/** * Set up a new controller * * @param values * A json friendly dictionary containing the parameters for * this controller */ public override void SetValues(IDictionary values) { if (!"guid_string".Equals((string)values["guid"])) { MyGuid = (string)values["guid"]; } this.StartIdent(); MyName = new LocalizedItem((string)values["file"], (string)values["name"]); lastName = MyName.label; MyType = (string)values["type"]; TeamNumber = Convert.ToInt32(values["team"]); if (values.Contains("count")) { if (null == unitCounts) { unitCounts = new Dictionary <string, int>(); } if (!unitCounts.ContainsKey((string)values["name"] + TeamNumber)) { unitCounts.Add((string)values["name"] + TeamNumber, Convert.ToInt32(values["count"])); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(values["count"]) > unitCounts[(string)values["name"] + TeamNumber]) { unitCounts[(string)values["name"] + TeamNumber] = Convert.ToInt32(values["count"]); } count = Convert.ToInt32(values["count"]); } TeamNumber = Convert.ToInt32(values["team"]); //GuidList.AddObject(MyGuid, this.gameObject); Visibility = (VisibilityType)Convert.ToInt32(values ["visibility"]); Map = (string)values["map"]; IsObjective = Convert.ToBoolean(values ["objective"]); }
// filter untranslated items private bool ItemFilter(object obj) { LocalizedItem item = (LocalizedItem)obj; return(ShowErrorOnly ? item.Status == LocalizationStatus.Error : FilterHideUntranslated(item) && FilterHideMatchingTranslation(item)); }
public RestResponse GetItemByName(string name) { if (ItemTypes.TryGetType(name, out ItemTypes.ItemType itemType)) { Dictionary <string, LocalizedItem> translations = new Dictionary <string, LocalizedItem>(); foreach (var localization in Localization.LocaleTexts) { LocalizedItem localizedItem = new LocalizedItem(); if (Localization.TryGetType(localization.Key, itemType, out string localized)) { localizedItem.Name = localized; } if (Localization.TryGetTypeUse(localization.Key, itemType, out string localizeduse)) { localizedItem.Description = localizeduse; } translations[localization.Key] = localizedItem; } return(new RestResponse() { Content = translations.ToUTF8SerializedJson() }); } else { return(RestResponse.BlankJsonObject); } }
public ComboBoxItem(string caption, Sprite image, bool disabled, Action onSelect, LocalizedItem item) { _caption = caption; _image = image; _isDisabled = disabled; OnSelect = onSelect; _localItem = item; }
private dbItem GetTranslatedDbItem(LocalizedItem item) { return(new dbItem { Id = item.TranslatedEntity.Id, Name = item.TranslatedEntity.Name, Description = item.TranslatedEntity.Description }); }
public void RefreshTerrainList() { Debug("Refreshing interface terrain list."); terrainSelect.ClearItems(); terrainSelect.AddItems(new string[] { "" }); LocalizedItem[] itemList = new LocalizedItem[Terrain.Names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Terrain.Names.Length; i++) { itemList[i] = new LocalizedItem("UI_Admin", "Text_Map_" + Terrain.Names[i]); } terrainSelect.AddItems(itemList); UpdateSelection(); }
public void Awake() { Transform HealthLabel = transform.Find("HealthLabel"); HMInput = HealthLabel.FindChild("HMInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); NDInput = HealthLabel.FindChild("NDInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); NWInput = HealthLabel.FindChild("NWInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); NMInput = HealthLabel.FindChild("NMInput").GetComponent <InputField>(); HMInput.text = GlobalSettings.GetHealthThresholdForHalfMovement().ToString(); NDInput.text = GlobalSettings.GetHealthThresholdForNoDetectors().ToString(); NWInput.text = GlobalSettings.GetHealthThresholdForNoWeapons().ToString(); NMInput.text = GlobalSettings.GetHealthThresholdForNoMovement().ToString(); LanguageManager langManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LanguageManager> (); localDropdown.OnSelectionChanged += (int index) => { if (index == EN) { langManager.english(); } else if (index == SP) { langManager.spanish(); } else if (index == FR) { langManager.french(); } else if (index == IT) { langManager.italian(); } else if (index == JP) { langManager.japanese(); } }; LocalizedItem[] weathers = new LocalizedItem[Weather.GetWeathers().Count]; foreach (int i in Weather.GetWeathers().Keys) { weathers[i] = new LocalizedItem("UI_Admin", "Text_WeatherType_" + Weather.GetWeathers()[i].WeatherType); } weatherDropdown.AddItems(weathers); }
public void FillWeaponDropdown(GameObject unit) { WepDropdown.ClearItems(); AttackController uat = unit.GetComponent <AttackController>(); LocalizedItem[] stringlist = new LocalizedItem[uat.GetWeapons().Count]; int listidx = 0; foreach (string key in uat.GetWeapons().Keys) { int i = key.LastIndexOf("-"); stringlist[listidx++] = new LocalizedItem(unit.tag.Equals("Marine") ? "Marine_Weapon" : "Weapons", key.Substring(0, i), key.Substring(i)); } WepDropdown.AddItems(stringlist); WepDropdown.SelectedIndex = 0; if (stringlist.Length > 0) { FillWeaponFields(stringlist [WepDropdown.SelectedIndex].ToString()); } }
public string getString(LocalizedItem item) { return(getString(item.file, item.label) + item.append); }
private bool FilterHideMatchingTranslation(LocalizedItem item) { return(HideMatchingTranslation == false || item.TranslatedEntity == null || item.Status != LocalizationStatus.Equal); }
public String GetValueForItem(LocalizedItem item) { String value = String.Empty; switch (culture.Name) { case "pl-PL": switch (item) { case LocalizedItem.ButtonDecompose: value = "Podziel"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonExit: value = "Wyjdź"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonClear: value = "Wyczyść"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonCancel: value = "Przerwij"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDecomposeCompleted: value = "Zakończyłem dzielenie %i. stronicowego pliku."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextCancelling: value = "Przerywam dzielenie ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDecomposeCompletedPartial: value = "Dzielenie zostało przerwane. Wyniki dostępne częściowo."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchResultCleared: value = "Wyczyściłem wyniki poprzedniego wyszukiwania."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchStarted: value = "Rozpoczynam dekompozycję %i. stronicowego pliku .pdf ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAppName: value = "Tiffer .pdfów v. %s"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextFile: value = "Plik wejściowy:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDestFolder: value = "Katalog wynikowy:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextResults: value = "Wyniki szukania:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextShowFoundOnly: value = "pokaż tylko znalezione"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPdfDocument: value = "dokument .pdf"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPages: value = "strony"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAuthor: value = "Autor:"; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFolder: value = "Błąd. Wskaż katalog do przeszukania."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorNonExistentFolder: value = "Błąd. Podany katalog nie istnieje lub nie jest dostępny do odczytu."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFile: value = "Błąd. Podaj plik .pdf do rozłożenia."; break; default: value = String.Empty; break; } break; default: switch (item) { case LocalizedItem.ButtonDecompose: value = "Decompose"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonExit: value = "Exit"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonClear: value = "Clear"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonCancel: value = "Cancel"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDecomposeCompleted: value = "Decompose of %i page file has been completed."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextCancelling: value = "Cancelling decompose..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDecomposeCompletedPartial: value = "Decompose has been canceled. Partial results are available."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchResultCleared: value = "Previous search results cleared."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchStarted: value = "I am decomposing %i page .pdf file now ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAppName: value = ".pdf tiffer v. %s"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextFile: value = "Input file:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextDestFolder: value = "Output folder:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextResults: value = "Search results:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextShowFoundOnly: value = "show found only"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPdfDocument: value = ".pdf document"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPages: value = "pages"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAuthor: value = "Author:"; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFolder: value = "Error. Please provide a folder to be searched."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFile: value = "Error. Please provide .pdf file to decompose."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorNonExistentFolder: value = "Error. The given folder does not exist or is not readable."; break; default: value = String.Empty; break; } break; } return(value); }
private bool FilterHideMatchingTranslation(LocalizedItem item) { return HideMatchingTranslation == false || item.TranslatedEntity == null || item.Status != LocalizationStatus.Equal; }
private bool FilterHideUntranslated(LocalizedItem item) { return(HideTranslated == false || string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DatabaseEntity.Name)); }
/** * Sets the name of the object. * * @param newName * The new unique name for the unit */ public void SetName(LocalizedItem newName) { MyName = newName; }
/** * Sets additional values in the identidy controller. * * TODO Figure out why this AND SetValues exist and are different. * * @param name * The new name of the unit * @param type * The new type of the unit * @param symbol * The new symbol for the unit */ public void SetIdentity(LocalizedItem name, string type, string symbol) { this.MyName = name; this.MyType = type; this.Symbol = symbol; }
private bool FilterHideUntranslated(LocalizedItem item) { return HideTranslated == false || string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DatabaseEntity.Name); }
public String GetValueForItem(LocalizedItem item) { String value = String.Empty; switch (culture.Name) { case "pl-PL": switch (item) { case LocalizedItem.ButtonSearch: value = "Szukaj"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonExit: value = "Wyjdź"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonClear: value = "Wyczyść"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonCancel: value = "Przerwij"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompleted: value = "Zakończyłem przeszukiwanie %i plików."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompletedNoFiles: value = "W podanym katalogu nie znalazłem plików .pdf."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextCancelling: value = "Przerywam przeszukiwanie ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompletedPartial: value = "Wyszukiwanie zostało przerwane. Prezentuję częściowe wyniki."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchResultCleared: value = "Wyczyściłem wyniki poprzedniego wyszukiwania."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchStarted: value = "Rozpoczynam przeszukiwanie %i plików .pdf ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAppName: value = "Przeszukiwacz .pdfów v. %s"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextFolder: value = "Katalog:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPhrase: value = "Fraza do znalezienia:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextResults: value = "Wyniki szukania:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextShowFoundOnly: value = "pokaż tylko znalezione"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPdfDocument: value = "dokument .pdf"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPages: value = "strony"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAuthor: value = "Autor:"; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFolder: value = "Błąd. Wskaż katalog do przeszukania."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorNonExistentFolder: value = "Błąd. Podany katalog nie istnieje lub nie jest dostępny do odczytu."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingPhrase: value = "Błąd. Podaj frazę do znalezienia."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorException: value = "Błąd. %s."; break; default: value = String.Empty; break; } break; default: switch (item) { case LocalizedItem.ButtonSearch: value = "Search"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonExit: value = "Exit"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonClear: value = "Clear"; break; case LocalizedItem.ButtonCancel: value = "Cancel"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompleted: value = "Search in %i files has been completed."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompletedNoFiles: value = "No .pdf files found in the given folder."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextCancelling: value = "Cancelling search ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchCompletedPartial: value = "Search has been canceled. Partial results are presented."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchResultCleared: value = "Previous search results cleared."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextSearchStarted: value = "I am searching through %i .pdf files now ..."; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAppName: value = ".pdf searcher v. %s"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextFolder: value = "Folder:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPhrase: value = "Phrase to be found:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextResults: value = "Search results:"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextShowFoundOnly: value = "show found only"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPdfDocument: value = ".pdf document"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextPages: value = "pages"; break; case LocalizedItem.TextAuthor: value = "Author:"; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingFolder: value = "Error. Please provide a folder to be searched."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorMissingPhrase: value = "Error. Please provide a needle to be found in .pdf haystack."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorNonExistentFolder: value = "Error. The given folder does not exist or is not readable."; break; case LocalizedItem.ErrorException: value = "Error. No access to %s."; break; default: value = String.Empty; break; } break; } return(value); }
private dbItem GetTranslatedDbItem(LocalizedItem item) { return new dbItem { Id = item.TranslatedEntity.Id, Name = item.TranslatedEntity.Name, Description = item.TranslatedEntity.Description }; }