//Return a single LocalizedField, that holds the values of multiple fields that have the same name
    public LocalizedCSVField GetLocalizedField(string key)
        //Construct the new field
        LocalizedCSVField field = new LocalizedCSVField();

        //Fill it in with values from every supported language
        foreach (string locale in LocalizationManager.supportedLanguages)
            if (data.ContainsKey(key + locale))
                //French has weird punctuation rules! Let's enforce them here, shall we?
                if (locale == "Fr")
                    //Replaces spaces by non-breaking spaces before punctuation markers
                    field.AddText(locale, data[key + locale].asString()
                                  .Replace(" ?", " ?")
                                  .Replace(" !", " !")
                                  .Replace(" :", " :")
                    field.AddText(locale, data[key + locale].asString());

 //Copy constructor
 public LocalizedCSVField(LocalizedCSVField original)
     this.fieldData = new Dictionary <string, string>(original.fieldData);