual ILocalizedLabelBatchBuilder Append(Guid solutionId, string label, string labelTypeName, string columnName, Guid objectId)
            var entity = new LocalizedLabel
                ComponentState   = 0,
                SolutionId       = solutionId,
                Label            = label,
                LabelTypeCode    = ModuleCollection.GetIdentity(labelTypeName),
                LanguageId       = _appContext.GetFeature <Xms.Organization.Domain.Organization>().LanguageId,
                ObjectColumnName = columnName,
                ObjectId         = objectId,
                LocalizedLabelId = Guid.NewGuid()

    private static void AddValueCell(Panel row, string valueText)
        var valueCell = new Panel
            CssClass = "editing-form-value-cell"


        var valueControl = new LocalizedLabel
            CssClass       = "form-control-text",
            ResourceString = valueText

    /// <summary>
    /// Logging in handler.
    /// </summary>
    private void loginElem_LoggingIn(object sender, LoginCancelEventArgs e)
        // Ban IP addresses which are blocked for login
        if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.Login))
            e.Cancel = true;

            LocalizedLabel failureLit = loginElem.FindControl("FailureText") as LocalizedLabel;
            if (failureLit != null)
                failureLit.Visible = true;
                failureLit.Text    = GetString("banip.ipisbannedlogin");

        loginElem.RememberMeSet = PersistentLogin;
Exemple #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Shows required field marks not handled automatically.
    /// </summary>
    private void ShowCustomRequiredMarks()
        // Show required marks for fields visible only if the template-based type is selected
        LocalizedLabel templateLabel = NewForm.FieldLabels["NewsletterTemplateID"];

        if (templateLabel != null)
            templateLabel.ShowRequiredMark = true;

        // Show required marks for fields visible only if the dynamic type is selected
        LocalizedLabel dynamicUrlLabel = NewForm.FieldLabels["NewsletterDynamicURL"];

        if (dynamicUrlLabel != null)
            dynamicUrlLabel.ShowRequiredMark = true;
Exemple #19
    private static void AddLabelCell(Panel row, string labelText)
        var labelCell = new Panel
            CssClass = "editing-form-label-cell"


        var labelControl = new LocalizedLabel
            CssClass       = "control-label",
            ResourceString = labelText,
            DisplayColon   = true

Exemple #20
    void btnItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check if should send password
        if (IsForgottenPassword)

            TextBox        txtUserName        = (TextBox)Login1.FindControl("UserName");
            LocalizedLabel lblForgottenResult = (LocalizedLabel)Login1.FindControl("lblForgottenResult");
            if (txtUserName != null)
                // Reset password
                string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
                lblForgottenResult.Visible = true;
                bool success;
                lblForgottenResult.Text = UserInfoProvider.ForgottenEmailRequest(txtUserName.Text.Trim(), siteName, "Logon page", SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(siteName + ".CMSSendPasswordEmailsFrom"), null, UserInfoProvider.GetResetPasswordUrl(siteName), out success);
Exemple #21
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        plcActivity.Visible         = !AttributeRuleSelected;
        plcActivitySettings.Visible = !AttributeRuleSelected;
        plcAttribute.Visible        = AttributeRuleSelected;

        if (AttributeRuleSelected)
            if (formCondition.FieldLabels != null)
                LocalizedLabel ll = (LocalizedLabel)formCondition.FieldLabels[selectedField.Name];
                if (ll != null)
                    ll.ResourceString = "om.score.condition";
    /// <summary>
    /// Login error handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void loginElem_LoginError(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check if custom failure text is not set
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FailureText))
            LocalizedLabel failureLit = loginElem.FindControl("FailureText") as LocalizedLabel;
            if (failureLit != null)
                // Display account lock information
                if (AuthenticationHelper.DisplayAccountLockInformation(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName))
                    // Check if account locked due to reaching maximum invalid logon attempts
                    string link = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"" + Page.ClientScript.GetCallbackEventReference(this, "null", "UpdateLabel_" + ClientID, "'" + failureLit.ClientID + "'") + ";\">" + GetString("general.clickhere") + "</a>";
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(RequestStockHelper.GetItem("UserAccountLockedInvalidLogonAttempts"), false))
                        loginElem.FailureText = GetString("invalidlogonattempts.unlockaccount.accountlocked");
                        if (!ErrorAsPopup)
                            loginElem.FailureText += string.Format(GetString("invalidlogonattempts.unlockaccount.accountlockedlink"), link);

                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(RequestStockHelper.GetItem("UserAccountLockedPasswordExpired"), false))
                        loginElem.FailureText = GetString("passwordexpiration.accountlocked");
                        if (!ErrorAsPopup)
                            loginElem.FailureText += string.Format(GetString("invalidlogonattempts.unlockaccount.accountlockedlink"), link);

        //Display the failure message in a client-side alert box
        if (ErrorAsPopup)
            ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "LoginError", ScriptHelper.GetScript("alert(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(loginElem.FailureText) + ");"));

            LocalizedLabel error = (LocalizedLabel)loginElem.FindControl("FailureText");
            error.Visible = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates textboxs.
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateTextBoxs()
        textBoxList = new List <TextBox>(Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            LocalizedLabel sepLabel = null;
            var            txtBox   = new CMSTextBox
                ID        = "captcha_" + i,
                MaxLength = 1,
                CssClass  = "CaptchaTextBoxSmall"

            if (i > 0)
                sepLabel = new LocalizedLabel
                    Text     = Separator,
                    CssClass = "form-control-text"




            if (sepLabel != null)
                // Connect the separator with next textbox so each textbox has its own label
                sepLabel.AssociatedControlClientID = txtBox.ClientID;
            else if (Form == null)
                // If inside form, the label tag is provided by form label, otherwise it has own label
                lblSecurityCode.AssociatedControlClientID = txtBox.ClientID;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets <c>Label</c> instance for the input <c>SettingsKeyInfo</c> object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="settingsKey"><c>SettingsKeyInfo</c> instance</param>
    /// <param name="inputControl">Input control associated to the label</param>
    /// <param name="groupNo">Number representing index of the processing settings group</param>
    /// <param name="keyNo">Number representing index of the processing SettingsKeyInfo</param>
    private Label GetLabel(SettingsKeyInfo settingsKey, Control inputControl, int groupNo, int keyNo)
        LocalizedLabel label = new LocalizedLabel
            EnableViewState = false,
            ID           = string.Format(@"lblDispName{0}{1}", groupNo, keyNo),
            CssClass     = "control-label editing-form-label",
            Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(settingsKey.KeyDisplayName),
            DisplayColon = true

        if (inputControl != null)
            label.AssociatedControlID = inputControl.ID;

        ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(label, ResHelper.LocalizeString(settingsKey.KeyDescription), null);

    protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get label for info text field
        LocalizedLabel infoTextLabel = editForm.FieldLabels["InfoText"];

        // Set label to render without colon. It is used for info message through whole form width.
        if (infoTextLabel != null)
            infoTextLabel.DisplayColon = false;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SKUInfo> item in options)
            // Fill attributes labels
            if (editForm.FieldControls[item.Key] != null)
                editForm.FieldControls[item.Key].Value = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(item.Value.SKUName));
Exemple #26
        public static string GetOptionSetLabel(OptionMetadata optionMetadata, int?languageCode)
            string label = string.Empty;

            if (optionMetadata != null)
                label = optionMetadata.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;

                if (languageCode != null)
                    LocalizedLabel localizedLabel = optionMetadata.Label.LocalizedLabels.FirstOrDefault(item => item.LanguageCode.Equals(languageCode));
                    if (localizedLabel != null)
                        label = localizedLabel.Label;

        public void OptionSetBeanTest03()
            LocalizedLabel lLabel = new LocalizedLabel("Option1", 1041);

            StatusAttributeMetadata meta = new StatusAttributeMetadata();
            meta.OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata()
                Name = "optionSet",
                DisplayName = new Label("optiondisplay", LANG_CODE),
                Options =
                     new OptionMetadata(new Label(lLabel, null), 1)

            OptionSetBean cls = new OptionSetBean(meta);

            Assert.AreEqual("Option1", cls.GetValue(1), "ラベルあり");
Exemple #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets SkinId to all controls in logon form.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetSkinID(string skinId)
        if (skinId != "")
            Login1.SkinID = skinId;

            LocalizedLabel lbl = (LocalizedLabel)Login1.FindControl("lblUserName");
            if (lbl != null)
                lbl.SkinID = skinId;
            lbl = (LocalizedLabel)Login1.FindControl("lblPassword");
            if (lbl != null)
                lbl.SkinID = skinId;

            TextBox txt = (TextBox)Login1.FindControl("UserName");
            if (txt != null)
                txt.SkinID = skinId;
            txt = (TextBox)Login1.FindControl("Password");
            if (txt != null)
                txt.SkinID = skinId;

            LocalizedCheckBox chk = (LocalizedCheckBox)Login1.FindControl("chkRememberMe");
            if (chk != null)
                chk.SkinID = skinId;

            LocalizedButton btn = (LocalizedButton)Login1.FindControl("LoginButton");
            if (btn != null)
                btn.SkinID = skinId;
        public void OptionSetBeanTest03()
            LocalizedLabel lLabel = new LocalizedLabel("Option1", 1041);

            StatusAttributeMetadata meta = new StatusAttributeMetadata();

            meta.OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata()
                Name        = "optionSet",
                DisplayName = new Label("optiondisplay", LANG_CODE),
                Options     =
                    new OptionMetadata(new Label(lLabel, null), 1)

            OptionSetBean cls = new OptionSetBean(meta);

            Assert.AreEqual("Option1", cls.GetValue(1), "ラベルあり");
        public void GetAttributeInfoAttributeString(
            string logicalName, string optionLabel, int optionValue, string expected)
            var localizedLabel = new LocalizedLabel(optionLabel, 1033);
            var metadata       = new PicklistAttributeMetadata
                LogicalName = logicalName,
                OptionSet   = new OptionSetMetadata
                    Options =
                        new OptionMetadata
                            Label = new Label(localizedLabel, new[]{ localizedLabel                                             }),
                            Value = optionValue

            Assert.Equal(expected, new PropertyGenerator(metadata, Template.Property).GetAttributeInfoAttributeString());
Exemple #31
    /// <summary>
    /// Ligging in handler.
    /// </summary>
    private void Login1_LoggingIn(object sender, LoginCancelEventArgs e)
        // Ban IP addresses which are blocked for login
        if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.Login))
            e.Cancel = true;

            LocalizedLabel failureLit = Login1.FindControl("FailureText") as LocalizedLabel;
            if (failureLit != null)
                failureLit.Visible = true;
                failureLit.Text    = GetString("banip.ipisbannedlogin");

        if (((CheckBox)Login1.FindControl("chkRememberMe")).Checked)
            Login1.RememberMeSet = true;
            Login1.RememberMeSet = false;
Exemple #32
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int count = 0;
                int maxCount = 0;
                long sumCount = 0;

                // Sum answer counts and get highest
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                LocalizedCheckBox chkItem = null;
                LocalizedRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel lblItem = null;
                int index = 0;
                bool enabled = false;

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (this.ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !this.HideWhenNotAuthorized)
                            || (!isOpened && !this.HideWhenNotOpened) || (this.CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                            lblItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem = new LocalizedCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                chkItem.Checked = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem = new LocalizedRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], ""));
                                radItem.Checked = false;
                                radItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerRadio";


                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (this.ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && this.ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
        private void CreateLookupAttribute(string entityLogicalName, AttributeTemplate attributeTemplate)
            var schemaName = attributeTemplate.LogicalName + "_" +
                        attributeTemplate.LookupEntityLogicalName + "_" +
            if(schemaName.Length > 100)
                schemaName = schemaName.Substring(default(int), 100);

            var createOneToManyRequest = new CreateOneToManyRequest
                Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata
                    Description = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.Description),
                    DisplayName = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.DisplayNameShort),
                    LogicalName = attributeTemplate.LogicalName,
                    SchemaName = attributeTemplate.LogicalName,
                    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(attributeTemplate.IsRequired
                        ? AttributeRequiredLevel.SystemRequired
                        : AttributeRequiredLevel.None)
                OneToManyRelationship = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata
                    ReferencedEntity = attributeTemplate.LookupEntityLogicalName,
                    ReferencingEntity = entityLogicalName,
                    SchemaName = schemaName

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeTemplate.OtherDisplayName))
                var otherDisplayLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDisplayName, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription))
                var otherDescriptionLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            CreateRequest createWebRequest = null;
            if (attributeTemplate.DisplayName.Length > DefaultConfiguration.AttributeDisplayNameMaxLength)
                createWebRequest = GetCreateWebResourceRequest(entityLogicalName, attributeTemplate);

            ExecuteOperation(GetSharedOrganizationService(), createOneToManyRequest,
                string.Format("An error occured while creating the attribute: {0}",

            if (createWebRequest != null)
                ExecuteOperation(GetSharedOrganizationService(), createWebRequest,
                    string.Format("An error occured while creating the web resource for attribute: {0}",
    /// <summary>
    /// Add filter field to the filter table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filter">Filter definition</param>
    /// <param name="columnSourceName">Column source field name</param>
    /// <param name="fieldDisplayName">Field display name</param>
    /// <param name="filterWrapperControl">Wrapper control for filter</param>
    /// <param name="filterValue">Filter value</param>
    private void AddFilterField(ColumnFilter filter, string columnSourceName, string fieldDisplayName, Control filterWrapperControl, string filterValue)
        string fieldSourceName = filter.Source ?? columnSourceName;
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldSourceName) || (filter == null) || (filterWrapperControl == null))

        string fieldPath = filter.Path;
        string filterFormat = filter.Format;
        int filterSize = filter.Size;
        Unit filterWidth = filter.Width;

        Panel fieldWrapperPanel = new Panel()
            CssClass = "form-group"

        Panel fieldLabelPanel = new Panel()
            CssClass = "filter-form-label-cell"

        Panel fieldOptionPanel = new Panel()
            CssClass = "filter-form-condition-cell"

        Panel fieldInputPanel = new Panel()
            CssClass = "filter-form-value-cell"

        // Ensure fieldSourceName is JavaScript valid
        fieldSourceName = fieldSourceName.Replace(ALL, "__ALL__");

        int index = GetNumberOfFilterFieldsWithSameSourceColumn(fieldSourceName);
        string filterControlID = fieldSourceName + (index > 0 ? index.ToString() : String.Empty);

        Label textName = new Label
            Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldDisplayName) ? String.Empty : fieldDisplayName + ":",
            ID = String.Format("{0}Name", filterControlID),
            EnableViewState = false,
            CssClass = "control-label"


        // Filter value
        string value = null;
        if (filterValue != null)
            value = ValidationHelper.GetString(filterValue, null);

        // Filter definition
        UniGridFilterField filterDefinition = new UniGridFilterField();
        filterDefinition.Type = filter.Type;
        filterDefinition.Label = textName;
        filterDefinition.Format = filterFormat;
        filterDefinition.FilterRow = fieldWrapperPanel;

        // Set the filter default value
        string defaultValue = filter.DefaultValue;

        // Remember default values of filter field controls for potential UniGrid reset
        string optionFilterFieldValue = null;
        string valueFilterFieldValue = null;

        switch (filterDefinition.Type)
            // Text filter
            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Text:
                    CMSDropDownList textOptionFilterField = new CMSDropDownList();
                    textOptionFilterField.ID = filterControlID;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, null, textOptionFilterField);
                    optionFilterFieldValue = textOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;

                    LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                        EnableViewState = false,
                        CssClass = "sr-only",
                        AssociatedControlID = textOptionFilterField.ID,
                        ResourceString = "filter.mode"


                    CMSTextBox textValueFilterField = new CMSTextBox
                        ID = String.Format("{0}TextValue", filterControlID)

                    // Set value
                    SetTextboxValue(value, defaultValue, textValueFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = textValueFilterField.Text;

                    if (filterSize > 0)
                        textValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                    if (!filterWidth.IsEmpty)
                        textValueFilterField.Width = filterWidth;
                    textName.AssociatedControlID = textValueFilterField.ID;

                    filterDefinition.OptionsControl = textOptionFilterField;
                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = textValueFilterField;

            // Boolean filter
            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Bool:
                    CMSDropDownList booleanOptionFilterField = new CMSDropDownList();

                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.selectall"), String.Empty));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.yes"), "1"));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString(""), "0"));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.ID = filterControlID;
                    textName.AssociatedControlID = booleanOptionFilterField.ID;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, defaultValue, booleanOptionFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = booleanOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;

                    // Set input panel wide for boolean Drop-down list
                    fieldInputPanel.CssClass = "filter-form-value-cell-wide";


                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = booleanOptionFilterField;

            // Integer filter
            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Integer:
            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Double:
                    CMSDropDownList numberOptionFilterField = new CMSDropDownList();
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("filter.equals"), "="));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("filter.notequals"), "<>"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("filter.lessthan"), "<"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("filter.greaterthan"), ">"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.ID = filterControlID;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, null, numberOptionFilterField);
                    optionFilterFieldValue = numberOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;

                    LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                        EnableViewState = false,
                        CssClass = "sr-only",
                        AssociatedControlID = numberOptionFilterField.ID,
                        ResourceString = "filter.mode"

                    // Add filter field

                    CMSTextBox numberValueFilterField = new CMSTextBox
                        ID = String.Format("{0}NumberValue", filterControlID)

                    // Set value
                    SetTextboxValue(value, defaultValue, numberValueFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = numberValueFilterField.Text;

                    if (filterSize > 0)
                        numberValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                    if (!filterWidth.IsEmpty)
                        numberValueFilterField.Width = filterWidth;
                    numberValueFilterField.EnableViewState = false;


                    filterDefinition.OptionsControl = numberOptionFilterField;
                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = numberValueFilterField;

            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Site:
                    // Site selector
                    fieldPath = "~/CMSFormControls/Filters/SiteFilter.ascx";

            case UniGridFilterTypeEnum.Custom:
                // Load custom path
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldPath))
                        throw new Exception("[UniGrid.AddFilterField]: Filter field path is not set");

                // Not supported filter type
                throw new Exception("[UniGrid.AddFilterField]: Filter type '" + filterDefinition.Type + "' is not supported. Supported filter types: integer, double, bool, text, site, custom.");

        // Else if filter path is defined use custom filter
        if (fieldPath != null)
            // Add to the controls collection
            CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl filterControl = LoadFilterControl(fieldPath, filterControlID, value, filterDefinition, filter);
            if (filterControl != null)
                // Set default value
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue))
                    filterControl.SelectedValue = defaultValue;


            fieldInputPanel.CssClass = "filter-form-value-cell-wide";

        RaiseOnFilterFieldCreated(fieldSourceName, filterDefinition);
        FilterFields[String.Format("{0}{1}", fieldSourceName, (index > 0 ? "#" + index : String.Empty))] = filterDefinition;


        // Store initial filter state for potential UniGrid reset
        if (filterDefinition.OptionsControl != null)
            InitialFilterStateControls.Add(new KeyValuePair<Control, object>(filterDefinition.OptionsControl, optionFilterFieldValue));
        if (filterDefinition.ValueControl != null)
            if (!(filterDefinition.ValueControl is CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl))
                InitialFilterStateControls.Add(new KeyValuePair<Control, object>(filterDefinition.ValueControl, valueFilterFieldValue));
        private RetrieveEntityResponse ExecuteInternal(RetrieveEntityRequest request)
            var name = new LocalizedLabel(request.LogicalName, Info.LanguageCode);
            var response = new RetrieveEntityResponse();
            response.Results["EntityMetadata"] = new EntityMetadata
                DisplayCollectionName = new Label(name, new [] { name }),

            return response;
    private static void AddLabelCell(Panel row, string labelText)
        var labelCell = new Panel
            CssClass = "editing-form-label-cell"


        var labelControl = new LocalizedLabel
            CssClass = "control-label",
            ResourceString = labelText,
            DisplayColon = true

        public void OptionSetBeanTest04()
            LocalizedLabel lLabel = new LocalizedLabel("Option1", 1041);

            StringAttributeMetadata meta = new StringAttributeMetadata();

            OptionSetBean cls = new OptionSetBean(meta);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int count = 0;
                int maxCount = 0;
                long sumCount = 0;
                bool hideSomeForm = false;

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Sum answer counts and get highest
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                    // Check if any open-ended answer form should be hidden
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false))
                        hideSomeForm = true;

                CMSCheckBox chkItem = null;
                CMSRadioButton radItem = null;
                LocalizedLabel lblItem = null;
                BizForm viewBiz = null;
                string formName = null;
                int index = 0;
                bool enabled = false;

                bool bizFormsAvailable = ModuleManager.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleName.BIZFORM) && ResourceSiteInfoProvider.IsResourceOnSite(ModuleName.BIZFORM, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !HideWhenNotAuthorized)
                            || (!isOpened && !HideWhenNotOpened) || (CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                            lblItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem = new CMSCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                chkItem.Checked = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    chkItem.AutoPostBack = true;
                                    chkItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;
                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem = new CMSRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                radItem.Checked = false;
                                radItem.CssClass = "PollAnswerRadio";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    radItem.AutoPostBack = true;
                                    radItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;


                            formName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerForm"], string.Empty);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName) && bizFormsAvailable)
                                // Add forms for open ended answers
                                viewBiz = new BizForm();
                                viewBiz.FormName = formName;
                                viewBiz.SiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
                                viewBiz.AlternativeFormFullName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerAlternativeForm"], string.Empty);
                                viewBiz.ID = "frm" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                viewBiz.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
                                viewBiz.OnAfterDataLoad += Form_AfterDataLoad;
                                viewBiz.CssClass = "PollAnswerForm";
                                viewBiz.Visible = !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false);
                                viewBiz.FormClearAfterSave = true;
                                viewBiz.FormRedirectToUrl = String.Empty;
                                viewBiz.FormDisplayText = String.Empty;

                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
Exemple #39
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads custom fields collisions.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadCustomFields()
        // Check if account has any custom fields
        FormInfo  formInfo = FormHelper.GetFormInfo(parentAccount.ClassName, false);
        ArrayList list     = formInfo.GetFormElements(true, false, true);

        if (list.Count > 0)
            FormFieldInfo  ffi;
            Literal        content;
            LocalizedLabel lbl;
            TextBox        txt;
            Image          img;
            content      = new Literal();
            content.Text = "<table class=\"CollisionPanel\">";

            // Display all custom fields
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                ffi = list[i] as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    // Display layout
                    content      = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "<tr class=\"CollisionRow\"><td class=\"LabelColumn\">";
                    lbl                     = new LocalizedLabel();
                    lbl.Text                = ffi.Caption;
                    lbl.DisplayColon        = true;
                    lbl.EnableViewState     = false;
                    lbl.CssClass            = "ContentLabel";
                    content                 = new Literal();
                    content.Text            = "<td class=\"ComboBoxColumn\"><div class=\"ComboBox\">";
                    txt                     = new TextBox();
                    txt.ID                  = "txt" + ffi.Name;
                    txt.CssClass            = "TextBoxField";
                    lbl.AssociatedControlID = txt.ID;
                    content      = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</div></td><td>";
                    customFields.Add(ffi.Name, new object[] { txt, ffi.DataType });
                    DataTable dt;

                    // Get grouped dataset
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = ffi.Name + " ASC";
                    if ((ffi.DataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.LongText) || (ffi.DataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Text))
                        mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = ffi.Name + " NOT LIKE ''";
                        mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = ffi.Name + " IS NOT NULL";
                    dt = mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.ToTable(true, ffi.Name);

                    // Load value into textbox
                    txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(parentAccount.GetValue(ffi.Name), null);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt.Text) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                        txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(dt.Rows[0][ffi.Name], null);

                    img          = new Image();
                    img.CssClass = "ResolveButton";

                    // Display tooltip
                    DisplayTooltip(img, dt, ffi.Name, ValidationHelper.GetString(parentAccount.GetValue(ffi.Name), ""), ffi.DataType);
                    content      = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</td></tr>";
                    mergedAccounts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = null;
            content      = new Literal();
            content.Text = "</table>";
            tabCustomFields.Visible    = false;
            tabCustomFields.HeaderText = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads custom fields collisions.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadCustomFields()
        // Check if contact has any custom fields
        FormInfo formInfo = FormHelper.GetFormInfo(mParentContact.ClassName, false);
        var list = formInfo.GetFormElements(true, false, true);
        if (list.OfType<FormFieldInfo>().Any())
            FormFieldInfo ffi;
            Literal content;
            LocalizedLabel lbl;
            CMSTextBox txt;
            content = new Literal();
            content.Text = "<div class=\"form-horizontal form-merge-collisions\">";

            foreach (IField item in list)
                ffi = item as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    // Display layout
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "<div class=\"form-group\"><div class=\"editing-form-label-cell\">";
                    lbl = new LocalizedLabel();
                    lbl.Text = ffi.GetDisplayName(MacroContext.CurrentResolver);
                    lbl.DisplayColon = true;
                    lbl.EnableViewState = false;
                    lbl.CssClass = "control-label";
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</div><div class=\"editing-form-value-cell\"><div class=\"control-group-inline-forced\">";
                    txt = new CMSTextBox();
                    txt.ID = "txt" + ffi.Name;
                    lbl.AssociatedControlID = txt.ID;
                    mCustomFields.Add(ffi.Name, new object[]
                    DataTable dt;

                    // Get grouped dataset
                    if (DataTypeManager.IsString(TypeEnum.Field, ffi.DataType))
                        dt = SortGroupContactsByColumn(ffi.Name + SqlHelper.ORDERBY_ASC, ffi.Name + " NOT LIKE ''", ffi.Name);
                        dt = SortGroupContactsByColumn(ffi.Name + SqlHelper.ORDERBY_ASC, ffi.Name + " IS NOT NULL", ffi.Name);

                    // Load value into textbox
                    txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(mParentContact.GetValue(ffi.Name), null);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt.Text) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                        txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(dt.Rows[0][ffi.Name], null);

                    var img = new HtmlGenericControl("i");
                    img.Attributes["class"] = "validation-warning icon-exclamation-triangle form-control-icon";
                    DisplayTooltip(img, dt, ffi.Name, ValidationHelper.GetString(mParentContact.GetValue(ffi.Name), ""), ffi.DataType);
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</div></div></div>";
                    mMergedContacts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = null;
            content = new Literal();
            content.Text = "</div>";
            tabCustomFields.Visible = false;
            tabCustomFields.HeaderText = null;
Exemple #41
    /// <summary>
    /// Add filter field to the filter table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fieldType">Field type</param>
    /// <param name="fieldPath">Filter contol file path. If not starts with ~/ default directory '~/CMSAdminControls/UI/UniGrid/Filters/' will be inserted at begining</param>
    /// <param name="filterFormat">Filter format string</param>
    /// <param name="fieldSourceName">Source field name</param>
    /// <param name="fieldDisplayName">Field display name</param>
    /// <param name="filterTable">Filter table</param>
    /// <param name="filterOption">Filter option</param>
    /// <param name="filterValue">Filter value</param>
    /// <param name="filterSize">Filter size</param>
    private void AddFilterField(string fieldType, string fieldPath, string filterFormat, string fieldSourceName, string fieldDisplayName, Table filterTable, object filterOption, object filterValue, int filterSize)
        TableRow tRow = new TableRow();

        TableCell tCellName = new TableCell();
        TableCell tCellOption = new TableCell();
        TableCell tCellValue = new TableCell();

        // Ensure fieldSourceName is Javascript valid
        fieldSourceName = fieldSourceName.Replace(ALL, "__ALL__");

        // Label
        Label textName = new Label
            Text = fieldDisplayName + ":",
            ID = fieldSourceName + "Name",
            EnableViewState = false


        // Filter option
        string option = null;
        if (filterOption != null)
            option = ValidationHelper.GetString(filterOption, null);

        // Filter value
        string value = null;
        if (filterValue != null)
            value = ValidationHelper.GetString(filterValue, null);

        // Filter definition
        // 0 = Type
        // 1 = Format
        // 2 = Option control
        // 3 = Filter value control
        // 4 = FilterID
        object[] filterDefinition = new object[5];
        filterDefinition[0] = (fieldType != null) ? fieldType.ToLower() : null;
        filterDefinition[1] = filterFormat;

        // If no filter path us default filter
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldPath))
            switch (fieldType.ToLower())
                // Text filter
                case "text":
                        DropDownList textOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();
                        textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("LIKE", "LIKE"));
                        textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("NOT LIKE", "NOT LIKE"));
                        textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "="));
                        textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>"));
                        textOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                        textOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;

                        // Select filter option
                            textOptionFilterField.SelectedValue = option;
                        catch { }

                        LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                            EnableViewState = false,
                            Display = false,
                            AssociatedControlID = textOptionFilterField.ID,
                            ResourceString = ""


                        // Add text field
                        TextBox textValueFilterField = new TextBox
                            ID = fieldSourceName + "TextValue",
                            Text = value
                        if (filterSize > 0)
                            textValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                        textName.AssociatedControlID = textValueFilterField.ID;

                        filterDefinition[2] = textOptionFilterField;
                        filterDefinition[3] = textValueFilterField;

                // Boolean filter
                case "bool":
                        DropDownList booleanOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();
                        booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.selectall"), ""));
                        booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.yes"), "1"));
                        booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString(""), "0"));
                        booleanOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                        booleanOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;
                        textName.AssociatedControlID = booleanOptionFilterField.ID;

                        // Select filter option
                            booleanOptionFilterField.SelectedValue = value;
                        catch { }


                        filterDefinition[3] = booleanOptionFilterField;

                // Integer filter
                case "integer":
                case "double":
                        DropDownList numberOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();
                        numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "="));
                        numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>"));
                        numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<", "<"));
                        numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(">", ">"));
                        numberOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                        numberOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;

                        // Select filter option
                            numberOptionFilterField.SelectedValue = option;

                        LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                            EnableViewState = false,
                            Display = false,
                            AssociatedControlID = numberOptionFilterField.ID,
                            ResourceString = ""

                        // Add filter field

                        TextBox numberValueFilterField = new TextBox
                            ID = fieldSourceName + "NumberValue",
                            Text = value

                        if (filterSize > 0)
                            numberValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                        numberValueFilterField.EnableViewState = false;


                        filterDefinition[2] = numberOptionFilterField;
                        filterDefinition[3] = numberValueFilterField;
        // Else if filter path is defined use custom filter
            string path = fieldPath.StartsWith("~/") ? fieldPath : FilterDirectoryPath + fieldPath.TrimStart('/');
            CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl filterControl = LoadControl(path) as CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl;

            if (filterControl != null)
                filterControl.ID = fieldSourceName;
            tCellValue.Attributes["colspan"] = "2";
            if (filterControl != null)
                filterControl.FilteredControl = this;
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    filterControl.Value = value;

                filterDefinition[3] = filterControl;
                filterDefinition[4] = filterControl.ID;


    /// <summary>
    /// Creates poll answer section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reload">Indicates postback</param>
    /// <param name="hasVoted">Indicates if user has voted</param>
    protected void CreateAnswerSection(bool reload, bool hasVoted)

        if (pi != null)
            // Get poll's answers
            DataSet ds = Answers;
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                int  count        = 0;
                int  maxCount     = 0;
                long sumCount     = 0;
                bool hideSomeForm = false;

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Sum answer counts and get highest
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true))
                        count     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0);
                        sumCount += count;
                        if (count > maxCount)
                            maxCount = count;

                    // Check if any open-ended answer form should be hidden
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false))
                        hideSomeForm = true;

                CMSCheckBox    chkItem  = null;
                CMSRadioButton radItem  = null;
                LocalizedLabel lblItem  = null;
                BizForm        viewBiz  = null;
                string         formName = null;
                int            index    = 0;
                bool           enabled  = false;

                bool bizFormsAvailable = ModuleManager.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleName.BIZFORM) && ResourceSiteInfoProvider.IsResourceOnSite(ModuleName.BIZFORM, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">"));

                // Create the answers
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    enabled = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerEnabled"], true);
                    if (enabled)
                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td class=\"PollAnswer\" colspan=\"2\">"));

                        if (((reload) && (ShowResultsAfterVote)) || (!hasPermission && !HideWhenNotAuthorized) ||
                            (!isOpened && !HideWhenNotOpened) || (CheckVoted && PollInfoProvider.HasVoted(pi.PollID)))
                            // Add label
                            lblItem    = new LocalizedLabel();
                            lblItem.ID = "lbl" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                            lblItem.EnableViewState = false;
                            lblItem.Text            = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                            lblItem.CssClass        = "PollAnswerText";

                            if (pi.PollAllowMultipleAnswers)
                                // Add checkboxes for multiple answers
                                chkItem              = new CMSCheckBox();
                                chkItem.ID           = "chk" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                chkItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                chkItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                chkItem.Checked      = false;
                                chkItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerCheck";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    chkItem.AutoPostBack    = true;
                                    chkItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;
                                // Add radiobuttons
                                radItem              = new CMSRadioButton();
                                radItem.ID           = "rad" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                radItem.AutoPostBack = false;
                                radItem.GroupName    = pi.PollCodeName + "Group";
                                radItem.Text         = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerText"], string.Empty));
                                radItem.Checked      = false;
                                radItem.CssClass     = "PollAnswerRadio";

                                if (hideSomeForm)
                                    radItem.AutoPostBack    = true;
                                    radItem.CheckedChanged += AnswerSelectionChanged;


                            formName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerForm"], string.Empty);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formName) && bizFormsAvailable)
                                // Add forms for open ended answers
                                viewBiz          = new BizForm();
                                viewBiz.FormName = formName;
                                viewBiz.SiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
                                viewBiz.AlternativeFormFullName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["AnswerAlternativeForm"], string.Empty);
                                viewBiz.ID                 = "frm" + ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerID"], 0);
                                viewBiz.IsLiveSite         = IsLiveSite;
                                viewBiz.OnAfterDataLoad   += Form_AfterDataLoad;
                                viewBiz.CssClass           = "PollAnswerForm";
                                viewBiz.Visible            = !ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["AnswerHideForm"], false);
                                viewBiz.FormClearAfterSave = true;
                                viewBiz.FormRedirectToUrl  = String.Empty;
                                viewBiz.FormDisplayText    = String.Empty;

                        pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>"));

                        if (ShowGraph || (hasVoted || reload) && ShowResultsAfterVote)
                            // Create graph under the answer
                            CreateGraph(maxCount, ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["AnswerCount"], 0), sumCount, index);


                pnlAnswer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>"));
 public LocalizedLabelInfo(LocalizedLabel amd)
     this.amd = amd;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds contact's custom fields to the dialog.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fields">Array list with custom fields (FormFieldInfo)</param>
    protected void AddCustomFields(IEnumerable<IField> fields)
        CMSModules_AdminControls_Controls_Class_ClassFields fieldControl = null;

        // Initialize hashtable that will store controls for custom fields
        customControls = new Hashtable();

        // Add form to the placeholder 'Custom'
        Panel form = new Panel { CssClass = "form-horizontal" };

        FormFieldInfo field;

        foreach (IField item in fields)
            if (!(item is FormFieldInfo))
            field = item as FormFieldInfo;

            Panel formGroup = new Panel { CssClass = "form-group" };

            // Create label div
            Panel labelPanel = new Panel { CssClass = "editing-form-label-cell" };

            // Create label
            LocalizedLabel label = new LocalizedLabel();
            label.Text = ResHelper.LocalizeString(field.GetDisplayName(MacroContext.CurrentResolver));
            label.EnableViewState = false;
            label.DisplayColon = true;
            label.CssClass = "control-label";

            // Create value div
            Panel valuePanel = new Panel { CssClass = "editing-form-value-cell" };

            // Create control
            fieldControl = (CMSModules_AdminControls_Controls_Class_ClassFields)Page.LoadUserControl("~/CMSModules/AdminControls/Controls/Class/ClassFields.ascx");
            fieldControl.ID = "fld" + field.Name;
            fieldControl.ClassName = ClassName;
            fieldControl.FieldDataType = field.DataType;

            // Store the control to hashtable
            customControls.Add(field.Name, fieldControl);
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // WAI validation
            lblUserName = (LocalizedLabel)loginElem.FindControl("lblUserName");
            if (lblUserName != null)
                lblUserName.Text = GetString("general.username");
                if (!ShowUserNameLabel)
                    lblUserName.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");
            lblPassword = (LocalizedLabel)loginElem.FindControl("lblPassword");
            if (lblPassword != null)
                lblPassword.Text = GetString("general.password");
                if (!ShowPasswordLabel)
                    lblPassword.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");

            // Set properties for validator
            rfv = (RequiredFieldValidator)loginElem.FindControl("rfvUserNameRequired");
            rfv.ErrorMessage = GetString("edituser.erroremptyusername");
            rfv.ToolTip = GetString("edituser.erroremptyusername");
            rfv.ValidationGroup = ClientID + "_MiniLogon";

            // Set failure text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FailureText))
                loginElem.FailureText = ResHelper.LocalizeString(FailureText);
                loginElem.FailureText = GetString("Login_FailureText");

            // Set visibility of buttons
            login = (LocalizedButton)loginElem.FindControl("btnLogon");
            if (login != null)
                login.Visible = !ShowImageButton;
                login.ValidationGroup = ClientID + "_MiniLogon";

            loginImg = (ImageButton)loginElem.FindControl("btnImageLogon");
            if (loginImg != null)
                loginImg.Visible = ShowImageButton;
                loginImg.ImageUrl = ImageUrl;
                loginImg.ValidationGroup = ClientID + "_MiniLogon";

            // Ensure display control as inline and is used right default button
            container = (Panel)loginElem.FindControl("pnlLogonMiniForm");
            if (container != null)
                container.Attributes.Add("style", "display: inline;");
                if (ShowImageButton)
                    if (loginImg != null)
                        container.DefaultButton = loginImg.ID;
                    else if (login != null)
                        container.DefaultButton = login.ID;

            CMSTextBox txtUserName = (CMSTextBox)loginElem.FindControl("UserName");
            if (txtUserName != null)
                txtUserName.EnableAutoComplete = SecurityHelper.IsAutoCompleteEnabledForLogin(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserNameText))
                // Initialize javascript for focus and blur UserName textbox
                user = (TextBox)loginElem.FindControl("UserName");
                user.Attributes.Add("onfocus", "MLUserFocus_" + ClientID + "('focus');");
                user.Attributes.Add("onblur", "MLUserFocus_" + ClientID + "('blur');");
                string focusScript = "function MLUserFocus_" + ClientID + "(type)" +
                                     "{" +
                                     "var userNameBox = document.getElementById('" + user.ClientID + "');" +
                                     "if(userNameBox.value == '" + UserNameText + "' && type == 'focus')" +
                                     "{userNameBox.value = '';}" +
                                     "else if (userNameBox.value == '' && type == 'blur')" +
                                     "{userNameBox.value = '" + UserNameText + "';}" +

                ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "MLUserNameFocus_" + ClientID,
            loginElem.LoggedIn += loginElem_LoggedIn;
            loginElem.LoggingIn += loginElem_LoggingIn;
            loginElem.LoginError += loginElem_LoginError;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Set SkinID properties
                if (!StandAlone && (PageCycle < PageCycleEnum.Initialized) && (ValidationHelper.GetString(Page.StyleSheetTheme, string.Empty) == string.Empty))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginElem.UserName))
                loginElem.UserName = UserNameText;

            // Register script to update logon error message
            Label failureLit = loginElem.FindControl("FailureText") as Label;
            if (failureLit != null)
                StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
        function UpdateLabel_", ClientID, @"(content, context) {
        var lbl = document.getElementById(context);
        lbl.innerHTML = content;
        lbl.className = ""InfoLabel"";
                ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "InvalidLogonAttempts_" + ClientID, sbScript.ToString(), true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds contact's custom fields to the dialog.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="fields">Array list with custom fields (FormFieldInfo)</param>
    protected void AddCustomFields(ArrayList fields)
        TableRow tabRow = null;
        TableCell tabCell = null;
        LocalizedLabel label = null;
        CMSModules_AdminControls_Controls_Class_ClassFields fieldControl = null;
        // Initialize hashtable that will store controls for custom fields
        customControls = new Hashtable();

        // Add table to the placeholder 'Custom'
        Table table = new Table();

        int i = 0;
        bool newRow = true;
        foreach (FormFieldInfo field in fields)
            newRow = (i % 2) == 0;
            // Create new row - each row contains two controls
            if (newRow)
                tabRow = new TableRow();

            // Create lable cell
            tabCell = new TableCell();
            tabCell.CssClass = "ContactLabel";

            // Create label
            label = new LocalizedLabel();
            label.Text = ResHelper.LocalizeString(field.Caption);
            label.EnableViewState = false;
            label.DisplayColon = true;

            // Create control cell
            tabCell = new TableCell();
            if (newRow)
                tabCell.CssClass = "ContactControl";
                tabCell.CssClass = "ContactControlRight";

            // Create control
            fieldControl = (CMSModules_AdminControls_Controls_Class_ClassFields)Page.LoadControl("~/CMSModules/AdminControls/Controls/Class/ClassFields.ascx");
            fieldControl.ID = "fld" + field.Name;
            fieldControl.ClassName = ClassName;
            fieldControl.FieldDataType = field.DataType;

            // Store the control to hashtable
            customControls.Add(field.Name, fieldControl);

        private void CreateGlobalOptionSetAttribute(AttributeTemplate attributeTemplate)
            var optionMetadataCollection = GetOptionMetadataCollection(attributeTemplate);
            var createOptionSetRequest = new CreateOptionSetRequest
                OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata(optionMetadataCollection)
                    Name = attributeTemplate.GlobalOptionSetListLogicalName,
                    DisplayName = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.DisplayNameShort),
                    Description = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.Description),
                    IsGlobal = true,
                    OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeTemplate.OtherDisplayName))
                var otherDisplayLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDisplayName, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription))
                var otherDescriptionLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            ExecuteOperation(GetSharedOrganizationService(), createOptionSetRequest,
                string.Format("An error occured while creating the attribute: {0}",

        private CreateAttributeRequest GetCreateAttributeRequest(string entityLogicalName,
            AttributeTemplate attributeTemplate)
            if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof(Primary))
                return null;

            var createAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest {EntityName = entityLogicalName};
            if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (string))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateStringAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (int))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateIntAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (decimal))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateDecimalAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (OptionSet))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateOptionSetAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (GlobalOptionSet))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateGlobalOptionSetAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (bool))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateBoolAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (Money))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateMoneyAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (DateTime))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateDateTimeAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof (Multiline))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateMultilineAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
            else if (attributeTemplate.AttributeType == typeof(float))
                createAttributeRequest.Attribute = CreateFloatAttributeMetadata(attributeTemplate);
                var exception =
                    new Exception(string.Format("Given attribute type is not supported. Type: {0}",
                return null;

            createAttributeRequest.Attribute.SchemaName = attributeTemplate.LogicalName;
            createAttributeRequest.Attribute.RequiredLevel =
                new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(attributeTemplate.IsRequired
                    ? AttributeRequiredLevel.SystemRequired
                    : AttributeRequiredLevel.None);
            createAttributeRequest.Attribute.DisplayName = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.DisplayNameShort);
            createAttributeRequest.Attribute.Description = GetLabelWithLocalized(attributeTemplate.Description);
                var otherDisplayLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDisplayName, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription))
                var otherDescriptionLabel = new LocalizedLabel(attributeTemplate.OtherDescription, DefaultConfiguration.OtherLanguageCode);

            return createAttributeRequest;
    /// <summary>
    /// Add filter field to the filter table.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filter">Filter definition</param>
    /// <param name="columnSourceName">Column source field name</param>
    /// <param name="fieldDisplayName">Field display name</param>
    /// <param name="filterTable">Filter table</param>
    /// <param name="filterOption">Filter option</param>
    /// <param name="filterValue">Filter value</param>
    private void AddFilterField(ColumnFilter filter, string columnSourceName, string fieldDisplayName, Table filterTable, object filterOption, object filterValue)
        string fieldType = filter.Type;
        string fieldPath = filter.Path;
        string filterFormat = filter.Format;
        string fieldSourceName = filter.Source ?? columnSourceName;
        int filterSize = filter.Size;
        Unit filterWidth = filter.Width;

        TableRow tRow = new TableRow();

        TableCell tCellName = new TableCell();
        TableCell tCellOption = new TableCell();
        TableCell tCellValue = new TableCell();

        // Ensure fieldSourceName is JavaScript valid
        fieldSourceName = fieldSourceName.Replace(ALL, "__ALL__");

        // Label
        Label textName = new Label
            Text = String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldDisplayName) ? "" : fieldDisplayName + ":",
            ID = fieldSourceName + "Name",
            EnableViewState = false


        // Filter option
        string option = null;
        if (filterOption != null)
            option = ValidationHelper.GetString(filterOption, null);

        // Filter value
        string value = null;
        if (filterValue != null)
            value = ValidationHelper.GetString(filterValue, null);

        // Filter definition
        UniGridFilterField filterDefinition = new UniGridFilterField();
        filterDefinition.Type = (fieldType != null) ? fieldType.ToLowerCSafe() : "custom";
        filterDefinition.Label = textName;
        filterDefinition.Format = filterFormat;
        filterDefinition.FilterRow = tRow;

        string customPath = null;

        // Set the filter default value
        string defaultValue = filter.DefaultValue;

        // Remember default values of filter field controls for potential UniGrid reset
        string optionFilterFieldValue = null;
        string valueFilterFieldValue = null;

        switch (filterDefinition.Type)
            // Text filter
            case "text":
                    DropDownList textOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();

                    textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("LIKE", "LIKE"));
                    textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("NOT LIKE", "NOT LIKE"));
                    textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "="));
                    textOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>"));
                    textOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                    textOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, null, textOptionFilterField);
                    optionFilterFieldValue = textOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;

                    LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                        EnableViewState = false,
                        Display = false,
                        AssociatedControlID = textOptionFilterField.ID,
                        ResourceString = ""


                    // Add text field
                    TextBox textValueFilterField = new TextBox
                        ID = fieldSourceName + "TextValue",
                        CssClass = "FilterTextBox",

                    // Set value
                    SetTextboxValue(value, defaultValue, textValueFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = textValueFilterField.Text;

                    if (filterSize > 0)
                        textValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                    if (!filterWidth.IsEmpty)
                        textValueFilterField.Width = filterWidth;
                    textName.AssociatedControlID = textValueFilterField.ID;

                    filterDefinition.OptionsControl = textOptionFilterField;
                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = textValueFilterField;

            // Boolean filter
            case "bool":
                    DropDownList booleanOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();

                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.selectall"), ""));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.yes"), "1"));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString(""), "0"));
                    booleanOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                    booleanOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;
                    textName.AssociatedControlID = booleanOptionFilterField.ID;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, defaultValue, booleanOptionFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = booleanOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;


                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = booleanOptionFilterField;

            // Integer filter
            case "integer":
            case "double":
                    DropDownList numberOptionFilterField = new DropDownList();
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("=", "="));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<>", "<>"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem("<", "<"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.Items.Add(new ListItem(">", ">"));
                    numberOptionFilterField.CssClass = "ContentDropdown";
                    numberOptionFilterField.ID = fieldSourceName;

                    // Set the value
                    SetDropdownValue(value, null, numberOptionFilterField);
                    optionFilterFieldValue = numberOptionFilterField.SelectedValue;

                    LocalizedLabel lblSelect = new LocalizedLabel
                        EnableViewState = false,
                        Display = false,
                        AssociatedControlID = numberOptionFilterField.ID,
                        ResourceString = ""

                    // Add filter field

                    TextBox numberValueFilterField = new TextBox
                        ID = fieldSourceName + "NumberValue",

                    // Set value
                    SetTextboxValue(value, defaultValue, numberValueFilterField);
                    valueFilterFieldValue = numberValueFilterField.Text;

                    if (filterSize > 0)
                        numberValueFilterField.MaxLength = filterSize;
                    if (!filterWidth.IsEmpty)
                        numberValueFilterField.Width = filterWidth;
                    numberValueFilterField.EnableViewState = false;


                    filterDefinition.OptionsControl = numberOptionFilterField;
                    filterDefinition.ValueControl = numberValueFilterField;

            case "site":
                    // Site selector
                    customPath = "~/CMSFormControls/Filters/SiteFilter.ascx";

            case "custom":
                // Load custom path
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldPath))
                        throw new Exception("[UniGrid.AddFilterField]: Filter field path is not set");

                    customPath = fieldPath;

                // Not supported filter type
                throw new Exception("[UniGrid.AddFilterField]: Filter type '" + filterDefinition.Type + "' is not supported. Supported filter types: integer, double, bool, text, site, custom.");

        // Else if filter path is defined use custom filter
        if (customPath != null)
            customPath = (customPath.StartsWithCSafe("~/") ? customPath : FilterDirectoryPath + customPath.TrimStart('/'));

            // Add to the controls collection
            CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl filterControl = LoadFilterControl(fieldPath, fieldSourceName, value, filterDefinition, customPath);
            if (filterControl != null)
                // Set default value
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue))
                    filterControl.SelectedValue = defaultValue;


            tCellValue.Attributes["colspan"] = "2";

        RaiseOnFilterFieldCreated(fieldSourceName, filterDefinition);
        FilterFields[fieldSourceName] = filterDefinition;


        // Store initial filter state for potential UniGrid reset
        if (filterDefinition.OptionsControl != null)
            InitialFilterStateControls.Add(new KeyValuePair<Control, object>(filterDefinition.OptionsControl, optionFilterFieldValue));
        if (filterDefinition.ValueControl != null)
            if (!(filterDefinition.ValueControl is CMSAbstractBaseFilterControl))
                InitialFilterStateControls.Add(new KeyValuePair<Control, object>(filterDefinition.ValueControl, valueFilterFieldValue));
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds textbox/dropdown list determining sort column, dropdown list determining sort direction and 'then by' label
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i">Index of a control</param>
    /// <param name="sortColumn">Sort column</param>
    /// <param name="sortDirection">Sort direction</param>
    /// <param name="addThenBy">Whether to add 'then by' label</param>
    private void AddRow(int i, string sortColumn, string sortDirection, bool addThenBy)
        hdnIndices.Value += i + ";";

        Panel pnlOrderBy = new Panel
            ID = PNLORDERBY_ID_PREFIX + i

        LocalizedLabel lblThenBy = null;
        if (addThenBy)
            // Add 'Then by' label
            lblThenBy = new LocalizedLabel
                ResourceString = "orderbycontrol.thenby",
                CssClass = "ThenBy",
                EnableViewState = false,
                ID = LBLTHENBY_ID_PREFIX + i

        // Add dropdown list for setting direction
        CMSDropDownList drpDirection = new CMSDropDownList
            ID = DRPDIRECTION_ID_PREFIX + i,
            CssClass = "ShortDropDownList",
            AutoPostBack = true,
            Enabled = Enabled
        drpDirection.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.ascending"), ASC));
        drpDirection.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("general.descending"), DESC));
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortDirection))
            drpDirection.SelectedValue = sortDirection;

        Control orderByControl = null;
        switch (Mode)
                // Add textbox for column name
            case SelectorMode.TextBox:
                CMSTextBox txtColumn = new CMSTextBox
                    ID = TXTCOLUMN_ID_PREFIX + i,
                    AutoPostBack = true,
                    Enabled = Enabled
                txtColumn.TextChanged += txtBox_TextChanged;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn))
                    // Set sorting column
                    txtColumn.Text = sortColumn;
                orderByControl = txtColumn;

                // Add dropdown list for column selection
            case SelectorMode.DropDownList:
                CMSDropDownList drpColumn = new CMSDropDownList
                    ID = DRPCOLUMN_ID_PREFIX + i,
                    CssClass = "ColumnDropDown",
                    AutoPostBack = true,
                    Enabled = Enabled
                drpColumn.SelectedIndexChanged += drpOrderBy_SelectedIndexChanged;
                drpColumn.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("orderbycontrol.selectcolumn"), SELECT_COLUMN));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn))
                    // Set sorting column
                    drpColumn.SelectedValue = sortColumn;
                orderByControl = drpColumn;

        // Add controls to panel
        if (lblThenBy != null)
        if (orderByControl != null)

        // Add panel to place holder

        if (Enabled)
            // Setup enable/disable script for direction dropdown list
            if (orderByControl is TextBox)
                ((TextBox)orderByControl).Attributes.Add("onkeyup", SET_DIRECTION_TXT + "('" + orderByControl.ClientID + "')");
                ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof (string), "setEnabledTxt" + orderByControl.ClientID, ScriptHelper.GetScript("$cmsj(document).ready(function() {" + SET_DIRECTION_TXT + "('" + orderByControl.ClientID + "');})"));
                ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof (string), "setEnabledDrp" + orderByControl.ClientID, ScriptHelper.GetScript("$cmsj(document).ready(function() {" + SET_DIRECTION_DRP + "('" + orderByControl.ClientID + "');})"));

        // Add row to collection
        orderByRows.Add(new OrderByRow(i, lblThenBy, orderByControl, drpDirection, pnlOrderBy));
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads custom fields collisions.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadCustomFields()
        // Check if contact has any custom fields
        FormInfo formInfo = FormHelper.GetFormInfo(parentContact.ClassName, false);
        var list = formInfo.GetFormElements(true, false, true);
        if (list.Any())
            FormFieldInfo ffi;
            Literal content;
            LocalizedLabel lbl;
            TextBox txt;
            Image img;
            content = new Literal();
            content.Text = "<table class=\"CollisionPanel\">";

            foreach (IFormItem item in list)
                ffi = item as FormFieldInfo;
                if (ffi != null)
                    // Display layout
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "<tr class=\"CollisionRow\"><td class=\"LabelColumn\">";
                    lbl = new LocalizedLabel();
                    lbl.Text = ffi.Caption;
                    lbl.DisplayColon = true;
                    lbl.EnableViewState = false;
                    lbl.CssClass = "ContentLabel";
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</td><td class=\"ComboBoxColumn\"><div class=\"ComboBox\">";
                    txt = new TextBox();
                    txt.ID = "txt" + ffi.Name;
                    txt.CssClass = "TextBoxField";
                    lbl.AssociatedControlID = txt.ID;
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</div></td><td>";
                    customFields.Add(ffi.Name, new object[] { txt, ffi.DataType });
                    DataTable dt;

                    // Get grouped dataset
                    if ((ffi.DataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.LongText) || (ffi.DataType == FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Text))
                        dt = SortGroupContactsByColumn(ffi.Name + " ASC", ffi.Name + " NOT LIKE ''", ffi.Name);
                        dt = SortGroupContactsByColumn(ffi.Name + " ASC", ffi.Name + " IS NOT NULL", ffi.Name);

                    // Load value into textbox
                    txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(parentContact.GetValue(ffi.Name), null);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt.Text) && (dt.Rows.Count > 0))
                        txt.Text = ValidationHelper.GetString(dt.Rows[0][ffi.Name], null);

                    img = new Image();
                    img.CssClass = "ResolveButton";

                    DisplayTooltip(img, dt, ffi.Name, ValidationHelper.GetString(parentContact.GetValue(ffi.Name), ""), ffi.DataType);
                    content = new Literal();
                    content.Text = "</td></tr>";
                    mergedContacts.Tables[0].DefaultView.RowFilter = null;
            content = new Literal();
            content.Text = "</table>";
            tabCustomFields.Visible = false;
            tabCustomFields.HeaderText = null;
    private void SetLabel(LocalizedLabel label, string suffix, string defaultString)
        string stringPrefixName = "cloning.settings." + TranslationHelper.GetSafeClassName(typeInfo.ObjectType) + ".";
        string newString = stringPrefixName + suffix;

        if (GetString(newString) != newString)
            label.ResourceString = newString;
            label.ResourceString = defaultString;
Exemple #53
    private void ReloadData()
        if (node != null)
            // Check read permissions
            if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoreaddocument"), node.NodeAliasPath));
                // Log activities checkboxes
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    bool? logVisit = node.DocumentLogVisitActivity;
                    chkLogPageVisit.Checked = (logVisit == true);
                    chkPageVisitInherit.Checked = (logVisit == null);
                    chkLogPageVisit.Enabled = !chkPageVisitInherit.Checked;
                    if (logVisit == null)
                        chkPageVisitInherit_CheckedChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);

                // Show document group owner selector
                if (ModuleEntry.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleEntry.COMMUNITY) && canEditOwner && LicenseHelper.CheckFeature(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Groups))
                    // Initialize table
                    TableRow rowOwner = new TableRow();
                    TableCell cellTitle = new TableCell();
                    TableCell cellSelector = new TableCell();

                    // Initialize caption
                    LocalizedLabel lblOwnerGroup = new LocalizedLabel();
                    lblOwnerGroup.EnableViewState = false;
                    lblOwnerGroup.ResourceString = "";
                    lblOwnerGroup.ID = "lblOwnerGroup";

                    // Initialize selector
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector = (FormEngineUserControl)Page.LoadControl("~/CMSAdminControls/UI/Selectors/DocumentGroupSelector.ascx");
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector.ID = "fcDocumentGroupSelector";
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector.StopProcessing = this.pnlUIOwner.IsHidden;
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector.Value = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(node.GetValue("NodeGroupID"), 0);
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector.SetValue("siteid", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);
                    fcDocumentGroupSelector.SetValue("nodeid", nodeId);

                    // Add controls to containers
                    plcOwnerGroup.Visible = true;

                // Check modify permissions
                if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                    // disable form editing

                    // show access denied message
                    lblInfo.Text = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), node.NodeAliasPath);
                    lblInfo.Visible = true;

                // Show owner editing only when authorized to change the permissions
                if (canEditOwner)
                    lblOwner.Visible = false;
                    usrOwner.Visible = true;
                    usrOwner.SetValue("AdditionalUsers", new int[] { node.NodeOwner });
                    usrOwner.Visible = false;

                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    if (canEditOwner)
                        usrOwner.Value = node.GetValue("NodeOwner");

                    // Search
                    chkExcludeFromSearch.Checked = node.DocumentSearchExcluded;

                // Load the data
                lblName.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(node.DocumentName);
                lblNamePath.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Convert.ToString(node.GetValue("DocumentNamePath")));
                lblAliasPath.Text = Convert.ToString(node.NodeAliasPath);
                string typeName = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(node.NodeClassName).ClassDisplayName;
                lblType.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(typeName));
                lblNodeID.Text = Convert.ToString(node.NodeID);

                // Modifier
                SetUserLabel(lblLastModifiedBy, "DocumentModifiedByUserId");

                // Get modified time
                TimeZoneInfo usedTimeZone = null;
                DateTime lastModified = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentModifiedWhen"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                lblLastModified.Text = TimeZoneHelper.GetCurrentTimeZoneDateTimeString(lastModified, CMSContext.CurrentUser, CMSContext.CurrentSite, out usedTimeZone);
                ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(lblLastModified, TimeZoneHelper.GetGMTLongStringOffset(usedTimeZone), "help");

                if (!canEditOwner)
                    // Owner
                    SetUserLabel(lblOwner, "NodeOwner");

                // Creator
                SetUserLabel(lblCreatedBy, "DocumentCreatedByUserId");
                DateTime createdWhen = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(node.GetValue("DocumentCreatedWhen"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
                lblCreated.Text = TimeZoneHelper.GetCurrentTimeZoneDateTimeString(createdWhen, CMSContext.CurrentUser, CMSContext.CurrentSite, out usedTimeZone);
                ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(lblCreated, TimeZoneHelper.GetGMTLongStringOffset(usedTimeZone), "help");

                // URL
                string liveUrl = node.IsLink ? CMSContext.GetUrl(node.NodeAliasPath, null) : CMSContext.GetUrl(node.NodeAliasPath, node.DocumentUrlPath);
                lnkLiveURL.Text = ResolveUrl(liveUrl);
                lnkLiveURL.NavigateUrl = liveUrl;

                bool isRoot = (node.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.root");

                // Preview URL
                if (!isRoot)
                    plcPreview.Visible = true;
                    string path = canEdit ? "/CMSModules/CMS_Content/Properties/resetlink.png" : "/CMSModules/CMS_Content/Properties/resetlinkdisabled.png";
                    btnResetPreviewGuid.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl(path);
                    btnResetPreviewGuid.ToolTip = GetString("GeneralProperties.InvalidatePreviewURL");
                    btnResetPreviewGuid.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.AbsBottom;
                    btnResetPreviewGuid.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(btnResetPreviewGuid_Click);
                    btnResetPreviewGuid.OnClientClick = "if(!confirm('" + GetString("GeneralProperties.GeneratePreviewURLConf") + "')){return false;}";


                lblGUID.Text = Convert.ToString(node.NodeGUID);
                lblDocGUID.Text = (node.DocumentGUID == Guid.Empty) ? ResHelper.Dash : node.DocumentGUID.ToString();
                lblDocID.Text = Convert.ToString(node.DocumentID);

                // Culture
                CultureInfo ci = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(node.DocumentCulture);
                lblCulture.Text = ((ci != null) ?  ResHelper.LocalizeString(ci.CultureName) : node.DocumentCulture);

                lblPublished.Text = (node.IsPublished ? "<span class=\"DocumentPublishedYes\">" + GetString("General.Yes") + "</span>" : "<span class=\"DocumentPublishedNo\">" + GetString("General.No") + "</span>");

                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    // Init radio buttons for cache settings
                    if (isRoot)
                        radInherit.Visible = false;
                        chkCssStyle.Visible = false;
                        switch (node.NodeCacheMinutes)
                            case -1:
                                // Cache is off
                                radNo.Checked = true;
                                radYes.Checked = false;
                                radInherit.Checked = false;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = "";

                            case 0:
                                // Cache is off
                                radNo.Checked = true;
                                radYes.Checked = false;
                                radInherit.Checked = false;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = "";

                                // Cache is enabled
                                radNo.Checked = false;
                                radYes.Checked = true;
                                radInherit.Checked = false;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = node.NodeCacheMinutes.ToString();
                        switch (node.NodeCacheMinutes)
                            case -1:
                                // Cache setting is inherited
                                radNo.Checked = false;
                                radYes.Checked = false;
                                radInherit.Checked = true;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = "";

                            case 0:
                                // Cache is off
                                radNo.Checked = true;
                                radYes.Checked = false;
                                radInherit.Checked = false;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = "";

                                // Cache is enabled
                                radNo.Checked = false;
                                radYes.Checked = true;
                                radInherit.Checked = false;
                                txtCacheMinutes.Text = node.NodeCacheMinutes.ToString();

                    if (!radYes.Checked)
                        txtCacheMinutes.Enabled = false;

                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    if (node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID") == null)
                        // If default site not exist edit is set to -1 - disabled
                        if (CMSContext.CurrentSiteStylesheet != null)
                            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = "default";
                            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = -1;
                        // If stylesheet is inherited from parent document
                        if (ValidationHelper.GetInteger(node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID"), 0) == -1)
                            if (!isRoot)
                                chkCssStyle.Checked = true;

                                // Get parent stylesheet
                                string value = PageInfoProvider.GetParentProperty(CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID, node.NodeAliasPath, "(DocumentStylesheetID <> -1 OR DocumentStylesheetID IS NULL) AND DocumentCulture = N'" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(node.DocumentCulture, false) + "'", "DocumentStylesheetID");

                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                                    // If default site stylesheet not exist edit is set to -1 - disabled
                                    if (CMSContext.CurrentSiteStylesheet != null)
                                        ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = "default";
                                        ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = -1;
                                    // Set parent stylesheet to current document
                                    ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = value;
                            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID");

                // Disable new button if document inherit stylesheet
                if (!isRoot && chkCssStyle.Checked)
                    ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Enabled = false;
                    ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.ButtonNew.Enabled = false;

                // Initialize Rating control

                double rating = 0.0f;
                if (node.DocumentRatings > 0)
                    rating = node.DocumentRatingValue / node.DocumentRatings;
                ratingControl.MaxRating = 10;
                ratingControl.CurrentRating = rating;
                ratingControl.Visible = true;
                ratingControl.Enabled = false;

                // Initialize Reset button for rating
                btnResetRating.Text = GetString("general.reset");
                btnResetRating.OnClientClick = "if (!confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("GeneralProperties.ResetRatingConfirmation")) + ")) return false;";

                object[] param = new object[1];
                param[0] = node.DocumentID;

                // Check ad-hoc forum counts
                hasAdHocForum = (ModuleCommands.ForumsGetDocumentForumsCount(node.DocumentID) > 0);

                // Ad-Hoc message boards check
                hasAdHocBoard = (ModuleCommands.MessageBoardGetDocumentBoardsCount(node.DocumentID) > 0);

                plcAdHocForums.Visible = hasAdHocForum;
                plcAdHocBoards.Visible = hasAdHocBoard;
            btnResetRating.Visible = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor for 'order by' row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">Index of a row</param>
 /// <param name="thenByLabel">Label 'then by'</param>
 /// <param name="orderByControl">Control for specifying column</param>
 /// <param name="directionDropDown">Control for specifying sort direction</param>
 /// <param name="panel">Wrapping panel</param>
 public OrderByRow(int index, LocalizedLabel thenByLabel, Control orderByControl, CMSDropDownList directionDropDown, Panel panel)
     Index = index;
     ThenByLabel = thenByLabel;
     ColumnControl = orderByControl;
     DirectionDropDown = directionDropDown;
     Panel = panel;
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate apropriate icons if source folder is changed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="folderName">Name of selected folder</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">Determine default value which should be checked</param>
    private void HandleChangeFolderAction(string folderName, string defaultValue)
            DirectoryInfo di = DirectoryInfo.New(DirectoryHelper.CombinePath(FullIconFolderPath, folderName));
            string directoryName = di.Name;
            ArrayList iconList = GetIconsInFolder(di);
            string defaultIcon = (iconList.Contains(defaultValue)) ? defaultValue : String.Empty;

            foreach (string fileInfo in iconList)
                string path = GetImagePath(IconsFolder + "/" + directoryName + "/" + fileInfo);

                // Size caption
                LocalizedLabel lblIcon = new LocalizedLabel
                    ResourceString = "iconcaption." + fileInfo.Remove(fileInfo.LastIndexOfCSafe('.')),
                    EnableViewState = false

                // Icon image
                CMSImage imgIcon = new CMSImage
                    ImageUrl = UIHelper.ResolveImageUrl(path),
                    AlternateText = fileInfo,
                    EnableViewState = false

                // Icon panel
                CMSPanel pnlIcon = new CMSPanel
                    CssClass = "iconItem",
                    EnableViewState = false
                pnlIcon.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format("SelectItem_{0}(this);SetAction_{0}('select','{1}');RaiseHiddenPostBack_{0}();", ClientID, fileInfo));

                // Check for selected value
                if ((defaultIcon == String.Empty) || (fileInfo.ToLowerCSafe() == defaultValue.ToLowerCSafe()))
                    defaultIcon = fileInfo;

                // Add controls
            CurrentIcon = defaultIcon;
        catch (Exception ex)
            lblError.Text += "[IconSelector.HandleChangeFolderAction]: Error getting icons in selected icon folder. Original exception: " + ex.Message;
        CurrentIconFolder = folderName;
    private void ReloadData()
        if (Node != null)
            // Log activities checkboxes
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                bool? logVisit = Node.DocumentLogVisitActivity;
                chkLogPageVisit.Checked = (logVisit == true);
                if (Node.NodeParentID > 0)  // Init "inherit" option for child nodes (and hide option for root)
                    chkPageVisitInherit.Checked = (logVisit == null);
                    if (logVisit == null)
                        chkPageVisitInherit_CheckedChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty);
                chkLogPageVisit.Enabled = !chkPageVisitInherit.Checked;

            // Check modify permission
            canEdit = (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(Node, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied);

            // Show document group owner selector
            if (ModuleEntryManager.IsModuleLoaded(ModuleName.COMMUNITY) && canEditOwner && LicenseHelper.CheckFeature(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Groups))
                // Initialize panel content
                Panel rowWrapperPanel = new Panel();
                rowWrapperPanel.CssClass = "form-group";
                Panel lblPanel = new Panel();
                lblPanel.CssClass = "editing-form-label-cell";
                Panel ctrlPanel = new Panel();
                ctrlPanel.CssClass = "editing-form-value-cell";

                // Initialize caption
                LocalizedLabel lblOwnerGroup = new LocalizedLabel();
                lblOwnerGroup.EnableViewState = false;
                lblOwnerGroup.ResourceString = "";
                lblOwnerGroup.ID = "lblOwnerGroup";
                lblOwnerGroup.CssClass = "control-label";

                // Initialize selector
                fcDocumentGroupSelector = (FormEngineUserControl)Page.LoadUserControl("~/CMSAdminControls/UI/Selectors/DocumentGroupSelector.ascx");
                fcDocumentGroupSelector.ID = "fcDocumentGroupSelector";
                fcDocumentGroupSelector.StopProcessing = pnlUIOwner.IsHidden;
                fcDocumentGroupSelector.Value = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Node.GetValue("NodeGroupID"), 0);
                fcDocumentGroupSelector.SetValue("siteid", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
                fcDocumentGroupSelector.SetValue("nodeid", Node.NodeID);

                // Add controls to containers
                plcOwnerGroup.Visible = true;

            // Show owner editing only when authorized to change the permissions
            if (canEditOwner)
                lblOwner.Visible = false;
                usrOwner.Visible = true;
                usrOwner.SetValue("AdditionalUsers", new[] { Node.NodeOwner });
                usrOwner.Visible = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                if (canEditOwner)
                    usrOwner.Value = Node.GetValue("NodeOwner");

            // Load the data
            lblName.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Node.GetDocumentName());
            lblNamePath.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Convert.ToString(Node.GetValue("DocumentNamePath")));
            lblAliasPath.Text = Convert.ToString(Node.NodeAliasPath);
            string typeName = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(Node.NodeClassName).ClassDisplayName;
            lblType.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(typeName));
            lblNodeID.Text = Convert.ToString(Node.NodeID);

            // Modifier
            SetUserLabel(lblLastModifiedBy, "DocumentModifiedByUserId");

            // Get modified time
            TimeZoneInfo usedTimeZone;
            DateTime lastModified = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(Node.GetValue("DocumentModifiedWhen"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
            lblLastModified.Text = TimeZoneHelper.GetCurrentTimeZoneDateTimeString(lastModified, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite, out usedTimeZone);
            ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(lblLastModified, TimeZoneHelper.GetUTCLongStringOffset(usedTimeZone), "help");

            if (!canEditOwner)
                // Owner
                SetUserLabel(lblOwner, "NodeOwner");

            // Creator
            SetUserLabel(lblCreatedBy, "DocumentCreatedByUserId");
            DateTime createdWhen = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(Node.GetValue("DocumentCreatedWhen"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);
            lblCreated.Text = TimeZoneHelper.GetCurrentTimeZoneDateTimeString(createdWhen, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite, out usedTimeZone);
            ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(lblCreated, TimeZoneHelper.GetUTCLongStringOffset(usedTimeZone), "help");

            // URL
            string liveUrl = Node.IsLink ? DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(Node.NodeAliasPath) : DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(Node.NodeAliasPath, Node.DocumentUrlPath);
            lnkLiveURL.Text = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(liveUrl);
            lnkLiveURL.NavigateUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(liveUrl);

            string permanentUrl = DocumentURLProvider.GetPermanentDocUrl(Node.NodeGUID, Node.NodeAlias, Node.NodeSiteName, PageInfoProvider.PREFIX_CMS_GETDOC, ".aspx");
            lnkPermanentUrl.Text = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(permanentUrl);
            lnkPermanentUrl.NavigateUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(permanentUrl);

            bool isRoot = (Node.NodeClassName.ToLowerCSafe() == "cms.root");

            // Preview URL
            if (!isRoot)
                plcPreview.Visible = true;
                btnResetPreviewGuid.ToolTip = GetString("GeneralProperties.InvalidatePreviewURL");
                btnResetPreviewGuid.Click += btnResetPreviewGuid_Click;
                btnResetPreviewGuid.OnClientClick = "if(!confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetLocalizedString("GeneralProperties.GeneratePreviewURLConf") + ")){return false;}";


            lblGUID.Text = Convert.ToString(Node.NodeGUID);
            lblDocGUID.Text = (Node.DocumentGUID == Guid.Empty) ? ResHelper.Dash : Node.DocumentGUID.ToString();
            lblDocID.Text = Convert.ToString(Node.DocumentID);

            // Culture
            CultureInfo ci = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(Node.DocumentCulture);
            lblCulture.Text = ((ci != null) ? ResHelper.LocalizeString(ci.CultureName) : Node.DocumentCulture);

            lblPublished.Text = (Node.IsPublished ? "<span class=\"DocumentPublishedYes\">" + GetString("General.Yes") + "</span>" : "<span class=\"DocumentPublishedNo\">" + GetString("General.No") + "</span>");

            // Load page info for inherited cache settings
            currentPage = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(Node.DocumentGUID);

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Init radio buttons for cache settings
                if (isRoot)
                    radInherit.Visible = false;
                    radFSInherit.Visible = false;
                    chkCssStyle.Visible = false;
                    // Show what is inherited value
                    radInherit.Text = GetString("GeneralProperties.radInherit") + " (" + GetInheritedCacheCaption("NodeCacheMinutes") + ")";
                    radFSInherit.Text = GetString("GeneralProperties.radInherit") + " (" + GetInheritedCacheCaption("NodeAllowCacheInFileSystem") + ")";

                string cacheMinutes = "";

                switch (Node.NodeCacheMinutes)
                    case -1:
                        // Cache setting is inherited
                            radNo.Checked = true;
                            radYes.Checked = false;
                            radInherit.Checked = false;
                            if (!isRoot)
                                radInherit.Checked = true;
                                radNo.Checked = false;

                                if ((currentPage != null) && (currentPage.NodeCacheMinutes > 0))
                                    cacheMinutes = currentPage.NodeCacheMinutes.ToString();

                    case 0:
                        // Cache is off
                        radNo.Checked = true;
                        radYes.Checked = false;
                        radInherit.Checked = false;

                        // Cache is enabled
                        radNo.Checked = false;
                        radYes.Checked = true;
                        radInherit.Checked = false;
                        cacheMinutes = Node.NodeCacheMinutes.ToString();

                // Set secured radio buttons
                switch (Node.NodeAllowCacheInFileSystem)
                    case 0:
                        radFSNo.Checked = true;

                    case 1:
                        radFSYes.Checked = true;

                        if (!isRoot)
                            radFSInherit.Checked = true;
                            radFSYes.Checked = true;

                txtCacheMinutes.Text = cacheMinutes;

                if (!radYes.Checked)
                    txtCacheMinutes.Enabled = false;

                if (Node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID") == null)
                    ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = GetDefaultStylesheet();
                    // If stylesheet is inherited from parent document
                    if (ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID"), 0) == -1)
                        if (!isRoot)
                            chkCssStyle.Checked = true;

                            // Get parent stylesheet
                            string value = GetParentProperty();
                            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? GetDefaultStylesheet() : value;
                        ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Value = Node.GetValue("DocumentStylesheetID");

            // Disable new button if document inherit stylesheet
            bool disableCssSelector = (!isRoot && chkCssStyle.Checked);
            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.Enabled = !disableCssSelector;
            ctrlSiteSelectStyleSheet.ButtonNewEnabled = !disableCssSelector;

            // Initialize Rating control

            double rating = 0.0f;
            if (Node.DocumentRatings > 0)
                rating = Node.DocumentRatingValue / Node.DocumentRatings;
            ratingControl.MaxRating = 10;
            ratingControl.CurrentRating = rating;
            ratingControl.Visible = true;
            ratingControl.Enabled = false;

            // Initialize Reset button for rating
            btnResetRating.Text = GetString("general.reset");
            btnResetRating.OnClientClick = "if (!confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("GeneralProperties.ResetRatingConfirmation")) + ")) return false;";

            object[] param = new object[1];
            param[0] = Node.DocumentID;

            plcAdHocForums.Visible = hasAdHocForum;
            plcAdHocBoards.Visible = hasAdHocBoard;

            if (!canEdit)
                // Disable form editing
            btnResetRating.Visible = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets <c>Label</c> instance for the input <c>SettingsKeyInfo</c> object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="settingsKey"><c>SettingsKeyInfo</c> instance</param>
    /// <param name="inputControl">Input control associated to the label</param>
    /// <param name="groupNo">Number representing index of the processing settings group</param>
    /// <param name="keyNo">Number representing index of the processing SettingsKeyInfo</param>
    private Label GetLabel(SettingsKeyInfo settingsKey, Control inputControl, int groupNo, int keyNo)
        LocalizedLabel label = new LocalizedLabel
            EnableViewState = false,
            ID = string.Format(@"lblDispName{0}{1}", groupNo, keyNo),
            CssClass = "control-label editing-form-label",
            Text = settingsKey.KeyDisplayName,
            DisplayColon = true
        if (inputControl != null)
            label.AssociatedControlID = inputControl.ID;

        ScriptHelper.AppendTooltip(label, ResHelper.LocalizeString(settingsKey.KeyDescription), null);

        return label;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns true if the returned value is valid.
    /// </summary>
    public override bool IsValid()
        int i = 0;
        // Check errors in textbox
        foreach (OrderByRow row in orderByRows)
            int index = row.Index;
            Panel panel = row.Panel;

            string text = row.Column;

            bool isLastRow = (orderByRows.IndexOf(row) == orderByRows.Count - 1);

            // Check whether entered value is an identifier
            if (!ValidationHelper.IsIdentifier(text) && !isLastRow)
                LocalizedLabel lblError = new LocalizedLabel
                    ResourceString = "orderbycontrol.notidentifier",
                    CssClass = "ErrorLabel",
                    EnableViewState = false,
                    ID = "lblError" + index

        return (i == 0);